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Sigma Dimensions


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37 minutes ago, Senshi said:

What values would constitute a true 2.5x scaled stock system?

there's no "true 2.5x" because the choice on parameters is mostly personal,

what I would suggest is to take inspiration from what stock does when creating a small system, so

Rescale and Resize = 2.5

Atmosphere = 1.041667

dayLengthMultiplier = 1.5

atmoTopLayer = 1.1


everything else you can keep unchanged, or change to match your taste


I don't really know about dv but this was already discussed in the thread and you might find some interesting posts, but I don't know how far back you need to go

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Hi all,

can you help me with creating config for Sigma? What I want to achieve is resize/rescale Kerbol system 3 times (planet sizes and orbits x 3), plus additional Mun orbit rescale x2 (so total Mun orbit is 12M x 3 x 2 = 72M)

I have two config files. First modified from KScale2 mod:

    Resize = 3
    Rescale = 3
    Atmosphere = 1
    dayLengthMultiplier = 2

    geeASLmultiplier = 1
    landscape = .50
    atmoVisualEffect = 1
    resizeScatter = 0
    CustomSoISize = 0
    CustomRingSize = 0
    atmoASL = 1
    tempASL = 1


and second created by me:

            Rescale = 2


First config is working, and all system is correctly rescaled. But additional rescale for Mun is not working.

Can anyone help me with this? How can I apply both global changes for all planets, and additional change for one body?

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actually the first file is working, problem was only with second one.

I fixed the problem by changing it to:

        @PlanetDimensions[1] = 6


Now everything is working as expected.

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59 minutes ago, Sigma88 said:

I have literally no idea what that is


Only hit I get is from RSS.

His first file would work if his patches are read before SIGMA's?

4 hours ago, nowylepszyszatan said:


actually the first file is working, problem was only with second one.

I fixed the problem by changing it to:

        @PlanetDimensions[1] = 6


Now everything is working as expected.

Yup, ModuleManager changes values that are then used in the end - no multiplication simply by changing it twice.

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1 minute ago, KerbMav said:

Only hit I get is from RSS.

His first file would work if his patches are read before SIGMA's?

Yup, ModuleManager changes values that are then used in the end - no multiplication simply by changing it twice.

this is ancient history

I had completely forgot about that


it goes without saying that it won't work

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I still aim for a 105km atmosphere for Kerbin that stretches reasonably.

With the Graphotron mod I took one reading per quarter second during ascend in the original (org) Kerbin atmosphere, as well as with different Atmosphere and atmoTopLayer settings.
(The last three columns are weird tries to change the pressure curve key by hand ...)
I then picked the pressure value for altitudes in 2500m increments from the readout list.

While only setting a value for atmoTopLayer keeps the lower atmosphere close the stock pressure, it also thins out the upper atmosphere very quickly, so that it does not really add to the thickness of the atmosphere, while still raising the border to space.

Only setting a value for Atmosphere gives an upper atmosphere thinning close to stock, but also thickens the lower layers by quite a bit.

With the two values I picked the the lower thickening was less, but again the upper atmosphere got close to non-existing a bit early.

Does anyone have an idea on how to set both variables to get a smoother curve closer to the stock one? Or is the thicker lower atmosphere inevitable? My brain is about to quit ...




  alt       1.0 1.5         1.5 1.0         1.15 1.3          org           org key        key new         key new 2 

    155     99,1630000      99,8869000      99,4566000      99,0000000     101,3250000     101,3250000     101,3250000 

   2500     69,8799000      79,1149000      73,5120000      69,3550000      69,6813800      69,6813800      69,6813800 

   5000     45,8687000      61,1765000      51,8001000      46,0050000      47,9086200      47,9086200      47,9086200 

   7500     29,8716000      46,3549000      35,1917000      29,4255000      32,9316900      32,9316900      32,9316900 

  10000     18,1752000      34,6768000      23,4604000      18,0145000      22,6320600      22,6320600      22,6320600 

  12500     11,2473000      25,1561000      15,5612000      11,1173000      11,8731300      11,8731300      15,3684000 

  15000      6,7875000      18,0097000      10,2287000       6,7878000       9,1727980       9,1727980      11,8731300 

  17500      4,1491000      13,2536000       6,7333000       4,1460000       4,8422610       4,8422610       9,1727980 

  20000      2,6474000       9,5190000       4,3754000       2,5920000       4,8422610       4,8422610       4,8422610 

  22500      1,6374000       6,8548000       2,8921000       1,6192000       2,0500970       4,8422610       4,8422610 

  25000      1,0216000       4,9751000       1,8917000       1,0046000       2,0500970       2,0500970       4,8422610 

