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[Minimum KSP version - 1.11] Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) v1.12


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  On 10/16/2018 at 11:17 PM, IREinc said:

Is anyone else unable to equip tools after the latest 1.4.5 ksp update? I can right click the tool and Click the equip button but still cannot attach anything because "no tool is equipped"

PS: according to CKAN both kas and kis are updated to the most recent version. I'm running some other mods thus wanting to know if it is just me or a more general problem.


Do you mean 1.4.5 or 1.5? Do Kerbals have the tools in their hands or not at all? Does it work if you press the tool's inventory number? (ie. if you have the screw driver in your first slot in the inventory, press 1 on the keyboard)

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  On 10/17/2018 at 12:05 AM, infinite_monkey said:

Do you mean 1.4.5 or 1.5? Do Kerbals have the tools in their hands or not at all? Does it work if you press the tool's inventory number? (ie. if you have the screw driver in your first slot in the inventory, press 1 on the keyboard)


Sorry I believe it is 1.5 dressed for success but will double check when I get home. Both equip and inventory number had the same result (No tool actually equipped). The tool does not show up in their hand either way.

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  On 10/17/2018 at 12:10 AM, IREinc said:

Sorry I believe it is 1.5 dressed for success but will double check when I get home. Both equip and inventory number had the same result (No tool actually equipped). The tool does not show up in their hand either way.


Yea if its 1.5 you are probably going to have to wait for mod updates.  minor updates like 1.4.2 to 1.4.3 often dont break mods. but the major ones often do.

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  On 10/17/2018 at 12:10 AM, IREinc said:

Sorry I believe it is 1.5 dressed for success but will double check when I get home. Both equip and inventory number had the same result (No tool actually equipped). The tool does not show up in their hand either way.


Just checked it, no problems found for KIS. Given how many mods have failed with the new versions, I'd suggest a mods conflict. try testing on a pristine game. If the problem still happens, then share the logs. And post them to the right topic, please. This one is for KAS.

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  On 10/17/2018 at 4:20 AM, IgorZ said:

Just checked it, no problems found for KIS. Given how many mods have failed with the new versions, I'd suggest a mods conflict. try testing on a pristine game. If the problem still happens, then share the logs. And post them to the right topic, please. This one is for KAS.


I will check when I get home (I'm in China and posted the first post on my way to work). Wasn't sure which this was an issue for as I installed KIS and KAS together and encountered the problem when trying to attach something (but I see how it is probably problem from something conflicting with KIS).

Thanks for looking into it. I wasn't expecting you to look at it yet, I was just wanting to know from others if things broke when they updated KSP so I would know if I should spend time digging further or if it was a common problem from the update.

Thanks again :)

Edited by IREinc
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FYI on the 1.5 support for KAS 0.6.*

This is the moment that was coming for some time already. There will be no dedicated release to support the new KSP version. Instead, there will be a KAS 1.0 release with a legacy version of KAS, which will be supporting KSP 1.5. It will take some time to make the final package, though (there are beta issues to be addressed). My worst estimation on the timing is Oct 21st, but I'll try to get it released on Saturday night or even earlier.

And I'd like to use the opportunity to remind it once more: the 0.6.* version of KAS will not be around forever. One day KSP will have a major update, and there will be no compatibility fix for the legacy KAS. If you have career games that depend on the legacy KAS, you should migrate out of it! KAS 1.0 is the only option in a long term.

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  On 10/17/2018 at 8:30 AM, IgorZ said:

And I'd like to use the opportunity to remind it once more: the 0.6.* version of KAS will not be around forever. One day KSP will have a major update, and there will be no compatibility fix for the legacy KAS. If you have career games that depend on the legacy KAS, you should migrate out of it! KAS 1.0 is the only option in a long term.


Firstly, thanks for dedicating so much of your time to this excellent mod.  While I'm not currently in the camp of I-can't-do-without-it, it has certainly enhanced my gameplay despite the annoying effect of my Kerbals reorienting while I attempt to attach some part.  There are NEOS and SEP science experiments that can't be built without it.

Secondly, with your PSA in mind, could I ask what steps I should take to transition safely to KAS 1.0?  Is it just a matter of removing KAS 0.6.4 and installing KAS 1.0?  I'm early in a career save and don't have much in orbit at the moment so this would be an opportune time, now that you've gone through a couple of KAS 1.0 RCs.

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  On 10/17/2018 at 6:12 PM, Brigadier said:

Is it just a matter of removing KAS 0.6.4 and installing KAS 1.0?


Unfortunately, it's not enough. KAS 1.0 and KAs 0.6.* have different parts and are not substituting each other. The existing RC2 release has KAS 0.6.* package inside, so for now you can simply upgrade and don't bother about compatibility. However, once the 0.6.* branch is completely dropped, all the parts from it will stop working. If you're in the early career game, I'd encourage you to only use the parts from the KAS tab in the ditor - those are all new KAS.

  On 10/17/2018 at 6:41 PM, infinite_monkey said:

Whill the legacy parts be removed from the mod in the future?


Yes, they will. Not tomorrow or in a month, but eventually they will be completely removed. There will be possible to download them separately from the old releases, but in case of incompatible KSP version there will be no workaround.

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  On 10/17/2018 at 6:55 PM, IgorZ said:

I'd encourage you to only use the parts from the KAS tab in the ditor - those are all new KAS.


Understood.  Out of curiosity, could you give some examples of what parts, that aren't in the KAS tab, I should be avoiding?  I think there's a KIS container from Universal Storage...is that the sort of part I should avoid?

