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The Ultimate Challenge (Originally by Just Jim)

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The Ultimate Challenge (Originally by Just Jim)

I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, but here goes nothing.

I was working on my career game yesterday for my fan-fiction project when I checked into mission control, and saw a contract offer that stunned me.  It's a challenge so huge it's given me an opportunity to totally change my story plot and add a whole new section.

I've searched everywhere in the challenge section, and I'm not finding this one. 
If it's out there, and I'm necro-ing an old challenge, then I apologize and ask this be taken down, OK?
It's called the Ultimate Challenge, and the rules are simple:

Visit all 14 bodies in the Kerbin solar system in one ship and return home to tell the tale.  :0.0:




I looked at it... then looked again, closed my eyes, held my breath, and hit accept..... 

So here's the deal.  According to the forum rules, I can't really issue this as an official challenge unless I do it, or at least make a really good attempt at it, first.  Which is what I'm going to do.  It's probably the hardest thing I can think of doing in the game... and a marvelous opportunity to exploit for my fan-fiction story.
How can I say no???
Oh, and because I'm a sadist, I'm doing it stock.

If I can do this, I'll make it an official challenge, and make a badge and all that. 
Unless someone else has already done it and wants to take over.
Which makes me wonder, has anyone done this?  Has anyone attempted it?
Am I bringing up an old challenge I just can't find?

Comments?  Ideas???  Or perhaps just some insane laughter at the thought???'

@5thHorseman  Persistent file download for the contract  DOWNLOAD ultimate_challenge.zip  


@Just Jim and @Speeding Mullet for helping me to find a badge



Since this challenge is literally the biggest challenge I've seen since Jool-5, you be marked with launches, mods, etc. Mods must be stock-like, visual, or info only. 


 Kergarin completed with a single launch ISRU spaceplane. Sweet as Vanilla and BadS ( https://youtu.be/FXAzQk01vuw )

:Jetski completed with 2 launches (plus a failed 3rd launch). Mods?

DustInTheWind completed with various info and part mods. Over 400 screenshots. First entry in a while.

IncongruousGoat completes the challenge with only info and visual mods. Looks great!



Edited by HoloYolo
fixing outdated rules and stuff.
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, @HoloYolo glad you could take this over. Any interest in posting names on OP for those of us who have completed it?  Maybe with a note to distinguish multiple launch (like my entry) and epic single launch missions, like @Kergarin

Either way, glad it's staying alive, since it's pretty much the biggest challenge of them all!

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11 minutes ago, Jetski said:

, @HoloYolo glad you could take this over. Any interest in posting names on OP for those of us who have completed it?  Maybe with a note to distinguish multiple launch (like my entry) and epic single launch missions, like @Kergarin

Either way, glad it's staying alive, since it's pretty much the biggest challenge of them all!

Could you Copy and paste them? I'm doing something right now.

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30 minutes ago, Animar_Element said:

Is refueling allowed? I don't think Eve would be possible otherwise

People have done this with one ship total. I have seen people use multiple launches to build the rocket and then send it off. I do not think it is allowed, though.

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1 hour ago, Animar_Element said:

Is refueling allowed? I don't think Eve would be possible otherwise

Perhaps any stock approach should be allowed, as long as it fits within the total budget from the contract and would in fact satisfy KSP that that contract was completed (and there isn't some obvious cheat that no-one would ask about in good faith).

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2 hours ago, HoloYolo said:

People have done this with one ship total. I have seen people use multiple launches to build the rocket and then send it off. I do not think it is allowed, though.

As I recall, the point of the previous thread was to complete the contract, in a way that the game would accept. I don't see why ISRU would be banned under those conditions.

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To the best of my knowledge the total list of people that have completed this is 

Jetski completed with 2 launches (plus a failed 3rd launch) 

Kergarin completed with a single launch ISRU spaceplane

I haven't seen another true completion, but I might have missed one :)

Both ways fill the contract.  Having multiple launch mission trading out a single command pod into various lander bodies for all planets was my method.   A single pod connecting to various lander bodies, but all in an SSTO/ISRU mothership was @Kergarin's (impressive) way. Only real requirement is a single manned pod must land on every body and return safely to Kerbin. As written, the challenge might even accept a probe core doing the whole run :)

Edited by Jetski
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Good work on picking this challenge up!  I've always looked at it but never thought I would make a start.  I did the Jool 5 a couple of times but that was at the absolute limit of my capability and quite frankly I'm surprised I made it.  Eve I've never done successfully before, and I've only had 1 crack at Moho, barely making it back alive.  So why not, I'll have a go and either enter the halls of fame or face-plant into the wall beside the door.

