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Story time, everyone! No photos today, but I played more Minecraft.

In the modpack I'm using, it adds new biomes and new mobs and variants. One of these is the Desert Blaze.

I went to the Nether and ran into at least five of these Desert Blazes. They're exactly like blazes except they spawn without a spawner and don't even drop blaze rods after all the work you spend killing them!!! *Breathing heavily* Okay... okay, I'm calm now.

I died twice and lost a good amount of my inventory to those sentient flamethrowers. I had most of my gear but lost over half a stack of hard-earned arrows, as well as my iron chest plate and leggings. After I recovered all my stuff, I ran back into my cobblestone shelter that I threw together to cower in. It's connected to my Nether Portal too, so I can go back if I want.

I tried tunneling to get to a different biome, but the biome was huge, and those Desert Blazes were everywhere! I went back through my portal, extinguished it, and burned all the useless stuff I got from the Nether to free up inventory. Which was pretty much all of the stuff.

I'm probably not going back there until I'm better prepared. And I'll need to get more arrows. But that was quite the experience, I guess.

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After the failed Nether expedition, I took some time to explore the Overworld. I set sail on the ocean to find shipwrecks, ocean ruins, and buried treasure. After looting several shipwrecks and ruins, as well as uncovering treasure, I almost died when I attempted to loot a particular ocean ruin. This ruin was guarded by Drowned carrying tridents. I tried to escape, but the Drowned had entered my boat. I had no choice but to swim away to land.


This is a photo of me, with Drowned in hot pursuit.


Eventually, I found land. (Ignore the potion effect swirl on the screen)





I spent time in the mountains, mining iron and coal. I set up camp in the side of a mountain, where I dug out a small hole to smelt my ores.

I continued my adventure, gathering treasure, looting structures, and I also freed some allays from a pillager outpost. Outnumbered and trapped on the top floor of the outpost, I used the pillagers' terrible AI against them, by dropping TNT on them. If only I remembered to take one of the Pillager banners, then I'd have something to show for all that.


I followed my compass home, and stored away my two stacks or iron ingots, five whole blocks of gold, half a stack of emeralds, ten nautilus shells, three Hearts of the Sea, and lots of other miscellaneous items. I also imprisoned gave a new home to my Allays, Al and Ally. (Yes, I named them that.)

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Started a new Minecraft world yesterday with a great spawn.


Went caving and found a very interesting structure.


It had a lot of good loot inside of it for me to "borrow"


And then later found some diamonds myself. I then returned to the surface after being blown up 3 times and smelted my iron and gold.

I really like the new caves and cliffs generation + terralith makes the game feel so much more alive and scary at times.


Edited by Royalswissarmyknife
Minro Splleing Misteka
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15 minutes ago, Royalswissarmyknife said:


Started a new Minecraft world yesterday with a great spawn.


Went caving and found a very interesting structure.


It had a lot of good loot inside of it for me to "borrow"


And then later found some diamonds myself. I then returned to the surface after being blown up 3 times and smelted my iron and gold.

I really like the new caves and cliffs generation + terralith makes the game feel so much more alive and scary at times.


Is that the modpack that I use, or is it a different one?

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15 hours ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

The more I look at it... The more I'm looking forward to CSkylines 2.  

Yes, it addresses many problems of the original. But, like KSP1, I'd stick with the first one... and I haven't booted up my gaming laptop in well over a week.

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8 hours ago, DDE said:

Yes, it addresses many problems of the original. But, like KSP1, I'd stick with the first one... and I haven't booted up my gaming laptop in well over a week.

I'm too busy grading papers and planning classes - but also having a blast. 


Of course, I did get to introduce 'Florida Man' to kids who've never played 


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To find out how to crash the economy and solve world hunger at the same time click Here


Got 13 diamonds while mining to make some tools


Then I came back to my villager house and smelted the ores and got 3 stacks of iron :D



We need to go deeper.


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I got suited up before I went to the Nether.

Sadly I forgot to take pictures there but got 20 eyes of ender in total from there.

My helmet also broke and almost got killed by Piglins


Found the stronghold and the portal Then filled it up with eyes of ender and then jumped in.

Shot the end crystals and the dragon a bit.


Ran out of arrows and had to wait for it to perch.



Then got the egg and jumped back into the portal.



