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You Know You're A Nerd When:


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  • 2 weeks later...

When you try to explain the basics of aerodynamics and physics to your friend in the same sentence in English class.

The best part is that you find it fun.

I have also contested my science teacher about the names of the Parker Solar Probe, I.C.O.N, and which deep space probe carried the solid gold disc of images and music, as well as the location of earth. He lost horribly. Not something to be real proud of, but I take my wins where I can.

On 12/24/2022 at 9:29 PM, Ben J. Kerman said:

I did not know there is a simple Wikipedia! Thats funny!

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When someone on the KSP forums inspires you to also count in binary with your fingers.

When you're looking through your family's album, see a fighter jet and immediately wonder which one it is. It looked like something between a T-38 and F-104, I swear I've seen it before.

When you pause the "But you didn't have to cut me off" meme to see how many of the formulas/equations you know.

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  • 3 weeks later...

When r/polandball is your main news source (I've actually learned a lot from there)

On 1/24/2023 at 3:54 PM, LHACK4142 said:

When you're looking through your family's album, see a fighter jet and immediately wonder which one it is. It looked like something between a T-38 and F-104, I swear I've seen it before.

Avgeeks unite! Maybe it was an F-106?

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11 hours ago, Ryaja said:

when you are only a highschooler but know what a quaternion is.

4th-dimensional number? Like, N c Z c D c Q c R c C c H

(without looking online of course :) )

When you create a route planner for your school (wait! The shorter path to go to this room actually goes through that corridor? How interesting!)

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