Couple of suggestions:

I found this post by @5thHorseman:

I'm not sure if it works for 1.1.3, 5th will be able to advise, but it would be worth including it if it's still operational.  There's also a badge which could do with going in the OP:

I'd also like others suggest creating a list of completed entries in the OP (possibly split into multiple and single launches, stock or modded), and generally making it a little more neat and tidy.  This is probably up there with the mightiest ever challenges so the thread deserves to be mighty and to live long as a quality thread :).  The Jool 5 Challenge thread is a great example of a tour thread done well and I'm sure this thread could benefit from some rules, challenge levels etc etc.

Now to get started on my Eve lander.  May as well start difficult and get easier as I go along :)



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Just to let you know, in the previous thread it was established that a single probe core or pod was the `ship` and you could move just that part around the system landing on each body and then returning just the core or pod to kerbin satisfied the contract.

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2 hours ago, Speeding Mullet said:

I'm not sure if it works for 1.1.3, 5th will be able to advise, but it would be worth including it if it's still operational.  There's also a badge which could do with going in the OP:

I don't have the time to check it (and I sure don't have time to fix any problems along the way) but would in no way stop someone else from doing so. My gut says all you'd need to do is load it in the new version and let KSP convert it, and then zip up the new persistent file.

Edited by 5thHorseman
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  • 3 weeks later...
Just now, Kergarin said:


I'm thinking about doing this again... But in addition 100% reusable this time, because I now have this litte nice Eve lander :D


Ps: am I still listed under "modded:" or do I read the list wrong? :)

You read it wrong. You are in Single Launch.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Since a @HoloYolo is now admin, and I have done everything except Jool and landing on Kerbin at this point, I have a few questions regarding the rules.

  • Are multiple missions allowed, or must you leave Kerbin's SOI exactly once?
    • I broke this down into an Eve mission, a Mun, Minmus, Moho, and Gilly mission, a Dres, Duna, and Ike mission, an Eeloo mission, and now a Jool mission is in the works
  • Is refueling allowed?
    • I refueled at my Asteroid capture probe orbiting Minmus, and had to send a tanker to Gilly for the return to Kerbin
  • What about forgotten screen shots?
    • After my Eve mission I decided the Manticore II Reusable Transfer Vehicle needed shielded docking ports where the Advanced nosecones were, and launched the Manticore III RTV. I did not take screenshots of this launch for the Dres, Duna, Ike Mission.
    • I did not document the launch of my tanker to Gilly. It was the same craft as the transfer stage for Moho and is still in orbit of Gilly as my "Inner System Rescue Tug."
  • All of my previous missions have limited mods to informational (Docking Port Alignment, MJ, KER, KAC, TWP, etc...) and a fuel mod (switch the Mk3 to 2.5m and Mk3 o Mk2 adapters to all LF no OX on the Manticore RTVs). However, there is one part on Near Future Construction I want to use: the Octo-Girder XL in open mode. I want to store my Laythe lander inline, and I cannot get it to fit in a cargo bay. Can I use this part?
    • The contract says "land" on Laythe, so wings are almost a must
  • Do I count crew retrieval missions to the command pod in LKO in between planetary missions in my number of launches? How about visits to existing infrastructure: do I count the launches for that?

I could start over again, with many improvements to ship design (i.e. put a Clamp-o-tron Jr. on the front of my command pod so it is not such a pain to move it around,) but that would be the difference between completing it this month or next year.

Current contract status

Edited by DustInTheWind
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I thought I would go ahead and document my progress while waiting for clarification on the rules .

