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Is it real?


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Declassified documents from US department of energy mostly, and corresponding agencies of other countries. But you can easily see nuclear tests on seismograph data, and nobody has found a test in seismograph data that does not show up in these documents. At best you can detonate several devices at once to make it hard to determine individual yield from each device, like the Indians did with their second test series.

From 1959 the US has had satellites able to detect radiation bursts from surface nuclear tests; initially the dedicated Vela sats, and now as hosted instruments on GPS sats. Again, they have shown up nothing that is not on these lists. There was an incident in the eighties where they showed something like the blast from a bomb, but nothing showed up on seismographs and we're now sure it was an instrument malfunction.

Edited by Kryten
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If When I'll grow up and become Dr.Evil, and I will build my secret lunar Dark Citadel, I won't be trying to hide it at all.

My secret moonbase will look like this. (Warning: many pictures)


HQ. C&C complex (yes, the ship things are antennas).
(Flags are absolutely necessary, special fans blow at them to make them wave, though it spends oxygen.)


A launch complex. VAB with integrated launch tube.
Fireworks are necessary and never stop. They are masking the launches.


Auto-adjusting recreational centrifuge with artificial gravity.


Multipurpose transportation railroad system



Mining facility




Miners go to work. (maybe, in suits)



Launch rotovator. Throws small things to low orbit.


Dino. Just dino.


A know-how. Underground water transportation system. Use your water storage to move things through your underground.


Dust crawlers for crew of 3. The most common type of a lunar rover.



The only things which are exactly what they look like.





And of course, coloured balloons, coloured bands everywhere.


Even if you make a video, nobody would believe that this is a secret base on the Moon, whatever you try to make it look believable.

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Unless the Russians have also perfected a real life HyperEdit to get their top secret supa-stealthy Saturn mission to orbit, then no, it's not real. It's hard to hide a rocket launch, mainly because unnannounced rocket launches by one country tend to make other countries rather worried. So much so, that said other countries devote significant resources to watching for said unnannounced rocket launches.

Or put another way - if the Russians had sent anything to Saturn, the US would know about it.


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yup or ajin or akira or x men magneto & prof xavier metaphor could fit as well ... 'some other metaphor may fit as well' notice this/thoose reference(s) are fiction(s) but they are somehow inspired by something may be ; may be

(( (( blablabla secret agencies, mafia, exchange market balance, and weather.com ? stupid.is.just.stupid.org )) ))

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
Bee Bot ; bzzzzzz bzzzz bbbbzzz ("nice to meet you", bee bot from others location don't use B & Z)
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Personal thoughts: 
If the Russians had tech this far ahead of everyone else, it would not be a secret leaked by a conspiracy website on the internet. The Russians themselves would be crowing about it for propaganda purposes. 

Moderator thoughts: 
Please stop arguing about the relative credibility of news sources, since this thread is about whether or not *this* video is fake. 

Personal thoughts again: 
Yes, it's really, really fake. 

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Yes and they found aliens that stand on their heads there. 


Have any of you watched those documentaries on a Mars Mission? NASA is struggling with astronauts' mental state and radiation while the Russians waltz on to Saturn. C'mon. That is more fake than the "ufos" that sabotaged the Falcon 9.


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15 hours ago, Darnok said:

What if someone says he visited Moon, had one video about this and lost it? :)
Is that credible source?

No. If you think lost Apollo data, only some old storage media have been lost. All information have been preserved, as far as I know. Not only videos, but all scientific, technical, economic and political documents too. They are necessary to make the project credible. Pictures and videos are relatively easy to cheat with modern technology.

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not much to say, first two millisecond she appear in the video, she render emotionially like that: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candide 

in a few year she may render emotionnaly like that https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brave_New_World it all depend what happen randomly in her life

not really worth the watch after it's first 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000001 second appearance, to me at least, and this is a very personnal feeling about what she try to talk about

@Jonfliesgoats but candide is what you were arguing with elthy about i a few threads lately ... right ?

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35 minutes ago, Hannu2 said:

No. If you think lost Apollo data, only some old storage media have been lost. All information have been preserved, as far as I know. Not only videos, but all scientific, technical, economic and political documents too. They are necessary to make the project credible. Pictures and videos are relatively easy to cheat with modern technology.

Issue is simply image quality, some of the original recordings was lost, the converted tv broadcasts has lower quality because of poor conversion from one crappy format to another. 
With the raw video we could improve the image quality of the recordings. 

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4 hours ago, magnemoe said:

Finally something interesting, 
Any news about this game? Is it an active project or just an design study? 
Even if all there is about it is the models its far more interesting than this discussion. 

It was just a graduation project, I'm not even sure he ever released it.

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The video looks as real as Verne's 20.000 leagues under the sea :sticktongue: (have superficial basis but details are completely guesswork)

Orbiting 'round Saturn -> actually not around, but away from

Wrong visor reflection

MD-90 sized (and look like) plane on Titan ? XD

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This was posted on Aug 30 2016.  How is it that a video exposing one of the greatest cover-ups ever stays online for so long, when far more mundane stuff is memory-holed from Youtube on the regular?

Nope, don't buy it for one second, sorry.

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On 1/9/2017 at 8:57 AM, Codraroll said:

There's not being good in English, and there's this... perfect spelling, but everything else being a total and complete mess. Grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, and even topic are all completely incomprehensible.

Did you ever look over your post and think "yeah, this will make sense to the average reader" before submitting it?

I think he mentioned at some point that he's got autism. Most people have tended to react with a little more empathy.

As for the rest of this thread, you guys are feeding a troll.

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13 hours ago, hypervelocity said:

it is obviously 100% fake, however not so sure an endeavour of this magnitude couldn't be kept from public disclosure

They could make it hard to spot, they couldnt make it impossible to spot. And stealthing it up would make the mission an order of magnitude more difficult (no EM communications allowed, travel on ions only, very long travel time, huge craft required, making it easier to spot with simpler instruments).

All spacecraft have an issue with heat, any craft will require radiators or heaters or both, and no you cant "radiate away" from an observer, well you can, but only to a certain extent, and with the cold of space as a background, that is as close to "can't" as makes no odds. 

No, it'd be pretty hard to conceal a probe to saturn, let alone a mission of this scale. No point in sending a probe that doesnt communicate back, and signals coming from another planet would be spotted quickly!

If nobody was looking, it might be another issue, but there are too many people interested in the skies.



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Its fake, like 100% more fake than the Moon Landings wich, spoiler!


Is not even fake.

Stuff like this get published on YouTube everyday. Its just bad CGI. Look at this for example, its not real, its bad CGI.


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On ‎10‎.‎01‎.‎2017 at 7:09 AM, Vanamonde said:

If the Russians had tech this far ahead of everyone else, it would not be a secret leaked by a conspiracy website on the internet. The Russians themselves would be crowing about it for propaganda purposes.

Yes. Yes we would.

They're wearing NASA EMUs with SAFERs.

The larger, nuclear spacecraft looks really familiar.

And the image of Titan is not in the visible spectrum.

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