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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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36 minutes ago, max_creative said:

DRES IS THE BEST PLANET EVER!!! And one of my space program sayings is "loves Dres or get kicked in the face." 

And anyone who comes to attack Dres will regret it. Even the Kerbulans will... 

I have ballistic missiles! 

Sounds like paradise lost. :wink: 

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1 hour ago, max_creative said:

DRES IS THE BEST PLANET EVER!!! And one of my space program sayings is "loves Dres or get kicked in the face." 

And anyone who comes to attack Dres will regret it. Even the Kerbulans will... 

I have ballistic missiles! 

Dres is a dwarf planet

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4 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

I think one good 'feature' of the long time taken that readers have more time to reflect, and i suspect re-read. I'm noticing that peoples' recollections in the comments are much more accurate these days... for example people recalling very specific details about Wernher when he told Gene maybe it'd be better not to go to Kerbulus. 

Well, I'm rather surprised you've gotten as far as you have, given the time dilation you're experiencing in the vicinity of Intrepid.  I'm sure it only seems to you like only a week or so since you started this thread, while we here where time flows at its usual speed have grown entire beards, shaved them off, and regrown them in gray :)


4 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

So will I scale back the posting schedule on purpose? Probably not. Life has a way of making you take breaks from things, so if it isn't my philosophy is to keep going. I guess I'm a bit like Kenlie; the story has to get out of me, I don't really have a choice. :) 

The spirits choose the shamans, not the other way around :)


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22 minutes ago, Geschosskopf said:

we here where time flows at its usual speed have grown entire beards, shaved them off, and regrown them in gray :)

Tell me about it! I didn't even have a beard when this started!

But seriously, Kuzzter, this is great stuff.

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So, back on-topic, Kuzzter, how maneuverable is the Intrepid? Because it's gonna need to be able to escape from the Kermulan space fighters.

(I can imagine the fighters firing missile after missile but Jeb and Val make the Intrepid dodge all of 'em.)

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3 hours ago, KerbalOmmex said:

So, back on-topic, Kuzzter, how maneuverable is the Intrepid? Because it's gonna need to be able to escape from the Kermulan space fighters.

For a ship the size of a class-E asteroid I think the fact it maneuvers at all has to count for something :D 

But hey, let's have a few more pages!




Ahh! Ok so I really did want to finish digging myself out of this plot hole the full reveal of Kenlie's visions in this update, but I think this is a good place to leave it for next time. All of this was done in 1.1 by the way, and the interior views--while very cool--are not as easy to work with as Free IVA was in 1.0.5. Still working out how to do everything--hopefully someone mods some additonal camera controls for the interior overlay, that would be a big help. In other news I accidentally lost all my old animation poses, so I'll have the joy of making those over again! Yay!


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1 hour ago, Kuzzter said:





Gee where were those mafia-association-impression-invoking washed out images inspired from? At first I thought the Scarface poster but that's not quite it. Please put me out of my misery or I'll be wracking my brains all night long.

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27 minutes ago, FyunchClick said:

Gee where were those mafia-association-impression-invoking washed out images inspired from? At first I thought the Scarface poster but that's not quite it. Please put me out of my misery or I'll be wracking my brains all night long.

That was just me, no reference intended--I picked an image correction I liked from the standard PowerPoint offerings :)

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Oh, interesting... 
Now I have to wonder, was Kenlie having visions of anti-Kenlie, and vice-versa it appears, just because of their writings?  
Or are they actually switching back and forth, maybe from anti-Kenlie getting agonized so many times?

Can't wait for the next segment!   :D

Oh, and love the 1.1 pics!  

Edited by Just Jim
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3 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Seems like the more murdery one of them is, the more afraid they are of meeting someone even more murdery.

That's some deep insight! Kenlie's abilities to understand the Kerbulans and their states of mind might well be the key to success. On a side note: Kerbulans are disturbingly human.

