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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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  On 3/27/2022 at 4:02 PM, JoeSheridan said:

Yeah i can understand that. And i would never demand such a changed mounting. I just saw that you kitbash wasn´t consistent with the story ( I have just read that whole thing again, so it´s only about a week ago sins i read about Pegasus) And i think i will do it like you said: just mount 4 engines on the 6-engine-plate. And... probably i would later use  a 6-engine-version with a longer tank anyways for interplanetary missions.


Well, hopefully we won't have to do that in the near future, maybe @CobaltWolf or @Zorg :wink: might grace us with a 4-engine mount for the S-IVA and an actual Pegasus tank/texture. 

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  On 3/27/2022 at 6:09 PM, GoldForest said:

Well, hopefully we won't have to do that in the near future, maybe @CobaltWolf or @Zorg :wink: might grace us with a 4-engine mount for the S-IVA and an actual Pegasus tank/texture. 


err, the S-II-260 Quad engine mount is already in the game for the Saturn C-2, It is used on a 260" (4.25m KSP scale) tank so you already have your request.  


It is an early kitbash version (IDK if Cobalt is planning a cleaned up version or not)   but I know I have seen other people use it.


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  On 3/27/2022 at 11:19 PM, Pappystein said:

err, the S-II-260 Quad engine mount is already in the game for the Saturn C-2, It is used on a 260" (4.25m KSP scale) tank so you already have your request.  


It is an early kitbash version (IDK if Cobalt is planning a cleaned up version or not)   but I know I have seen other people use it.




  On 3/27/2022 at 11:22 PM, JoeSheridan said:

Thanks for the hint :):)


S-IV"A" not "B". We need a 3.75 mount not a 4.25 mount.

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  On 3/20/2022 at 2:21 AM, Kuiper_Belt said:

Launch Complex 39B - A Beautiful Legacy and Future


The LDC parts were great for the Ares 1X Second Stage! TUFX's affect on the visuals are profound for screenshots! 

P.S. Happy Roll Out!


I know this is over a week old now, but for some reason I remembered "Faith of the Heart" and then I remembered this post and couldn't help think that the two went well together.


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  On 3/24/2022 at 9:00 PM, USKnight said:


(User error?): Unlike Titan, I cannot stick a conformal long horizontal decal on Atlas. It will not mount without cutting off before the lower tank. For whatever reason, I thought there was an Extra for this, but it either doesn't work or I'm doing it wrong.



On the base tank a decal needs to be placed around where the vernier is mounted and then translated up. The Extra config does not affect the base tank specifically because of the way the way the model is set up in unity.

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Full Album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

The Enterprise and Galileo teams successfully make it to the Mun and Back. 

(Ho boy, this one was a little tough. First I had staging problems, then I almost ran into the Mun and killed the mission, I panicked and turned on no crash damage... yeah, so what, sue me!) 

Bonus image: "Um, I think we need that."  (Engines were off cus I turned them off to booster sep, still had tons of fuel... I also lost the crew in this command pod because... well... parachutes + physics warp = bad time kraken)


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I'll probably do the emissive a bit later. But NERVA II is mostly done.




Yes its a chonker, taller than the M1. We will be making longer interstages and custom mounting solutions (I guess with shadow shielding and stuff) for nuclear stages. All for the second phase of Saturn/Apollo content though.



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  On 3/28/2022 at 11:08 AM, Zorg said:

I'll probably do the emissive a bit later. But NERVA II is mostly done.




Yes its a chonker, taller than the M1. We will be making longer interstages and custom mounting solutions (I guess with shadow shielding and stuff) for nuclear stages. All for the second phase of Saturn/Apollo content though.




Big Boi! It even dwarfs Timberwind!

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  On 3/28/2022 at 7:43 AM, GoldForest said:

I know this is over a week old now, but for some reason I remembered "Faith of the Heart" and then I remembered this post and couldn't help think that the two went well together.


Nice thought, you are right, that fits so good... and i just love that intro sequence, to mee it´s the best one the franchise had yet.

  On 3/28/2022 at 11:08 AM, Zorg said:

I'll probably do the emissive a bit later. But NERVA II is mostly done.


Thank you, that´s a beauty. Duna: We are comming :D

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I'm currently editing the LV-N engine's config file with the restock textures, and I'm wondering, what would be the correct values (thrust, ISP, weight,...) for it to be a representation of NERVA I? I'm doing it because we will get the NERVA II in the future and it will be cool to have 2 ones to play with!

