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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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3 hours ago, Deddly said:

I was actually just editing my post to add that my appetite for the next episode is well and truly alley wetted...


3 hours ago, Dman979 said:

I'm just waiting for some more!

I couldn't wait either. Transcript will follow for the internet impaired, though there is a lot of dialogue here so it may take a while. MRS, if you happen to start working on it first please PM me so we don't duplicate :) 

And now, let's reveal our mystery guest!







So, I launched the Derpstar with Gusmore Gregmore aboard, thinking I would indeed have him stow away on the Intrepid, doubling for Kenlie and not revealing himself until the ship had made its escape burn, and as Heinlein and @Geschosskopf have said, "all bills are paid". But I changed my mind. Besides the life support limitations (which I'm sure I could have dealt with) I decided that the story I want to tell for Gregmore in this book would work just as well or better on Kerbin as it would on Jool. And as I started to write it, I realized that this would be a good growth opportunity and a chance for a 'darker' turn for Kenlie, which I thought appropriate given what he's been seeing.

Edited by Kuzzter
I legitimately got the name wrong first time :)
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Thank you!

Gregmore is a great brick joke.  I'm quite interested to see what you have in store for him.

The Kenlie stuff was all so fun and interesting.  It's fascinating to watch the character develop.  And he's probably got enough on his plate without having to deal with having a double aboard.

Engineering question: Why did you choose the balloon rover wheels over the ruggedized ones?

Happy Concerned landings!

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4 minutes ago, Starhawk said:

Engineering question: Why did you choose the balloon rover wheels over the ruggedized ones?

I think they move a bit faster.

And from Wherner's point of view, the helium in them make them lighter.

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4 minutes ago, Starhawk said:

Engineering question: Why did you choose the balloon rover wheels over the ruggedized ones?

Size. The ruggedized wheels, which i do prefer, didn't make it into the bay in testing. Balloons did :) Also I think they need less power, which is good if you're running the whole thing on RTGs and still want to think about transmitting science. 

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49 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

And now, let's reveal our mystery guest!

Hahah, the old patch trick!  Kinlie will never live that down :)

17 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

Size. The ruggedized wheels, which i do prefer, didn't make it into the bay in testing. Balloons did :) Also I think they need less power, which is good if you're running the whole thing on RTGs and still want to think about transmitting science. 

Actually,the balloons use 43% more EC than the ruggedized, 1.0/s vs. 0.70/s.  This means that a single RTG (0.75/s) can run a ruggedized at full power indefinitely with enough left over (assuming you have 1 RTG/wheel) to run SAS, probe core, etc., as the same time.  But with balloon wheels, you need a ratio of 1.5 RTG/wheel for the same result.  If you don't have that ratio, then you slow down when the battery runs out.

I find rovers to be among the most expensive craft in the game, pound for pound.  RTGs cost $23.3K each so even a minimalist, 4-wheel rover that only weighs 1 ton or so will cost about $100K once you add the mission equipment.  But that's the price of operating where the sun don't shine.

Edited by Geschosskopf
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TRANSCRIPT: (easier for me since I can cut and paste :) )

[Derpstar reaching orbit]

Kenlie: Almost there… Intrepid in sight!
Samantha: Yes! Nailed it!

[Intrepid Bridge]

Dilsby: Ahoy Derpstar! Hold station there. Mister Kenlie, you’ll fly the Gumdrop into the hangar. Sarge, suit up—you’ll have to do an EVA to get the rover.
Sarge: (off camera) ooh rah!

Kenlie: Well, here I go! Bye Sam!
Samantha: Bye Kenlie! Have a great time!
Kenlie: Ha ha! Yeah… 

[new page: Kenlie transfers to the Gumdrop cockpit:

Kenlie: (thoughts) Now I’ll be alone… just me and my thoughts. Will I think of… them? I have to stop this.I have to tell someone! But who’ll believe me? No one, that’s who. It’s probably all in my head anyway, like that thing with the munolith… …but that was real! At least I think it was.. Oh no, oh no! Murder… terror…

Stowaway: Hiya, Kenlie!
Kenlie: Wha?!

