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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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  On 2/7/2019 at 7:53 PM, MikeO89 said:

Well the same exact craft works fine using the previous version of BDB. When going back to the older 1.4.2 version of BDB, the same craft then works fine again. Very worrisome for me as this happened on the first craft I tried after installing newest BDB  version. I have LOTS more crafts I haven't even got to yet. If this is an indication of more to come when I try to fly other things I've built, I'm in big trouble. One of those things, get some cool new stuff but if it breaks everything else, what are you going to choose.


BDB is a living mod, so there's really no way I can promise that there won't be ongoing craft-breaking changes. We try to avoid them when we can, and hopefully the new stuff moving forward won't need to have any short of some fundamental change we are required to make to maintain compatibility or some such. However, I will chime in to say that, similar to how many people defer updating KSP to prevent their mods from breaking, there is nothing wrong with sticking with an old version of BDB until you are ready to update your crafts.

I was curious, because I don't remember making changes to the Saturn parts this update, but I checked the Github history of the part and found the commit in question. I'm still a little out of it so I'm having a bit of trouble understanding what exactly the change was just by looking. Incidentally, we are getting a bit better at using Github and the v1.5.1 release was a nice little test run of how we will manage things moving forward. One side effect is we basically got a set of patch notes for free when I merged the dev branch into the main branch, so it'll be easier to prepare real change logs. They probably won't include every single change, but save breaking changes in particular will be easier to find and thus highlight in the change log.



I tried another craft that I built with some BDB parts and it worked ok. This problem I had was with a specific Apollo moon rocket I have built with a whole bunch of different parts including some from BDB. My problem was with the 3rd stage containing pedal adapter and LEM inside. It probably has to do with the way I have the LEM in there. I chose to put the FASA LEM inside the BDB pedal adapter. The way I had mine set up is to put a separator right at the bottom of the pedal adapter, then build the FASA LEM on top of it piece by piece (the way you have to do it with the FASA LEM). There was something the new BDB update didn't like about this whole thing that the previous BDB had no problem with. When opening the pedal adapter which automatically ejects the CM, the 3rd stage and LEM now started rotating because the sas no longer worked to hold it in place. If I clicked on SAS, there was a message saying no SAS module installed and no kerbal pilot. The Kane instrument panel was on so SAS should have been working. Needless to say this stopped the whole mission cause docking with LEM was no longer possible. Bummer for me cause I had built an awful lot of different Apollo moon rockets to finally get the one I wanted but now I can't use it with the new BDB update. I also noticed the RCS thruster plume was changed on the Kane thrusters. It's now quite thinner and much longer. Not sure if I like it or not at this point. So I still have my KSP copy with this new BDW  update in it and I will continue to play with it referring to the Apollo craft to see if I can make something work.

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Solved! Thanks to the reminder message below.

I'm having a "missing part" issue. For example, during the version 1.5.1 I had a rocket with "Inon-D 1440" fuel tank. Now, I'm on 1.6.1 and I can still load that saved rocket in VAB and see that fuel tank on that saved rocket. Also, I can see it in tech tree, however I can not see along the parts available when building a new rocket. 

Another info, I started a new game in sandbox mode and I can see the part there. It seems to be related to my current career game. However, it is kind of important to me since I record gameplay videos and upload it to youtube. 

I attached my log file below.

KSP: 1.6.1 with Making History DLC / MacOS Mojave 10.14.3

Problem: Missing parts in my career game generally from BDB

Mods installed:

# Airplane Plus

# Bluedog Design Bureau

 # Tantares

 # Sci-Fi Visual Enhancements

 # Kerbal Engineer Redux

 # Engineering Tech Tree

 # Hide Empty Tech Tree Nodes


 # KIS

 # Modular Launch Pads

 # Kerbal Planetary Base Systems

 # Real Plume

 # Tac Life Support

 # SSR MicroSat and Airlaunch Vehicle

 # Chatterer

 # Kramax Autopilot

 # [x] Science!

 # Contract Configurator

 # Waypoint Manager 

Reproduction steps:

Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A3woFhgPEgO5vk_0XMj-m1D3AmGyMCge/view?usp=sharing


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  On 2/8/2019 at 10:54 PM, ondert said:

I'm having a "missing part" issue. For example, during the version 1.5.1 I had a rocket with "Inon-D 1440" fuel tank. Now, I'm on 1.6.1 and I can still load that saved rocket in VAB and see that fuel tank on that saved rocket. Also, I can see it in tech tree, however I can not see along the parts available when building a new rocket. 

