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[1.12.x] Near Future Technologies (September 6)


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22 hours ago, Nertea said:

The words are appreciated (as is the donation, haha). I'm busy having a midlife crisis right now but am still looking for my next opportunities. Sometimes mindlessly updating version numbers in mods is a good distraction from life!

I just saw this. According to CKAN, your mods have been downloaded around 20,000,000 times. I use them in every playthrough, and I am clearly not alone. You, and a handful of developers like you, are what elevated KSP from an interesting game to a great one. Also donated to say "thank you."

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On 8/15/2024 at 10:32 AM, Nertea said:

The words are appreciated (as is the donation, haha). I'm busy having a midlife crisis right now but am still looking for my next opportunities. Sometimes mindlessly updating version numbers in mods is a good distraction from life!


Aside, NFE and NFC are more complicated to update as they were in the middle of major updates so I have to untangle where I was and either truncate or finish what I was working on 3y ago. 

My god... Return of the King.

Glad to see you back @Nertea and hope you are well :) 

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Release NF Construction 1.3.2

  • Updated ModuleManager to 4.2.3
  • Updated B9PartSwitch to 2.20.0
  • Fixed an issue with part switchers that would show up under certain circumstances
  • Added support for VABOrganizer
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NF Electrical's next version will be 2.0.0 and include the fission reactor revamp. It will transition the reactors competely to being based on the implementation in System Heat,  which is better than the one in NFE right now in pretty much every way.  It will not break your ships in flight - the old legacy parts will be preserved and deprecated in the way I usually do it. 

If you are interested in checking this out, check my dev thread. ETA to a real release is probably about a week.

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@Nertea I think there's an issue in NF Construction with /Patches/NFConstructionCRPTrusses.cfg - I noticed in the most recent version, all the meshes/textures for three tank variants are visible in the editor (when CRP installed):

  1. truss-hex-01
  2. truss-hex-02
  3. truss-octo-02

The patches for those three trusses in NFConstructionCRPTrusses.cfg look like this:

    !MODULE[ModuleB9DisableTransform] {}
        %SUBTYPE[LH2OCryo]  // ... etc. etc.

The B9PartSwitch moduleID in the configs for those three parts appears to be "meshSwitch" -- changing the referenced moduleID to "meshSwitch" seems to fix the issue (tried it out and don't see any obvious problem with doing that). If there aren't any other ModuleB9PartSwitch-es being added elsewhere, I guess you could take out the whole :HAS instead...? FYSA in any case

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20 minutes ago, konitihaa said:

“这个作者的 mod 是我继续玩下去的唯一原因。我该如何支持作者?是在 Patreon 上吗?”


"This author's mods are the only reason I continue to play. How can I support the author? On Patreon?"

Please include an English translation to all posts out side the "International" subforum.  Thanks. 

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3 hours ago, konitihaa said:

“这个作者的 mod 是我继续玩下去的唯一原因。我该如何支持作者?是在 Patreon 上吗?”

The 1st post in this thread has a "donate" button at the bottom. It goes to PayPal.

Here's the link for your convenience but please be cautious about clicking random donate links. Only trust the top post.

https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=ZG6JD4L8DN86S&lc=US&item_name=Chris Adderley&currency_code=CAD&bn=PP-DonationsBF%3Abtn_donate_SM.gif%3ANonHosted

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Guess I'll stop procrastinating this one. Probably still some bugs but we'll see how we go

