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The "You know you're playing a lot of KSP when..." thread

Phenom Anon X

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When you’re flying on an airliner and you try to press action group 1 to toggle the afterburners:sticktongue:

Or when you walk in the wrong direction and start wondering how much delta-V you just wasted.....

EDIT: Me and my dad got a tour of a satellite assembly facility (awesome) and they showed us reaction wheels that they use to stabilise the spacecraft. My first thought was KSP.......

Edited by RealKerbal3x
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20 hours ago, RealKerbal3x said:

Or when you walk in the wrong direction and start wondering how much delta-V you just wasted.....

Reminds me of when I first started fiddling with 'Orbiter' some years back, and began thinking of all motion in terms of orbits, interrupted orbits, or potential orbits.

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When you are browsing the KSP add-ons forums, someone reports an unexpected behavior, and you not only know what probably caused the problem, but can provide the work-around from memory.

Especially when the creator of the mod in question already responded but did not recognize the behavior.

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3 hours ago, Terwin said:

Especially when the creator of the mod in question already responded but did not recognize the behavior.

I've never designed a mode before, but this might be because the creator wants to know what caused the unexpected behaviour  in the first place so that he can fix it, rather than providing a work-around (doesn't really fix the problem)

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7 hours ago, Delay said:

I've never designed a mode before, but this might be because the creator wants to know what caused the unexpected behaviour  in the first place so that he can fix it, rather than providing a work-around (doesn't really fix the problem)

For an actual bug yes, but this particular scenario is something I believe to be a UI design decision('I can't find X!' 'That is because X is hidden by default but becomes visible when you click on Y')

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Yesterday I screwed up a launch, decoupled the fairing too late, forgot to deploy solar panels so my batteries went empty, I basically ended up with a dead satellite. So I was kinda dissapointed by my launch. I was pretty tired so not really into what I did.

So this morning, when I was starting to wake up, I thought to myself, half concious, half asleep: "decouple blanket, extend legs". Then I finally woke up and thought I should maybe KSP was taking up a bit too much of my thoughts lately

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2 hours ago, Jirokoh said:

So this morning, when I was starting to wake up, I thought to myself, half concious, half asleep: "decouple blanket, extend legs". Then I finally woke up and thought I should maybe KSP was taking up a bit too much of my thoughts lately

I don't know, when I'm in space I'll definitely "deploy" myself from my sleeping compartment in the morning sometimes...

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4 hours ago, MinimalMinmus said:

When you see the launch of the Falcon-Heavy live and understand absolutely everything at what's going on.

Moreover, when you look at their trajectory visualization for a split second and immediately think "Hey, I know this from KSP!"

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2 minutes ago, Delay said:

Moreover, when you look at their trajectory visualization for a split second and immediately think "Hey, I know this from KSP!"

...when you look at that trajectory visualization and want to change the perspective by holding the right mouse button and moving the mouse around.

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On ‎2‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 1:58 AM, MinimalMinmus said:

When you see the launch of the Falcon-Heavy live and understand absolutely everything at what's going on.

I remember that someone I know said that there were some points that looked exactly like KSP (at least to him). 

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When i can see an aircraft that im about about to replicate already completed in my head before ive even began (im currently imagining a complete Kerbal scale B-17).

Also, when you've played for over 4500 hours (according to Steam) and you feel like you've only just begun.

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When you're watching a Bundesliga game where the temperature in the stadium is right around freezing. Everyone in the stands has on a heavy winter coat. During a close up shot you see a girl wearing her massively oversized hood. There is plenty of light colored pleated material inside the hood on either side of her head. Immediately you think Val is at the game.  

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When you are tossing and turning in bed at 2 AM because you have an issue with a new craft design you are trying to work out, and all of a sudden a possible solution comes to you, and you crank up the PC, promising yourself that you will only spend 15 minutes testing the solution, and finally, at 4:20 you shutdown, happy that the solution worked and totally unconcerned that you have to be up for work at 6:30.


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When you're playing the game and you alt-tab without realizing it and you now have a Word document that looks like this:

zt wwwwwdawwwwwwwwwwqqe qeewwwwwwwwwsssswsx zqqewwwwwwwwwwssf....,,,,z xm....,,,,zxmrhhhllliiiikimr wwwwwwwrhhhhhhhnnnnnllinnn rnnnnnnnnnnnnwwwwwwwwwqqqqqqqqqqeee1

(not shown: the abort command, because it's a backspace)


Also, I just tried looking for the spacebar on my TV remote... to unpause The Martian.

Edited by Confused Scientist
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