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1.1.3 Hype Train: Branch Line Edition

Whirligig Girl

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  On 6/11/2016 at 1:32 PM, Spaceception said:

So does anyone have any idea how much memory will be cut? Is the minimum RAM requirements for KSP now going to be 2 gigs? If so, get ready!



I don`t think anything will change except for some things that will change from `broken` to `fixed`.

I`m pretty hyped about that.

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  On 6/11/2016 at 2:13 AM, Overland said:

Ive made some dangerous trains in the past, self propelled fuel tanks screaming along at 35ms on unstable terrain. the slightest wrong move from the driver means death for train and crew. its fair to say trains in my experience are more lethal than any other craft in KSP..

However.. in the history of the KTP, ive never built a train more dangerous than this..

Please Help 1.1.3..  we need you



Help me v 1.1.3, you're my only hope!

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  On 6/10/2016 at 1:57 PM, GregroxMun said:

1.1.3 is coming, with a load of bugfixes. It's time to get hyped as we take a calmhhyyyppped, sedateexcited pass through the Bugfix Patchington Branch Line.


We're leaving the Gresley A3 in the sheds, because the rails on the branchline are not strong enough for a huge engine like that. Instead we have a GWR 14xx, I think. What a respectable engine.


Note: This is what a valid ticket looks like:



My ticket is purchased, but I don't think I'll actually take the ride til this baby upgrades to the Hyperloop.  Can't be hanging about!

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  On 6/10/2016 at 1:57 PM, GregroxMun said:

1.1.3 is coming, with a load of bugfixes. It's time to get hyped as we take a calmhhyyyppped, sedateexcited pass through the Bugfix Patchington Branch Line.


We're leaving the Gresley A3 in the sheds, because the rails on the branchline are not strong enough for a huge engine like that. Instead we have a GWR 14xx, I think. What a respectable engine.


Note: This is what a valid ticket looks like:



One Ticket Please! First-Class and don't skimp on the beverages or buffet cart!

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Well... 1.1 through 1.1.2 virtually killed the game for me.

The wheels became so weak that landing became like wearing glass ice skates and basically put a 90% dead stop in the progress on my jet-train mission.  I couldn't change elevation directions at more than 20m/s without catastrophic failure.  I still don't think it was intentional, just a side effect or changing from the old engine to the new.  It's still not acceptable.  Yes, I should be able to mount up a ton of tiny wheels to distribute pressure evenly on a large ship and yes they should just take the load. 

Post 1.1 landing gear became brittle and pathetic.  It's not a rebalance, it's just stupid.  And what for?  To rip out a fun game style some of us play?  It's not like this game is competitive or something.  If it was like a war simulator or prizes for winning, I'd say sure better do some heavy balance  and along the way some people might be sore about it.  This was just kinda stupid though.  Taken all this time to hopefully un-ruin landing gear....


So if it fixes landing gear awesome.

I know my lack of playing doesn't hurt them, they have my money already.  But I'll wait til then.

My main goal is still my circumnavigation mission, it's been most of my gameplay for the better part of a year.



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Getting a bit tired of the recurring bug patches... perhaps a quick nap here on the tracks... yea, should be comfortable... nothing visible on the horizon...


(Post-it note stuck to forehead "Please awake for 1.1.3")

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Having played a bit of 1.1.2, I can honestly say, the new wheel coding kinda... well, it sucks.   I thought 1.0.5 and prior was bad for rover destruction over terrain seams.  I'd love to go back to 1.0.5's wheels.  While the new Traction Control seems to help keep instant flipping death from happening when you turn, you now can't go up an incline without theatrically-unfunny front-flips into the ground.  And unlike in 1.0.5, where front-flips were solved easily with weight... Adding weight now over-stresses wheels, so they break.  Which, as one might imagine, is annoying when you've just tried to settle your light mobile base down on Eve and burst all the tires.  Then totaled the Eve Exploration Rover going up a small hill.  Then trashed the backup Eve Exploration Light Ranger going down a small hill.

Which basically tells me "If it needs wheels, don't bother with 1.1.2."

Probably sticking to my 1.0.5 install until I see evidence that the wheely-bad death bug is fixed, because right now, it's virtually unplayable.  I didn't even bother with planes after my experience with a bad Eve trip and plenty of rover destruction.


That being said, if 1.1.3 can fix that, I'm totally hyped for it.

Edited by Madrias
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See things like this make me sad..

Its all true what you say.. yet with a few tweaks to the config file of 3rd party mod wheels, everything works perfectly.. realistically and im loving it

I just finished driving a crew tram around the whole of KSC dropping kerbals off at various places, navigating tight taxiways, perfectly circling flagpole and suchlike with the cobblestone footpaths they have, the wheels performed better than they ever have in 1.04 using my steering wheel

but these are the buffalo wildblueindustries Grizley and Mountain Goat wheels.. theyre not indestructable they explode IF stressed horribly but dont explode when you look at them.. in a 3 and 4 car dotto train. theyve never given the train handling problems outside of reality  they're capable and dependable..with the slightest suspension change in SPH its great


the only way ive modded them is to keep below 30m/s speed wise.. other than that they're "stock" 3rd party wheels..

so the problems are not so much the new wheel system but squads own settings on their own parts that have been set unrealistically..

this I dont understand..

crew train - not exactly crush capacity.. indeed a branchline..



Edited by Overland
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Well... i will return to KSP in autumn or winter... i am around here as usual and pretty curious about the things to come, but i can offer my HypeTrain ticket to one nice forum member, who hasnt got a ticket yet.

Dont get me wrong... i will keep the one for 1.2!

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