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  On 4/10/2019 at 12:12 AM, Geonovast said:

I really, really want to like Surviving Mars.  Mainly because I, you know, paid money for it, but for some reason playing the tutorials just didn't grab me.


I have so many games like this. Which is why I stopped paying full price for games. If it isn't on sale for less than $10, I ain't buying it.

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  On 4/10/2019 at 12:44 AM, TheSaint said:

I have so many games like this. Which is why I stopped paying full price for games. If it isn't on sale for less than $10, I ain't buying it.


Oh I didn't pay full price, so at least there's that.  I don't think I've ever paid full price for a Steam game.  Borderlands 3 will ruin that, I'm sure.

I did pay full price for KSP off GoG though, and I'd never played it or even watched a video.  Just kinda winged it from the xkcd comics and that worked out.

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  On 4/9/2019 at 7:14 PM, Shpaget said:

Factorio - although it satisfies "tech tree and survival" criteria, it's about neither of those :)

ARK - Survival Evolved - Run with dinosaurs, sometimes after them, often away from them.


I have played factorio but not ARK.. 

I was talking about games like Last Day on Earth:Survival but on PC and not requiring the internet.

  On 4/9/2019 at 8:09 PM, KerbolExplorer said:

Surviving mars has a neat tech tree but not so much survivial elements....


Mmhmm that game always 'irked' me for some reason... 

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  On 4/9/2019 at 3:57 PM, Nivee~ said:

So, this is more of a question.. but do you all know some good games with tech trees and maybe survival elements?


Rimworld? A bit more management focused, but definitely has a tech tree and survival elements. Satisfactory is a game that's heavily inspired by Factorio, with a bit of Subnautica's focus on exploration. At some point in the future it will have a full story. It's on the Epic games store for the next 6 months.

Mount and Blade: Warband doesn't have a traditional tech tree, but it has progression a lot like that. I haven't had time to really get into it yet, but it does have a demo.

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  On 4/9/2019 at 3:57 PM, Nivee~ said:

So, this is more of a question.. but do you all know some good games with tech trees and maybe survival elements?


Have you tried the "Civilization" (playing Civ6 now) series? It has tech trees (tech tree plus civic tree) and survival, although if you survive the early going your existence usually isn't threatened any more...

Also, StarCraft (1 or 2) Not exactly a tech tree, but one building unlocks another, giving different/better vehicles and/or upgrades. It's RTS


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  On 4/24/2019 at 12:20 AM, LordFerret said:

Update for Elite Dangerous is dropping (now?) on the 24th... mine updated late this afternoon.


I'm hopeful this will get me to like the game. Call me a dirty scrub all you'd like but not yoyoing bank and forth around a station before spending multiple minutes cruising slowly toward the entry door can do nothing but help my enjoyment of the game.

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  On 4/24/2019 at 12:40 AM, 5thHorseman said:

I'm hopeful this will get me to like the game. Call me a dirty scrub all you'd like but not yoyoing bank and forth around a station before spending multiple minutes cruising slowly toward the entry door can do nothing but help my enjoyment of the game.


You can reconfigure the keyboard so that thrusters are much like, say, docking in KSP.  Same with ship attitude control keys.  As for main power in general, I have 4 keys set; throttle up and down, 100% and 0%.  Works for me.  Kinda set for the rover as well (I have the Horizons version of the game, a must if you ask me), two-handed operation.  I have a joystick, but I've not attempted to map it yet (it's an old Logitec Wingman Extreme, from back in my FS and Falcon days).

The latest update now has an entire area set up to be more 'friendly' for beginners, with additional help and instruction to get you started.  I've not been there yet, I'm currently out and about near Groombridge 34.  Maybe tomorrow.

I'll confess, I play the game on two laptops.  One is for the game itself, my high-end laptop... I originally got it just for KSP.  The other is one of my older AMD (Linux Mint) laptops with LibreOffice, which I use to keep track of my mission status and miscellaneous game pertinent data (like black hole locations I've run across **), and a spreadsheet which is a duplicate of the in-game keyboard settings key mappings which is a big help.  I also have Firefox on it with links to the ED forums and Wiki, but more importantly to EDDB (Elite Dangerous Database) and EDSM (Elite Dangerous Star Map)... these are two sites you'll want handy once you really get moving with the game.

