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Would you like to have a second functional KSC with a large landingstrip?

Would you like to have another KSC with a large landingstrip?  

76 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to have another KSC with a large landingstrip?

    • Yes, somewhere on the opposite side of Kerbin on the equator.
    • Yes, and it could be somewhere else, aside the equator.
    • No, not at all.

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Me wonders... Thanks to all voters in advance.

As The Yellow Dart further below allready mentioned it could be a challenge to start from a launchpad at higher latitude. And starting/ landing your Spaceplane or aircraft in another angle than 90° east is maybe also entertaining.

AlphaAsh provides a nice Mod called KerbinSide allready, but i ask for a stock build simple alternative...

Find his mod in his Signature furter below!

Edited by Vanamonde
As... and typo, sorry folks:), AlphaAshs mod...
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Unless squad suddenly decide that they want to introduce time management (Kerbal Construction Time) - I can't see much use for this feature. KSC is already in the prime location to launch into any orbit you like. Launching from the opposite side of Kerbin makes no difference, you'll get into orbit just fine.

Launching from somewhere other than the equator, seems a bit pointless too, as 9/10 times you'd just decide that you need a better inclination - and launch from KSC anyway!

Having said that - I note you asked about a landing strip. I COULD see it being useful for visual survey missions, if you were a plane enthusiast. Personally though, I like designing long range planes to hit the hard to reach ones.

TL : DR - Don't want it, don't need it.

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Other: I'd like to design and build my own secondary bases using resources aquired through mining. Why else keep a base on the Mun long after did every experiment on every biome, if not for eventual settling?

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I don't see any real advantage with having extra launch sites. But the option to build additional landing areas and runways with full recovery bonuses would be a nice feature. Being able to align runways other than East-West would be a real advantage for landing from inclined orbits.

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Definitely an interesting idea.

It would certainly be more convenient to have a choice of sites when trying to land a craft on the runway, or even just recover near KSC facilities.

I believe adding another functional destination would be good for the game. This could even dovetail nicely with multiplayer.

Happy landings!

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I'd like multiple launch-sites and airbases I could launch rockets from and land planes at, scattered all over the globe. With integration into career mode where I have to pay to unlock bases. Perhaps even be able to refuel a craft at a base to re-use multiple times. And bases that provide recovery when they are closer than KSC.

Edited by AlphaAsh
I didn't bother making the snark obvious in this post.
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I'd love other places to recover at 100% value.

Like perhaps that peninsula to the east of KSC...

If I could recover there, I might be able to make a viable reusable suborbital launcher.

Right now as far as reusability... either you drop it before you've left the end of the runway.... or you take it all the way to orbit.

Plus it would also be convenient as far as recovery, landing in the day, etc.

I often have to spend a bit of time adjusting my orbit so that I arrive at perapsis when KSC is in a good position for a landing.

Otherwise.... its a shallow aerobrake, and the land multiple orbits later

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I chose the second option, though I think both of them should be a thing.

Quick edit: There sure should be a second runway. One that would face North-South, so we could bring winged things back from polar orbits.

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I'd like a recovery airfield in the continent east of KSC (kind of how Zaragoza was ready as an emergency abort field for the Shuttle) and another equatorial launch site which isn't next to a body of deadly water so you don't risk unplanned disassembly if you overshoot the target - the deserts west of the KSC would make a good place for that.

Kerbinside doesn't add equatorial sites, unfortunately.

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I'd like multiple launch sites that give construction cost penalties or bonuses. Launching from KSC costs 120% ship cost.Launching from KSC2 (not on equator) costs 100%. Launching from the poles costs 80%.

Just throwing numbers around, didn't try to balance, etc. Just spitballing here.

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yeah another airstrip would be really nice, more as a recovery point than for launches. Would be great for aircraft and reusable stages.

From a career point of view it would add more things to unlock/upgrade which would be good too.

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  5thHorseman said:
I'd like multiple launch sites that give construction cost penalties or bonuses. Launching from KSC costs 120% ship cost.Launching from KSC2 (not on equator) costs 100%. Launching from the poles costs 80%.

Just throwing numbers around, didn't try to balance, etc. Just spitballing here.

I've been working on a 'launch refund' feature for KK that is effectively this. Nearly ready for testing.

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Yes, I would love this. Adding at least some of the launch sites from KerbinSide would be amazing.

Imagine having upgradable launch facilities around Kerbin. Nothing complex, most of the functional buildings stay at KSC; but at each secondary launch site... you could get an upgradable launch pad, and an upgradeable runway.

There could also be a "tracking station" type building; but it could functionally be a way to upgrade the "telepresence" of the launch site. I.e. upgrading the "uplink facility" would let this particular launch site, get a lower launch cost penalty, and recovery cost penalty; because these sites are so far from KSC (and shipping rockets is expensive.)

Another boon to this, would be even if you don't upgrade the launchpads or runways; you could upgrade the "uplink facility" at each secondary launch site. So you could gain more resources(not just funds) from recovering crafts in the area.

It would be neat to see people start, say, a north-pole KSC career; the "Penguin Space Center"; and document their adventures with a polar launch site for career.

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  Juicy said:
Other: I'd like to design and build my own secondary bases using resources aquired through mining. Why else keep a base on the Mun long after did every experiment on every biome, if not for eventual settling?

I agree completely. The interplanetary launchpads mod might suffice for this, though.

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Anything else, like more places, few will do the job, one for the start :-),

no seriously, lets have that in some-like following order:

  • 0. On the begining there was a tech-tree node [Then after unlock..]
  • 1. Discovery site by observation (crew report above) = Enlist site
  • 2. Land there and land home from there after = Enable site for launch
  • 3. Upgrade site same as regular KSC (to extend capability and quality of site)
  • 4. Maybe optional after - Start from there with the extra price for that
  • 5. 100% recovery when landing there
  • 6. Maybe something exclusive there - little bumpy road to test rovers?

Conclusion - You can use that, or totaly ignore that way, nobody gets hurt, and interested ones have something else to work around..

Edited by Anthlon
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  5thHorseman said:
I'd like multiple launch sites that give construction cost penalties or bonuses. Launching from KSC costs 120% ship cost.Launching from KSC2 (not on equator) costs 100%. Launching from the poles costs 80%.

Just throwing numbers around, didn't try to balance, etc. Just spitballing here.

yeah, having penalties or bonuses for the different sites is a nice idea. not just for launch but for recovery too. Although I think KSC should still be the baseline at 100% for launch/recovery values.

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