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[1.2.2] Space Shuttle System new release 26.01.2017


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11 hours ago, kspplayer100 said:

when i install the Mod most of the parts don"t show up and the realism overhaul configs i downloaded from hellblazer don"t work is there a way to fix this.

1st install all the mod from suggestion and Off course the one that add engine second install Space Shuttle System mod and Some IR (Infernal Robotics) and then install Canadarm Then Launch the game (and of course you need to install all the dependencies )

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12 hours ago, Mukita12 said:

1st install all the mod from suggestion and Off course the one that add engine second install Space Shuttle System mod and Some IR (Infernal Robotics) and then install Canadarm Then Launch the game (and of course you need to install all the dependencies )

I re downloaded the mod with sstu and i got more parts but not all of them and the Realism overhaul configs are still not working properly. and just to be sure are the only requirements sstu and canadarm or do they come with the download.

Edited by kspplayer100
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14 hours ago, kspplayer100 said:

just to make sure i installed everything i need, what are the dependencies for the mod

Real Plume (Optional)

Infernal Robotics Core, IR Sequencer, and IR Legacy Part (For Controlling Canadarm, and Open the Payload Door)

Canadarm (Optional)

SSTU (Included) (Needed Install the latest one)

All Mod that Require ASET (Included) (Needed Install Latest One)

JSI RPM by @MOARdV(For Cockpit) (Included) (Need Install Latest Version)

Hot Rocket (Optional if using Real Plume)


KSP Wheels (Included with Latest SSTU And Space Shuttle System Mod) (Needed Install Latest Version)

Real Chute (For Drag Chute on the Shuttle)

Mod that Doens't have (Included) Needed to be Install


note this Dependencies is For Stock

for RO idk i think use the Version 1.1.3 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10.10.2017 at 9:47 AM, m4gus88 said:

@Rigel Kerman: I was playing around with the configs you created for RO, and I found 2 issues regarding CoM and angle keeping:

  1. You have all the propellant in the aft tanks, but the real shuttle had tanks in the nose to serve the forward thrusters. By moving half the propellant from the aft tanks to the nose, the CoM now seems to be at the right place (about in the middle of the fuselage).
  2. The RCS thrusters are way too weak. Based on the old "Component Space Shuttle" RO configs, I set the nose thruster power to 3, and the aft ones to 4, and that seems to work much better.

Also, not related to reentry, but I used the old "Component Space Shuttle" configs to correct some other things, like having CO2 scrubbers in the nose, and a proper fuel cell in the engine mount, with hydrolox propellant tanks.

Now the only remaining problem is the wings, which for some reason doesn't seem to be recognized by FAR. Upon reentry, the shuttle just turns to its side, and isn't able to turn back. I've tried different configs for FAR, but no luck :(
If anyone has any idea, I'm all ears, looks like this is the only remaining issue regarding reentry.

Hey, have the same problem, on reentry the Shuttle is rolling on its side/back.

What configs did you tried?

This is a standard liftingmodule:

        name = ModuleLiftingSurface
        useInternalDragModel = True
        deflectionLiftCoeff = 7.8        // 27,41m^2
        dragAtMaxAoA = 0.6
        dragAtMinAoA = 0.0
(Its from GameData\Squad\Parts\Aero\airlinerWings\Mainwing.cfg)

This is the from the shuttle:

        name = ModuleLiftingSurface
        useInternalDragModel = True
        deflectionLiftCoeff = 9.5       // normally for the SS per wing ~125m^2, compared to 7,8 ~27,41m^2 its seems 9.5 is to low...
        dragAtMaxAoA = 1.2
        dragAtMinAoA = 0.0

and then there is the FARWingaerodynamicmodel-Module:



name = FARControllableSurface / FARWingAerodynamicModel
b_2 = 0.5 //distance from wing root to tip; semi-span
MAC = 0.5 //Mean Aerodynamic Chord
nonSideAttach = 0 //0 for canard-like / normal wing pieces, 1 for ctrlsurfaces attached to the back of other wing parts
TaperRatio = 0.7 //Ratio of tip chord to root chord generally < 1, must be > 0
MidChordSweep = 25 //Sweep angle in degrees; measured down the center of the span / midchord position
maxdeflect = 15 //Default maximum deflection value; only used by FARControlableSurface
controlSurfacePivot = 1, 0, 0; //Local vector that obj_ctrlSrf pivots about; defaults to 1, 0, 0 (right)
ctrlSurfFrac = 0.2 //Value from 0-1, percentage of the part that is a flap; only used by FARControlableSurface


we dont have that one....

but i think that FAR puts his modules in every part via ModuleManager.