Another info, I started a new game in sandbox mode and I can see the part there. It seems to be related to my current career game. However, it is kind of important to me since I record gameplay videos and upload it to youtube. 


The Centaur parts got moved around a bit in the tech tree. Maybe you need to re purchase it?

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  On 2/8/2019 at 11:18 PM, Jso said:

The Centaur parts got moved around a bit in the tech tree. Maybe you need to re purchase it?


THANKS! Solved! 

I compared the cfg files and saw its category moved from propulsionSystems to advRocketry, I changed it to propulsionSystems like the old one and it worked.

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Bluedog Design Bureau v1.5.2 "Бруно"

  • Fixed typo in Mercury pod name
  • Fix Gemini RealChute compatibility
  • Saturn rescale. Prevent S4 2.5m parts being inappropriately up scaled and support Procedural Fairings parts.
  • Radial solids CoM adjust. Might help with solids colliding after separation.
  • Lower stage solids smoke after flameout.
  • Add Sina tag to LEM passive docking mechanism
  • Allow remote control of LEM Ascent Cockpit
  • Possible fix for SAS issues. Craft may need to be rebuilt.
  • Update RL10, J2, Agena A and D plumes


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Delta III!

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I haven't used it to launch anything yet, but it has >7000m/s Δv.

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Just wanted to say thanks for all the great work.I love the look and utility of the parts, and they've made playing 2.5x scale a real treat. 

Here's a space station I've been working on using mostly MOS parts (along with a MOLE lab for LDEF expertiments, since the compatch wasn't working). I'm currently doing crew exchanges with Tantares Soyuz capsules, but I am supplying it with "Rhea"-derived modules. Both the 0.9375 and 1.85 docking ports work well, and their ability to deploy the docking rings has saved some time docking.


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  On 2/11/2019 at 6:22 AM, Gunslinger1 said:

Does anyone else have the issue of the Apollo LES throwing the SaturnV around like a rag doll? Every time I jettison in mid flight I immediately regain standard flight control. Not sure if this is BDB or another mod potentially creating an issue. 


Most people; this is in the FAQ, but the solution is to autostrut the LES to the root part before launch.

Screenshot tax/Pitchfork sharpening time!

I made a monstrosity. I guess you could call it a Delta-III-4xII-6... or something awful. Well, look at it.SrOiXoJ.png

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On a related note, the new accent computer in MechJeb is disgusting. It managed to fly this monstrosity to a perfectly aligned 150x150 km orbit in one burn, in spite of the shifting thrust output on the boosters. I guess being away for a while has some payoffs! :D

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  On 2/11/2019 at 7:00 AM, komodo said:


On a related note, the new accent computer in MechJeb is disgusting. It managed to fly this monstrosity to a perfectly aligned 150x150 km orbit in one burn, in spite of the shifting thrust output on the boosters. I guess being away for a while has some payoffs! :D


Interesting Delta Monster Komodo! 

It even handles asymmetrical thrust and or Asymmetrical mass somewhat good too!   I had a Saturn MLV where my fuel transfer from above the AJ-260 broke on one side only.. I forgot to auto-strut the AJ-260s :(  )  Meant I had about 300kg of fuel on one side of the rocket at about 9m off center.   Mechjeb handled it like a trooper


Now if only Mechjeb could handle this with an all solid rocket.

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  On 2/11/2019 at 5:01 AM, Machinique said:

Just wanted to say thanks for all the great work.I love the look and utility of the parts, and they've made playing 2.5x scale a real treat. 

Here's a space station I've been working on using mostly MOS parts (along with a MOLE lab for LDEF expertiments, since the compatch wasn't working). I'm currently doing crew exchanges with Tantares Soyuz capsules, but I am supplying it with "Rhea"-derived modules. Both the 0.9375 and 1.85 docking ports work well, and their ability to deploy the docking rings has saved some time docking.

