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The Grand KSP 1.2 Discussion Thread


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I find the use with having a scientist driving my Minmus rover right now, and having SAS on like he was a pilot.
Might not sound like much, but without power into the fly-by-wire control on this rover, it wants to crash all over the place. 
Also, you can pretty much strip-mine a lot of bodies for science with only robotic craft.  Yes, you're missing out on Crew Reports/Suface samples/Goo/Science Jr.  but there's so many places to go to gather science.
Before this patch the return for robotic mission wasn't really worth it in my book... Now it's something interesting, borderline OP.

Some kind of optional life support would be nice tho.  Nothing too fancy... Snacks, Water, and Air (no by-products/waste/CO2 accumulating).

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I have been playing a hard career lately and sending a probes to Mun and Minimus to get world first has made me tons of kredits that I needed to get the level 2 stuff.  Phase three will include sending probes to all the other planets to make funds to upgrade facilities to level three.  A little more realistic in my opinion that the space program has to prove we can get there before they get the funding to send a Kerballed mission.  The explore Duna/Ike and position satalite sets of contracts made almost 2 million in one window and only cost 30k

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2 hours ago, moogoob said:

This is a Mun surface lander mission capable of several biome hops if planned right, uncrewed. About all you can't do with it that a crewed one can is crew reports and sample returns. However, if you check out the cost (only 11.5K funds for the base model), you can launch several for even a simple crewed return mission.  Now, my costs are offset a tad by the fact that you need a Munar relay or somesuch to offset the tiny antenna on such  alight probe, but even considering that too they're still a great deal.

If you land on the Kerbin side of the Mun you can just take a C-16.  No need for a relay.  Otherwise you could attach a small relay to the base craft, by the time it goes out of range you would be on the ground and then you just have to wait for it to circle around again.

Your TWR is awful high though IMO.  Limit that back to about 1.5 and you can do a hand-off flight to orbit.

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19 minutes ago, ZooNamedGames said:

Wouldn't be shocked if it changed how much control surfaces work. They've been making minute changes to aero since 1.0.

Some slight changes were made to drag. Draggy objects are draggier, and slippery objects are slipperier.

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28 minutes ago, Draco T stand-up guy said:

I noticed the lean and was wondering if it was done on purpose considering the fixed stabilizers.

Not my rocket, but I do that all the time on low-mass SRB launches. If you angle it correctly the ship does its own gravity turn. By the time you decouple the SRB you're on a nice arc into (or at least well on the way to) space.

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Between the SAS changes and drag changes, this makes spaceplane SSTOs much easier to do, borderline child's play.Vehicles that struggled terribly in 1.1.3 glide into orbit with ease. It's really quite astonishing how older SSTOs will over perform now.

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Seriously increased for blunt ones. I managed to drop a basic capsule with heatshield from minmus orbit straight to a 45 degree re-entry on kerbin without lowering the apoapsis at all, and it came in safely. Was going something like 3000m/s hitting atmosphere, and it still decelerated in time. I don't think that would have worked in the last version.

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Quite a few threads have been merged into this master. 

When a new version comes out, everyone is excited and wants to start a new thread to talk about one aspect or another of the new release. Unfortunately, that results in discussions becoming scattered and repeated all over the forum. In their excitement, folks also have a tendency not to check if there is already a thread for that subject, cluttering the forum with redundant posts. For these reasons, the moderation team will continue to fold overlapping threads into this master for the next few days. We understand that this is not an ideal situation, either, but it is better than the chaotic alternative. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding. 

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This thread merging frankly makes it MORE chaotic, not better. It's hard to find relevant information, the little things that we want/need to catch up on, as well as quirks and bugs. Threads that are of little value die off quickly in the forum format. Further, when an update drops, that's all we talk about anyway. This eager merging is draconian and unhelpful. This fear of "chaos" is misplaced and bizarre.

Edited by I_Killed_Jeb
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I am normally ok with judicious moderation, but in this case it seems more counterproductive than helpful: I've lost track of what was going on in this thread several times over now due to random interjections of other conversations.

So unfollowing and ignoring this thread, and I'll just generally stop checking for discussions on 1.2 until things settle and proper threading resumes.

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So I started a new career, reached the Mun, and begun to accumulate reputation by performing tourist tours to the surface of the Mun and back. I know, that the new system now will weight the type of the contract you are performing and will suggest you the similar ones. That is cool, however, there is a flaw in it. I was waiting for the contract like Fly by the Minmus (I did not visit it yet in this career) to appear, but then the contract "build the space station around Minmus" popped up. I thought the system should give me that contract after I visited the celestial body... And right after this contract - build the new outpost on Duna. On Duna!!!! Are you kidding me? I did not even escaped Kerbin SOI.

Is it only me, or you also found the new contract system to be a little be too smart?


Edited by Mad_Scientist
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Ok, its likely me being very stupid, but...

How do I convince KSP 1.2 to:

* remember VAB setting for snap to angle?


* remember navball display on/off when entering Map mode (i often toggle in-out of map when landing or launching, and having to *click* on display navball is killing me)

Ok, settings "auto hide navball". Gurd knows what idiot thought setting it to autohide as the default setting made sense, but at least it is selectable.


* convince science reports to display at some location *other* than directly in the middle of the screen, obscuring the very instrument or kerbal that created it?


None of these were issues in the 1.0.* versions, so obviously its a setting that had changed or something trivial like that.

How do I fix?

Edited by MarvinKitFox
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I keep getting ones to expand a station in orbit which was one I threw together as cheaply as possible. It now supports up to 18 kerbals and is the most ugliest thing in the sky. Once I unlock a few more parts I think it's time to send it to a fiery death so I can build a proper station in orbit.

Edited by DragonHalo99
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4 minutes ago, DragonHalo99 said:

I keep getting ones to expand a station in orbit which was one I threw together as cheaply as possible. It now supports up to 18 kerbals and is the most ugliest thing in the sky. Once I unlock a few more parts I think it's time to send it to a fiery death so I can build a proper station in orbit.

The expand station can often be done cheaply then you dock with an passenger shuttle. Have done some without realizing it :)


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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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