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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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  On 3/27/2023 at 5:37 PM, 610yesnolovely said:

Vanguard KSRSS x2.7 scale? My favourite is TV-3 (exploded just above pad) contract in History of Spaceflight because I can totally pull that off :-D



OPM 2.5 Scale. What is funny is during KRASH testing prior to the actual launch 1/5 launches would lead to the Vanguard collapsing into itself on the MLP. I wasn’t sure if it was a bug from wonky physics or a feature of it being a Vanguard rocket(especially when it looked just like this video.)


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  On 3/28/2023 at 1:43 AM, Nachtgeist789 said:

Someone read Ocean of Storms...


You give me too much credit. I just see KSP as a giant bin of legos except the legos are rocket parts, antennae, spacecraft, etc.

Sometimes I like to make stuff inspired by history/alternate history, sometimes I'm just screwing around. This is the latter.

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 Tiny decal for the Space Technologies Laboratory (later TRW) logo that’s now on GitHub. This logo was on Pioneer 0-2, Pioneer 5, and Explorer 6. This decal also might foreshadow a few part revamps I’m currently working on… 

I also played around with MORL:


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  On 3/25/2023 at 11:57 PM, DaveyJ576 said:

You know… If you used some different solar panels, one could combine this together with a Skylab wet workshop to create a “Super Skylab”! By itself this will be awesome, but the kitbashing potential is tremendous!


 That was one of my main reasons for pushing Zorg to make MORL - I felt that it nicely rounded out the Skylab/OWS/General Apollo station parts very nicely. Combined with the other things that have been added, there's a lot of potential!


  On 3/27/2023 at 3:11 PM, Ashiepoppy said:

For BDB2, you reckon you might add Voyager style parts?


I've been trying to get Invader to make it for like a year now, but he wants to wait for KSP2.


Have a Pegasus update:


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An underrated aspect of low-orbit spaceflight is keeping the lanes clear with proper disposal. Chariot 4 served the Kerbal Space Agency well with its dutiful Kerbolar observations, but was eventually outpaced by newer missions.


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  On 3/28/2023 at 7:59 PM, Nachtgeist789 said:

An underrated aspect of low-orbit spaceflight is keeping the lanes clear with proper disposal. Chariot 4 served the Kerbal Space Agency well with its dutiful Kerbolar observations, but was eventually outpaced by newer missions.


Once you upload them to Imgur, if you right click > copy link, and paste that into your post, they will embed correctly. Basically you need the URLs that end in the image file extension, like this:


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So I took my most recent build of KSP for a drive over the last few days.  It took a little time to get it put together because of the old computer failing a windows update in near Kerbal level crash.  Anyway, the new build is 1.12.5 and I couple things that were odd.  The first I mention as I run a lot of the visual mods that are frequent in BDB's community.  I get an odd flashing all over the kerban grounds, but especially at the horizon.  Anyone got any ideas what visual stuff might cause this?  My graphics can handle it as I run a RTX 3800 series.

The BDB question I had was in regards to an amazingly powerful separation of the Saturn mating adaptor and the Apollo CSM.  It hurtled them apart with such gusto that there was no chance to try to get them back around to do a docking.  It was only slightly less powerful than the KSP2 gravity sling shot Kracken!

I am sure that both of these involve some level of user level Problem Exists Between Keyboard and Chair; but am just looking at how to address them.

On another note, working in the VAB is a dream with all the new stuff, last update I had played with was LVR introduction.

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  On 3/29/2023 at 5:17 AM, RocketBoy1641 said:

So I took my most recent build of KSP for a drive over the last few days.


Not a lot to go on here. Not sure what is flashing - is it the entire scene? If you are seeing individual little blips of colored light flashing at random times along the horizon, it's possibly tufx using HDR in the active profile. Again, no idea what mods you're using so ...

The over-zealous decouple is probably due to some colliders overlapping. Not sure which part you're using, but it's possible that things stuck to the bottom of the CSM are clipping into the sides of whatever part you're using.


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  On 3/29/2023 at 11:36 AM, OrbitalManeuvers said:

Not a lot to go on here. Not sure what is flashing - is it the entire scene? If you are seeing individual little blips of colored light flashing at random times along the horizon, it's possibly tufx using HDR in the active profile. Again, no idea what mods you're using so ...

The over-zealous decouple is probably due to some colliders overlapping. Not sure which part you're using, but it's possible that things stuck to the bottom of the CSM are clipping into the sides of whatever part you're using.



I had Tufx installed so that gives me something to chase there.

Colliders may fit the situation with the CSM.  I ill check that out.


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  On 3/29/2023 at 3:26 PM, DaveyJ576 said:

@Invaderchaos, When using the Gemini top port on the new MORL, do you have to have the Agena docking adaptor installed in that location, or will a Gemini spacecraft dock to the MORL top port without the Agena adaptor?


Which one? First MORL I flew just has the GATV docking port inside the conical inset, nothing else. The second used a structural extension tube and an APAS 75.

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  On 3/29/2023 at 3:56 PM, Invaderchaos said:

Which one? First MORL I flew just has the GATV docking port inside the conical inset, nothing else. The second used a structural extension tube and an APAS 75.


You answered the question! It was the first one. Regular Gemini docked nose first to the top port. I will add the GATV docking port.

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  On 3/30/2023 at 12:45 AM, Alpha512 said:

Speaking of probes, 
Are Kepler and Viking postponed indefinitely?


Is there really that much reason to wait till KSP2 is ready?  I mean, I have been on it....it is getting better; but 1.0 isn't going to happen in 2023 at this rate and the modeling work will certainly transfer across the platforms.

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  On 3/30/2023 at 12:45 AM, Alpha512 said:

Speaking of probes, 
Are Kepler and Viking postponed indefinitely?


Kepler I still do work on occasionally. It’s just taking a while because of my limited time, and the fact I’m trying to experiment with cloth sim for the foil normals. However I’m confident that I will finish Kepler for KSP1. As for Viking, there is a lot of work that needs to be done and it’s best that a project like that is saved for KSP2. 

Here is a pic of some of cloth sim normals on a section of the Kepler foil:


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Three man Gemini visting the MORL:

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The three man Gemini (using the "Rumbleseat" module) was boosted by a Titan IIIC. It was not an optimum craft for this because I failed to fit it with braking thrusters. Got to fix that... And, it was only after docking that I realized the MORL was a two man station. Oops! Anyway everything went well, but I did have a question for @Invaderchaos: The basic MORL does not have reaction wheels so controlling it after launch gets problematic using only the thrusters.  Was that intentional? I solved it by putting the S-IVB instrument unit on the lab, with a decoupler detaching it from the S-IVB. You could also just leave the S-IVB/IU attached I suppose. 

One other thought... would it be possible to add a node to the bottom of the lab so that a transfer tunnel could be attached? This would allow kitbashing this into a MORL/wet lab combination. This would be a third node in addition to the other two that are already there.

Thanks for the effort on this. Great work!

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  On 3/31/2023 at 2:34 AM, 1124max said:

I'm not sure if this is just a result of different mods interacting but I have noticed this gap in the Sarnus-SII-2300 Engine mount in two different installs.mv6Vsiw.jpggJWveea.jpg


Are you talking about the difference in diameter? I think that might be intentional to give room for the interstage, but I could be wrong.

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  On 3/31/2023 at 3:04 AM, Blufor878 said:

Are you talking about the difference in diameter? I think that might be intentional to give room for the interstage, but I could be wrong.


No sorry i should have included an arrow in the image, the grey box like structures on the sides are not connected to the olive green conical section.

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