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[1.4.x-1.8.x] Airplane Plus - R26.4 (Fixed issues/Github is up to date) (Dec 21, 2019)


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7 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

. The module index is for pointing the the animation module, if you don't do this your animation wont work.

The cargobay state is controlled by the state of the animation module, not the opposite. So the animation will work but the cargo bay won't. I've seen some malfunctional cargobays with the index pointing at the wrong PartModule and none of them had a working DragShielding.

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Don't have the time to experiment fully at the moment, but have decided I am ignorant at this point. Tried with and without animation and didn't seem to get a different result.

Here have a new Drag Cube for now for that part. It will gain an extra 30 plus metres per second.

        cube = A, 6.109,0.7438,1.345, 6.109,0.7438,1.345, 4.853,0.1682,0.6645, 4.853,0.7086,0.652, 6.109,0.7493,1.345, 6.109,0.7497,1.345, 0,0.007023,0, 2.5,2.997,2.5
        cube = B, 6.109,0.7438,1.345, 6.109,0.7438,1.345, 4.853,0.1682,0.6645, 4.853,0.7086,0.652, 6.109,0.7493,1.345, 6.109,0.7497,1.345, 0,0.007023,0, 2.5,2.997,2.5

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@Manul you were right. I freely admit when I am wrong.

@Lisias After much swearing and pulling of hair. I have totally rebuilt the model. Placed a non visible cube in it and given it a 100 frame animation. There were many no nos in the original. Always remember if you build your own to make sure the scale of all the pieces have been set to 1 using the apply scale function, when exporting your final model.

I have then followed all the cues given in the stock Mk3 cargo bay. Though the size 2 parts aren't quite as big they really should be size 3 external nodes and size 2 internal nodes. The internal nodes need to be inset slightly from the external, in this case by 0.02. The allowed attachments and having the model set to interact with itself is also important. Though there are no visually obvious cues, the model is considered open when spawned and setting it to closed will make it act correctly. I have also done away with the FStexture switch and made it so it works with the stock part variant module, so you can switch between the flat floor and the sloped floor. And finally it works as wanted. I changed my Non Commercial Size 2 cockpit and Tail ramp to have size3 externals so I could test it out.

Here is the config for the rebuild. I will send you the model with the config via PM.


    name = S2HullCJ
    module = Part
    author = blackheart612/neistridlar
    rescaleFactor = 1
    node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
    node_stack_top2 = 0.0, 0.9175, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
    node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
    node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -0.9175, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
    node_attach = 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1
    TechRequired = supersonicFlight
    entryCost = 2500
    cost = 250
    category = Payload
    subcategory = 0
    title = Structural Hull S2 CJ
    manufacturer = Kerbal Standard
    description = A standard Size 2 Hull. Used for carrying cargo and carries no fuel; is there merely as a structural element. As such, it's lighter and more solid due to reinforcements.
    attachRules = 1,0,1,1,1
    mass = 0.1
    dragModelType = default
    maximum_drag = 0.2
    minimum_drag = 0.3
    angularDrag = 1
    crashTolerance = 50
    breakingForce = 300
    breakingTorque = 300
    emissiveConstant = 0.87
    maxTemp = 2700 // = 3000
    fuelCrossFeed = True
    bulkheadProfiles = size2, size3, srf
    tags = aircraft airplane hollow jet size2 pipe plane tube


        cube = A, 6.109,0.7438,1.345, 6.109,0.7438,1.345, 4.853,0.1682,0.6645, 4.853,0.7086,0.652, 6.109,0.7493,1.345, 6.109,0.7497,1.345, 0,0.007023,0, 2.5,2.997,2.5
        cube = B, 6.109,0.7438,1.345, 6.109,0.7438,1.345, 4.853,0.1682,0.6645, 4.853,0.7086,0.652, 6.109,0.7493,1.345, 6.109,0.7497,1.345, 0,0.007023,0, 2.5,2.997,2.5
        model = AirplanePlus/Parts/Structure and Fuel/size2cargo/PartS2Rebuild
        //texture = size2cargotex1 , AirplanePlus/Parts/Structure and Fuel/size2cargo/size2cargotex1

        name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
        animationName = Box
        startEventGUIName = Close
        endEventGUIName = Open
        actionGUIName = Toggle Box
        allowDeployLimit = true
        revClampDirection = false
        revClampSpeed = true
        revClampPercent = true            

        name = ModuleCargoBay
        DeployModuleIndex = 0
        closedPosition = 1
        lookupRadius = 3.0
        partTypeName = Cargo bay
        nodeOuterForeID = top
        nodeOuterAftID = bottom
        nodeInnerForeID = top2
        nodeInnerAftID = bottom2
        name = ModulePartVariants
        baseVariant = Flat
        baseThemeName = Flat
        baseDisplayName = Flat
        useMultipleDragCubes = false
            name = Flat
            primaryColor = #999999
            secondaryColor = #b08b39
            displayName = Flat
            themeName = Flat
                Flat = true
                Slope = false

            name = Slope
            displayName = Slope
            themeName = Slope
            primaryColor = #999999

                Flat = false
                Slope = true




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5 hours ago, ColdJ said:

you were right. I freely admit when I am wrong.

