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Squadcast Summary 2015/10/30 - An Equality of Elasticity Among the Genders

Superfluous J

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Every 15 minutes I drop a time stamp, so if you can find a spot in the video more easily. Something in "quotes" means it was directly said, though I frequently don't bother with that. [brackets] are those rare times where the accent barrier keeps me from understanding something, or I want to say an aside about something Max said about KSP development. Green text is descriptions of what Max is doing in the game, with asides and commentary by me where I feel the desire. If you want to watch the episode yourself, you can find it at http://www.twitch.tv/ksptv/profile/past_broadcasts

Squadcast was just over an hour.


Max appears to have just gotten done with his 2nd job spinning a web any size, and catching crooks just like flies.

It's his old Halloween costume.

Hurricane "actually happened."

Mostly hit unpopulated areas.

He's going to rescue some Kerbals

1.0.5 may be entering Experimentals.

They might not be as long as before.

"You might not have to wait that much."

The rescuer actually landed last time. So "all" he has to do is go home.

He lifts straight up at 1/5th throttle. I know it's Minmus but come on :D

By the time he goes to map mode he's got a straight up trajectory into Kerbal orbit.

The ship has plenty of fuel so no biggie.

I can't even explain what he's doing because I have no frickin' clue. Lets just say his "return" trajectory almost left Kerbin's SOI.

He sets his periapsis to 60, which is way too high but won't kill him at least.

Q: Why don't you play 1.0.5 on Squadcast?

A: It would take away from the media team, content creators, etc.

He throttles up at Pe to bring his Ap down very low.

Q: Release Date

A: You all know the answer so I won't even say it.

That said, they're expecting Experimentals to be short.

Q: Screenshots?

A: Yes, but later.

They are pushing for the time between 1.0.5 and 1.1 to be "as short as humanly possible."

(Max is talking about the awards Squad has gotten. It's not related to the gameplay or development, so I'm not commenting on it. I'm happy about the awards it's just not relevant)

Q: Fixing lag for Saitek joysticks?

A: A lot of the code for joysticks has been overhauled, for steam controller, ps4 and xbox 1 controllers. Overall making it easier to control.


Re-entry is uneventful, mostly because Max had tons of fuel and did most of his slowing down with that fuel, way up in the upper atmosphere.

When the contracts end (I think with the console ports?) with the other developers, Squad will take over support for the console games. It's not a big deal as most of the stuff is just Unity. And if need be they could re-hire the same people to fix any problems.

His rep is "up" to -517.

Q: Multi-screen support?

A: It's something they're looking into with with Unity. It looks very possible, just not quite yet.

He's got another Kerbal, in orbit with no fuel, to rescue. He uses the same ship he just used.

Q: Does Squad have a wish list for 1.2? Or Beyond?

A: "We are currently not happy with the way the game in general looks. Every now and then - and by that I literally mean all the time - we go on reddit... on our forums... we go on social media and what do we see, guys? What do we see? We see absolute and complete beautiful [something] in the game. We see mods tht have brought such gorgousness to the game that is downright mind-boggling. ... And you know what? We want to do our official version of that. We want the game to look just as good."

Why aren't they doing that already? They ran out of RAM.

One solution: asset loader. They are "very interested" in doing that.

"What else could we possibly do after that. Oh that's right. We could move to Unity 5 and make the game 64 bit so the RAM limit becomes a thing of the past."

That is their plan.

Once they have all that room, they will make the game as pretty as they can.

What 1.1 does for KSP is it unlocks the potential for them to go "kinda bananas".

They can get some of the effect by bumping up shaders or changing the lighting, but "we kinda wanna do more."

All he asks for from us is patience.

They thought U5 would be less work, but once they dove into it, it was more work.

By now he's in orbit.

He ejects to Mun, gets there, orbits, and brings his orbit down to the target ship.


He fixes his inclination and then gets an encounter marker of 600 meters. He of course sets it up perfectly to start the encounter at orbital sunset.

Q: (question about bringing other modders on board)

A: They've learned over time that they have an amazing pool of people willing to work with them (for money). It's been amazing. He happily says "Yes" to the idea of approaching people. If they are willing and everything works.

Q: [something about more parts]

A: When they have more RAM, "who knows what will happen."

He EVAs his stranded Kerbal into the rescue ship.

He sets up a pretty efficient return trajectory. It could be worse, but I think if he'd just burned where he was it'd have been better :D

Q: (not really a question) someone wanted to see everything sleek and modern-looking.

A: Maybe a toggle (I suspect in jest).

For some reason he set his Kerbin Pe to 80km and then burned his Ap down.

Q: Female Kerbal bounciness.

A: He was joking. He likes it, and thinks it is funny, but it should and will be fixed. "I believe in an equality of elasticity among the genders"

Re-entry is a bit more typical this time around, more fire and less fuel use.

He does hit the gas though to slow down.


He lands safe and sound.

He looks at contracts for the next mission. He considers a flyby of Duna and a re-enter of Kerbin.

