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[1.11.2] B9PartSwitch v2.18.0 (March 17)


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I have a question: 

Is it impossible to delete part of a b9 partswitch module? I can't seem to get it done without deleting and redefining the complete module. Example:

  Reveal hidden contents
  Reveal hidden contents

This didn't work for me.

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@Cruss I'm confused as to what you want to do.  You said you want to delete the module which should be simple but you're deleting things within the module.  But if that is what you want there are a couple of issue with your patch: (1) you need something like !someValue = del to delete a value.  What comes after the = doesn't matter but it has to be there for KSP (and then MM) to interpret it correctly and (2) SUBTYPE is case sensitive

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I will try this as soon as I can! 

And if I had syntax errors in those spoilers, its cause I wrote it from my phone :)

Basically there is a part that uses b9 part switch, i want to keep that functionality and just slap a realfuels tank on it. Lol.


Edit: it worked! Thank you guys!

Edited by Cruss
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  • 1 month later...
  On 1/3/2020 at 2:56 AM, zer0Kerbal said:


is there a set of patches for stock tanks to say add LF option to the stock LFO tanks (and maybe other options)? I really am putting my game(s) on a stick one fuel switch mod diet... :D


My mod, Rational Resources, has an extras config just for that. If you choose this, you'll want the extras file: RR_TankSwitchForSquad.cfg


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  On 1/3/2020 at 3:03 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

My mod, Rational Resources, has an extras config just for that. If you choose this, you'll want the extras file: RR_TankSwitchForSquad.cfg



Thank you @JadeOfMaar;

Love your RR mod, just don't run with it.

That file you suggested is great starting place!

so will use that file to create a 'stock' B9 patch to add LF (and maybe other options) to stock tanks.

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@zer0Kerbal I'm interested to what these extra bits are and for what tanks you need to cover. (I assume the egg basket Mono tanks? I guess I didn't touch them because they're so different from other fuel tanks.)

You can go ahead and do something to delete the refVolume key. I ought to add it but I don't care to. It's harmless and out of my way, and it's optional so most players will never encounter it.

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  On 1/3/2020 at 5:33 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

egg basket Mono tanks


yep - it was only one or two tanks - haven't looked at MH yet.

will be adding a couple optional tanks - for those who like me run with only B9 and CRK etc.

will share of course. probably will release it via spacedock/ckan/github since it seems to fit a niche. have included the original license and credit. +1 :rep:

  On 1/3/2020 at 5:33 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

delete the refVolume key


:targetpro: easy peasy, just was wondering if there was a specific need to keep it. I found it in the _MMCfgOutput directory.

will take care of for reasons stated below.

  On 1/3/2020 at 5:33 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

I ought to add it but I don't care to


*chuckle* all good. at least you are honest about your reasoning. :)

  On 1/3/2020 at 5:33 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

will never encounter


my OCD is showing....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey @Jiraiyah. No, there's no documentation. But fuzzy logic is straightforward. When I target parts I look for a very specific combination of known keys or nodes, and values in their configs. For the :HAS block, I have a comma-separated list of what I want to see for the part to qualify to be patched.

Like OPT Reconfig's patch that enables OPT RCS thrusters to dynamically change between MonoPropellant and other things, and Rational Resources' Extras config that targets all stock branded fuel tanks, what @zer0Kerbal used above in this thread, for their B9 config with less subtypes.

Be very careful when you start yo use this. It becomes easy to miss a ] when you start getting into nested/recursive :HAS blocks.

// OPT Reconfig RCS fuel switch
// Parts that HAVE (manufacturer OPT, RCS module that HAS (resource name "MonoPropellant"))
	@description ^= :$: <color="green">This part can change its RCS fuel mix.</color>
		name = ModuleB9PartSwitch
		moduleID = OPTRCSSwitch
		switcherDescription = RCS Fuel Mix
		switcherDescriptionPlural = RCS Fuel Mixes
		switchInFlight = True
		... // lots of stuff

// Rational Resources fuel switch for Squad tanks
// Parts that HAVE (manufacturer "X stock brand", no B9 module already, LiquidFuel tankage)
	// refVolume takes the stock tank's full amount and preps it for use as B9 baseVolume
	refVolume = #$RESOURCE[LiquidFuel]/maxAmount$
	@refVolume += #$RESOURCE[Oxidizer]/maxAmount$
	!RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {}
	!RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {}
		name = ModuleB9PartSwitch
		moduleID = RRStockSwitch
		switcherDescription = RR Fuel
		switchInFlight = True
		baseVolume = #$../refVolume$
		... // SUBTYPES are added later

