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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-END OF CHAPTER 21! (and hopefully not so many talking heads in 22!)

Mister Dilsby

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5 hours ago, GregroxMun said:

Wouldn't the Kerbal version of Sabre be "Rapier?" Despite both being swords...






Well rapier is an acronym, and kerbals appear to have difficulty recognizing words in acronyms shown by the description of the airbrakes part, so they probably don't notice it. 

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The "base" visible to the left of the sun is Intrepid. Total burns for Jool capture add up to about 1200, which is half the remaining fuel. Will correct for a lower Tylo flyby once I see where the earlier maneuvers put me; then will evaluate the final capture on entering the system. Smart move is probably to make for Bop or Pol to refuel the ship before going on to the major moons. 

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1 hour ago, Kuzzter said:

Smart move is probably to make for Bop or Pol to refuel the ship before going on to the major moons. 

Where to refuel at Jool is an issue that has sharply divided the community between those who prefer Vall and those who prefer Pol.  Bop's not really a good choice due to its inclination (not to mention its Resident Evil).  Having done both, I favor Vall.  My reasoning goes like this:


  • Low gravity so fuel shuttle needs little thrust and burns little fuel getting cargo back up to orbit.


  • 1-way trip between Laythe and Pol requires somewhat over 1000m/s to transfer out or capture coming back.
  • 1-way trip between Laythe and Pol takes several weeks of gametime.
  • Pol has SIGNIFICANT disparities between its visible ground surface and the altitude of its surface collider, which cause frequent ship explosions during descent and much Kraken-dancing for stuff that actually makes it to the surface.
  • Pol, being an icy, KBO-type thing, has rather low Ore concentrations.


  • Adjacent to Laythe:  1-way trips take only a couple days and a couple hundred dV.
  • Reasonably good Ore in the flat areas
  • Is NOT a spawn of the Daemon Sultan Azathoth cleverly disguised as a moon, and is NOT adjacent to R'lyeh Bop.


  • Gravity is approximately twice Mun's (about 1/4 Kerbin's) so the fuel shuttle needs more thrust and consumes more fuel in transit.
Edited by Geschosskopf
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10 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

One factor that may affect the analysis here: I do not intend to use any "fuel shuttle". :wink: 

Due to the collider and other Kraken issues at Pol, not to mention the complete absence of anything remotely resembling half an acre of clear, level ground, I personally have great trepidation landing even Gumdrop-sized things there, much less something like Intrepid.  If you're determined to do it anyway, I strongly recommend running it simulations in the parallel universe of the stunt doubles before committing to it in the main story save.



Oh, and @Geschosskopf your comment reminds me I really should have had Wernher call someone "bullet head" during the Zwischenspiel. Missed opportunity there :)

Well, at least I'm not "mug head" like the late Leader Shirley :)


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1 hour ago, Geschosskopf said:

Where to refuel at Jool is an issue that has sharply divided the community between those who prefer Vall and those who prefer Pol.  Bop's not really a good choice due to its inclination (not to mention its Resident Evil).  Having done both, I favor Vall.  My reasoning goes like this:


  • Low gravity so fuel shuttle needs little thrust and burns little fuel getting cargo back up to orbit.


  • 1-way trip between Laythe and Pol requires somewhat over 1000m/s to transfer out or capture coming back.
  • 1-way trip between Laythe and Pol takes several weeks of gametime.
  • Pol has SIGNIFICANT disparities between its visible ground surface and the altitude of its surface collider, which cause frequent ship explosions during descent and much Kraken-dancing for stuff that actually makes it to the surface.
  • Pol, being an icy, KBO-type thing, has rather low Ore concentrations.


  • Adjacent to Laythe:  1-way trips take only a couple days and a couple hundred dV.
  • Reasonably good Ore in the flat areas
  • Is NOT a spawn of the Daemon Sultan Azathoth cleverly disguised as a moon, and is NOT adjacent to R'lyeh Bop.


  • Gravity is approximately twice Mun's (about 1/4 Kerbin's) so the fuel shuttle needs more thrust and consumes more fuel in transit.

I made something similar to this when I was planning my mission report because the main ship needs to land. 



  • None. Enough said. 


  • High gravity 
  • Abosultly evil! 
  • +LOTS more. 



  • Parachutes work there. 
  • Jet engines also work.


  • Atmosphere makes ascent difficult.
  • Jet packs are useless.
  • Lots of fuel used.
  • Relatively high gravity. 
  • + a lot more. 



  • Low gravity. 
  • The crater in the North half of the Western Hemisphere is mostly flat and a good landing spot.
  • Kraken makes nice tourist attraction.


  • Has some big mountains! The tallest is almost 22 kilometers above sea level! 
  • Because of its small size, it is bumpy and hilly. 

Ok. Summary overall: Bop or Pol is best if you want to land the whole ship.

Bop has higher gravity but is safer and flatter overall. 

Pol has lower gravity but also has weird kraken attacks and big mountains. 

