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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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I like it how both @Kuzzter amd @Parkaboy's versions of Jebediah are not just insane but actually incredibly intelligent and skilled. PK Jeb immediately worked out what had happened the moment he caught a glimse of Kerbin, whilst KF Jeb could handle that revelation during a test-flight of an experimental aircraft at supersonic speeds at low altitude without batting an eyelid, whilst still pulling off an extremely dangerous and unnecessary maneuver to buzz the VAB in close proximity in the middle of a phone call; and his first thought was whether or not they have snacks in this alternate reality.

A very well thought out comic all round.

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8 hours ago, DolphinDude3 said:

Wait, isn't the K.S.S Redacted inside the VAB? If so... well... then... uh oh...


But wait, the fact that Jeb was test flying the Jool-Dipper on Kerbin means that the Jool Dipper is going to be Kerbbed! Which means... Kuzzter is going to send someone into Jool....

And on Jool, there's no abort to surface option like last time...

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9 hours ago, DolphinDude3 said:

But wait, the fact that Jeb was test flying the Jool-Dipper on Kerbin means that the Jool Dipper is going to be Kerbbed! Which means... Kuzzter is going to send someone into Jool....

Not necessarily! The thing Jeb is flying wouldn't be such a great Jooldipper, what with the airbreathing engines :) He's just testing wing shapes at high mach... OK I just needed an excuse to get him in the air.

9 hours ago, Sanic said:

Wait a minute. Couldn't Kuzzter be a jerk and refuse to turn over Parkaboy's Jeb, thus creating a huge plot-hole in PK?

As much as I'd love to keep him, that would be a terrible idea for a lot of reasons... stay tuned :) 

3 hours ago, Deddly said:

I like it how both @Kuzzter amd @Parkaboy's versions of Jebediah are not just insane but actually incredibly intelligent and skilled. PK Jeb immediately worked out what had happened the moment he caught a glimse of Kerbin, whilst KF Jeb could handle that revelation during a test-flight of an experimental aircraft at supersonic speeds at low altitude without batting an eyelid, whilst still pulling off an extremely dangerous and unnecessary maneuver to buzz the VAB in close proximity in the middle of a phone call; and his first thought was whether or not they have snacks in this alternate reality.

Eyelid? :D But seriously, thank you. It's a lot of fun writing for two Jebs, and @Parkaboy made a great one for Plan Kappa. 

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I'm loving it!!

"Save the markers!"  :D

'Corruption' on so many levels it makes one's head swim.

Poor Jebs!  Poor Bill!  Poor Matsel, Franklin, and Wehrford!
Who or what will save them all?
Will time in the Kappaverse 'corrupt' Bill?

Happy Concerned Alarmed landings!

Edited by Starhawk
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47 minutes ago, Chemp said:

Who knows, maybe Bill with his editing abilities can help figuring out what's wrong with the Kappaverse

Maybe all of Bill's meddling with the persistence is what's causing the issues over there. 

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1 hour ago, Just Jim said:

Oh no..................  hehehehe  :confused:

Exactly! Who knows how many more Jebs will show up in the Kerbfleet-verse? This tale is "far, far from over" :D 

1 hour ago, Starhawk said:

'Corruption' on so many levels it makes one's head swim.

I know, poor Kenlie! Space Madness would have been a kinder fate--after this conversation with Kappa-Jeb and another bottle or two of koffee pills, he could end up writing kerbulan slashfic! 

1 hour ago, Parkaboy said:

So apparently Mort did managed to send a bill... :D

Ohhh, that's GOOD! I wish I'd thought of that. A rare case (for me) of an un-intended pun!

50 minutes ago, Chemp said:

Who knows, maybe Bill with his editing abilities can help figuring out what's wrong with the Kappaverse


2 minutes ago, Torgo said:

Maybe all of Bill's meddling with the persistence is what's causing the issues over there. 