// Parts that HAVE (manufacturer "Y stock brand", no B9 module already, MonoPropellant tankage)
	refVolume = #$RESOURCE[MonoPropellant]/maxAmount$
	!RESOURCE[MonoPropellant] {}
		name = ModuleB9PartSwitch
		moduleID = RRStockSwitch
		switcherDescription = RR Fuel
		switchInFlight = True
		baseVolume = #$../refVolume$
		... // SUBTYPES are added later

// Add SUBTYPES to all stock parts that were given the tagged B9 module through fuzzy logic
			name = LFO
			tankType = LFO
			title = LF + Ox
		... // more SUBTYPEs


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I'm having an issue with SSPX where I wish to alter the contents of the cargo containers to add the Simplex Ores (HydrateOre, NaturalOre, and RareOre) and also use the fancy decals that come with the mod for RareMatels, MetallicOre and Hydrates.

		{	name = ACHydrateOre
			tankMass = 0.00133333333
			tankCost = 0.83333333333
				{	name = HydrateOre
					unitsPerVolume = 1
		{	name = ACNaturalOre
			tankMass = 0.00133333333
			tankCost = 0.83333333333
				{	name = NaturalOre
					unitsPerVolume = 1
		{	name = ACRareOre
			tankMass = 0.00133333333
			tankCost = 0.83333333333
				{	name = RareOre
					unitsPerVolume = 1


	{	@MODULE[ModuleB9DisableTransform]
			{	transform = OreDecal
				!transform = MetallicOreDecal
				!transform = RareMetalsDecal
				!transform = HydratesDecal

	{	@MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch]:HAS[#moduleID[cargoSwitch]]
			{	!SUBTYPE[Ore]	{}
					{	name = RareOre
						tankType = ACRareOre
						title = RareOre
						transform = RareMetalsDecal
					{	name = NaturalOre
						tankType = ACNaturalOre
						title = NaturalOre
						transform = MetallicOreDecal
					{	name = HydrateOre
						tankType = ACHydrateOre
						title = HydrateOre
						transform = HydratesDecal

I remove the Ore, However, the decal on the parts doesn't change and only displays an Ore picture, regardless of the type selected on the SPPX containers.  The Ore is removed (planned), and the three SimplexOres are in place but the decal doesn't change.  Any ideas?

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  On 1/20/2020 at 1:35 AM, theJesuit said:


I'm having an issue with SSPX where I wish to alter the contents of the cargo containers to add the Simplex Ores (HydrateOre, NaturalOre, and RareOre) and also use the fancy decals that come with the mod for RareMatels, MetallicOre and Hydrates.

  Reveal hidden contents

I remove the Ore, However, the decal on the parts doesn't change and only displays an Ore picture, regardless of the type selected on the SPPX containers.  The Ore is removed (planned), and the three SimplexOres are in place but the decal doesn't change.  Any ideas?


There's a lot in there, could you post the final part config as it appears in ModuleManager.ConfigCache?

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  On 1/20/2020 at 2:29 AM, blowfish said:

There's a lot in there, could you post the final part config as it appears in ModuleManager.ConfigCache?



	parentUrl = StationPartsExpansionRedux/Parts/Containers/sspx-cargo-container-25-1.cfg
		name = sspx-cargo-container-25-1
		module = Part
		author = Chris Adderley
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.962, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_top = 0.0,1.962, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = largeVolumeContainment
		entryCost = 12200
		cost = 6000
		category = Payload
		subcategory = 0
		title = KRDA-PPD-30 Logistics Module
		manufacturer = Kerbin Resource Development Administration
		description = A long 2.5m logistics module, storing a wide variety of possible commodities.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
		mass = 2
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.40
		minimum_drag = 0.40
		angularDrag = 4
		crashTolerance = 10
		maxTemp = 1400
		skinMaxTemp = 2000
		tags = sspx cargo contain commodity transport stor logist
			model = StationPartsExpansionRedux/Parts/Containers/sspx-cargo-container-25-1
			position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
			scale = 1,1,1
			rotation = 0, 0, 0
			name = ModuleB9DisableTransform
			name = ModuleB9PartSwitch
			moduleID = cargoSwitch
			switcherDescription = Cargo
			baseVolume = 15000
			switchInFlight = True
			affectDragCubes = false
				name = RareOre
				tankType = ACRareOre
				title = RareOre
				transform = RareMetalsDecal
				name = NaturalOre
				tankType = ACNaturalOre
				title = NaturalOre
				transform = MetallicOreDecal
				name = HydrateOre
				tankType = ACHydrateOre
				title = HydrateOre
				transform = HydratesDecal
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = flagTransform
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			animRate = 0.8
			animState = false
			useRate = true
			toggleInEditor = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			unfocusedRange = 5
			toggleName = Toggle Lights
			eventOnName = Lights On
			eventOffName = Lights Off
			toggleAction = True
			defaultActionGroup = Light
				key = 0 0 0 3
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 1
				key = 1 1 1 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.7 1.5 0
				key = 0 1
			name = ModuleB9PartInfo
			name = ModulePartInfo
			originalPartName = sspx-cargo-container-25-1

the ModuleB9DisableTransform is blank for all the sspx-cargo-container files.