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I have started a new city in Cities: Skylines! Set in a tropical environment, it's a more California-based city called San Delesco. The name itself is a amalgamation of San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Fransisco. As usual, we apparently start building our city in the middle of a national park.


As always, I go with the Eco-friendly approach to powering my city. Afterwards, roads and zones are set up.


For the setup of this area, I decided to make it like many exits on American highways. There's one pretty long road with stores, shops, and restaurants along it, surrounded by residential areas. Of course, when people move in, their also going to want jobs, so...


...time for delicious industry! Beautiful pollution now surrounds the area! Afterwards it's just the usual stuff. Beautiful expansion, growing your population, setting up schools and garbage, public services and such. So now, our city now looks like this!


Looks fine I guess.

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After a long while of not playing, I started a new colony in Oxygen Not Included. Meet the first Duplicants of Genesis Station.


I noticed that one of the Duplicants, Ashkan, looks a lot like me, so I used Duplicity to give him a couple custom traits. He's not overpowered, though.


By Cycle 5, we'd gotten that much done. Note the structure remnant in the lower left corner. I clicked on that locker and managed to extract one of those journal entry things.



Catalina and Mi-Ma both unlocked new skills.


By Cycle 7, we welcomed a new friend to the colony: Joshua.


Joshua had to sleep on the floor because it was already rec time when he was Printed, so his cot would have to be built the next Cycle.


In every ONI colony I always add an Ashkan. In at least one of the animated shorts, Ashkans are shown to be perhaps marginally smarter than the average Duplicant (i.e., using the restroom before it becomes an emergency), and in my experiences, that can be seen in the game. Never in my ONI experiences has an Ashkan got trapped behind a wall, "polluted" the water supply, died, etc. Gossmans, on the other hand, do that. All the time. Every time they're in my colony.


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I'm pretty much a DCS addict. Recently bought FC3 (LITERALLY the day before the 15 years sale, I would start swearing like crazy but that's not allowed on the forums :mad:. 30 bucks I spent weeks working for, now gone forever), and fell in love with the MiG-29.


Here are some less-than-good-looking screenshots:



I'll take better screenshots soon, I promise :P

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Hello everybody, and welcome back to another episode of Issues Only Americans are Mad About! Today, we head back to the other coast, to my biggest city Dunsfield. With a population of almost 200,000 people, you;d expect traffic to be a little hairy. But it's been so much worse. Due to a huge traffic jam, my industry has been starving, unable to make enough products due to the lack of ore. And because of this, stores are struggling to get enough products. The city's economy now stands on a very thin line. All because of a traffic jam. So I decided to get to the bottom of this. Now, the traffic jam can be linked back to an interchange pre-built into the map. Apparently, some clever road designer thought it would be a good idea to put SPEED RAMPS NEXT TO TWO MAJOR HIGHWAYS. People were slowing at the ramps, and stopping before merging onto the other highway, backing up traffic to Center City. At first I tried a roundabout, but that failed. So I decided to get a bit more... creative with the interchange. I called the WWBT interchange, WWBT standing for What Was Bro Thinking.





As you can see, traffic has gone down significantly! Mission success! Kerbalsaurus one, Cities: Skylines zero.

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23 minutes ago, Kerbalsaurus said:

Hello everybody, and welcome back to another episode of Issues Only Americans are Mad About! Today, we head back to the other coast, to my biggest city Dunsfield. With a population of almost 200,000 people, you;d expect traffic to be a little hairy. But it's been so much worse. Due to a huge traffic jam, my industry has been starving, unable to make enough products due to the lack of ore. And because of this, stores are struggling to get enough products. The city's economy now stands on a very thin line. All because of a traffic jam. So I decided to get to the bottom of this. Now, the traffic jam can be linked back to an interchange pre-built into the map. Apparently, some clever road designer thought it would be a good idea to put SPEED RAMPS NEXT TO TWO MAJOR HIGHWAYS. People were slowing at the ramps, and stopping before merging onto the other highway, backing up traffic to Center City. At first I tried a roundabout, but that failed. So I decided to get a bit more... creative with the interchange. I called the WWBT interchange, WWBT standing for What Was Bro Thinking.





As you can see, traffic has gone down significantly! Mission success! Kerbalsaurus one, Cities: Skylines zero.

That looks like a distorted version of the vanilla cloverleaf. Thus far I've never had it clog too badly, but I've never gone above 50k.


