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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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37 minutes ago, derega16 said:

Will we eventually have texture variants? Like SOFI or copper.

Also is it plausible to modify current S-II and S-IVB to a longer version for stuff like Nuclear or M-1?

S-II already has B9PS-based lengthening, S-IVB will probably follow suit when ETS parts are finished

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54 minutes ago, derega16 said:

Will we eventually have texture variants? Like SOFI or copper.

Also is it plausible to modify current S-II and S-IVB to a longer version for stuff like Nuclear or M-1?

Yes and yes (to longer interstages, we're going to look into it, probably not right away)

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Thanks for the release of the S-ID.

PS: Are we going to get some verniers for the S-ID/IE?

UPDATE: Actually I think we'll definitely need S-ID Verniers, because even with the IU Tweaked up to spec, the S-ID is really hard to control on its own (Saturn V-B)

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6 hours ago, CobaltWolf said:

Yes, I am planning on doing the Block II AARDV. I'll be using the HabTech2 Destiny texture as reference since they're meant to be identical if not similar.

You should totally nickname the AARDVs "Aardvark" or something like that

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9 hours ago, JustDark said:

Are there any plans to add Apollo surface science to the mod?

There used to be a submod for KAS called Surface Experiment Package (I think Cobalt was even involved with its development). It was abandoned long before Breaking Ground was released, but even so it was in my opinion a way better representation of the ALSEP than the BG science stations. Unfortunately there’s almost no chance it would still work in modern KSP.

Pretty sure the mod developers specifically said they’d prefer the mod to remain derelict, but I’d still love to see something like it come out today with BG compatibility.

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2 hours ago, derega16 said:


Just tried it, it work with SL M-1 Payload about 50t 200*200 jnsq Should be more after AJ-260 and stretch tank more. It can't lift off currently if use the longest options.




the problem really is this:


and this:


I imagine the colliders around the hole are generous and you can technically use it but still..

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54 minutes ago, Zorg said:

the problem really is this:


and this:


I imagine the colliders around the hole are generous and you can technically use it but still..

I made triproplant fatlas with J2-SL before. so I asuume collision is actually smaller than its seems too. Also I clipping the powerhead trough the mount to make it level with F-1

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11 hours ago, davidy12 said:

UPDATE: Actually I think we'll definitely need S-ID Verniers, because even with the IU Tweaked up to spec, the S-ID is really hard to control on its own (Saturn V-B)

Yes, I'm looking into some form of vernier for it.


9 hours ago, Naeth Kerman said:

You should totally nickname the AARDVs "Aardvark" or something like that

That's... already what they're nicknamed?


7 hours ago, pTrevTrevs said:

There used to be a submod for KAS called Surface Experiment Package (I think Cobalt was even involved with its development). It was abandoned long before Breaking Ground was released, but even so it was in my opinion a way better representation of the ALSEP than the BG science stations. Unfortunately there’s almost no chance it would still work in modern KSP.

Pretty sure the mod developers specifically said they’d prefer the mod to remain derelict, but I’d still love to see something like it come out today with BG compatibility.

Someone is currently looking into adopting it but I have no idea what the result will be.


Saturn 1C




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13 hours ago, derega16 said:

Will we eventually have texture variants? Like SOFI or copper.

Also is it plausible to modify current S-II and S-IVB interstage to a longer version for stuff like Nuclear or M-1?

I won't put words in other peoples work load...      So I am just going to paraphrase something CobaltWolf has said multiple times.

"we will get the already in game assets replaced FIRST"

Remember the Saturn Engines and S-ID were the first steps of this art revamp that we are now going through.   The Engines do not need to be replaced and S-ID just needed to be finished (well started over but like the other existing parts it all the planning work was already done.)   You could say S-ID falls into that "replace the asset" category even if we have never been able to play with it!


I ***THINK*** the first step is getting the basic textures and assets done.  Then updating them with new textures can come "Easily"   *I can't do it but hey it might be easy for an artist like them*


In short,   Please have a little patience.   I know I know... it is HARD to do so with something so exiting and Awesome as new Saturn stuff.   


***UGH Web browser WHY did you fail me.***     Sorry for the necro post...  Browser literally showed the post I responeded to as the most recent.    SHRUG

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Gemini IX Visits Pegasus 1

If I'm not mistaken, this was one of the alternative mission proposals for Gemini 11 instead of the high apogee boost. The mission would have involved using the Agena to facilitate a rendezvous with one of the (now derelict) Pegasus satellites. Unfortunately my Agena had a launch failure (Kerbalism threw in a critical engine failure on the GATV), so I'm forced to fly the mission without an Agena and without docking.





As you can see in the second photo I tried to fly the AMU again, hoping it would give me more mobility near the Pegasus. Unfortunately I had the same krakenesque bug as before, where upon releasing it from Gemini's trunk the jetpack freezes in place and starts ascending directly upward like it's been raptured. Oh well, at least I enjoyed this less-than-common Gemini mission profile, and the next one I fly promises to be even more unorthodox.

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9 hours ago, Starhelperdude said:

does anyone know a detailed list of the Novas? (not referring to C-8)


also, is there a future possiblity that we could get a red transtage?

Big Gemini | Secret Projects Forum

Which Generation of NOVA do you want Starhelperdude???

First generation never got far... they were a "competitor" to the Von Braun "Juno V" system which became Saturn.   Silverstein pushed Nova into an "after Saturn" program and a technology breeder FOR Saturn and the future of space flight...   Accepted into production was Juno V as Saturn I and Titan C as Titan IIIA/B/C.    It should be noted THIS, the Civilian NASA decision to go ahead with Titan C is a big part of the reason the UA-1205s are not SR47s (a USAF designation for the original UA-1205)

Second Generation is where the Crazy Shenanigans begin.

Third Generation was paper studies for alternative rocket designs... mostly to keep companies not making Shuttle in the game....   only lasted a couple of years in the mid 1970s

As much as I don't trust it as a reliable source.  Astronautix has a fair bit on NOVA...   I will post links to this message in a few minutes once I find them.  


Again not the most trustworthy.   But it gives you a quick and dirty, without reading through NASA reports *START* to your Nova experience :D

The Actual Silverstein report may give you some better info:


More about the changes to the NOVA program than the individual rockets but it sets the stage.

NTRS reports https://ntrs.nasa.gov








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Saturn 1C lifting a chonk into LKO as part of a test flight
EDIT: speaking of Saturn 1C, would the singular F-1A engine even need to be insulated? The Saturn V had the F-1's insulated presumably because they were all in close proximity of each other so they got toasty



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silly question
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