NF Electrical 2.0.0

  • Updated ModuleManager to 4.2.3
  • Updated B9PartSwitch to 2.20.0
  • Updated DynamicBatteryStorage to 2.3.3
  • ALL PREVIOUS reactor, processing and fuel parts have been soft-deprecated. They will be deleted in < 10 years
  • Switched mod to SystemHeat backend:
    • New reactor parts run on the SystemHeat reactor model, which is very similar but uses a different heat system
    • Game settings UI to tune your preferences for fuel transfer, reactor repair, etc
    • SystemHeat is now bundled (0.7.4)
  • Adjusted overall balance paradigm for nuclear parts (only applies to new parts)
    • Reactors now have ~25y idle life
    • Minimum reactor throttle reduced from 25 to 10%
    • Reactor thermal efficiency tweaked; now caps out at ~37% and maps to the approximate conversion technology
    • Power-mass ratios are tuned to range from 190 to 300 EC/t
  • New/revised parts
    • MN-1 'SNAK' Fission Reactor : new micro 5 Ec/s reactor with 0.625m partswitch option
    • MN-2 'Kerbopower' Fission Reactor: new micro 10 Ec/s reactor with 0.625m partswitch option
    • MX-0 'Toaster' Fission Reactor: revised 0.625m, 60 Ec/s reactor with inline and compact partswitch options
    • MX-1 'Garnet' Fission Reactor: revised 1.25m, 200 Ec/s reactor with inline and compact partswitch options
    • MX-1B 'Prometheus' Fission Reactor: new 1.875m, 800 Ec/s reactor with inline and compact partswitch options
    • MX-2C 'Hyperion' Fission Reactor: revised 2.5m, 2000 Ec/s reactor with inline and compact partswitch options
    • MX-2L 'Excalibur' Fission Reactor: revised 2.5m, 2000 Ec/s reactor with inline and compact partswitch options
    • MX-3L 'Hermes' Fission Reactor: revised 3.75m, 2000 Ec/s reactor with inline and compact partswitch options
    • PB-SRG Advanced Radioisotope Generator: evolutionary PB-NUK-III with similar mass ratios but much better costs
    • PB-NUK-II Radioisotope Generator: 2 scaled up PB-NUK with ~10% bonus on ratios
    • PB-NUK-III Radioisotope Generator: evolutionary PB-NUK with ~10% bonus on ratios
    • PB-ACK Radioisotope Generator: small entry level RTG with lower power generation than the stock one. Appears at 1 lower tech level
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I did a stupid yesterday

NF Electrical 2.0.1

  • Fixed an issue where thermal output was not specified in the right context in configs, leading to low outputs
  • Fixed a CTT patch issue that I THOUGHT was in the main release
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20 hours ago, Nertea said:

Guess I'll stop procrastinating this one. Probably still some bugs but we'll see how we go

46 minutes ago, Nertea said:

Fixed a CTT patch issue that I THOUGHT was in the main release

Well, Nertea, I'm really enjoying your updates - and the new parts/ renames are certainly keeping me on my toes running to update the SIMPLEX supports!!  I'm glad that I'm not the only one who uploads missing bits!

Thank you for the most recent update and refresh passes.

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hey i notticed the reactor revamp. thats quite a jump in art direction, looks like it shows more than just the reactor core. However i see that the garnet no longer makes 400EC which a lot of NF propulsion engines need. Similarly a 1kEC reactor is still missing for covering the medium sized electric engines. the 1.875 is also quite awkward at 650EC. Wouldnt it work better if Garnet kept its 400EC for small electrics and the prometheus got boosted to 1k so fits together with NFP?

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10 hours ago, METHUSMIT said:


i'm using the MX-0 'KerboPower' Fission Generator but when i instal the mod "system heat - nuclear reactor Configuration", i can't change the power setting in flight anymore. so i just wanted to know if it was a feature or not.

In the PAW menu of the reactor, there should be a button labeled 'Enable Manual Control'

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Okay, so... I have a really weird issue. Possibly the weirdest issue I have ever had in KSP.

When I have one of the cluster mounts that NF Launch Vehicles supplies placed in the VAB, and I mouse over it while having an engine selected, then everything is fine as long as I am in single-item symmetry.

As soon as I change the symmetry mode to anything other than single, then an intense alarm noise will play whenever I mouse over that engine mount while dragging an engine. It is very loud. It is not a sound that is part of KSP, I have never heard it before. It sounds like a mobile phone going off, having both a bright tone, and multiple vibration "hums". It plays every single time. I can get it to overlap if I rapidly move the mouse off and on the cluster mount.

I spent like half an hour confused, looking around my room for where that sound was coming from, until I clued in that it was the game.

I cannot imagine this is intended. Has anyone here ever experienced anything like it?

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