You're going to get me to go back to this game, aren't you?

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On 9/3/2023 at 9:45 PM, Toaster355 said:

I'm pretty much a DCS addict. Recently bought FC3 (LITERALLY the day before the 15 years sale, I would start swearing like crazy but that's not allowed on the forums :mad:. 30 bucks I spent weeks working for, now gone forever), and fell in love with the MiG-29.


Here are some less-than-good-looking screenshots:



I'll take better screenshots soon, I promise :P

Welcome to the club! FC3 is a good starting point to help you figure out what kind of stuff you want to do. Personally, I'm much more of a strike pilot, especially the "One Pass, Haul Ass" types of missions. So it's no surprise I use the Viggen a lot...




That said, I'm a strong advocate for flying what you find fun. Whether you get your biggest high from playing limbo with power lines at Mach 0.75 with a load of high drag bombs, tangling with a Tomcat in a Mirage 2000, going toe to toe with an S-300 battery in a Wild Weasel F-16, hunting for vehicles in the Warthog, or just sling loading a crate of supplies to a FARP to let friendly aircraft rearm with a Huey, there's something for all stripes. Yeah, the bigger modules are much more expensive, but they're also vastly more capable. And sales roll around often enough to make it a little easier.

If you're buying stuff from Steam, you can port them over to the Eagle Dynamics direct download version, but I'd hold off until you've bought your first module/map from them directly. you get 50% off your first purchase.

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1 hour ago, MaverickSawyer said:

Welcome to the club! FC3 is a good starting point to help you figure out what kind of stuff you want to do. Personally, I'm much more of a strike pilot, especially the "One Pass, Haul Ass" types of missions. So it's no surprise I use the Viggen a lot...




That said, I'm a strong advocate for flying what you find fun. Whether you get your biggest high from playing limbo with power lines at Mach 0.75 with a load of high drag bombs, tangling with a Tomcat in a Mirage 2000, going toe to toe with an S-300 battery in a Wild Weasel F-16, hunting for vehicles in the Warthog, or just sling loading a crate of supplies to a FARP to let friendly aircraft rearm with a Huey, there's something for all stripes. Yeah, the bigger modules are much more expensive, but they're also vastly more capable. And sales roll around often enough to make it a little easier.

If you're buying stuff from Steam, you can port them over to the Eagle Dynamics direct download version, but I'd hold off until you've bought your first module/map from them directly. you get 50% off your first purchase.

Yeah nice to meet a fellow DCS aviator!

Yep the Viggen is a fantastic module, which is no surprise because Heatlbur is just so good at what they do.

Also I'm not that much of a newbie lol, I've purchased the F-14A/B by Heatblur and the F-16C a little while back. I purchased FC3 for the Flankers and the MiG-29, how simple they were, and how they're great for me because they're fast to learn and use and I don;t have much freetime anymore.

I know almost everything about air to air, and I'm starting to learn air to ground in various modules (I suck). I'm been watching Growling Sidewinder for a pretty long time now so I know a ton about dogfighting too.

I've gotten all my stuff from standalone DCS because I can trial them. I've been thinking about moving to steam but I have no idea how I'm going to move my modules.

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10 hours ago, Toaster355 said:

Yeah nice to meet a fellow DCS aviator!

Yep the Viggen is a fantastic module, which is no surprise because Heatlbur is just so good at what they do.

Also I'm not that much of a newbie lol, I've purchased the F-14A/B by Heatblur and the F-16C a little while back. I purchased FC3 for the Flankers and the MiG-29, how simple they were, and how they're great for me because they're fast to learn and use and I don;t have much freetime anymore.

I know almost everything about air to air, and I'm starting to learn air to ground in various modules (I suck). I'm been watching Growling Sidewinder for a pretty long time now so I know a ton about dogfighting too.

I've gotten all my stuff from standalone DCS because I can trial them. I've been thinking about moving to steam but I have no idea how I'm going to move my modules.

Ah,, okay.

Ground pounder work is a different mindset, but once you start to understand it, it's a hoot. Anything with a HUD and CCIP symbology or a CCRP mode is a cakewalk for iron bombs or even rockets. Hell, even the A-4E mod does excellent CCRP work. Guided air to ground, though, is a whole different game and is something I tend to lean into the pre-planned strikes more than moving target engagements. One Pass, Haul Ass.


As for moving to Steam from standalone... you don't.

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