That doesn't make me happier though :( If this trick did work, it would be a lifesaver.

5 hours ago, ColdJ said:

@Lisias After much swearing and pulling of hair. I have totally rebuilt the model. Placed a non visible cube in it and given it a 100 frame animation. There were many no nos in the original. Always remember if you build your own to make sure the scale of all the pieces have been set to 1 using the apply scale function, when exporting your final model.

I have an idea how to make it easier but I've not tested it yet. My idea was to create a new mu model with an empty game object that has some animation and add this model to every part that needs a dummy animation. You can have multiple MODEL nodes in a single part like this:

		model = AirplanePlus/Parts/Engine/Modern/raptorjet/model
		model = Squad/Parts/Engine/jetEngines/turbineInside
		scale = 0.95, 1.0, 0.95

That would eliminate the need to mess with All Rights Reserved assets but it will force mod maintainers to put the dummy model into every mod package (not a big deal with few kilobytes file but it might be annoying).


UPD: I'm not old enough to have an Alzheimer but I totally forgot that I had already done this :confused:

here is the dummy model (it's 503 bytes, not even kilobytes) and here is an example how to use it (animation name is Dummy)


    name = med2mUtility
    module = Part
    author = nli2work

    rescaleFactor = 1

        model = RetroFuture/Structural/med2mUtilityLong/med2mUtilityLong
        texture = rectFuselage_DIF , RetroFuture/Textures/rectFuselage_DIF
        texture = rectFuselage_NRM , RetroFuture/Textures/rectFuselage_NRM
        texture = med2mFuselage_DIF , RetroFuture/Textures/med2mFuselage_DIF
        texture = med2mFuselage_NRM , RetroFuture/Textures/med2mFuselage_NRM
        scale = 0.6,0.6,0.6
       model = MSRP/Parts/Cargo/Dummy

    node_stack_fwd = 0.0, 0.9, 0, 0, 1, 0.0, 2
    node_stack_aft = 0.0, -0.9, 0, 0.0, -1, 0.0, 2

    TechRequired = advAerodynamics
    entryCost = 6000
    cost = 1200
    category = Structural
    subcategory = 0
    title = Med. Rectangular Cargo Bay/Utility Section
    manufacturer = Ark Propulsions
    description = 2.1m wide Structural Utility section. Can be configured as enclosed cargo section; open sides section; or Fully open section with structural spine.

    // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
    attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0

    mass = 0.45
    dragModelType = default
    maximum_drag = 0.2
    minimum_drag = 0.3
    angularDrag = 1
    crashTolerance = 50
    maxTemp = 2700 // = 3000
    emissiveConstant = 0.873600
    fuelCrossFeed = True

    #autoLOC_500911 //#autoLOC_500911 = contain convey equipment freight hold hollow payload (stor transport utility
    bulkheadProfiles = mk1rect
        name = FSmeshSwitch
        buttonName = Next Type
        previousButtonName = Prev Type
        objectDisplayNames = Standard; OpenSides; AllOpen
        objects = frameBottom, sideFrame1, sideFrame2, frameTop; frameBottom, frameTop; frameTop
        selectedObject = 0
        showInfo = false
        cube = A, 3.475,0.8724,1.143, 3.475,0.8727,1.294, 2.853,0.9374,1.02, 2.853,0.9913,1.561, 3.985,0.8795,1.027, 3.985,0.8836,1.019, 8.404E-05,-4.363E-05,-0.0004319, 2.209,1.8,1.895
        cube = B,  3.466,0.8711,1.148, 3.466,0.8699,1.309, 3.896,0.925,1.3, 3.896,0.9444,1.292, 3.974,0.881,1.067, 3.974,0.8843,1.018, -1.431E-06,0.004321,4.399E-05, 2.219,1.808,1.894



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That is called part stacking. My very first mod, which was config only, used that to make marine engines out of reversed cone intakes, with a shrunk mini jet inside to provide the thrust transform. So much I had no idea about back then. 3D modeling wasn't even a thought back then.

It was @SnarkI believe, who first introduced the concept to the forum.