[new page: Gumdrop cockpit]

Kenlie: Why me? Why does the weird stuff always happen to me?
Stowaway: Hey, at least stuff happens to you! Nothing happens to me. Until now, that is! I’m going to Jool!
Kenlie: No, you’re not! I don’t even know who you are!
Gregmore: It’s me, Gregmore! We were roomies at the Academy, remember?
Kenlie: Oh, that explains it-- I always thought that room was big for a single.
Gregmore: Come on, Kenlie, bring me to the Intrepid and I’ll do half your chores. Heck, I’ll do all of them!
Kenlie: Nuh-uh. Dilsby would never go for it.
Gregmore: He’d never know! See, I’d be
you. We look alike—same branch and rank— and besides, I’m pretty good at not being noticed!
Kenlie: Well other than that being a really
stupid idea, being me isn’t exactly that easy right now, Gregbob.
Gregbob: Greg

Samantha: Hey, Kenlie? Intrepid’s calling, they want to know why you haven’t undocked yet.

[new page]

Gregmore: Don’t answer her! Look, I brought you a patch! See, I always felt like you were really a part of the Eve mission, Kenlie, and so--
Kenlie: Ohhh, no, I’m not falling for that again! Now listen up, Gusmore or whatever the heck your name is. If you don’t want to wind up duct taped to a chair, you’ll transfer to the cockpit right now and ride down with Samantha. She’s Air Service, she won’t tell anyone about this.
Gusmore: But—
Kenlie: GO!! I’m doing you a favor. I’m probably saving your darned life. Tell them I’m coming, Sam.

[new page. Gumdrop is undocking and thrusting out of the bay.]

Kenlie: Gumdrop Two away.
Gregmore (Derpstar cockpit): Hello, you must be Sam!

Sarge: (floating past the Gumdrop): Good evening, sir.
Kenlie: Evening, Sarge.

Sarge: …I’ve reached the bay. Good-looking rover!
Kenlie: (flying into hangar deck) Intrepid, Gumdrop Two ball...

[new page]

Jeb (from LSO station): Right– er, starboard dock, Kenlie, the one on the greenhouse..
Kenlie: Aye aye. Acquiring…


Dilsby (from Bridge): All right, Sarge, you can ‘drive’ on over. How’s she handling?
Sarge: (mounted on rover which is flying towards Intrepid) Couldn’t ask for a smoother ride, Comder!

Edited by Kuzzter
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OK, poling my pirogue down the bayou for the 1st time this year made me wax rhapsodic:

Good-bye Mort
Gotta look smart
Me gotta go fly Intrepid
Off to Jool-oh
Skimeroo, Quammer, too
And the Gumdrops
We have big fun
Out at Jool-oh


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15 hours ago, Scotius said:

Poor Gregmore - he wants to be a part of the pack so much. And yet he constantly disappears into the background. I hope you have something good in store for him :)

Isn't Gregmore just exuding a natural form of bloaking field? He may be the best infiltrator Kerbfleet has on staff.

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7 hours ago, FyunchClick said:

Isn't Gregmore just exuding a natural form of bloaking field? He may be the best infiltrator Kerbfleet has on staff.

Trouble is, Kerbfleet would forget that they deployed him and if they found him later (say, wreaking havoc on a Kerbulan ship) they'd probably think he was Kerbulan. Until they forgot that they captured him.

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A new day, a new song! I'm enjoying this- I get to re-write some of my favorite tunes.

Sidereal Noon

Be not forsaken, Mister Gregmore
On this launch window da-ay
be not forsaken Mister Greg-more!
Wait, wait alone

Though you know not what flight awaits you
SInce you're Kerbfleet you must be brave
and you will fly the long Dres mission
and be a hero-
a famous hero-

ride home your capsule's sonic wave

Oh, to be stopped by Kenlie Kerman
'fore the Intrepid for Jool'sa burn'n
Look at that spaceship move along,
nearing the node

You made a vow while in you were learnin'
vowed promotions you'd be earnin

you're not afraid of space but Oh! what could you do
if they leave you?

Be not forsaken Mister Gregmore,
fortune and fame will soon be yours!
Be not forsaken Mister Gregmore,
though friends are leavin', and you are grievin'
because you stand on Kerbin's shores

Wait alone,
wait alone.

Wait alone,
wait alone...

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