When you release KAS 1.0 I'll install...and I hope that it'll be on CKAN.  Looking forward to it.

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@Brigadier With KAS 1.0 the old parts are named Legacy - PartName in the editor, so it's pretty easy to tell which ones are new vs old. This is KAS only, so KIS parts like containers and screwdrivers are not affected. Pre-release versions are available at https://github.com/ihsoft/KAS/releases  It's not completely bug free, but it's been fairly stable and IgorZ is fixing bugs relatively quickly.

I started my current game with KAS 1.0 sometime in July, without 0.6.4 KAS before @IgorZ added the legacy parts in his 1.0 releases. I would have been harsher and not included them at all in the 1.0 releases. Knowing IgorZ had stated the legacy parts were going away I didn't want them in my game at all.

My workaround was to hide all the legacy parts with a patch.

@PART[KAS_*]:FINAL		// KAS_* matches legacy parts. KAS.* matches new parts.
    %category = none    // hides it in editor
    %TechHidden = True  // hides it in tech tree
    %tags =             // hides it in Comunity Category Kit


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@IgorZ I figured it was safe since they weren't there when I started using KAS 1.0. I just prefer patching instead of editing mods directly, so the next time I update my patch file should automatically deal with any changes I've done instead of needing to remember to go fix the update.

Another way to remove the parts and not just hide them would be to include the following in a patch file.



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After Steam upgrading to KSP 1.5.x, I get the error message to use 1.4 because KAS is not compatible. I updated the KAS mod to 1.0, but that didn't fix it. Am I missing something, or does KAS need to be updated to be compatible with KSP 1.5? Thanks.

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  On 10/19/2018 at 10:42 PM, DrObbie said:

After Steam upgrading to KSP 1.5.x, I get the error message to use 1.4 because KAS is not compatible. I updated the KAS mod to 1.0, but that didn't fix it. Am I missing something, or does KAS need to be updated to be compatible with KSP 1.5? Thanks.


Read a bit above your post and you see an FYI on how he is updating it for 1.5. 

" This is the moment that was coming for some time already. There will be no dedicated release to support the new KSP version. Instead, there will be a KAS 1.0 release with a legacy version of KAS, which will be supporting KSP 1.5. It will take some time to make the final package, though (there are beta issues to be addressed). My worst estimation on the timing is Oct 21st, but I'll try to get it released on Saturday night or even earlier.

And I'd like to use the opportunity to remind it once more: the 0.6.* version of KAS will not be around forever. One day KSP will have a major update, and there will be no compatibility fix for the legacy KAS. If you have career games that depend on the legacy KAS, you should migrate out of it! KAS 1.0 is the only option in a long term. "

Edited by Starslinger999
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  On 10/19/2018 at 10:42 PM, DrObbie said:

After Steam upgrading to KSP 1.5.x, I get the error message to use 1.4 because KAS is not compatible. I updated the KAS mod to 1.0, but that didn't fix it. Am I missing something, or does KAS need to be updated to be compatible with KSP 1.5? Thanks.


It is just the MiniAVC. It has nothing to do with the mod not working. You can delete the two MiniAVC files in the Plugin folder. MiniAVC is a small plugin that checks for update version of a mod. Doesn't hurt removing the two or one MiniAVC files. Once removed you won't get the popup on launch anymore. I usually remove all my MiniAVC from mods on a large update, so I don't see those pop-ups. KSP has a built in warning pop-up too, those are usually legit warnings. 

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Starslinger999, I figured I was missing something that was said previously, despite my attempt to read it all. Thank you for pointing it out. I'll watch for the updated release.

therealcrow999, thank you for the info on the root cause of the pop-up warning. 


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  On 10/17/2018 at 12:10 AM, IREinc said:

Sorry I believe it is 1.5 dressed for success but will double check when I get home. Both equip and inventory number had the same result (No tool actually equipped). The tool does not show up in their hand either way.

  On 10/17/2018 at 4:20 AM, IgorZ said:

Just checked it, no problems found for KIS. Given how many mods have failed with the new versions, I'd suggest a mods conflict. try testing on a pristine game. If the problem still happens, then share the logs. And post them to the right topic, please. This one is for KAS.


I think I've isolated the problem. On a new save, the current 0.6.4 KIS works correctly and you can equip things. But in an existing save, even with a new vessel, I don't seem able to equip things. In the console:

[LOG 19:39:21.604] Equip item E-SD80 Electric Screwdriver in mode Model
[ERR 19:39:21.604] evaTransform not found !


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  On 10/23/2018 at 2:53 AM, jzroth said:

I think I've isolated the problem. On a new save, the current 0.6.4 KIS works correctly and you can equip things. But in an existing save, even with a new vessel, I don't seem able to equip things. In the console:

[LOG 19:39:21.604] Equip item E-SD80 Electric Screwdriver in mode Model
[ERR 19:39:21.604] evaTransform not found !

Screwdriver is not a KAS part, it's from KIS. This problem has already been investigated and is being addressed.

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So, KAS v1.0 is finally released. I warned many times before, but I bet many people have missed the warning :) If you're one of them, please, carefully read the very first post of this thread (I've spent almost an hour to have it properly updated!). The KAS as you might knew it is no more. Those who participated in the Beta testing knew it was coming.

If, by a chance, you're an owner of a mod that is based on the old KAS, please, do not hesitate to contact me in PM. I'm open to help to migrate your mods to the new version. I've created some documentation on the new modules in KAS. It's primarily intended for the mod developers, who write code, but you also can use it to understand the new modules settings.

And don't forget, that you can force me to do some good docs by simply participating via Pateron :)  (advertisement alert!)

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