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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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I have a small feature request that might be usefull: when using the ascent guidance and you give the Abort command, either on screen or pushing the keystroke, the ascent guidance disengage and hands over control to the player so that he can (try to) safely land his capsule.

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I just started getting that stupud "no-Kerbin-and-most-of-your-ship-is-missing-on-scene-load" bug. Log is being spammed by something about the maneuver planner window:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at MuMech.MechJebModuleManeuverPlanner.GetManeuverNodes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.MechJebModuleManeuverPlanner.WindowGUI (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

Full log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gpbt86d35obo611/output_log.txt?dl=0

using latest dev version (341 or some such? 8 days ago?).

Mean time, is there any way I can edit the save file to make that window not be open when I load that ship?

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Previously, MJ Auto-Docking was very wasteful of monoprop. It would expend 250 units of monoprop and never dock. Then, it improved significantly. From 50 meters, it could dock while using only about 20-25 monoprop.

Those days are gone. As of KSP 0.25, MJ auto-docking is back to being broken. The RCS jets just continuously spew and never dock. Frustrating.

Oh, and MJ Auto-Docking has ALWAYS been stupid concerning relation to target when activated. For instance, if I'm a few meters from the target and pointing at it or nearly so, when I activate MJ-AD, it wastes a lot of monoprop to back away, instead of simply correcting itself to the proper angle.

Edited by Apollo13
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  Apollo13 said:
Your sarcasm is duly noted. Ineffective, but noted. You're one of the more experienced modders here. Who better than you to fix it?

Actually, the main point of FOSS development is that the best person to fix a problem is the person for whom it is a problem. I very much doubt that Nathan ever uses the MJ docking autopilot and he's quite probably never looked at the code before either...

You got a response like that because of the tone of your report, plain and simple. Don't put masked obscenities (which I see you've now removed, so the sarcasm was effective at that, at least) in bug reports, it may make you feel better but it doesn't encourage developers to treat your message any more seriously than any other, in fact, usually less so, if they even acknowledge it at all...

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I will also wait for your pull request Apollo13.

And for your information this is not sarcasm.

On an unrelated note I'm on vacation starting Friday and I'll in the USA. So no code for me until after I come back.

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DC and NYC. Not much warm right now as far as I know, but that won't be worse than my previous amazing idea of visiting Scotland in late October (quite wet, but still marvelous).

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Oh, I deeply sorry sir. Do you need a refund ?

Joke apart your MJ problem is most likle the consequence of the planet, not the source. As for the windows open the KSP/GameData\MechJeb2\Plugins\PluginData\MechJeb2\mechjeb_settings_global.cfg file, find the MechJebModuleManeuverPlanner section and change the "enabled = True" in "enabled = False".

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Love the latest updates to MechJeb. Thanks.

Only thing I don't care for are the dropdowns. So, I went back to the old "arrow" style. However, the order everything shows up in is all scrambled. Is there a way to order them back the way they used to be? I had them all memorized. Thanks!

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Just tried landing a plane. Spaceplane Guidance flew it beautifully... into the surface of the runway because it didn't automatically lower the landing gear. Up until impact it was doing great.

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  Galane said:
Just tried landing a plane. Spaceplane Guidance flew it beautifully... into the surface of the runway because it didn't automatically lower the landing gear. Up until impact it was doing great.

Heh, people today... They want the moon on a stick... ;)

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  Galane said:
Just tried landing a plane. Spaceplane Guidance flew it beautifully... into the surface of the runway because it didn't automatically lower the landing gear. Up until impact it was doing great.

There any trick to getting it to work? Whenever I turn on autopilot, it suddenly and sharply turns the plane a little, and then lets it tilt back to prograde, and then turns sharply again, then back, repeating every half a second. Doing so then causes the plane to stall.

(I am running FAR... does that have specific requirements?)

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  ObsessedWithKSP said:
Yes. It says optional, but if you want MJ and FAR to play nicely together, you need them.

The current version doesn't seem to work correctly, though. The Plugin did a really nice job in the previous versions, but atm it's hard to spot any difference while your plane is getting ripped apart.

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  Galane said:
Just tried landing a plane. Spaceplane Guidance flew it beautifully... into the surface of the runway because it didn't automatically lower the landing gear. Up until impact it was doing great.
  Padishar said:
Heh, people today... They want the moon on a stick... ;)

IKR? It got his plane on the ground, (that part will happen pretty definitely)

What more could you want???

  DavidHunter said:
There any trick to getting it to work? Whenever I turn on autopilot, it suddenly and sharply turns the plane a little, and then lets it tilt back to prograde, and then turns sharply again, then back, repeating every half a second. Doing so then causes the plane to stall.

(I am running FAR... does that have specific requirements?)

Yeah, it's worth noting that you don't need special plugins with Stock Drag Fix for MJ to work.... just sayin' :P

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Tried optional MJ module for NEAR, doesn't seem to change much - plane still makes too sharp moves when I activate SmartASS and using stock SAS is the only option, sadly.

Seems I've noticed a bug: when generating circularize node (at least after take-off from KSC) and hit NODE in SmartASS while force 0 roll is checked, rocket tends to turn upside down, i.e. having Kerbin above the head (by the look of navball). Long time ago there was a bug when SmartASS made such mistakes, but now I somehow a feeling that it's node related, like node is somehow "flipped". I'll try to prove that, 'cause I'm not yet sure.

P.S. I was hoping to find some difference in node editor, but there seems to be none. Anyway, nodes creating using "circularize" after I'm in stable orbit no longer cause same behavior as written above.

Edited by Mystique
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Hello there,

I would like to report my issue...

Despite unchecking "use the applauncher" option, the Icon still appear in the KSP app launcher. As I use Toolbar plugin, I would like to be able to use only one of the icons ;) I think this is a bug.

Kind regards.

P.S. I love your great add-on, either when helping to do tedious repeating task or just to help me limit my thrust or acceleration to very small amounts and gain precision you couldn't had with keyboard without your tool.

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