Could go either way, it's out of my hands now! And however much you guys are looking forward to seeing the next part, I am even MORE so :D 

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"Very glad you called, Bill! We've got some strange fluctuations in our accelleration. Parts of the station are starting to vibrate spontaneously!" - Franklin Kerman

Funny you should mention that, I just fixed a bug in Pathfinder that was causing modules to vibrate, and kerbals to fall down when trying to carry habitat components...

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These last couple of page might be the best ones yet.

*Everyone is running away from the VAB*

Bill: Unbelievable,  Jeb! You couldn't have crashed in the water?
Kappa-Jeb: Sorry!
Jeb: Sorry.
KSC-crew one: Aahhh!
Gus: Go! Go! Everybody out!
KSC-crew three: Run!
Marker-guy: Save the markers!
*Bill walks into monolith*
Bill: Ow.  How come I never noticed that before?
*Bill is looking at crew roster on a k-pad*
Bill: Hm.  There's two Jebs in here all right-identical except for their service records!
Bill: ...and that's not all!

New page:

*Bill is looking at the Macaroomi Station file*

Bill: ...these strange blotches on the file-almost like something's eating it...and whatever they are, they're growing! I wonder...
Bill: ...Micarooni Station, come in please.  Are you noticing anything... odd up there?
Wehrford: Very glad you called, Bill!  We've got some very strange fluctuations in our acceleration.  Parts of the station are starting to vibrate spontaneously!
Matsel: We're also detecting a surge in negative gravoli particles.
Franklin: Yup.  Never seen anything like it!

New page:

Jeb: Yay, I missed the VAB!  In other news, my wings fell off!
Bill: OK this is definitely not good.  Our whole existence is getting... corrupted somehow!
K-Jeb: So when two grown-up kerbs love each other very much...
Kenlie:You mean like Bill and Bob?
K-Jeb: Whoa! Really?  Those two?  Yeah, OK, I can see it... I mean, you love who you love, Junior, but that's not where little Kerbals come from!
Bill: All right, I'd better close the file now before I make it any...
Jeb: Look out, Bill!  AAAAHHH!!!
Bill: ...worse.
*Bill is floating around Dicey station, in Kappa-S.A.V.E.!*

Now, it's time for a bit of Kappa history for those of you who haven't been following Plan Kappa:
Kerbin will be destroyed very soon, and in the meantime spacetime is falling apart, causing kerbonauts from different futures (Some insane) to appear in orbit of Kerbin.  Plan Kappa is a plan to create many independent bases around the Kerbol system.  Many other things are happening, including SPACE MADNESS, romances, and space pirates.  Dicey station is a space station built in Munar orbit, built to collect info on the universe.  Stelrine is currently on it, and she no longer recognizes the authority of the Kappa-space program.  She and the other scientists were making a Gravoli Generator, to neutralize negative gravolis by making positive gravolis.  However, Dicey station began to produce Negative gravolis, and stopped responding to calls!  Jeb was sent on a mission to force them to disable the gravoli generator.  They refused to do so, so Jeb rammed the gravoli generator with his ship, leaving Steve, who was not in on the secret mission, but was on Jeb's ship, stranded nearby.  Now Kerbfleet-Bill is there too. 
Whew.  That's it.  Tell me if I messed up something.


Edited by Mad Rocket Scientist
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Cross-dimensional caper! :D As for Kenlie, actually i think this might be good for him. If Kappa!Jeb gets to explain Multiverse in detail, then Kenlie will have another explanation for his "visions" than: "You're off your ROCKER!"

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I have been squealing like a pre-teen girl talking about Justin Beiber ever since I saw the orange writing of Jeb in Kerbfleet: A Jool Oddysey. And now I read the Plan Kappa side and it's given a badS explanation. An awesome crossover, I have to say.

Edited by GregroxMun
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On December 16, 2015 at 5:39 PM, Sanic said:

Nice job with the letter, Parkaboy :) You manage to invoke the feels.
On a side note, randomness detector detects clone mayhem. And more time travel witchcraft.



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