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Real Space Program [Need Launch Controllers] [Launch 1/14/17]


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@ZooNamedGames I'm really interested in this project you're spearheading- it seems fascinating. Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out how to get the longer videos of your first launch (the ones on Twitch that aren't on YouTube) to play on the web browser on my tablet. Do you know if that's an issue on my end or not?

Additionally, are you using kOS at this point? If not, is that something you'd consider for the future?

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12 minutes ago, the_pazter said:


well, I think that's best

what bout Mods_'o_joy


He's gone.  He was banned from the forums, and has quit KSP for good.

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So, in total, we are looking at 2 spots to be replaced, and one more to be created, right?

Guidance (Guido)
Payload Operations Officer

Capsule Communicator

Calling all forumgoers!

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@Dman979 Your down for this flight as FD. We will need someone to replace you. I'll update the OP label accordingly.

You others are noted.


More importantly, I have three other major announcements.

Should our 4/2 manned mission go well, then we can seriously consider follow up missions along with future possible 2 manned missions.

Secondly, after our 4/2 mission has completed, I will work to implement a rotation crew system for both Mission Control members and Flight crew members. The system will allow for multiple teams to participate, maybe even work together to allow for longer missions.

Lastly, if I cannot get my port forwarding set up properly by Friday, then I may have to step down as pilot of Independence 7 and ask for a replacement. If I do step down, then I will return to my original role as Flight.


Still awaiting further members to rolecall.


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I also have "homework" for all members in relation to mission control chatter. It is a video (or log book for those who cannot view videos) of the entire Apollo 13 mission from launch to splashdown.

Youtube Playlist- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC1yaZz2qeGqg8dvPgwcY9UFVlFMIjDmW

Logbook- https://www.hq.nasa.gov/alsj/a13/AS13_TEC.PDF


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On March 6, 2016 at 1:02 PM, Dman979 said:

So, in total, we are looking at 2 spots to be replaced, and one more to be created, right?

Guidance (Guido)
Payload Operations Officer

Capsule Communicator

Calling all forumgoers!


I'm your new guido, nice to meet you all


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Just now, Dman979 said:

Howdy, @Cooboo!

Here are the things you need- decent math skills, a calculator, Skype +headset, KSP (obviously), RSS/RO. and some other stuff that I don't remember rn. Great to have you!

I've got it all! I'm already on the skype group and in your google docs stuff, I play RSS-RO all the time in KSP as the base game got boring so I have a couple hundred hours under my belt. 

Thanks for having me

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