Eve mission in 1.05 was 4 launches: Eve lander, Transfer vehicle, Crew cabin/Gilly lander (landing aborted due to lack of delta v), and crew return from LKO

  • Eve mission for for "Eve Return 1.05 Challenge"
  • Mods used: MJ, KER, KAC, Transfer Window Planner, Modular Fuel Tanks, and Docking Port Alignment Indicator
    • Hyperedit was installed for lander testing, but not used during the challenge

Mun, Minmus, Moho, and Gilly in 1.05 was 5 Launches: Mun / Minmus lander, LKO tug, Transfer vehicle/Moho lander, Fuel top-off/extra tanks in LKO, and refueling mission to Gilly

  • Mun, Minmus, Moho, & Gilly
  • Two refueling stops: Minmus orbital rendezvous with existing probe, and refueling mission to Gilly
    • I did not document the launch of the refuelling/rescue mission to Gilly
  • Mods used: MJ, KER, KAC, Transfer Window Planner, Modular Fuel Tanks, and Docking Port Alignment Indicator
    • Hyperedit was still installed from Eve lander testing, but not used
  • Ended up docking the pod to my Transfer vehicle for the next mission

Dres, Duna and Ike mission in 1.1 was 4 Launches: Transfer vehicle, Landers/Kerbin return pod, fuel top off, and inflatable heat shield (which was brand new and shiny but pretty useless for this mission)

  • Dres, Duna, & Ike
  • Mods used: MJ, KER, KAC, Modular Fuel Tanks, and Docking Port Alignment Indicator

Eeloo Mission in 1.1.3 was 3 launches: Transfer vehicle / lander, Crew delivery/Orbital Tug, and Crew return from LKO

  • Eeloo (I love the face Val makes in the last shot)
  • Mods used: MJ, KER, and Docking Port Alignment Indicator
  • The probe core on my RCS docking tug nearly stranded poor Germal waiting for a good rendezvous window

P.S. Why does imgur always try to re-order uploads? It's frustrating.

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On 9/8/2016 at 4:10 PM, DustInTheWind said:


Since a @HoloYolo is now admin, and I have done everything except Jool and landing on Kerbin at this point, I have a few questions regarding the rules.

  • Are multiple missions allowed, or must you leave Kerbin's SOI exactly once?
    • I broke this down into an Eve mission, a Mun, Minmus, Moho, and Gilly mission, a Dres, Duna, and Ike mission, an Eeloo mission, and now a Jool mission is in the works
  • Is refueling allowed?
    • I refueled at my Asteroid capture probe orbiting Minmus, and had to send a tanker to Gilly for the return to Kerbin
  • What about forgotten screen shots?
    • After my Eve mission I decided the Manticore II Reusable Transfer Vehicle needed shielded docking ports where the Advanced nosecones were, and launched the Manticore III RTV. I did not take screenshots of this launch for the Dres, Duna, Ike Mission.
    • I did not document the launch of my tanker to Gilly. It was the same craft as the transfer stage for Moho and is still in orbit of Gilly as my "Inner System Rescue Tug."
  • All of my previous missions have limited mods to informational (Docking Port Alignment, MJ, KER, KAC, TWP, etc...) and a fuel mod (switch the Mk3 to 2.5m and Mk3 o Mk2 adapters to all LF no OX on the Manticore RTVs). However, there is one part on Near Future Construction I want to use: the Octo-Girder XL in open mode. I want to store my Laythe lander inline, and I cannot get it to fit in a cargo bay. Can I use this part?
    • The contract says "land" on Laythe, so wings are almost a must
  • Do I count crew retrieval missions to the command pod in LKO in between planetary missions in my number of launches? How about visits to existing infrastructure: do I count the launches for that?

I could start over again, with many improvements to ship design (i.e. put a Clamp-o-tron Jr. on the front of my command pod so it is not such a pain to move it around,) but that would be the difference between completing it this month or next year.

Current contract status

Whatever works works. 1.0.5 seems a little too late version wise. IT could've been done in 1.1, but no biggies, I'll inform everyone else. About the modded part, treat it like Jool 5's rules. If it's not too OP, and it's close enough to stock parts, then go ahead.

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47 minutes ago, HoloYolo said:

1.0.5 seems a little too late version wise. IT could've been done in 1.1, but no biggies, I'll inform everyone else. 


I started the challenge before 1.1 was out and modified my Eve lander (originally for the Eve Return 1.05 challenge) for Just Jim's original challenge. The inflatable heat shield in 1.1 would've saved me about 20 metric tons... so I would have been able to do Mun, Minmus, Gilly, and Moho in that launch back in March. School kicked into high gear and I didn't get to play much KSP until after finals, then got to run my Dres, Duna, Ike mission. My internship kept me away until just recently when school started back up.

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