  27500      0,6628000       3,5336000       1,2589000       0,6320000       0,6905929       2,0500970       2,0500970 

  30000      0,4239000       2,5763000       0,8315000       0,4079000       0,6905929       2,0500970       2,0500970 

  32500      0,2761000       1,8769000       0,5615000       0,2695000       0,6905929       0,6905929       2,0500970 

  35000      0,1804000       1,4044000       0,3892000       0,1771000       0,2201734       0,6905929       0,6905929 

  37500      0,1170000       1,0078000       0,2715000       0,1167000       0,2201734       0,6905929       0,6905929 

  40000      0,0808000       0,7485000       0,1870000       0,0802000       0,2201734       0,6905929       0,6905929 

  42500      0,0556000       0,5513000       0,1324000       0,0546000       0,0576847       0,6905929       0,2201734 

  45000      0,0372000       0,4039000       0,0937000       0,0364000       0,0576847       0,2201734       0,2201734 

  47500      0,0243000       0,3092000       0,0695000       0,0241000       0,0576847       0,2201734       0,2201734 

  50000      0,0166000       0,2371000       0,0480000       0,0158000       0,0175379       0,2201734       0,2201734 

  52500      0,0103000       0,1801000       0,0339000       0,0140000       0,0175379       0,2201734       0,2201734 

  55000      0,0067000       0,1355000       0,0246000       0,0140000       0,0175379       0,2201734       0,0576847 

  57500      0,0042000       0,1062000       0,0167000       0,0040000       0,0045918       0,0576847       0,0576847 

  60000      0,0026000       0,0801000       0,0110000       0,0024000       0,0045918       0,0576847       0,0576847 

  62500      0,0016000       0,0632000       0,0076000       0,0015000       0,0014971       0,0576847       0,0576847 

  65000      0,0009000       0,0490000       0,0052000       0,0007000       0,0014971       0,0576847       0,0576847 

  67500      0,0006000       0,0378000       0,0033000       0,0002000       0,0014971       0,0175379       0,0175379 

  70000      0,0003000       0,0288000       0,0021000       0,0000000       0,0000000       0,0175379       0,0175379 

  72500      0,0002000       0,0218000       0,0014000                                       0,0175379       0,0175379 

  75000      0,0001000       0,0164000       0,0009000                                       0,0175379       0,0175379 

  77500      0,0000000       0,0122000       0,0006000                                       0,0175379       0,0175379 

  80000      0,0000000       0,0089000       0,0004000                                       0,0045918       0,0045918 

  82500      0,0000000       0,0065000       0,0003000                                       0,0045918       0,0045918 

  85000      0,0000000       0,0046000       0,0002000                                       0,0045918       0,0045918 

  87500      0,0000000       0,0035000       0,0000000                                       0,0045918       0,0045918 

  90000      0,0000000       0,0024000       0,0000000                                       0,0045918       0,0014971 

  92500      0,0000000       0,0017000       0,0000000                                       0,0014971       0,0014971 

  95000      0,0000000       0,0012000       0,0000000                                       0,0014971       0,0014971 

  97500      0,0000000       0,0008000       0,0000000                                       0,0014971       0,0014971 

 100000      0,0000000       0,0004000       0,0000000                                       0,0014971       0,0014971 

 102500      0,0000000       0,0001000       0,0000000                                       0,0014971       0,0014971 

 105000      0,0000000       0,0000000       0,0000000                                       0,0000000       0,0000000 


Same table as google doc - if I did everything correctly ...




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So, I'm not entirely sure what caused this as I've never really used Kopernicus before. I just copied my game folder (with a number of mods I've used forever, none of which should conflict with Kopernicus or this), and added Kopernicus and Sigma Dimensions so I could play in a 2.5x scale. I actually used the numbers you gave at the top of this page for the settings.cfg as that was the scale I was hoping to play anyway.

Now, everything seems to have worked.. Kerbin's atmosphere is higher, the Mun is 2.5x farther out.. all seemed good. That is, until I went to the Mun and noticed that there was no light side to land on. In fact, my Kerbals have been banished to a universe of eternal darkness.. with two suns. There's the normal sun in the middle of the solar system, and a second one way off the edge of everything that actually looks bigger and brighter. Neither is actually illuminating anything, though I didn't test solar panels. Anyone have any idea what I could have broken?

The second one almost appears to be part of the skybox, but it's not there at all in my more or less identical game that hasn't been 2.5x'd.

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@Sigma88 I am looking for a combination of Atmosphere and atmoTopLayer values that extend Kerbin's atmosphere to 105km, do not change (especially not severely thicken) the lower layers up to around 15-20km to much and thin it out nicely up to the top.

