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[1.3.0] Kerbalism v1.2.9


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@Toonu I want to keep the profiles shipped to a minimum, to minimize maintenance. Of course anybody is welcome to create and distribute profiles. The current/planned ones all have a rationale behind:

  • Default: show all features and mechanics
  • Barebone: for those that only want quality-of-life mechanic
  • Snacks: a simple life-support profile, here to showcase how simple it is to make one
  • TAC-LS: a complex life-support profile, here to showcase the flexibility of this system
  • Realism: for those that want water and mass-conservation
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Oh, ok, so I will be able to make config and support UKS LS? Great, but I ment pull request to MKS more than just profile. But ok, thx for fast reply and good luck with configs, I know how hard is to test it thousand times :D Maybe make TAC-LS/Snacks/UKS LS profile together and just make it automaticaly choose Life Support mod?

I will try later make one profile, but nothing promise....

Ave! Toonu

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@Joe12473 I found the reason you didn't get a Default.cfg profile... the good guys at CKAN did all the hard work for me and splitted Kerbalism and Kerbalims Default Profile in two separed CKAN packages.


@ToukieToucan No need to delete Malfunction.cfg, instead edit Profiles/Default.cfg and comment out the line that enables malfunction, like this:

// comment this line, like this:
// @Settings:FOR[EnableMalfunction] {} 


Edited by ShotgunNinja
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  On 5/10/2016 at 5:09 PM, ShotgunNinja said:

@RattiRatto, @Toonu Yep :) That was one of my wildest dreams too ah!


@Barrin I've found an use case for a Recycler module: enabling/disabling it in the editor (with planner EC estimates taking its on/off state in consideration). I'm going to include your profile in, when I add that. I want to make recyclers first-class citizens first, so to speak. The only change I'm going to make is to lower the EC consumption of the water filter, and maybe the conversion rates too.

I'm going to include a TAC emulation profile too, in I'm starting from the work @Rhedd did a few days/pages ago.



For references, these are the two profiles as of now if anybody want to give some feedback or contribute some changes before hit:

Realism profile:

  Reveal hidden contents


TAC-LS emulation profile:

  Reveal hidden contents



The profile I made also includes the MM patch to add all the resources to the pods

  Reveal hidden contents


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New version is out,


  - the default profile now require CommunityResourcePack
  - NEW PARTS! inline food containers and radial oxygen tank by Tygoo7
  - NEW PART! geiger counter by Naazari1382
  - phased out old food and oxygen containers
  - messages can be muted and unmuted by using CTRL+M
  - moved gravity ring higher in the tech tree
  - experimental Realism profile
  - experimental TAC-LS emulation profile
  - fix: depletion estimates with meal-based rules
  - fix: probes and other parts getting supply resources in some occasions
  - fix: vessel info window doesn't show supplies depletion estimates for unmanned vessels
  - fix: corrected automatic waste capacity in pods
  - fix: correct depletion estimates at extreme timewarps
  - fix: greenhouse doesn't consume waste when there is no lighting


New food and oxygen containers by @tygoo7 !!!



A Geiger counter by @Nazari1382 !!!


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  On 5/10/2016 at 5:09 PM, ShotgunNinja said:

I've found an use case for a Recycler module: enabling/disabling it in the editor (with planner EC estimates taking its on/off state in consideration). I'm going to include your profile in, when I add that. I want to make recyclers first-class citizens first, so to speak.


You make a really good point on the whole EC planner integration thing, so that all sounds awesome to me.


  On 5/10/2016 at 5:09 PM, ShotgunNinja said:

The only change I'm going to make is to lower the EC consumption of the water filter, and maybe the conversion rates too.


Yeah, I based those EC rates on the water filtration module from Universal Storage, and they seem way too high. I've been working on some pretty cool tweaks to the water filtration module I posted that fix that though (and add a couple really cool features on top). Give me a little bit to test everything and make sure there aren't any bugs and I'll post what I've got.

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  On 5/10/2016 at 7:41 PM, casper88 said:

// ============================================================================
// Provide TAC-LS, as far as ModuleManager is concerned, to unlock parts
// ============================================================================

@Settings:FOR[TacLifeSupport] {}


Dagnabbit, that's all you have to do to bypass the part :NEEDS in mods like Universal Storage? Man, I wish I'd seen that about 24 hours ago... it would have saved me a bunch of time.

Edited by Barrin
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I've included the experimental Realism and TAC-emulation profiles in the new version, only for ease of experimentation. I expect next update in a week or so. @Barrin No problem, I'll look forward for it.


@casper88 Any reason why you are not using the on_pod features? Is something not right about that?


@brusura This is one of those DERP moments... will change that to something else.



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I've experienced a pretty game ruining bug with kerbalism's calculation of oxygen. The game is saying my crew has 34 days of life support at launch, but as the time warp increases towards minmus, it periodically lowers at every warp from 27 at the time to 23, 19, 11 and then 6 days. It's almost as if the way the scrubbers functioning is broken. (I checked before launch what the oxygen capacity was, and sure enough, it was just over 6 days) (80% efficiency btw)

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This is the list of planned features and changes:

- multiple modifiers support in rule
- scale EC producer/consumer/storage by 4
- input resource support in greenhouse
- recycler module
- inter-planetary CME
- simulate lab in background
- background resource simulation respect stacks
- advanced per-internal-space calculations in planner
- rename Entertainment to Comfort
- remove old parts
- signal link lines
- a new undisclosed mechanic :sticktongue:

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So I did a bit of testing with the timewarping and here are my findings

1x - Everything is normal. During the transition to 5x, it bounces around a bit before settling at the right reading

5x - Fine (Same transition issue)

10x - Fine (Same transition issue)

50x - Fine (Same transition issue but gets slightly worse)

100x - Fine (Getting more bouncy now)

1000x - Fine (Very bouncy but does stablize)

10000x - Scrubbers do nothing. My 18 days of life support becomes 6 days and 2 hours. 

100000x - Unknown (I don't dare going there yet)

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  On 5/10/2016 at 7:54 PM, ShotgunNinja said:

This is the list of planned features and changes:

- multiple modifiers support in rule
- scale EC producer/consumer/storage by 4
- input resource support in greenhouse
- recycler module
- inter-planetary CME
- simulate lab in background
- background resource simulation respect stacks
- advanced per-internal-space calculations in planner
- rename Entertainment to Comfort
- remove old parts
- a new undisclosed mechanic :sticktongue:

// comment this line, like this:
// @Settings:FOR[DisableMalfunction] {} 

Like this?


Also are you planning on adding connection lines for relay sats?

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