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[1.12.x] Konstruction! Weldable ports, servos, cranes, and magnets!


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The Magnetic Manipulator throws errors when trying to move the wrist at all and the Magno-Pad doesn't work at all, in general a lot of this seems broken, there go my dreams of an orbital construction drone. ;.;

Edited by Raccoon
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2 hours ago, RoverDude said:

Not really... worked fine in 1.6.x, expect it works fine in 1.7.x given we're pretty good about not breaking APIs...  As noted, is there an issue?


Yes, magno Pad doesn't work for some reason...


Must be a KAS 1.7 issue I assume...?

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2 hours ago, RoverDude said:

Need a lot more specificity

I believe I know what he is talking about.  @DStaal explained it over in the MKS thread.  KAS has had some major overhauls of parts and in version 1.2 the older parts were dropped completely.

@Kilo60 you can use KAS 1.1 for now which should have all of the legacy parts still intact.

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  • 1 month later...
On 3/6/2019 at 12:46 PM, RealTimeShepherd said:

My problem is that the seat for the Akita rover appears not to have any crew capacity, so I can't 'launch' it with a Kerbal in. Even if I drive another Kerbal to it and try and climb in, I can't do that.

I've got the USI mods, the Near Future ones, MechJeb and MoarDv's Avionics loaded

Has anyone else seen this issue?

I just ran into this and took a look at what made the External Command Seat "special" so it could launch occupied. Turns out you just need to set a CrewCapacity on the Akita and you can launch with it occupied. Just add the following patch somewhere.

@PART[Akita_Seat] { CrewCapacity = 1 }


Edited by Tonka Crash
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  • 1 month later...

Greetings, I am having a similar issue to ChrisF001 where two construction ports refuse to dock together, no matter what. However, reloading the game did nothing and the construction ports were not made from ground construction. I have searched through the entire log file to see what might be causing this but I could not find a thing.

Here is the log file. Perhaps you can find something I cannot.


Edit: I have worked around the problem. The moment I had turned off the snap options for both of the ports, they connected. I still do not know what caused this however.

Edited by Greymangames
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I just built my first spacestation using this mod and   the stockalike station parts redux mod.

My game also uses some other mods but the station uses this two in particular.

Anyway i attached the last part to the station (mobile processing lab with some experiments) and merged it using the construction docking ports. Now i can't move any memeber of my crew into the lab.


I don't know if this is a bug by this mod or anything else, I already tried several things (like changing settings so resources ignore crossfeed rules, reloading savegame and so on).

Maybe it has todo with any other mod I use.


For more information and screenshots I link my reddit post about this problem:

Maybe someone can help

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On 7/29/2019 at 8:16 AM, Faradayjeb said:

Are there some code lines I can add to other mod docking ports so they can weld too?

MM Patch that add Konstruction welding to stock docking ports:


// Docking ports
// add Konstruction welding to stock docking ports v 1.0
// 30 Jul 19

	@description ^= :^: Weldable. :
		name = ModuleWeldablePort

// zer0Kerbal
// CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0



Edited by zer0Kerbal
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  • 1 month later...
On 3/6/2019 at 1:46 PM, RealTimeShepherd said:


I'm running KSP 1.6.1 and I've got  Konstruction

My problem is that the seat for the Akita rover appears not to have any crew capacity, so I can't 'launch' it with a Kerbal in. Even if I drive another Kerbal to it and try and climb in, I can't do that.

I've got the USI mods, the Near Future ones, MechJeb and MoarDv's Avionics loaded

Has anyone else seen this issue?

Hi, I had the same problem and I was able to fix it. You need to edit the .cfg file of the akita seat part.

Go in gamedata ---» UmbraSpaceIndustries--» Akita ---» Parts ---» Akita_Seat :

Then under vesseltype I just added this line : CrewCapacity = 1

Now i'm trying to fix the bed or wheels that arent working properly.

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the latest standalone release for 1.7.3 breaks the game. It fails to load with unexpected error. This happens with the base game with just adding this mod downloaded from spacedock. However, when downloading MKS which has this mod bundled then it works.  Just passing this along. 

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3 hours ago, pp3d said:

the latest standalone release for 1.7.3 breaks the game. It fails to load with unexpected error. This happens with the base game with just adding this mod downloaded from spacedock. However, when downloading MKS which has this mod bundled then it works.  Just passing this along. 

If you can, it would be wise to include the information suggested in the thread I linked in my signature block, below, when you report problems, even if you're just "passing it along".  It can help the mod author and others immensely in tracking problems down.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is the first time I enter here. Sorry for my English, I have KSP 1.7.3 Breaking Ground, I installed SPACEDOCK KONSTRUCTION V1.7.3 and I can't even get in the game. Gives a conflict in SQUAD DOCKINGPORTS SR and JR. But by removing KONSTRUCTION V1.7.3 the game comes in normal. I don't know what to do but I need this MOD to be able to do my work on assembling the bases

This is the error:

Kerbal Space Program [version: Unity 2017.1.3p1 (02d73f71d3bd)]

mono.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
  in module mono.dll at 0033:0cdc1504.

Error occurred at 2019-10-08_161646.
C:\Kerbal Space Program\KSP_x64.exe, run by Henrique Anapaz.
85% memory in use.
12231 MB physical memory [1738 MB free].
19186 MB paging file [2216 MB free].
134217728 MB user address space [134203709 MB free].
Read from location 00000000 caused an access violation.

<Error log redacted by moderator>



Edited by Geonovast
Large error log removed
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Hello, @FromAngola, and welcome to the forum!

Unfortunately I've had to remove the bulk of your error log from your post.  Large amounts of text like that tend to cause issues with the forum, especially for mobile users.

Please upload and error logs to a file sharing site, like Google Drive, and post the link to the file instead of the log itself into the forum.

Thank you!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, back yet again with another weird problem...

I have a case where two connected construction ports won't compress.  Or rather, I click 'Compress parts', and: there's no 'explosion' or sound, the smaller assembly moves into basically the right place, one port (on the larger assembly) flies off into space, the other port remains attached but embedded in the mesh, and it's hard to tell whether the assemblies are actually connected at all (they superficially appear to be, but switching vessels reveals them not to be).  It's... odd.

I don't yet know the exact trigger conditions, although I suspect it has to do with sticking construction ports on radial attachment nodes (but sometimes, that works...).  There are a lot of experiments still to do.  But, has anyone else seen anything like this?

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7 hours ago, ChrisF0001 said:

Hi, back yet again with another weird problem...

I have a case where two connected construction ports won't compress.  Or rather, I click 'Compress parts', and: there's no 'explosion' or sound, the smaller assembly moves into basically the right place, one port (on the larger assembly) flies off into space, the other port remains attached but embedded in the mesh, and it's hard to tell whether the assemblies are actually connected at all (they superficially appear to be, but switching vessels reveals them not to be).  It's... odd.

I don't yet know the exact trigger conditions, although I suspect it has to do with sticking construction ports on radial attachment nodes (but sometimes, that works...).  There are a lot of experiments still to do.  But, has anyone else seen anything like this?

Can you reproduce the problem with another craft?

Can you upload you logfiles somewhere?



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