  On 2/11/2019 at 7:00 AM, komodo said:

Screenshot tax/Pitchfork sharpening time!

I made a monstrosity. I guess you could call it a Delta-III-4xII-6... or something awful. Well, look at it.


On a related note, the new accent computer in MechJeb is disgusting. It managed to fly this monstrosity to a perfectly aligned 150x150 km orbit in one burn, in spite of the shifting thrust output on the boosters. I guess being away for a while has some payoffs! :D


Nice builds! And welcome to the forums @Machinique! :)


  On 2/11/2019 at 6:22 AM, Gunslinger1 said:

Does anyone else have the issue of the Apollo LES throwing the SaturnV around like a rag doll? Every time I jettison in mid flight I immediately regain standard flight control. Not sure if this is BDB or another mod potentially creating an issue. 


Not sure what you're talking about, I assume you're referring to more than just the 'KSP joints are basically wet noodles unless you autostrut / use KJR' issue?


  On 2/11/2019 at 1:55 PM, DriftNasty said:

How do I take a screenshot. I have killer MOL in orbit.


F1 key drops a screenshot into the Screenshots folder of your KSP install, I just go in there, find the good ones (it's like real photography - just keep hammering the shutter and then find a couple really good ones later) and upload to Imgur to share. :)


Finally feeling better! This week sounds like it might be pretty busy at work, but my SO also works every evening until my usual bedtime... hopefully I'll have energy to use that time on making progress. I'm feeling a little frustrated with the LR-91 (I made some small progress last night but nothing worth posting), it's not really feeling right yet. I think I might put some time into the tanks or something. Maybe once the second stage is coming together I'll have a better feel for it all.



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  On 2/11/2019 at 7:00 AM, komodo said:


  Reveal hidden contents

On a related note, the new accent computer in MechJeb is disgusting. It managed to fly this monstrosity to a perfectly aligned 150x150 km orbit in one burn, in spite of the shifting thrust output on the boosters. I guess being away for a while has some payoffs! :D



  On 2/11/2019 at 9:33 AM, Pappystein said:

Interesting Delta Monster Komodo! 

It even handles asymmetrical thrust and or Asymmetrical mass somewhat good too!   I had a Saturn MLV where my fuel transfer from above the AJ-260 broke on one side only.. I forgot to auto-strut the AJ-260s :(  )  Meant I had about 300kg of fuel on one side of the rocket at about 9m off center.   Mechjeb handled it like a trooper


Now if only Mechjeb could handle this with an all solid rocket.


Maybe my settings don't work, but my Ascent guidance refuses to launch into plane of target unless the plane is 0 degrees. 

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  On 2/11/2019 at 3:27 PM, DriftNasty said:


Maybe my settings don't work, but my Ascent guidance refuses to launch into plane of target unless the plane is 0 degrees. 


It depends on WHERE you launch from.   KSP in Stock is at the equator so 0 = 0,  90 = 90.   The other launch sites are above and below the equator and Mechjeb does not appear to take angular launch into motion.     If it does *I* haven't figured it out either

Other planet packs (Real Solar System (any version), Galileo, etc) that do not preserve the original launch positions or outright replace Kerbin, will have more of this issue.

  On 2/11/2019 at 2:06 PM, CobaltWolf said:

Finally feeling better! This week sounds like it might be pretty busy at work, but my SO also works every evening until my usual bedtime... hopefully I'll have energy to use that time on making progress. I'm feeling a little frustrated with the LR-91 (I made some small progress last night but nothing worth posting), it's not really feeling right yet. I think I might put some time into the tanks or something. Maybe once the second stage is coming together I'll have a better feel for it all. 




Good to hear you are feeling better.   Right as I am suffering from Fatigue/Sinus infection.   Did you transmit your sickness to me through the internet?  :P

RE LR-91 is the issue the "chunky" bell vs the tiny pipes? 

I ask because too me, it feels out of balance looking at the pictures you have posted and while the artwork is amazing looking I almost like the shape of the old LR-91 for its higher level of symmetry top to bottom.  Would maybe stripping the Blanket off the bell and texturing in the coolant loop pipes help with that? (it would thin it down and add more detail, adding detail and reducing the gross change in model thickness.)   Yes I am trying to get the batting removed! :D




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  On 2/11/2019 at 9:33 AM, Pappystein said:

It even handles asymmetrical thrust and or Asymmetrical mass somewhat good too!