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  On 1/20/2020 at 2:47 AM, theJesuit said:

 the ModuleB9DisableTransform is blank for all the sspx-cargo-container files.


So I'll point out first that this is looking more like a question of getting the patches right than something B9PartSwitch specific.

However, I might see what's going on, is your patch possibly running before this one?  Hard to say for sure without knowing the url of yours, but they're both in the legacy pass.

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  On 1/20/2020 at 3:30 AM, blowfish said:

So I'll point out first that this is looking more like a question of getting the patches right than something B9PartSwitch specific.

However, I might see what's going on, is your patch possibly running before this one?  Hard to say for sure without knowing the url of yours, but they're both in the legacy pass.


Possibly.  It is in the AngleCan mods folder...  I'll try LAST[StationPartsExpansionRedux].

Edited by theJesuit
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B9PartSwitch v2.13.0 for KSP 1.8.1

  • Support changing ModuleDeployableSolarPanel chargeRate
  • Get rid of some useless debug messages related to UI prefabs
  • Fix UI breaking on switchers with tech restrictions if subtypes are unlocked out of order
  • Fix texture switches breaking on inactive subtypes when a part is duplicated
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Hi @blowfish,

Still having issues with the SSPX tank decals but I've narrowed it down.

What the issue is is that in SSPX the tank cfg files define the decals for the tanks which are hidden by default (except Ore)

  Reveal hidden contents

Then a SSPX file patches all SSPX containers to disable the DisableTransform transforms

  Reveal hidden contents

And as a result, I can't seem to patch into it.  Instead, I have to do this:

  Reveal hidden contents

Note that my patch disables the transforms I want for my mod, but I need to do it with a BEFORE.  It seems that multiple MM patches can't override each other's transform.  This is the only way to make this work, but it feels quite ugly, especially as I want to be able to patch it nicely with KerbalismSimplex as well, but have them work independently.

Is there a way to patch this better do you know?




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  On 1/24/2020 at 10:09 AM, theJesuit said:

Is there a way to patch this better do you know?


Looks like MM can't match keys by their value. You could either match the undesired keys by number (and update the patch any time the index changes) or remove them all and re-create the list.


Edit: the wiki says ",*" wouldn't work, yet it does. Maybe MM supports more syntax than it lets on ;)

Edited by HansAcker
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  On 1/24/2020 at 10:35 AM, HansAcker said:

Looks like MM can't match keys by their value. You could either match the undesired keys by number (and update the patch any time the index changes) or remove them all and re-create the list.


Edit: the wiki says ",*" wouldn't work, yet it does. Maybe MM supports more syntax than it lets on ;)


Yea, that's what my patch does in effect - re-create the list :).

I guess that also means I can support through my own mods different variations...  Or I could ask Nertea to support KerbalismSimplex.  The SIMPLEXResources mod has to do teh dirty patch though because the mod specifics don't seem to allow for a sub directory.  I may give key by number a go, but that's beginning to push my MM ability - if it doesn't work I don't know if its me or simply won't do it!


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There's nothing special about SSPX's configs of ModuleB9DisableTransform.  It can all be patched with MM just like anything else.  Figure out what the state of the config is at the point you want to patch it, then make the edits you need.

Also keep patch order in mind.  @PART[sspx-cargo-container*] is going to run in the legacy pass, which is before all mod passes.  @PART[sspx-cargo-container*]:BEFORE[StationPartsExpansionRedux] will run long after that

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  On 1/24/2020 at 5:04 PM, blowfish said:

BEFORE[StationPartsExpansionRedux] will run long after that


In testing my patch only works with the BEFORE. If not then the decals get stuck on one particular, unasked for, decal (the diamond one). This is the only way I've been able to make it work - unless I'm missing something.

Away from my computer currently, I think when I've used FOR it gets stuck on am OreDecal.  But that might be the MetallicOreDecal.

Thanks for the sugggestions and help though!

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