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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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9 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

Well.... not always. Remember when they grappled that asteroid in Chapter 7?

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Good point... I've been constantly laughing ever since Grand Theft Spacecraft happened in E:O0. I hope Jeb and Bill were being sincere about Kenlie being the fifth Hummlebeetle, he's just such a nice guy you want the best for him.

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As much as people claim him to be dead, Kraken sometimes returns if not to swallow his prey right away, then to stick his tentacles into the controls and make it turn itself into a better dish.

And then the crew of the Intrepid will find some body on this small brown moon, won't they? I still recommend caution - never presume the Kraken fully dead even if you see that with your eyes.

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On 10/26/2016 at 1:10 PM, Deddly said:

Loving the story, especially the appearance of the Space Beet. But it does feel like they left Vall rather suddenly after making such a ground-breaking discovery. One might have thought they would have stuck around a bit - for science.

I think I might leave quickly too if my science officer reported a huge EM spike from the enormous and mysterious alien artifact I just activated.

Happy landings!

My, but this forum software truly sucks when using from a tablet.


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1 hour ago, Starhawk said:

I think I might leave quickly too if my science officer reported a huge EM spike from the enormous and mysterious alien artifact I just activated.

Yes... YES! *waves hands*






Poor little evil dude, I actually feel sorry for him now :( 

And yeah, I really am pretty low on oxidant--Qwammer reached Intrepid with only a few drops left. There's only enough left in the ship's tanks for one full refuel of Qwammer, meaning that if anything went wrong there would be nothing left for Skimeroo. So, it's legit! (what? Pay no attention to that 1500 units of unconverted ore!) Off we go to Bop, to refuel! Let's see if Sub-Legate Newdun gets away before Sarge's scansat arrives, and if Bill really can "take care of" the rest of the evidence. :) 

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Nice handwaving. I feel that this episode made the whole story run more smoothly! And yeah, poor Wehrford.

The biggest mystery now is: how come the Kerbulans don't explode into a cloud of dust?
I'm willing to assume that it's the same for the Kerbals, but we haven't observed a Kerbal death yet in this universe.


EDIT: Oh, and ... four guys with space madness?

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Just now, Deddly said:

The biggest mystery now is: how come the Kerbulans don't explode into a cloud of dust?

Well, generally when we see a death poof it's the result of a high-speed impact or other extreme trauma. Asphyxiation due to being yanked out of your cockpit without a helmet, that's different :) 

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1 hour ago, Deddly said:

And who are these four mad guys? I thought there were only two in each space program...

Ah! There are of course Kurt, and Not-Kurt who is also Melgee, who lived in a large piece of cheese on Mimnus. But you forget pilot Dongun, who is bread, so you should butter his arm and not put salsa on it, and his engineer Billy-Bobby who made to home-go ALL the cheese with a spectacular claw grab! 



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17 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

I think the the S.A.V.E. was uploaded to Kerbal X. :)

You actually made me go and look for it. :D I'm new to KerbalX, is it really possible to upload saves?

1 hour ago, Kuzzter said:

Let's see if Sub-Legate Newdun gets away before Sarge's scansat arrives, and if Bill really can "take care of" the rest of the evidence.

I wonder when the Kerbals figure out that the uploaded data not only contains al the information about them, but also includes everything about the Kerbulans. And since the kpad is connected to Kerbnet every F5 gives them an update.


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Why do Kermulan ships not have armor? That probably would have saved him. Although armor vs. 32 missiles doesn't help so much... I don't even know who to shoot missiles at anymore... I don't want to hurt the almighty deep space kraken, but I feel a little sorry for the Kermulans now... 

Jeb: Oh, by the way we were testing a new probe at Bop recently. It had bloaking devices and all kinds of cool stuff, but something smashed the viewport and threw it into Jool. 


Jeb: Jool. Not Bop. I think it was the deep space octopus. The deep space kraken's cousin. 


Jeb: It didn't have any weapons on it. It was just a probe. 


Jeb: awwwww...

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3 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Well, generally when we see a death poof it's the result of a high-speed impact or other extreme trauma.

Does that include being bludgeoned to a paste with a Koffee mug?  I wondered how that mug got so clean so quickly, given the big *splorch* of blood on it.

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1 hour ago, max_creative said:

Why do Kermulan ships not have armor? That probably would have saved him. 

From a Kraken? I doubt! However...well, to 'film' that scene I needed Newdun to lose two missiles, and for Wehrford's ship to end up in pieces. I'll let you out two and two together. I thought the ship held up pretty well, considering...

59 minutes ago, Garrett Kramme said:

Looks like the Kerbulans have expended all their ammo. Heh. Wait...

And that's why Val Kermulan only sent two fighters out of the four we've seen. Despair is also still fullly loaded.

And if you think a Kerbulan fighter with no missiles isn't dangerous...

32 minutes ago, Zhetaan said:

Does that include being bludgeoned to a paste with a Koffee mug?  I wondered how that mug got so clean so quickly, given the big *splorch* of blood on it.

Yeah, I was a little worried about 2.2c (gore) when I did that one. But if you look closely at the next scene, you can see there's still a bit of a stain on the bottom :) 

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4 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Poor little evil dude, I actually feel sorry for him now :(

Agreed. No one wants to die a painful death in space without a helmet.

17 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

And if you think a Kerbulan fighter with no missiles isn't dangerous...

Let me guess.. KAMIKAZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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4 hours ago, parameciumkid said:

I thought the reason for Kerbal death poofs was to release the spores contained inside them so they might grow into another grassy mat that spawns new Kerbals. o_O

This is @Geschosskopf's cannon canon, used in his Traveling Circus series.

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4 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

 But if you look closely at the next scene, you can see there's still a bit of a stain on the bottom :) 

Indeed; that stain is the *splorch* to which I refer.  I'm also referring to the scene after that (though the mug is much brighter) and the one two scenes later, where the Koffee mug, in all its pristine glory, sits on the map of the world.  I assume that the dear departed Supreme Leader surely must have had a delayed *poof*.

Now that I think about it, that may explain some of the allure of violent murder among the Kerbulans:  there's no body to hide.

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17 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Well, generally when we see a death poof it's the result of a high-speed impact or other extreme trauma. Asphyxiation due to being yanked out of your cockpit without a helmet, that's different :) 

Actually, I think you may be able to revive him if you give him an atmosphere and CPR. Would be an interesting scene if Sarge's SCANSat finds him and the Intrepid brings him aboard to find out what happened, and learns about the Kermulans! 

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