All other moons, STAY AWAY FROM! Well, if you are in a Bad-S Mood a mostly horizontal Vall landing with the main ship might be possible, but other than that. 

Hope this is helpful (and not just a waste of 20 minutes typing).

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16 hours ago, GregroxMun said:

That's fine. It would be super weird for your adorable pacifist Kerbals to have a vessel named after a weapon. :P

But, for all we know, that could be the Kerbalese word for what we English speaking hoomans call a bacon cheeseburger. And since bacon cheeseburgers are what makes the Earth go around, it makes perfect sense that some little green aliens would name a craft after a food that makes their world go around.  

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Arrrgh, a whole mean looking fleet of Kerbulans, certainly up to no good.

May I ask how you got the big one into orbit? I've always struggled to attach lifters to that MK3 endpiece, since those tree engines leave no room for a decoupler.

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For those of you who wish to ruin the dark mood of the above teaser:



One carrier with 6 missiles, and 2 fighters, with 2 missiles each?

The carrier has room for 5 kerbals, and the fighters have 1 kerbal.

The carrier also appears to have lots of LFO for refueling the fighters, and for the side pod engines.  Do the side pods detach?  It's not clear how they could be controlled.  Is the mk3 segment in front of the one with the radiators on it a cargo bay?


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13 minutes ago, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

For those of you who wish to ruin the dark mood of the above teaser:

Very nice job! I'd never have guessed that there was a Hitchhiker container behind that slanted MK3 tank until I read your post.
I think that it's a cargo bay indeed, you can just barely see the hinges above the side pod.

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34 minutes ago, Chemp said:

May I ask how you got the big one into orbit? I've always struggled to attach lifters to that MK3 endpiece, since those tree engines leave no room for a decoupler.

I got it up legit :) Four Mammoths are the expendable boost stage--launch is pretty much vertical up to 40km, turn and burn. Ugly, but effective--very Kerbulan :) I think there's an earlier panel where you can see it lifting off, actually. On my phone now so not convenient to rummage for it sorry...

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39 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

I got it up legit :) Four Mammoths are the expendable boost stage--launch is pretty much vertical up to 40km, turn and burn. Ugly, but effective--very Kerbulan :) I think there's an earlier panel where you can see it lifting off, actually. On my phone now so not convenient to rummage for it sorry...





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'really ugly helmskerb'  :D

Tylo gravity capture FTW!

It's interesting to note that the Kerbulans are not completely efficient and still have some 'kerbal' aspects to them.  This helps ease my concerns a little bit.  Kurt and Melgee were quite amusing.

Happy Concerned Nervous landings!

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6 hours ago, Starhawk said:

It's interesting to note that the Kerbulans are not completely efficient and still have some 'kerbal' aspects to them.  This helps ease my concerns a little bit.  Kurt and Melgee were quite amusing.

One wonders how Kurt and Melgee Kermulan became mad...perhaps they were stuck in an 'abandoned' Numar listening post spying on Rockomaximus for a few years? No matter... 

And now you've seen the Kerbulan flotilla headed for Jool. Not two but four fighters--and the analysis is correct, the Despair does indeed have plenty of LFO to refuel those fighters. Kerbulans don't carry mining equipment, of course; they take what they want, and every ship has a docking claw for that purpose. 

We've identified the four pilots in the fighters; might take a bit of looking through back issues but Newdun and Wehrford Kerman do indeed both exist in Kerbfleet. You've also seen most but not all of the Despair's crew. Note a subtlety of the Kerbulan ship's bridge (which, as some may have guessed, is built into that Mk3 cargo bay): while the engineering and science stations as well as the turbolift are all abaft the Intrepid captin's chair, a Kerbulan commander has the privilege of sitting with her back to the bulkhead. :D 

You still haven't seen the Ghost... but then again very few have, and fewer still have lived to talk about it.

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There is something I have been wondering for a long time : Are Clauselle and the others really aboard the ship? If yes, how did you make them remove their helmets in space? Or are they actually on Kerbin, in a big cockpit, and the pictures are taken in such a way that we don't notice everything actually takes place on Kerbin?

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I really love it when the Kerbulans get punished for minor expressions of hilarity. This simply cries for rebellion...

-*BZZZZZ*-           ....... sic semper tyrannis.....            -*BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ*-

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42 minutes ago, Elowiny said:

Are Clauselle and the others really aboard the ship?

Yes they are! Texture Replacer (with a small tweak to its config file) is what let's the helmets come off. Basically, I tell TR that every body in the Kerbol system has breathable atmosphere down to a pressure of 0 kPa. i've actually orbited helmetless kerbals around Minmus before to use it as a greenscreen :)

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On 14/06/2016 at 3:29 PM, Kuzzter said:

Thank you! What a nice tribute.

Seems fine on my end. Mail me your computer and I'll take a look at it :) 

And for everyone else-- LAST CALL for any questions you think Gene should ask Wernher before I finish the Zwischenspiel!

It is fine now.I think it might have been the internet glitching out.BTW I really like the zwischenspiel

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