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Orbit Portal Showroom [Show me your OPT Spaceplanes!]


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Here's a 3700 m/s plane for JNSQ. @JadeOfMaar, maybe I'm finding it easier than you did because of Cryogenic Engines' LH2 patch to the OPT engines.

X-20 Hypercruise

Cruising altitude: 38 km
Top safe speed: 3700 m/s (can maintain for several minutes, but cockpit will continue to slowly heat)
Recommended cruising speed: 3500 m/s

Engine is only OPT part. "J-61 Starwaster"

Cockpit from Mk2 Expansion, for increased heat resistance.




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  • 1 month later...

Reincarnate of possibly my first OPT SSTO spaceplane, the Nosebleed Shuttle which existed in the KSP 1.0, 1.1 days while @K.Yeon was still around. It was named for having so much power in its horribly unbalanced engines back then that it was its own railgun and payload. Peak acceleration exceeded 10 gees and it threatened to explode during mid-ascent (so then it had a heatshield on its nose.)



Now, though, in 2.7x and with OPT under my authority, it's no longer an SSTO, but it's still worthy of its name. Peak acceleration reached 9 TWR and 6 gees while ascending with the drop tanks, and while using airbrakes later in descent, it steadily takes on 5 gees.




Before I made this tri-engine form, which causes certain feelings in me...



I managed, almost, the original 2-engine form but angled the ARI engines upward somewhat to deal with torque from the sunken CoM due to the deliberately low-haging Mk2 engine nacelles. The Mk2 engines were also angled downward like the curved Skylon SABRE to deal with thrust torque at high acceleration. That causes a rather notable amount of drag, but it's not enough to cause alarm.

It seems to have up to 300m/s to spare after reaching orbit. Not satisfactory to find out, but the flight was satisfying.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Vikhr'-21 mission to Kerbin moons


Vikhr' is a freight-passenger SSTO designed for both short- and long-range cargo hauling. Equipped with two aerospike NTRs, it can take off from and land on both atmospheric and non-atmospheric bodies. This mission, in fact, is more scientific than cargo transporting. Vikhr'-21 will haul one Sputnik-M rover to explore new landing sites on Mun and Minmus.

















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  • 2 weeks later...

Shtorm-Alef mission to Duna


Shtorm is a multipurpose self-sufficient SSTO designed to safely travel within Kerbol system, ferrying tourists and carrying out experiments, analysing the data gathered by an array of different sensors and training new kerbonauts by taking them to different places. Shtorm-Alef mission is on to prove the concept reliabilty of this spaceplane.














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  • 1 month later...
On 1/18/2020 at 2:04 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

Reincarnate of possibly my first OPT SSTO spaceplane, the Nosebleed Shuttle which existed in the KSP 1.0, 1.1 days while @K.Yeon was still around. It was named for having so much power in its horribly unbalanced engines back then that it was its own railgun and payload. Peak acceleration exceeded 10 gees and it threatened to explode during mid-ascent (so then it had a heatshield on its nose.)


Would it be greedy of me to ask for this ship file, i really like this SSTO


Side note, i feel like we should just post all of these on kerbalx, cuz some I want to legitimately use, and others i just want to play with haha

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@JadeOfMaar Well our space program spent a lot of their money getting back from the Ciro System, was a hella long flight back to Kerbin. And yes it was a nighttime flight to deliver cargo.

We're switching back to the more advanced engines soon.

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On 4/7/2020 at 7:04 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

Greedy? No. Have fun. :) I just took the time to rebuild, upgrade and thoroughly test them




EDIT: what other mods, and what version of KSP did you build these with? its saying they arent compatible, and that i have locked or missing parts, even tho ive unlocked the whole tech tree already

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19 hours ago, crash087 said:



EDIT: what other mods, and what version of KSP did you build these with? its saying they arent compatible, and that i have locked or missing parts, even tho ive unlocked the whole tech tree already

I built these in KSP 1.7.3. They require OPT, OPT Legacy and Tweakscale. The locked/missing parts are most likely the custom airbrakes added to OPT Legacy 1.5.0.


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Hello guys

Here is the Phoenix 4, electric plane to Eve, built around 3 OPT E Warpjet SAGE and able to fly over Eve as long as electricity is provided through its 90 photovoltaic panels.

It's able to climb to 50000m provided you keep a good angle with sun to keep enough power to maintain minimal speed during climb, this speed being always above the stall speed that rises during climb...and more than that is the heating you have to minimize during climb by managing your speed..

Very interesting challenge as you rate of climb at take must not exceed 5m/s...

But I manage to send to orbit the Phoenix Cockpit with its service bay which is launched when the plane reaches 50000kms. A RS25 RealScaleBooster engine is used for this purpose.

The challenge was to build the plane as light as possible to to bring this launched parts to orbit, as the Warpjet SAGE is not very powerful.



This phoenix 4 is send to Eve on the top of this SSTO


To struggle through Eve atmosphere during descent, I added 3 Thermic inflatable shields and a retroburn engine at the rear. Ejectable mast with RCS and speed break at the front helps to keep Retrograde down to 50 kms during descent and avoid overheating.


Both plane must be handled through Atmospheric Autopilot mod as piloting must be very accurate. They have been tested through the whole flight enveloppe up to orbit with CorrectCOL mod.

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Final tests before heading to Moho. Planning to land everywhere and (where practical) use the rover to circumnavigate from pole to pole (I head the poles have some interesting terrain "features").



Have finally got the VTOL engines and RCS stable enough to land on top of the V.A.B




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Hello guys


Following my electric OPT plane presentation, here is the topic where I start my mission to Eve.

Phoenix electric plane has been modify (version6), adding 5 KIS containers the goal being to build to Remote weather stations on Eve

The SSTO sending the Phoenix to Eve has been lightly modify


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@gilflo I couldn't help but notice that you're still a bit far behind on your version of Legacy and Reconfig. I created these power spheres which are capable of meeting the electric demands of OPT engines. The sphere with black top is like a fuel cell and accepts LFO and produces 150 EC/s. The other spheres hold the Dark Goo as known of the Dark Drive engine, but don't take LFO (they need LH2) and produce 300 EC/s and 5400 EC/s respectively. Their abilities don't scale when Tweakscaled, unfortunately, since Tweakscale does not support their ability to change their fuel inputs.


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By pure coincidence (unless I've been subconsciously driven by @gilflo's project) I decided to build and test my own Eve Ascent Vehicle. For use in JNSQ of course. It's meant to be relatively small so it's short on wing span (which turns out to be a bad thing for atmospheric entry, especially if manned). It suffers from "Fall Like A Stone" syndrome when it brakes to safe speeds near 2km/s and it needs to tumble wildly to not get shredded in the resulting deep dive slope of 45°. (17 gees observed while tumbling.)

With its LF supply dry and having only its IntakeAtm supply to use (currently only accessible in the drop tanks and Mk2 nose), this plane has 2.8km/s in vacuum (to be used by the SAGE warpjet closed cycle at 3K Isp).




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