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[KSP 1.12.1+] Galileo's Planet Pack [v1.6.6] [23 Sept 2021]


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1 hour ago, Temporal Wolf said:

I'm guessing this is probably not intended, and I suspect it it may not be your doing, but I thought you might find it interesting:


Known bug.nothing we can do about it. Ignore it and choose another contract

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5 hours ago, MaxL_1023 said:

Normal Gemini:



Kerbal Gemini (Iota Lander Upgrade):




I can't imagine what I'll need for a Ceti Mission!

This is where the smaller scale of the BDB parts can be misleading in 10.6x. A two-stage Titan booster simply doesn't have enough delta V to get a Gemini to orbit.

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Wanted to pop in and thank you guys again for such a great mod.   Its so gorgeous and I've been having a blast with it.  Have a few probes headed way out to planets I have yet to look at closely on the map view.  Trying not to spoil myself with RD's stream.

Got me an inner planets grand tour contract last evening and I'm psyched to try and sort this one out.  

GPP's got me fired up to keep playing KSP.  Thanks a bunch.   







Edited by klesh
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When I figure out how to keep a Kerbal alive (and sane) for ~10 years in a rocket capable of getting him there, I will give Augustus some love. I put a probe in orbit in my pre-kerbalism save - Augustus is useful for capturing into the Otho system and can also manage some pretty badass plane changes. 

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4 hours ago, MaxL_1023 said:

When I figure out how to keep a Kerbal alive (and sane) for ~10 years in a rocket capable of getting him there,

The Deep Freeze mod...


4 hours ago, Galileo said:

Augustus gets no love..





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Kerbalkind has launched its first space station: Kerbstation I! In a polar orbit of Gael, it offers incredible vistas and the odd magnetically-accelerated menagerie of subatomic particles! Now with extra batteries (courtesy of a resupply mission being launched during the next window).

On the pad (I really need to research bigger fuel tanks):



And in Orbit - Grannus included for scale (lol)):


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Guys - for some reason my Greenhouse is only picking up 42 W/m^2 when looking at Ciro from Gael orbit - solar panel output seems fine (a little under 1 KW for each of those 3x1s). Is this a known issue? It might be related to the other bug in "stock" GPP. 

I can attach a config file if you want any particular one. 

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Biggest rocket so far in my 10.6257x career - three Mainsails and ten kickbacks:


Which was enough to result in this:


Jeb and Bill made it back with only 300 m/s of delta V to spare.

I'm really looking forward to unlocking some bigger parts. ;-)

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11 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

Maybe that's part of the plan? ..........

Those screenshots could do with an MKS base here and there..... :wink: 

Now we get it you are the new presence of Mephisto:D

Give me your soul and play till yah all are doomed... but i think it is okay because there is a permanent hot party ongoing:D

Use Galileo MKS if you mention it?

Funny Kabooms 



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6 hours ago, Galileo said:

So, I may have messed around with some PQS mods.



Great - now Gael will probably have 30 km high mountains to mess up my re-entry, as opposed to the 20 km high mountains it has now. 

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7 hours ago, Galileo said:

So, I may have messed around with some PQS mods.


If any of what you're doing results in more awesome terrain in upscaled systems without putting the mountain peaks into the stratosphere, then I am officially enthusiastic.:D

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14 hours ago, MaxL_1023 said:

Guys - for some reason my Greenhouse is only picking up 42 W/m^2 when looking at Ciro from Gael orbit - solar panel output seems fine (a little under 1 KW for each of those 3x1s). Is this a known issue? It might be related to the other bug in "stock" GPP.

That's messed up.  42 W/m2 is what you should get at 1 AU from Grannus.  There is definitely something bugged, though I don't there's anything inherently wrong with GPP.  KSP just doesn't like it when there are multiple stars with different luminosities.  The specific problem that you describe here is one I haven't seen before, but it sounds like it's related to the same root problem (I haven't done any testing on resized games).

Perhaps @Thomas P. can take a look at Kopernicus to see if it could be the cause of the reported issue (or rule it out).


1 hour ago, MaxL_1023 said:

Great - now Gael will probably have 30 km high mountains to mess up my re-entry, as opposed to the 20 km high mountains it has now. 


46 minutes ago, Norcalplanner said:

If any of what you're doing results in more awesome terrain in upscaled systems without putting the mountain peaks into the stratosphere, then I am officially enthusiastic.:D

We've reduced the landscape factor for Gael and a couple other bodies to reduce the heights of the mountains.  They shouldn't be so extreme in the next version of GPP.

Edited by OhioBob
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I would also like to raise awareness to everyone that we encourage the use of the Issues and PR systems on the GitHub repository.

To raise an issue, be it a bug, gameplay issue, balancing problem or a feature request, please navigate to the issues page for the repo: https://github.com/Galileo88/Galileos-Planet-Pack/issues

Pull request will be reviewed and discussed by the dev team and considered for merging if appropriate. :D 

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I'll take a look when I get home and try and post some data relevant to the issue. Hopefully we can get the solar panel and irradiance issue fixed before my plants are convinced they are growing somewhere out near Gauss. 

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