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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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Fuel sit is not as good as I'd like, but I really did not want to do any more Qwammer trips to Bop surface--I think the final count was ten missions. By my reckoning I've got enough left in the tanks to fly all the Skimmeroo missions I am going to fly, and get the ship back out to Pol--really as long as I arrive there with enough for a single Qwammer landing, all is well. 

Of course, this does not take into account the self-imposed handicap of telling a story involving Kerbulans...their evil plans may cause Intrepid to burn more fuel than she would otherwise, but then again she may lose some mass in the bargain so perhaps it will all work out in the end. :wink: 

Sharp-eyed readers will note a familiar two-kerb team standing by in that Mk2 cockpit. :D 


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Is that a nervous grin I see on Bob's face? (checks the rest of the comic)

I thought so, considering how things went last time this pair crew was flying (and in an atmosphere no less), I can understand any nerves Bob may have, considering he isn't the calmest member of the gang.

Also on an unrelated note, I looked at the distorted comms the Kerbulans got of the crew, I couldn't see any real pattern other than the words were jumbled up seemingly randomly (whatever codec or whatever the term is the Kerbals use is somewhat different from the Kerbulans').


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I must congratulate you on the perseverance required to fly all those refuelling missions.

It will be fun to see those two fly together again.  And I must say I am quite looking forward to Skimmeroo's first flight at Laythe.

Happy Concerned Nervous Worried Anxious Scared landings!

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1 hour ago, Cydonian Monk said:

I really did not want to do any more Qwammer trips to Bop surface--I think the final count was ten missions.

sounds boring



oh yeah, by the way, did anyone notice that there is only one spoiler left in the second part of the interlude? it used to be two, the part with the [RETRACTED] at small blueish green dot?


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50 minutes ago, StupidAndy said:

oh yeah, by the way, did anyone notice that there is only one spoiler left in the second part of the interlude? it used to be two, the part with the [RETRACTED] at small blueish green dot?

Yup. He unspoilered the last panel.

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38 minutes ago, Dman979 said:

Yup. He unspoilered the last panel.

Right. Sometimes when I have a big reveal, I spoiler the last page so that readers scrolling up the page won't see it before reading the panels that come before. Then once I judge that the regular readers have all had time to see it, I remove the spoiler so that it flows better as new readers and re-readers scroll forward through the pages. #thethingsIdoforyou

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11 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

...Sharp-eyed readers will note a familiar two-kerb team standing by in that Mk2 cockpit. :D 

...well, you are talking about those infamous "minmus cheese" brethren, don`t you? Are they back from rehab? As hard as i squint my remaining eyes, i can`t spot them from my lawnchair over here... gonna call the doctor tomorrow for a examination of my eyesight...:confused:
Ahoy Kerbfleet!

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4 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

Pfft. If i wanted to read comics when I was in school, all I had to do was sneak a copy of X-Men inside my social studies textbook. Lots of text this time so a transcript might be inconvenient; don't worry, it'll be here when you get home :) 

Well, I don't know about you, but in the middle of Nowhere USA, we don't have a comic book store.

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4 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

Pfft. If i wanted to read comics when I was in school, all I had to do was sneak a copy of X-Men inside my social studies textbook. Lots of text this time so a transcript might be inconvenient; don't worry, it'll be here when you get home :) 

The only comics I read are ksp comics. You have no idea how many of your comic pages I have in photos... :) 

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Ahh, the... strange exercise of trying to explain the pronunciation using the same written English. Something I just can't interpret in any proper way

How do I read it? Лайтэ
at least when not trying to sound English


And Val seems to have adopted Kerbulan way of planetary nomenclature... let's just hope this doesn't facilitate the connection effect

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I wonder what the Evil Boss wants with that cockpit, and why he put Evil Kenlie into it and zapped him. It could be a trap for the Intrepid to pick up, or perhaps he wants Evil Kenlie out of the picture because he doesn't want Kenlie Kerman to know anything about their location or plans.

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I think 'Spy Boss' is even scarier than Val Kermulan.

37 minutes ago, Deddly said:

perhaps he wants Evil Kenlie out of the picture because he doesn't want Kenlie Kerman to know anything about their location or plans.

This seems very likely to me.  The Kerbulans want to set the terms of the encounter.  And I have no doubt that both The Ghost (I bet you thought I'd forgotten about him) and Val Kermulan are anticipating making maximum use of the element of surprise.

Happy Concerned Nervous Anxious Startled Scared Frightened Alarmed Terrified landings!

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All the pieces are in position now.

But between signal delay and bloaking devices, the Kerbals can only guesstimate their opponents moves. Especially now that Kenlie Kermulan seems to be out of the picture.

One big question remains for me: Will the kraken egg play a role in the outcome of the conflict, or is it going to be a token the crew takes back to Kerbin, to be a starting point for the next book? Because even if the Kerbals are able to outwit the Kerbulans in both the Jool and the Kerbin System, there's a whole planet of bad guys who are now aware of them.

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1 hour ago, Alchemist said:

How do I read it? Лайтэ
at least when not trying to sound English

Interesting. When I see "Laythe" in English, my brain attaches it to lathe, a mono-syllablic word. For Лайтэ, on the otherhand, тэ is definitly its own syllable. Conclusion: The th / y in English is weird...? 

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