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  On 3/28/2022 at 2:08 PM, Starhelperdude said:

I'm currently editing the LV-N engine's config file with the restock textures, and I'm wondering, what would be the correct values (thrust, ISP, weight,...) for it to be a representation of NERVA I? I'm doing it because we will get the NERVA II in the future and it will be cool to have 2 ones to play with!


iirc the Kerbal Atomics LH2 patch for the LVN is more or less real world figures. Idk about the weight scaling. But don't quote me on that, I haven't really dug into NERVA I materials yet.

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Once again, as a general note - the BDB devs don't really have time to play KSP, or work on the mod very much at all lately. We're also short on people to do balancing, so a lot of stuff is copy pasted configs and not properly balanced. Please keep an eye out for this sort of stuff and bring it up if possible. Writing them on the forum is good, logging them as issues on Github is much much better since it won't disappear.

On that note, we do accept pull requests - if anyone wants to try their hand at balance improvements and bug fixes, that would be VERY appreciated.


  On 3/24/2022 at 9:00 PM, USKnight said:

Thanks for all the effort that goes into this mod. Honestly, I don't think I'd play Kerbal anymore without it (over waiting for KSP2).


(Not a bug): Most (if not all) of the craft files for the Transit 5 series all have the probe facing "upside down". Now upside down is relative, but generally I consider the gravity boom of a Transit as "up" or "away from Kerbin". All the premade Transits are facing "down" at Kerbin. Is this a design choice? (For a satellite, this doesn't matter, but it does when the root part is Transit and your navball is upside down.)

(Not a bug): All Saturn I craft files are obsolete. Aside from figuring out the proper fins, making one is easy. Plus, it looks GREAT! Bonus - Pegasus!

(Maybe a bug): Poppy probes and the Beacon Explorer cannot transmit science without switching to partial transmission and running timewarp for an extended period of time. Especially in the case of Beacon Explorer, which can generate a fair amount of Science, is this intended behavior?

(Maybe a bug): For the life of me I can't seem to place OSCAR on Agena B. I've seen conflicting statements on whether it stayed attached or detached in orbit and I can't seem to fit a satisfactory decoupler on Agena B either (unimportant). As a rider, I must be placing it in the wrong position because I cannot mount it without it "floating" there. Naturally Agena D has no such issue.

(User error?): Unlike Titan, I cannot stick a conformal long horizontal decal on Atlas. It will not mount without cutting off before the lower tank. For whatever reason, I thought there was an Extra for this, but it either doesn't work or I'm doing it wrong.

(Thankyou!): For the user warning on the OGO solar panel that if not deployed first, the RPW panel will break when used for science!

  • 1) I may be wrong, but I thought gravity gradient booms extended from the nadir side
  • 3) We probably need to reduce the data packet size, the EC consumption of the antennas, or both
  • 5) I tagged the main collider meshes for the Atlas as "NoAttach" in Unity. I was trying to prevent players from surface attaching boosters to the balloon tanks. Unfortunately, several years later, Conformal Decals has made it an issue. I'm not sure if/when it will be fixed, Zorg was planning on looking at updating the Atlas parts in the future.


  On 3/26/2022 at 6:39 PM, USKnight said:

More feedback, based on Hexagon.

(Design choice): The Hexagon mapping camera is the only camera in the KH series that can find anomalies and even then, only below 100km. By the Hexagon model, a player will have progressed through Corona, two Mural, and two Gambit designs. And even at finally arriving at "Big Bird", the Hexagon main camera can still not be used to find anomalies (SCANsat nor KerbNet). I feel if not by Gambit, that Hexagon should be feasible for my anomaly hunting desires. 

I also feel the mapping camera's maximum altitude is too low and should be 150km, which would make it usable throughout most of the range of Low Kerbin orbit.

That said, aside from being unable to mount a second SRV on the KH-4A model (with the KH-4B you can, so this is a very minor nitpick), I am quite pleased to be able to design and launch so much of the spy satellite family, including my personal favorite with Strawman.

Keep up the great work, devs!


See top of this post, I'm pretty sure it's an oversight. I'm not sure if we ever got around to defining different gameplay roles for all the Keyholes.