While only using atmoTopLayer keeps the lower layers close to stock, it really thins out the upper atmosphere to the point that the extra 35km are virtually non-existant.
Adding any amount of Atmosphere value seems to always thicken the lower atmosphere, so keeping this value quite small might be the way to go.

Of course I can tell that the readings from Graphotron only shows numbers to the fourth decimal, so maybe I am closer to my goal than I think.

How did you check what your code does? Is there another way to see the modified pressure curve than launching a rocket in the game and taking actual readings?
I cannot read/understand the source code ... :( or I might have tried to cobble together another calc sheet to punch in numbers until I get tired. :D 


Side question: What does atmoVisualEffect affect? EVE clouds? Reentry effects?


Thank you for putting up with my inquisitive nature! :)

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1 minute ago, KerbMav said:

While only using atmoTopLayer keeps the lower layers close to stock, it really thins out the upper atmosphere to the point that the extra 35km are virtually non-existant.
Adding any amount of Atmosphere value seems to always thicken the lower atmosphere, so keeping this value quite small might be the way to go.

sounds to me like you need a completely brand new customized curve, SD cannot do that easily. the best bet would be to manually write your own curve


2 minutes ago, KerbMav said:

How did you check what your code does? Is there another way to see the modified pressure curve than launching a rocket in the game and taking actual readings?

use this:

			debug = true


SD will flood the output_log.txt file with a bunch of informations about the curves

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@Sigma88 Yeah, I feared as much ... :D Maybe I will try changing the curve a bit before or after SigDim stretches the values or use a curve similar to Earth's ...

I am never gonna finish this career game before the next big update hits if I keep meddling in modding affairs this much. :P

Will try the debug, thank you!

Edit: Debug worked! Much easier than my approach ... :D

I guess I will settle for Atmosphere 1.05 and toplayer 1.428571428571 - keeps the atmosphere rather stocky and finishes with a very thin part up to 105km - not exactly what I was aiming for, but it has to do, I want to start playing again! :P

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Well, that was interesting. In a last ditch effort and attempt to see if I could replicate my eternal darkness problem with an otherwise mod-free game I copied my game folder and then proceeded to remove all but Kopernicus/Sigma. No problems encountered. Put mods back in a few at a time until they're all back in.. and still no problems. Not quite sure how copying everything, ripping it all out, then putting it back in fixed the sun.. but my sun is now shining again.

Did I void the warranty?

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I have a problem using Scatterer in 1.2.2 under Linux: The space center screen is just black.



Kerbin.Body.log (The logs for the other planets contain the same exception)

The [Planet].bin files in the cache folder do all exist and none are write protected.


Would be nice if a way could be found to play KSP under linux....

Moderator note: the logs have been removed from this post. 

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1 hour ago, cfds said:

Would be nice if a way could be found to play KSP under linux....

I stopped releasing SD versions compatible with 1.2.2 when 1.3.0 hit.

you are using a version of kopernicus that was released much later,

you can try using the latest know compatible combination which is

  • Kopernicus 1.2.2-6
  • SD v0.7.7


also, don't paste the whole logs in your messages, upload the files somewhere and share the links.

pasting long textwalls is known to cause issues with this forum

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@Sigma88: I will try Kopernicus -6 when I am home. And upload the logs somewhere when this does not help...


Edit: Yes, using the correct version of Kopernicus fixes the problem. The things you learn...

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Not sure if this has been asked before but is there any mods except rss or the like that change engine power and fuel weights to work with a real size sigma build?  I'm tired of all my engines either not having an ignition count and therefore breaking the realism of them or they glitch out since things are modified in size.  I had a rocket that had an engine with -1 weight suffice it to say the rocket ... did not perform well.

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5 minutes ago, garithmar said:

Not sure if this has been asked before but is there any mods except rss or the like that change engine power and fuel weights to work with a real size sigma build?  I'm tired of all my engines either not having an ignition count and therefore breaking the realism of them or they glitch out since things are modified in size.  I had a rocket that had an engine with -1 weight suffice it to say the rocket ... did not perform well.

I'm not an expert on the subject but I've seen the name smurf going around here  lot. Maybe that's something you might be interested in

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  • 2 weeks later...
9 minutes ago, N70 said:

with the latest non-dev Sigma Dimensions, latest Kopernicus for 1.3, and KScale64, nothing rescales. At all. Nothing rescales...

none of the Kscale mods will work with the latest sigma because the dev either didn't understand how to use Module Manager or didn't use Module Manager for whatever reason. His approach may have worked in the past, but it wont anymore.  made this yesterday.


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