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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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... The Kermulan empire appears to be a vicious evil dream, a nightmare... how come so strange?... However, it is the counterpart of our friendly and polite kerbal world as we are used to know... Curious to see the reasons behind the dark veil. 
Happy holidays!

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That was great!

It definitely reflects my own split-personality when it comes to solstice festival time.  I do love having family gatherings and sharing much cheer and merriment.  I do however experience very negative feelings about the season due to consumerism and hypocrisy.

I wish for you and all your readers a time of being together with people they hold dear, appreciating them, and enjoying this chance to come together during what, in Northern regions, is the coldest, darkest time of the year.

Festive landings!

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Deck the halls with murderous glee-ee
Don we now our missles and torps!
'Tis the season to torture
Rip apart their gleaming shiiips
Sorry but I really had too
Blaame Kuzzter for making me..
Do a parody!


I couldn't resist ;) I HAD to make it a bit more, "my style," Praise to Kuzzter for parodying the real thing!



1 hour ago, Starhawk said:

enjoying this chance to come together during what, in Northern regions, is the coldest, darkest time of the year.

Hehe, you mean Canada? Yup, I only get 2 hours of full direct sunlight now...

Edited by SpaceplaneAddict
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Aaaand we're back to regular programming:




So yes, I decided that with all the mining I'm likely to be doing, I could use a third engineer on the mission. Enzin Nimzo Kerman is fresh out of the Academy, where he was captin of the cheks team. And no, his name wasn't auto-generated; it's an homage. :D 

Edited by Kuzzter
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Aaand back to our regularly scheduled story-stealing transcription.

Rocket lifting off of pad:

Wernher: Ach du lieber Strudel, such a fairing!  Perhaps you should leave the heavy lifter design to me, ja?  Much less wibble-wobble with cargo bay-und many, many struts!
Gene: Much better!  You're go for launch, Kenlie!
Clauselle: Ohhh, la laa...
Sarge: You can start your turn now, sir.
'Sir'?  Oh, you mean me!  Sarge thing, Sure!
Lisa: I forgot how much I hate liftoff! 
Melbe: I forgot how much I love it!  YEEE HA!
Nizmo: Waitt a minute-we're actually going to space?

New page:
Spacecraft is heading into space:

Melbe: Yep-assuming good ol' Kenlie up there don't crash us!  Shee-oot, Nizmo!  Where'd you think we were going?
Nizmo: I just though, you know, seeing as Wernher just threw a bunch of parts together is five minutes... maybe they'd test it first?
Sarge: This is the test sir... welcome to Kerbfleet.
Nizmo: ...meep.

New page:
Spacecraft deploying from lifter cargo bay:

Dilsby: Nice flying, Looty.   I have you on visual.  So, what are we calling this... thing?
Kenlie: Good question, Comder!  It's even longer than the Longboat!

*Spacecraft is now deployed fully*

Clauselle: D'accord!  It resembles an enormous... flying baguette!
Lisa: Ha haa! *snort* Good one, Clauselle!
Gene: ...please, tell me we're not going to call it that.


As always, story is Kuzzter's.

Edited by Mad Rocket Scientist
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9 minutes ago, Parkaboy said:

"Flying Baguette" sounds fine to me, but to keep it matching with kerbfleet naming conventions, it should be translated into Wernher's german.

Crews do often name their own ships, e.g. Clauselle's Alouette. If we did let Wernher name it, it'd end up being something sausage related. Knockwurstkraft? Der Wienerdriller? Yeah, maybe I'd better not... maybe Nimzo will come up with something non-food related.

8 minutes ago, SpaceplaneAddict said:

What about all of the fuel food cells?

Glad you mentioned that; NOMS and other life support hardware will all be on the main ship. (which the Agenda is certainly not--like its close namesake the Agena it's just for docking practice) I don't expect any of the landers' independent missions to last more than 14 days, so we should be OK. 

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