The one problem I envision is that because they are hollow parts, you will need 1 for each size of diameter to hide in the wall. Although.if you made it small enough and calculated where the wall is you could probably use the model config to move it into the wall of any part as long as you calculated right for each model.

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16 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

The one problem I envision is that because they are hollow parts, you will need 1 for each size of diameter to hide in the wall. Although.if you made it small enough and calculated where the wall is you could probably use the model config to move it into the wall of any part as long as you calculated right for each model.

It's just an empty GameObject with no meshes and no colliders, it's meant to solve the cargo bay problem, not to mess with DrabCubes. This is why I used a DragCube of a solid fueltank as a cube for the "closed" position of the cargobay.

33 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

My very first mod, which was config only, used that to make marine engines out of reversed cone intakes, with a shrunk mini jet inside to provide the thrust transform.

I know that you know, just explaining for those who don't know :D  (Further explanation is also meant for those who don't know  but might find it useful)

Drag shielding and drag occlusion are entirely different mechanics:
1) Drag shielding excludes parts from drag calculations entirely and it is controlled by ModuleCargoBay. When the cargobay is closed and sealed it casts rays that come from the lookupCenter and travel until they hit colliders of the cargo bay walls/doors, go beyond the OuterNodes or exceed lookupRadius. Every part that has it's center positioned within those boundaries is shielded entirely (even if it is actually 50% out of the cargo bay, only the center matters)
2)Drag occlusion is controlled by DragCubes and every part that has a DragCube can partially shield other parts from drag.  Parts should be attached by attachment nodes and only the side that has attachment nodes can be occluded. The nosecone can have only it's rear surface occluded. Fuel tank can have both it's front and rear ends occluded and the structural hub can be occluded from all 6 sides having no drag at all.


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15 minutes ago, Manul said:

It's just an empty GameObject with no meshes and no colliders, it's meant to solve the cargo bay problem, not to mess with DrabCubes. This is why I used a DragCube of a solid fueltank as a cube for the "closed" position of the cargobay.

Well if you can do it successfully. My experience is the game doesn't like zero vertices and no material setup. You could make a tiny 4 sided pyramid that uses the Depth Mask shader, and you won't see it as far as I am aware. As to drag cubes, if you place your own in the config then it will force the game to use what you want, though at that size, I doubt it would register enough to be noticed.

P.S, the reason I said use the Depth Mask shader is because it requires no texture pic.

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28 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

My experience is the game doesn't like zero vertices and no material setup.

No mesh no pain :cool:  This happens if you create a 3d mesh, if you just use Add=>Empty=>PlainAxes as you do for intake/thrust/whatever transforms you are fine as long as there is a proper NLA track that can be fed to ModuleAnimateGeneric.


The Dummy animation is a single frame animation that changes the scale of D2 transform from 1 to 1

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40 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

As to drag cubes, if you place your own in the config then it will force the game to use what you want, though at that size, I doubt it would register enough to be noticed.

Replacing the DragCube of a hollow part with a DragCube of a fueltank having exactly the same outer dimensions is a common trick used by many modders. Actually I had to paste the same dragCube twice, both for cube A and cube B that represent the "Open" and "Closed" state.

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48 minutes ago, Manul said:

Replacing the DragCube of a hollow part with a DragCube of a fueltank having exactly the same outer dimensions is a common trick used by many modders. Actually I had to paste the same dragCube twice, both for cube A and cube B that represent the "Open" and "Closed" state.

I just successfully prototyped using the pyramid with depth mask. It is in the micrometre range of scale, doesnt show in game. I used it to convert the stock structural tube in to a cargo bay. If you set closed to 0 then you don't need to touch the animation in game. Apart from adding the nodes, and 2 required modules, I didn't neet to change anything else. The .mu file is 2 kb.

Shout out to @Lisias Thanks to Manul you have a way to turn any hollow into a cargo bay.

Manul, have you started a thread somewhere to share what you have been learning? Lots including myself would find it very useful.


As long as it is the right way around, a Mk1 cargo bay would do better with the Drag Cube from the Mk1 plane cockpit. Pointy nose means smoother flows. Doesn't matter if technically it would stick out if you could see it, only the shape matters.

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5 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

If you set closed to 0 then you don't need to touch the animation in game.

If it is set up like this, it won't even show up in the game:




All credits for this fix go to @K.Yeon or @JadeOfMaar or whatever genius who fixed aerodynamics of every single hollow part in OPT spaceplanes.

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3 minutes ago, Manul said:

All credits for this fix go to @K.Yeon or @JadeOfMaar or whatever genius who fixed aerodynamics of every single hollow part in OPT spaceplanes.

Very nice. Like I said a thread with this type of info would be very good. If you don't want to start your own then just chuck it on mine

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34 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

Like I said a thread with this type of info would be very good.