** I'm wanting to go revisit these to see if they've incorporated the new 'discovery' of what they look like, to see if they've adapted the visual representation.  Tomorrow for sure!


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  On 4/9/2019 at 3:57 PM, Nivee~ said:

So, this is more of a question.. but do you all know some good games with tech trees and maybe survival elements?


Dawn of Man?

Build an Iron Age village starting in the Paleolithic with (literally) seven villagers, three animal hide tents, a fire pit and a crafting tent.

Surprisingly restful, at least in the easiest freeplay level - I haven't progressed beyond that yet, so possibly not what you're looking for in a survival game, but it still requires planning and a bit of patience. Also the first game I've played where upgrading to wattle-and-daub thatched huts and raising goats felt like a real achievement. :)

It's a slightly old school city builder in some ways, where the point of building a village - is simply to build a village that you find pleasing. The actual mechanics of building your 1st or your 10th village probably won't change that much. Then again, you could say much the same about SimCity, at least in its earlier incarnations.

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Far Cry 2, AKA African Driving Simulator 2008, Holding Map Simulator 2008, and Missing Shots Simulator 2008

Got it for free on Xbox about 3 months ago, played it, and didn't like it at first (minimal HUD, having to hold a physical map, seemed boring).

But recently I decided to give it a revisit, and since creating my new save file about a week ago, I've already played the game for over 35 hours. It is difficult, with things such as the malaria attacks and weapon degradation and jamming, but once you learn to get past these, this game is just really fun to play. It has it's downsides, such as with the enemy AI who can magically see you from a kilometer away, respawning enemies at Guard Posts, the BRUTAL SAVE SYSTEM (if you're looking for checkpoints and autosave, you're in the wrong place). You can only save at safehouses, gun stores, after completing missions, and that's it. If you die or quit you lose all your progress since your last save

One good system is the Buddies. These are friendly AI who you can rescue or find in the world, and if you die, instead of respawning at your last save point, a cutscene will play where your buddy has come to your rescue, fighting off enemies and moving you to a safe place to heal your wounds. For the main missions, after accepting one you will receive a phone call shortly after from your buddy, who will tell you of a better way to do the task. This is often much easier to do, but is tougher. 

If your buddy is wounded in fights they will lie on the ground in pain. You can choose to either heal them with one of your syrettes, or simply shoot them if you don't have any ways to save them. This WILL obviously kill your buddy and you won't be able to be rescued by them again, so it's a difficult choice.


I just really like the game as it's something different from all the modern shooters and open world games

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Literally got hung up on hillsides. Cities:Skylines has this wonderfully flat Arid Plains map, but it was done by a lazy dev in about five minutes. There’s no detail on the slopes and cliffs whatsoever, and I’ve been fixing that.

...since roughly February.

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  On 4/26/2019 at 12:42 PM, DDE said:

Literally got hung up on hillsides. Cities:Skylines has this wonderfully flat Arid Plains map, but it was done by a lazy dev in about five minutes. There’s no detail on the slopes and cliffs whatsoever, and I’ve been fixing that.

...since roughly February.



Will you put the map on the workshop when you finish?

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  On 4/26/2019 at 1:46 PM, DDE said:



I'd just be happy with a "master grid" that I can lock to, no matter what.  But it seems they're pretty adamant against that.

I'm pretty picky about all my diverging diamonds being identical, so I made one in the asset editor.  But placing that thing without a consistent grid to lock it to is a complete pita.

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  On 4/26/2019 at 2:26 PM, Geonovast said:

I'd just be happy with a "master grid" that I can lock to, no matter what.  But it seems they're pretty adamant against that.

I'm pretty picky about all my diverging diamonds being identical, so I made one in the asset editor.  But placing that thing without a consistent grid to lock it to is a complete pita.


I too am a pathological grid builder. Industries disrupt me quite a bit.

But on Arid Plains I can at least build most of the city’s backbone on an exact grid and work from there. Problem is that I’m still obsessive about pre-planning.

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