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your most painful ksp moments


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On 4/21/2017 at 11:33 AM, sal_vager said:

Talking to the old devs for the last time as a group was pretty painful.

Ouch yeah, that's got to hurt. It's like saying good bye to friends who you know you'll never see again.

Edited by Atomic Engineer
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When i did too steep of a re entry and made jeb burn to death


when i first landed on the mun, tipped over and almost killed a kerbal (made it back ok tho)

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Most painful moment? I was trying to land a lunar craft on console for the first time. I was making final adjustments when I accidentally set the throttle to full and tipped over. Nothing says "successful landing" like desperately trying to reorient the navball while the ship catapults into oblivion.


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Hmm, let's see... I am not really sure.

I guess one painful moment was trying to land a plane and crashing it, but that's common, and I was not even close to lined up with the runway. I did have a crane fall over once but it was a Krove, not a Kiebherr, so it was not very painful. I feel like once I had build an excavator or a crane that just Kraken spazzed, and shook itself apart, but I can't really remember. I use "revert flight" after almost everything I do, so nothing is ever super painful.


OH! I remember one good (BAD!) one now! To this day, I have never been able to make a working space shuttle in KSP. I spend lots of time making them look just right, but because of the weight of the orbiter on one side, it always wants to turn. Once I think I did something with a shuttle and Modular Launchpads, and it just shook and Krakened itself apart. Also, sometimes I have too much fuel and they just stay on the ground, tip over, and go BOOM!

Edited by Ben J. Kerman
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When i spend weeks projecting a massive mothership for one of my challenges, possibly I spend another week or two flying it to several planets... and then it gets eaten by a kraken. In a way that cannot be fixed with a judicious application of alt-f12 or reloading.

or sometimes when i discover that i made some small but crippling design mistake that prevents mission completion.

In both cases I have to restart and lose weeks of work

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Most painful? I was launching a fully loaded 2700 ton ship to LKO, and it was at 0.3 FPS at launch, and sometimes, I went too fast and it exploded, then quick loading didn’t work, and I had to turn on unbreakable joints for a second so the phys easing didn’t force the engines through the rocket. I then just gave up and walked away from my pc with all engines on past 15km straight up and it worked lol.

and then I launched a ship with engines on robotic parts, aaand ONE FUEL LINE was backwards, had to carefully maneuver it to not nosedive lol

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When I tried to get a low orbit around Tylo (for photography purposes) but then realizing that the ground suddenly seemed a whole lot closer than I thought. Stopped the timewarp, but ended up 3km beneath the surface travelling at ~2000m/s.

Luckily it was just a probe, but Mortimer back on Kerbin nearly had a heart attack. (It was one of my best and most expensive probe to date)

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The first time I successfully went to the Mun. It took me hours and hours to get the maneuver right since i didnt know how to quicksave or use targets (and i used the Orbital method, not the Clock method so it was ideal to have it a target) and i wouldnt learn about that until several months down the line. Upon getting to the mun, I landed but I landed slightly too fast and the command module was destroyed. I spent the rest of the day crying. (I was still a little one, probably around 9)

Edited by krblman
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  • 4 weeks later...

Paying attention to orbital vehicles.  I had an SSTO in an early version.  It hit my 1500 part space station traveling in the opposite direction.  The plane oddly enough survived missing a few parts.  The space station was badly shattered where parts would fly past you for over a minute when you got in the vicinity.  Had to deorbit that monster.

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Getting some good mods, only part mods, nothing wrong, nothing bad

but then the game crashes... over... and over... and over... again...

I have all the dependencies, my PC is gud

so why? The awnser: there is no why.

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You make Eve landing and ascent capable spacecraft capable of bringing 3 kerbals + science equipment from Kerbal to Eve and back.

Due to clipping issues between ladders which are too narrowly placed and your lack of testing of exactly that feature, your kerbals detach from ladder 10-15 meters from the ground and cannot climb back into the spacecraft because they detach from the ladder at exact same spot regardless if they are climbing up or down.


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having made my most beautiful ship to dateTM, and seeing its frame rate.

i recorded the launch. it was 6 minutes in-game, including the coasting part where i time warped.

it took 40 minutes in real life.

and i have committed to making a grand tour with it. with OPM. because this ship is WONDERFUL! And I want to use it!

well, at least i know what to do with my free time for the next... couple of years...

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Probably the time I made a Voyager lookalike probe, sent it to Jool in a career save with the intent of doing a fly-by of all the moons (it had a NERV transfer stage in addition to the RCS & a small SRB on the probe).   Caught a beautiful Tylo fly-by that was going to shoot me straight into a Vall fly-by, and Laythe looked to be in just about a perfect spot for a direct intercept after Vall.  Just needed a small correction as I passed Tylo.  Then my daughter's cat, who enjoys watching computer games, reached out & smacked the space bar with his paw, dumping the NERV stage & leaving me with just the SRB & RCS.  I managed to get an orbit around one of the moons - IIRC Tylo on a second intercept - but missed all the other moons and all the glorious science.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've got one that happened just today!

I had a save, that I have been working on for months, it's possible it was even a year or so old.

I had the difficulty ramped up to 11, I don't like making things easy on myself, robs me of that joy when I get things right.

Anyways, Career Mode players understand the absolute grind that is trying to find enough cash to get anything done. I hadn't played in a few months, life and other products found a way to steal away my time, so when I heard of the new and "final" update (I'm an 80s baby, "Final" has always been far from Final in my mind) I was interested. When I heard about the "Maneuver Node Creator App" and all it could do, I bout fell out of my chair. So I took the time to fire the game up. I had just saved up 1.150million dollars in order to upgrade some of my facilities in order to make my first Moon shoot. Only to find that I could not find the Icon in the list on the right. I didn't understand why, went to the web as one tends to do to troubleshoot things, and got lead to a post made here a few days back. So as one tends to do, I went through my troubleshooting routine, thinking surely, surely they didn't lock it behind yet another expensive upgrade. Surely it was the 3 mods I have installed that was causing an issue, surely!

So I removed the mods, and no joy, still no MNCA. When I tried to save that instance as a separate save (the save was named NASA, so I just named it NASA2) it apparently didn't work, and saved over my original. I then tried (shudder) sandbox mode, praying, praying that what I now feared wasn't true. But of course it was, I needed to upgrade the tracking station again to get that tool.

I destroyed a save, because I wasn't clear on what I needed in Career mode in order to access a new feature, and am a bit naive. Got so ill that I threw up.:lol:

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My most recent "failure":

I tried bringing a probe back to Kerbin from a flyby of Eve. I was just barely able to get it into orbit of Kerbin with the help of some very light aerobraking (60km). I have about 100m/s left with an Ap just inside Kerbin's SOI.

Anyway, I had retracted the solar panels before entering the atmosphere. I warped several days to Ap so I could push the Pe back out into orbit only to realize I never redeployed the panels and the probe is now dead.

Did I mention I needed to send an engineer to attach a parachute to it because I also realized I had no way to land the thing anyway? I guess I'll be taking a battery with me as well...

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