  On 3/27/2022 at 1:51 PM, JoeSheridan said:

 I would have loved a clearer desciption of the technology (especially engines) used in their Delta 4000 / 5000, same for the Artemis-Missions. Is it so complicated to just say what engine and engine-version you are using?


Small note, but it's definitely using 3 RS-27s/H-1s. The LV stats page makes it pretty clear if you look at the numbers they used. I think a lot of Eyes was basically E of Pi putting numbers into Silverbird until they got the performance they needed. A similar situation happened with the Artemis upgraded Multibody - the S-IVC actually uses two J-2s, judging from it's stats, but that goes unmentioned in the TL I believe.


  On 3/27/2022 at 6:09 PM, GoldForest said:

Well, hopefully we won't have to do that in the near future, maybe @CobaltWolf or @Zorg :wink: might grace us with a 4-engine mount for the S-IVA and an actual Pegasus tank/texture. 


I bugged Zorg to look into a 4x S-IVB mount, as well as a single one.

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  On 3/28/2022 at 4:32 PM, Beccab said:

Would it be possible to add a variant of the Apollo mission module without the antenna sticking out? Because of them they are impossible to fit in fairings that aren't like half a meter bigger than their actual sizeunknown.png


I'd argue that doesn't fit, even without the antennas, since it is clipping both into the fairing base and the fairing itself from what I can tell. It might not be clipping through, but it looks like it's inside the inner wall of the fairing. 

Also, bit of a tangent, but do you have a 4:3 monitor or just play in 4:3? Just curious. 

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  On 3/28/2022 at 4:05 PM, CobaltWolf said:

Small note, but it's definitely using 3 RS-27s/H-1s. The LV stats page makes it pretty clear if you look at the numbers they used. I think a lot of Eyes was basically E of Pi putting numbers into Silverbird until they got the performance they needed. A similar situation happened with the Artemis upgraded Multibody - the S-IVC actually uses two J-2s, judging from it's stats, but that goes unmentioned in the TL I believe.


Yeah i know what the performance says, but still: They should have written small but importent details like that directly into their texts, they thought out so many things so good, but they just forgot to do that for some of the vehicles that brought those stations, crews and probes to their destinations. Yeah: We can say that there are probably just 3 RS-27s but do we know that for shure? And: I don´t really see how that should be cost effective in the long term by the way.... in my eyes, without knowing detailed costs of those vehicles, there comes on question into my head: Wouldn´t it be probably cheaper to just stick on the good old Atlas? To me killing off the Atlas so early in favor of this flexible but highly complex and probably "more expansive than needed" system was somekind of a no brainer, as much as i like the idea behind that vehicle. Personally i would have taken somekind of an E-1 revival to propel that thing. Strap one or two engines under a wider tank with more potential for growth and keeping the SRB´s option for later.


  On 3/28/2022 at 4:05 PM, CobaltWolf said:

We're also short on people to do balancing, so a lot of stuff is copy pasted configs and not properly balanced.


If i can find out how to write correct configs i would be happy to look into that and do some research to help doing it propperly


  On 3/28/2022 at 4:05 PM, CobaltWolf said:

I bugged Zorg to look into a 4x S-IVB mount, as well as a single one.


Wow, thank you both :):) Would be beautifull to see that comming into existence. The Saturn Multibody and the Pegasus-Transferstage are defenitely a great idea and i would choose them over the SLS every single time. 

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  On 3/28/2022 at 4:55 PM, GoldForest said:

I'd argue that doesn't fit, even without the antennas, since it is clipping both into the fairing base and the fairing itself from what I can tell. It might not be clipping through, but it looks like it's inside the inner wall of the fairing. 


Actually, it fits quite well -  with the exception of the antennae, the fairing stays out of the shape, and below I've put the manuevring stuff so it works. Plus, I could tweakscale it a bit more to make it fit the bottom as well if necessary


  On 3/28/2022 at 4:55 PM, GoldForest said:

Also, bit of a tangent, but do you have a 4:3 monitor or just play in 4:3? Just curious. 


The former - I had to choose between a big screen and good performance when choosing my laptop, so I went for the matebook 14 which, as the name suggests, has a 14 inches screen in a 4:3 format

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hello, i downloaded the apollo-saturn-revamp folder, i have some problems. I can't find the "Saturn S-IV-2200 Cryogenic Fuel Tank" part in the game.

The "S-II Interstage" is extended.

The nodes have been moved on the "S-IVB Interstage".

Hope someone can help.


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