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Thread to complain bout stuff


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My complaint... I no longer work at a testing lab.
It was very abrupt, and given how much they've been pushing for labor reduction recently... I barely reacted to the news. I'm not even that surprised.
They've been so cheap with labor int he past year. No annual raises for anyone, not replacing employees who leave...
Oh well. At least it gives me an incentive to find something better that I won't need to whine here about all the time.

Now the big debate... Do I look for something in tech again... Or do I look for something outside of tech... I actually have a few options with technology related jobs, but I definitely recall how much that killed my drive to do my own tech... That and many other reasons were partly why I put up with the lab's shenanigans. Well, it's over now. Time to draw unemployment while I look for a new job. At least I have my second job for some cash flow, but it's not remotely enough without being supplemented by unemployment or another job. Unemployment isn't a longterm solution, so I need to find something good.

Edited by richfiles
I guess I'll never know if they fixed the steam generator on Autoclave 13...
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I just spent over an hour trying to figured out why our system stopped sending shipping notifications for orders a week ago when I'd changed nothing.  I knew it stopped because I'm Bcc'd in on all those emails.

Turns out, no, they were being sent just fine.  Our email provider apparently decided that, after a year, they were spam, and so Thunderbird wasn't retrieving them for me.  I had to actually log into the web mail, which I'd never done, to turn the spam filtering off.  Thank you, adaptive spam controls that do more harm than good!

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  On 1/23/2019 at 7:10 PM, Geonovast said:

I just spent over an hour trying to figured out why our system stopped sending shipping notifications for orders a week ago when I'd changed nothing.  I knew it stopped because I'm Bcc'd in on all those emails.

Turns out, no, they were being sent just fine.  Our email provider apparently decided that, after a year, they were spam, and so Thunderbird wasn't retrieving them for me.  I had to actually log into the web mail, which I'd never done, to turn the spam filtering off.  Thank you, adaptive spam controls that do more harm than good!


I spend a significant portion of my time releasing messages from quarantine and whitelisting senders. It's especially complicated for me, because we have three different spam filters, and one of those maintains different whitelists for each recipient mail domain. And then, even with all that, probably every other month we'll have to deal with an outbreak because a malware-laden spam or phishing attempt gets through. (I especially love it when I look at the message log and the filter has blocked half of the essentially identical spam messages and let the other half through. :mad: ) It is, to put it bluntly, a PITA.

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  On 1/24/2019 at 3:14 AM, StupidAndy said:

my friend banned me from his discord server for something someone else did

oh boy don't you just love justice?


Welcome to the marvelous world of the "Sindrome do Pequeno Poder" (Little Power Syndrome, in a dumb translarion - I didn't found the equivalent in EN-US. It's not Little Man Syndrome, but is similar).

Once most people reaches a position of some power, they start to exercise such power just because they can, without regards for the consequences. It's a hugely common problem on small social networks.

Relying on a single point of failure is never a good idea. And such people are  huge point of failure.

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  On 1/24/2019 at 3:11 PM, Kernel Kraken said:

I just found out apple juice is like 100 percent acid after I have gone through almost 5 gallons in three weeks and now I have terrible acid reflux.


Its a dirty nutritionist secret that fruit juices are about on par with most soft drinks, health-wise. They can be more acidic and can contain as much sugar as coke. "Fruit sugar" (fructose) is no more "healthy" than any other sugar and can be worse due to how it is metabolised.


  On 1/24/2019 at 3:14 AM, StupidAndy said:

my friend banned me from his discord server for something someone else did

oh boy don't you just love justice?



This is a real effect:


But still, yeah, not all friends are equal.


Edited by p1t1o
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I didn't get nearly as much done as I had planned during my unplanned vacation.


And I get to burn four days of vacation time... :rolleyes:

But at least I know I get paid.

Edited by razark
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"The center will return to normal operations on Monday, January 28th."

That is one of the most beautiful things I've read in a long time.  Monday, January 28, 2008 was my first day on the job.  I'm glad to know that I get to spend the 11th anniversary of that day doing the same dull, repetitive, dead-end job I've been stuck in for over a decade...





Crap.  I guess I need to do laundry tomorrow.



  On 1/25/2019 at 11:17 PM, richfiles said:

If only I were there to see it! :cool:


The last job I had before the current one was tech support at a server hosting company.  Shortly after I left, the data center power supply room exploded.  And then the backup generator failed.  And then a cable break resulted in multiple countries losing internet access.

I was sorry that I didn't have someone inside to tell me stories.

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