It threw in the towel on a experimental design that had an upper stage engine ahead of the CoM. To be fair, I'm not certain I could have found a towel to throw in the first place, and I'm a pretty decent pilot! ><

  On 2/11/2019 at 1:55 PM, DriftNasty said:

How do I take a screenshot. I have killer MOL in orbit.



  On 2/11/2019 at 2:06 PM, CobaltWolf said:

F1 key drops a screenshot into the Screenshots folder of your KSP install,


Also to note: F2 turns off the UI for a more cinematic view. 

Re: off equator inclined launches: hmm. Interesting. I hadn't really thought of that in detail. I always play on a rescaled system, so things like KerbinSide are... not extremely viable, unfortunately. I will have to see if I can mangle a solution to have a high inclination site. Sounds fun to poke at. 

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I understand it's been discussed here before, but it never really sank in to be honest. BDB and Tantares' rockets and crafts both have a ridiculous amount of Δv in stock-scale system, so it seems they work best with a rescaled system, so my question is what rescale mods are the best?

  On 2/12/2019 at 10:20 AM, davidy12 said:

Where'd you get the launchpads from?


AlphaMensae's modular launchpads, I think.

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  On 2/12/2019 at 10:40 AM, sslaptnhablhat said:

I understand it's been discussed here before, but it never really sank in to be honest. BDB and Tantares' rockets and crafts both have a ridiculous amount of Δv in stock-scale system, so it seems they work best with a rescaled system, so my question is what rescale mods are the best?

AlphaMensae's modular launchpads, I think.


You duplicated the KSC with more launchpads? 

PS: What's your KK config?

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  On 2/12/2019 at 10:40 AM, sslaptnhablhat said:

I understand it's been discussed here before, but it never really sank in to be honest. BDB and Tantares' rockets and crafts both have a ridiculous amount of Δv in stock-scale system, so it seems they work best with a rescaled system, so my question is what rescale mods are the best?


Most people agree that 2.5 is about the biggest size for ease of play yet still providing a challenge.  

Personally when I do run a rescaled system I use Sigma Dimension as a base and either do my own configs or use RESCALE by Galileo



Oh and for follow up.  Without using Rescale Galileo has his Planet Pack which requires quite a bit of skill to navigate... Without using a rescale.


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Some small progress from last night - slight refinements to the first stage, and a draft of the second stage textures with probably the worst UV unwrap I've ever done, no seriously it's hideous I don't know what I was thinking. I am starting to hate the 'stringer' look that Titan has (and frankly, I can't see them at all in the majority of the GLV photos I have...) because it doesn't look... good. But I also haven't played with it too much past my first experiments with the first stage tank texture (which basically hasn't been touched since) so I'll see what I can do about it. Interstage model is obviously unfinished. I need to put some more effort into understanding the weird panel arrangement of the second stage, and pray my UVs don't preclude anything and make me start over...


Sorry for not having a closer up picture of the second stage tank, I didn't think to take one last night.

Want to call a little attention to some refinement I've done to the first stage as well. The 4 ribs (I believe they are the hold down points at the bottom, so it's a vertical reinforcement to transmit to load of the rocket into the pad until takeoff) are shaped much better now and capture the sort of 'flared' silhouette that I've noticed in a lot of images of the Titan 2. Additionally, I modeled in the air scoops on either side of the LR-87, which I noticed in a lot of the Titan GLV images. Like I said, the 'stringer' construction is hard to see or even absent from the GLV images I have... Well, hopefully I'll have plenty of time to keep playing with the tank textures tonight, maybe get the exterior of the interstage done. I can already see I need to extend the white part of the first stage a bit higher. Also, @Pappystein no I'm not removing the ablative part of the LR-91 bell it's pretty distinctive. :P

Note the air scoops on either side, forgive the overdone hold down ribs (they protrude a bit less now than when I took this screenshot) and the weird normal artifacting on the stringers.


For reference, a good 23G pic and a good GLV pic. They should be pretty high res if you follow the link. Note the hold down ribs and air scoops, respectively. Trying to make this simple stack visually interesting however I can. :)


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