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Most Difficult Thing You Ever Archive In KSP?


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Hardest thing I've ever done?

Well, a few spring to mind. Probably the single most exhilarating mission I've ever done was getting a massive (~80-tonne) station core into orbit; I mistimed my orbit burn and ended up having to burn to orbit with my periapsis dangerously low. The thing wound up doing about 2,000m/s and 41,000 metres, and was on the verge of exploding when I finally pulled it out of the atmosphere.

'Frustrating' has always been landing on the dark side of the moon. That's annoying as hell.

My present great challenge is getting a 400-tonne SSTO off the ground. I'm not sure what's wrong with it, but it's annoying the hell out of me. It's clearly got the TWR - I'm doing over 160m/s before the end of the runway, for chrissakes - and it's got a wide delta lifting-body design (vaguely similar in structure to the Valkyrie shuttle from Avatar).

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An unguide burn from LEO that ended in lunar impact.

From my post when I did it:

Probably the hardest thing I've ever done in KSP: Use an unguided, solid TLI burn to get a lunar impact. I'm rather proud. RSS/RO of course. (And RP-0, done before Stability or Basic Solids, and on a budget.)

The rocket was a 2x LR79 first stage, stretched Agena A second stage. Parking orbit of about 230x220km. The probe was a 20in X-Ray core plus 4x Comm16 and a couple 1kg science experiments in addition. The TLI stages were 1x Baby Sergeant and then 6x Baby Sergeant. I had to create a maneuver node of precisely the correct m/s delta V from the kicks (it took some doing to figure out how much kick the decoupler gave too...) The whole Agena+kick+payload was spun up by onboard RCS about a minute prior to TLI, then separated at T-10 (i.e. no more yaw/pitch/roll, just ability to stage), first stage fired at T-7, second at T+1. The result is the second picture.

Launch Vehicle:


Trajectory (ignore MJ delta V expended, it's a bug.)


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The trickiest thing I've done was to bring back a damaged lander with asymetrical thrust from the Mün surface to "circular" safe orbit. the lander had a 4x symetry propulsion around a MK1 lander can (quite common design) but I landed it "a bit" roughly, blowing 3 of my engines an 2 fuel tanks. But since Jeb was the pilot, no problem he said! I had to take off gently as possible to rise up the nose of my lander (both fuel tanks were on the same side, at the opposite of the ground). RCS gave all what they had and I was flying again... Then I found how "easy" was to fly a ship with CoM botched and CoT totally off center. A real pain in the ass! I couldn't use more than 20% around of thrust or the ship started to flip. I tried to make it spin so that would stabilize it but nope I could not make a good manoeuver enough. I sweated quite a lot especially when I was trying to circularize and saw I dangerously passed the Ap, finishing the manoeuver with Jeb pushing the lander with his own jetpack to rise the Pe above 10km... NEVER AGAIN. A crashed lander even if it had sufficient thrust and fuel, will stay on the ground and I will send a rescue mission!

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