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[1.0.5] Kerbal SlingShotter - Visualize ship and all planet/moon positions at a selected time


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This is a very simple Kerbal Space Program plugin to display the positions of all planets, moons, and the current vessel after a selected time interval.

It's helpful especially for gravity slingshots, for example not having to "sweep" your node path across the orbit of a Joolian moon in order to find an encounter. You can simply select the time where you would intersect the moon's orbit, and the plugin will show you where the moon actually is.  This in particular is the functionality I really wanted, so this is why I created the plugin.

It's also helpful for visualizing the position of two planets as time progresses, to better plan interplanetary transfers. There are other tools that will do that calculation for you, but this is a more hands-on approach.

This project uses the GPL license, which is included in both the source and the binary package.

Download the plugin Here

Download or fork the source on Github Here

View a demo on how to use it Here.

Edited by Overengineer1
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Sounds fun! I'll look forward to trying it out. 

The mods will probably ask for a more clear declaration of license here/in the download, just as a heads up.

Also, welcome! Quite the introduction :)

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Excellent idea - number of time this I've wished I had something like this. Downloaded.

Small request - could you put the version number and date of latest version in the thread title? - makes it easier to spot updates.

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Hm, I'm noticing that I don't have the toolbar button for some reason or other, maybe it's because I'm using Blizzys toolbar, not sure. NVM, I don't actually have it installed XD I had downloaded it previously, but didn't actually install it.

Is there a way to have it show time to next SoI intercept from a certain orbit or maybe theres a different mod that does that? I thought I could try to use this to see how far away the SoI transition is, or the closest possible closest approach at the soonest time.


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I just updated this mod for version 1.2.2 

Source is available here: https://github.com/alismatales/KerbalSlingshotter

Complete Plugin here:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/6eb6jq1wvvl5vox/SlingShotter_1.2.2.zip?dl=0


Now consider yourself warned, i'm not a programmer. I just know how to screw around with code and hit the compile button.
So it might make your game crash at some point. :confused:

Report any bugs here, and i'll see what i can do. 

I wont implement any new features, that's a bit outside my abilities.

Perhaps somebody who knows what they are doing (paging linuxgurugamer) feels like picking this up. 



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/18/2017 at 4:55 PM, Hacki said:


I just updated this mod for version 1.2.2 

Source is available here: https://github.com/alismatales/KerbalSlingshotter

Complete Plugin here:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/6eb6jq1wvvl5vox/SlingShotter_1.2.2.zip?dl=0


Now consider yourself warned, i'm not a programmer. I just know how to screw around with code and hit the compile button.
So it might make your game crash at some point. :confused:

Report any bugs here, and i'll see what i can do. 

I wont implement any new features, that's a bit outside my abilities.

Perhaps somebody who knows what they are doing (paging linuxgurugamer) feels like picking this up. 



Hi Hacki, if you want linux to notice, add a @ before his name.  Hey @linuxgurugamer, @Hacki is wondering if your interested in you picking up his mod?

Until someone does, I'll update it in the library ASAP :wink:

Edited by CarnageINC
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