He decides instead to get some science, so he can unlock the next fairings.

He is going to send a probe to land on Duna and transmit science back.

He opts for 2 nukes in the transfer stage, and a Mainsail with a single orange tank to lift off. I predict it will not get to space, but if it does, it'll have way more fuel than it ever needs.

He adds some of the biggest solid boosters too, which will help.

He adds 2 more orange tanks and ...


SMALL DRILLS. And small tanks. But SMALL DRILLS.

Currently only works in high density areas.

... he adds 2 more mainsails to the orange tanks.

Next time this thing will launch, and may even get to space.

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When the contracts end (I think with the console ports?) with the other developers, Squad will take over support for the console games. It's not a big deal as most of the stuff is just Unity. And if need be they could re-hire the same people to fix any problems.

"Support" is not the same as continued development for the console editions. Will the initial console release be the final version?

Edited by r4pt0r
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I just noticed on that picture (which is a screengrab from the video in case you're curious) the top of the screen is blacked out, as if there's something there they don't want us to see. Some new GUI feature perhaps?

Possibly, or the altimeter hasn't been remade yet and that's not blacked out. :P

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The picture has a VAB building tab in it, but the ship is on Minmus. Could this be the long-awaited building in the field? :o

No this was screencapped from Squadcast. What you see is Maxmaps game in the background with an image up front.

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I'm very happy to hear that Squad is gung-ho for a visual enhancement for (perhaps) 1.2! Ideally they'd bring on or at least take advice from the great modders rbray and blackrack who've given us their respective gorgeous visual mods.

No this was screencapped from Squadcast. What you see is the game in the background with an image up front.

And it appears he's onto something; where the navball should be is oddly blacked out. Perhaps that visual part of the game is a placeholder and they don't want us to complain :P or else they're saving all the new visual elements until closer to 1.1's release?

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And it appears he's onto something; where the navball should be is oddly blacked out. Perhaps that visual part of the game is a placeholder and they don't want us to complain :P or else they're saving all the new visual elements until closer to 1.1's release?

I don't see anything blacked out where the Navball should be. That's the ore tanks.

Also, who is blackrack? rbray yes, they also need to look at Valerian (PlanetShine), Felgar (RealPlume), and tajampi's (Engine Lighting) work. There are a few others too.

Edited by Alshain
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Asset loading and the promise of beautification excites me greatly!
I'm very happy to hear that Squad is gung-ho for a visual enhancement for (perhaps) 1.2!.

While this does sound promising, I would take anything Max says with a large pinch of salt. He also said we would get improved pilot/scientist/engineer skills and something rhyming with "schmelta-V" well before the launch of 1.0 and we still don't have that in game (nor does it appear to be part of 1.0.5 or 1.1).

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I don't see anything blacked out where the Navball should be. That's the ore tanks.

Also, who is blackrack? rbray yes, they also need to look at Valerian (PlanetShine), Felgar (RealPlume), and tajampi's (Engine Lighting) work. There are a few others too.

blackrack did Scatterer. I would also add Proot to the list with his awesome Renaissance Compilation (which is mainly just textures for TR/EVE and .cfgs for PlanetShine, DOE, etc..)

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blackrack did Scatterer. I would also add Proot to the list with his awesome Renaissance Compilation (which is mainly just textures for TR/EVE and .cfgs for PlanetShine, DOE, etc..)

Oh, well I hope they don't look at his work. If they add atmospheric scattering of any kind they need to do their own thing and ensure the planet is still the correct color when they are finished. I mean, ground level in Scatterer looks great, but I look at the planet from space more than the ground and from space it looks terrible. It's just the wrong color, it's not Blue, it's... Periwinkle, and you can't see land masses at all.

As for Proot some of his stuff is ok, but if you are going to add clouds, why not... add clouds to Kerbin? It seems to be a problem with many cloud packs where Kerbin almost looks stock there are so few clouds on it.

Edited by Alshain
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Eeeee new drills! :D

Im pretty excited to see a nice graphics pass. Clouds would be great, but do end up demanding some sort of upgraded surface-scanning so you can see where you're landing. It would really help on night-side landings as well. I have to say though in many ways the gameplay elements are more important to me, seeing skills fleshed out and a de-grind pass.

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I think it's about time Squad embraces the potential of this game. I personally don't even view the stock game as half complete. And the game needs so much that I dont know if Squad can handle the work in a decent time frame. Graphical fidelity is one thing. Giving the solar system life and the same wonder and awe that we feel in the real solar system is another.

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Thanks for the Squadcast coverage. I'm glad to hear about further optimization on one hand and improving the world experience (graphics) on the other hand. I can imagine Squad wants KSP to look drop-dead gorgeous. Hey, just a suggestion: more in the way of ambient sound (random critter sounds) and the sound of the surf when one is at a shore.

I'm also always pleased when parts are added or even improved. Thanks to everyone who is making KSP a better game!

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