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Nice mod!

Questions, more of a use than issues.  1.3.1 ...

In IVA, not seeing mechjeb, latest installed, same for vessel viewer.


I finally decided on this shuttle to construct my station, and am using cxaerospace parts. I'm kinda proud of myself getting latest versions of the dependencies installed and working, I have control of the robotics arm, and no issues putting the STS together.

- But how do I go about attaching the cxaero parts to the bay?  It doesn't want to align and attach.

- Do I use the cxaero grapple or the one that comes with the canadarm?

- Can I use the APAS from Cxaero as well? I note the default APAS attached to the docking parts included witht he mod, but nothing separate I can attach to modules, or I'm blind ...  :)

That's enough to chew on for now, launching Unity this PM .... hehehe ...


UPDATE: Well strike that, don't know why, but now when on the pad, hn physics eases in I blow up, and the error is related to SSTUreflectionprobe ...

I'm not sure how to correct this.


Edited by RW-1
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  • 4 weeks later...

Is anyone else having the issue where the OMS engines arent showing up in tha VAB or SPH? The ingame parts list shows that the part has been loaded into the  game, but i cant seem to find it anywhere?

edit: im using KSP 1.2.2 and the latest, compatible versions of the dependencies

Edited by Fredde104
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On 11/29/2017 at 2:05 AM, RW-1 said:


Nice mod!

Questions, more of a use than issues.  1.3.1 ...

In IVA, not seeing mechjeb, latest installed, same for vessel viewer.


I finally decided on this shuttle to construct my station, and am using cxaerospace parts. I'm kinda proud of myself getting latest versions of the dependencies installed and working, I have control of the robotics arm, and no issues putting the STS together.

- But how do I go about attaching the cxaero parts to the bay?  It doesn't want to align and attach.

- Do I use the cxaero grapple or the one that comes with the canadarm?

- Can I use the APAS from Cxaero as well? I note the default APAS attached to the docking parts included witht he mod, but nothing separate I can attach to modules, or I'm blind ...  :)

That's enough to chew on for now, launching Unity this PM .... hehehe ...


UPDATE: Well strike that, don't know why, but now when on the pad, hn physics eases in I blow up, and the error is related to SSTUreflectionprobe ...

I'm not sure how to correct this.


welp For IVA idk but for the 1st question that wasn't an issue I think you need press alt and then place the part

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  • 2 weeks later...
9 hours ago, LIPLOOP said:

Hey can you fix the bug when the Space shuttle pod's landing gear to be always be lowered which is making a lot of drag and make my space shuttle to always explode during reentry so can you fix that bug

Nope @LIPLOOP The Mod Developer @DECQ stop working on this mod so if you want to play without a bug try it on version 1.2.2

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20 hours ago, LIPLOOP said:

Hey can you fix the bug when the Space shuttle pod's landing gear to be always be lowered which is making a lot of drag and make my space shuttle to always explode during reentry so can you fix that bug

There is no bug. I use this Space Shuttle too in KSP 1.3.1 and the landing gear isn`t lowered permanently. It works. Do you have installed the newest version of KSPWheels? Don`t use the vesion included in this pack. Download it separately.

Here are Pics from a mission 3 weeks ago:



Edited by Cheesecake
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On 1/6/2018 at 6:50 PM, Cheesecake said:

There is no bug. I use this Space Shuttle too in KSP 1.3.1 and the landing gear isn`t lowered permanently. It works. Do you have installed the newest version of KSPWheels? Don`t use the vesion included in this pack. Download it separately.

Here are Pics from a mission 3 weeks ago:



Yeah I have The latest KSPWheels but the wheels still have the bug 


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1 hour ago, LIPLOOP said:







What does this mean?

This mod works fine in 1.2.2

AND in 1.3.0 and 1.3.1 if you update the dependencies.

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