Kenlie Kermulan's abilities seem to be getting stronger too. Until now, his writings were tainted by his interpretation of reality but seeing that last page, it looks like now he's even able to "hear" exactly what Kenlie Kerman says.

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Extra points for "murdery" and "another alternate reality". Absolutely fantastic!

I also liked the overlay of Kenlie Kerbulan saying exactly the same thing as Kenlie Kerman. Nice touch.

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Kenlie and anti!Kenlie are seriously screwed. At least Kenlie has friends, can count on their support (at least Lisa's for now) and he will not be tortured for more information. Anti!Kenlie on the other hand... poor guy - i feel sorry for him. Though i have no doubt he IS a bad guy. But now, that he can compare his own experiences with visions of Kenlie's life he might want to change his ways? :)

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22 hours ago, Scotius said:

Anti!Kenlie on the other hand... poor guy - i feel sorry for him. Though i have no doubt he IS a bad guy. But now, that he can compare his own experiences with visions of Kenlie's life he might want to change his ways? :)

EvilKenlie is sho'nuff evil, and he has to live in his society.  His society doesn't waste much sympathy on its own members, let alone outsiders, so there's no option but to conform to that society's norms.  And while his lot may be hard, he was no doubt raised to believe that that which doesn't kill him will make him stronger.

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1 hour ago, Geschosskopf said:

EvilKenlie is sho'nuff evil, and he has to live in his society.  His society doesn't waste much sympathy on its own members, let alone outsiders, so there's no option but to conform to that society's norms.  And while his lot may be hard, he was no doubt raised to believe that that which doesn't kill him will make him stronger.

Probably :) Which makes me even more curious how such society could have evolved? On Earth societies - from smallest hunter-gatherer tribes to continent-spanning nations works thanks to cooperation (mostly willing) between their members. "Sharing the burden" - so to speak. When there is no cooperation, unity and certain amount of trust such groups tend to collapse...explosively. Maybe Kermulans started more like Kerbals, but something went the wrong way relatively recently? Their society is crumbling, but not imploding yet.

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8 hours ago, Scotius said:

Probably :) Which makes me even more curious how such society could have evolved? On Earth societies - from smallest hunter-gatherer tribes to continent-spanning nations works thanks to cooperation (mostly willing) between their members. "Sharing the burden" - so to speak. When there is no cooperation, unity and certain amount of trust such groups tend to collapse...explosively. Maybe Kermulans started more like Kerbals, but something went the wrong way relatively recently? Their society is crumbling, but not imploding yet.

There have been a number of human cultures similar to that of the Kerbulians, from ancient times to the present day.  In them, individuals are primarily driven by the desire for personal power and fame.  The fame comes from doing things for the collective good, the power comes from leveraging that fame.  Patronage is a key part of the system.  Thus, individuals cooperate to gain fame and patronage, which in turn give them power.  But as individuals rise up the hierarchy, the number of positions decreases while the power of those positions increases.  Thus, deadly rivalries develop between individuals at or near the same relatively high levels, by which time they are themselves usually patrons of many subordinates, and the cooperative work of those subordinates increases the fame of the patron.

The late Roman Republic was very much like this, and it continued into both the Western and Eastern Empires.  Those ruled huge territories for many centuries so successfully that even today Western culture retains many of their institutions.  And in the sphere of politics, this sort of thing goes on (although generally with less bloodshed) even in the Western "democracies" of today.  Many of the Asiatic empires seem to have had their fair share of this sort of system as well.  And of course criminal organizations   And of course many criminal organizations work on the same general principles.  So I'm of the opinion that this is the natural way human society organizes itself, it's just gotten sneakier about it in modern times.

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20 hours ago, Scotius said:

Which makes me even more curious how such society could have evolved?

An ape became a man not when it used a stick to get banana from a tree.

An ape became a man when it used a stick to get other ape to get banana for him.

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You are using power point for these comics? Wow. I always assumed you used something like photoshop, gimp or illustrator in order to manipulate the images. But yeah I assume that power point works as well. Never really got into that program because of linux :)


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