I've already prepared some screenshots and drawings, still need more of them so it would take some time.

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4 hours ago, Manul said:

Replacing the DragCube of a hollow part with a DragCube of a fueltank having exactly the same outer dimensions is a common trick used by many modders. Actually I had to paste the same dragCube twice, both for cube A and cube B that represent the "Open" and "Closed" state.

Using the same drag curve for open and close states is... well... "cheating". Open cargo bays should have significantly more drag!

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5 hours ago, Lisias said:

Using the same drag curve for open and close states is... well... "cheating". Open cargo bays should have significantly more drag!

There is no "Open" state because there are no doors and the fake animation to open nonexistent doors is disabled :D So the second drag cube will never be used.

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15 hours ago, Manul said:

There is no "Open" state because there are no doors and the fake animation to open nonexistent doors is disabled :D So the second drag cube will never be used.

Duh. :blush:

Anyway, allow me to try to save (some) face here... :D

I think I found a quick&dirty way to salvage all the parts in need of ModuleCargoBay without the need of reworking the models (mu files), and it would be easily added by MM patches to any part in need.

It looks too good to be true, so I'm going to do some tests tonight soon(tm) before pushing the idea ahead. :)

Edited by Lisias
Got my cheeks bitten by DayJob this night... need some time to recover...
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Something I forgot to mention. It appears that the game requires the ends to be sealed off to work. I made the mistake of creating a plane with an open end so I could see the drag triangles easily and thought I had failed, but once I put a part over the end it worked. So if a Kerbal is going to access inside, something with a working cargo door attached to the tube will still be needed.

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On 2/18/2025 at 11:16 PM, Lisias said:

and it would be easily added by MM patches to any part in need

The major problem is that the DeployModuleIndex should be pointing exactly at the animation module, and with MM patches you don't know the exact index. If the part has one PartVariant module and one resource module in it's cfg, we can assume that the MM patch will add animation module as a third module (DeployModuleIndex = 2)  but there are another patches that add another modules (like HitpointTracker from BDArmory) so you need to be absolutely sure that your patch is applied first (with a mod name starting wit A it's not a big deal though)

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1 hour ago, Manul said:

The major problem is that the DeployModuleIndex should be pointing exactly at the animation module, and with MM patches you don't know the exact index. If the part has one PartVariant module and one resource module in it's cfg, we can assume that the MM patch will add animation module as a third module (DeployModuleIndex = 2)  but there are another patches that add another modules (like HitpointTracker from BDArmory) so you need to be absolutely sure that your patch is applied first (with a mod name starting wit A it's not a big deal though)

There're syntax on MM to force an specific index on an "array" of results (comma and a number = had you seen a ",*" on a patch before? os means "all of them"), but I neved did it on inserting something.

@ColdJ - exactly, I was thinking on the Model Stacking - but I had foresaw the exact problem @Manul explained above and was willing to try a stung before opening by mouth - by RealLife™ Stroke Again and screwed my whole week. I'm going to try this patching tonight - I hope, Murphy is somewhat triggered these days...

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10 hours ago, Lisias said:

I'm going to try this patching tonight - I hope, Murphy is somewhat triggered these days...

Feel free to use the Dummy.mu it's just a set of three empty transforms and the last of them has an animation assigned. (it is required to have at least one GameObject in the hierarchy between the root and the animated one so there are  3 objects instead of 2).

On 2/18/2025 at 9:50 AM, Manul said:

here is the dummy model (it's 503 bytes, not even kilobytes) and here is an example how to use it (animation name is Dummy)


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On 2/17/2025 at 1:07 PM, ColdJ said:

Hi this is no longer valid. @taniwha updates the GitHub as they add things but does not do versions. As such the current download of the plugin requires Blender 4.0 or greater in order to work.

The only way to use it on previous blenders is if you have saves of previous iterations, like I do.

Thank you, I didn't know

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29 minutes ago, Spike88 said:

. It doesn’t work 100%, 

Yet. :)


On 2/23/2025 at 9:01 AM, averageksp said:

Does this mod still work for the newest versions?

The latest release (at this moment) is here:


If you want to toy wit the Experimental parts (where me and ColdJ toy with concepts that may or may not be included into the main distribution later - not to be used on longterm gaming), install too the zip files with "Experimantal" on it, the latest version being here.


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On 2/23/2025 at 3:01 PM, averageksp said:

Does this mod still work for the newest versions?

Some landing gear parts had been misbehaving since KSP v 1.4 update and it was 7 years ago. Later KSP updates didn't affect this mod so it counts as "still works" (it's not flawless but it didn't get any worse for the past 10 major KSP updates)

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