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Win Prizes and Explore New Languages: Localization Pre-release out on March 16th!


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* long-time lurker crawls from under his rock.. *


Maybe I have missed something, but the important announcement is just the countdown to the localization update? And that version will eventually be called 1.3? And that version will only contain the localization update and some (very needed) bug fixes?


Sorry for asking, but I think I've missed something here.


* dust settles . . . *

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  On 3/2/2017 at 10:24 PM, Poodmund said:

Will there be any way to abstain from having to download all the additional resources for localization packages that I will never use?

A lot of programs have the options to download "Language" packs as options as to not bloat the initial distribution size/update patch size.



@JPLRepo or @TriggerAu do you happen to have any thoughts or word on this? Seeing as the language packs are seemingly coming with additional textures to suit, will KSP "patch" out non-required textures for the textures for the languages that are not currently being used as to reduce the RAM footprint?

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Meh, much expected.  I'm not sure why people think that something substantial will be announced in this day and age of KSP with this dev group.  There are good guys in there, definitely, but the product is basically finished and pretty well polished and a good backbone for anyone willing to mod it.

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  On 3/2/2017 at 10:34 PM, GregroxMun said:

All aboard the Hype Train, or as google translate probably inaccurately tells me...



Все на борту Hype Поезд

¡Todo a bordo del Tren Hype!


This is about how I feel about all of this:

EDIT: I'm a little tired of being accused of not caring about localization just because I don't want to hear about it in lieu of any other news at all. We get it already. We know it is a huge pile of tedious tasks. Are trying to bore your readers to death exposing them to the same forsaken and barren linguistic limbo, through constant reminders of the same not news? The dev notes for the past few months have honestly begun to feel like a few acts of the play "Waiting for Godot." Which, fittingly, is not originally an English play. But I digress; It feels like some cheap young DJ who is constantly building up the tension without ever giving the dancers a break with something to contrast that. We need a drop, not a *tease without climax. 

EDIT2: I find it hilarious that in reading most of the first two pages of this thread I did not find one single contest entry. It's too late to keep digging now, will lurk further in the morning. 

Edited by Errol
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  On 3/3/2017 at 9:22 PM, Sir Crashalot said:

* long-time lurker crawls from under his rock.. *


Maybe I have missed something, but the important announcement is just the countdown to the localization update? And that version will eventually be called 1.3? And that version will only contain the localization update and some (very needed) bug fixes?


Sorry for asking, but I think I've missed something here.


* dust settles . . . *


One more post and you move on from being a newbie!

(that`s serious lurking, less than one post per year, well done!)

EDIT : This is one of the lowest rated threads I have ever seen. At the moment it is rated at 1.9/5. Normally you have to be very new to the forum and not think about your challenge at all to get such a low rating.

Edited by John FX
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  On 3/3/2017 at 8:45 PM, DoToH said:

@Badie please, can you tell me (us) if language will be selectable via settings menu or with some kind of auto-detection as steam does? (I hate that). I'm spanish, but I would like to continue playing KSP in english. After 4 years and countless KSP hours, Spanish KSP will be weird for me.





  On 3/3/2017 at 9:10 PM, Badie said:

Thanks everyone for your help and moving the posts it will be easier for everyone I think! :D



I love been ignored. Thanks.

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  On 3/4/2017 at 4:25 PM, klgraham1013 said:

Truly, all other languages are inferior and useless!  MUHUHAHA!


There are pretty big communities in French and German (and Portuguese also, no idea why they didn't do that one) that would have enjoyed having their game translated. I don't know about other languages, but all in all, all this fuss for 4 languages is kind of disappointing, from a user's PoV (I know there is a lot of code behind). Hopefully the big part was about implementing the translation API so maybe they'll be able to easily add more to the list later.

Edited by Gaarst
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  On 3/4/2017 at 4:57 PM, Gaarst said:

There are pretty big communities in French and German (and Portuguese also, no idea why they didn't do that one) that would have enjoyed having their game translated. I don't know about other languages, but all in all, all this fuss for 4 languages is kind of disappointing, from a user's PoV (I know there is a lot of code behind). Hopefully the big part was about implementing the translation API so maybe they'll be able to easily add more to the list later.


My sarcasm was aimed at the word useless.  They added four languages.   I'd wager that's far from useless to many.

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  On 3/5/2017 at 12:02 AM, Lupi said:

Especially since, as they said, it's moddable.

Want a language? You can add it. French, Urdu, Klingon, Roman, Pig Latin? o-gay uts-nay.


It's not like an official translation ...

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Breaking news! The Koviet Union beat the United States of Kerbonia with their specially designed Mun probe. Flight manager Czelski Kerman, who is Kolish said it was easy to control and got there easily; it was the best rocket the Koviet Union ever made. The Kerbonian Aeronautics and Space Agency (KASA) on the other hand, are very annoyed and hope they win the next space race.

The launch of the rocket was very wobbly and a minor strut blew up. The rest of the flight was apparently, according to Александр (Alexander) Kerman, very smooth. It is very surprising that the Koviet Union won.

The landing of the probe went well and the probe landed on the surface perfectly, however the probe, called MR-1ZA did not have enough fuel to return to Kerbin; so they decided to loop it in the air and to crash it in to the Mun. They also did this with the Mun Orbiter Module (MOM-MY). The Koviet Union Space Agency (KuSA) has planned to send a manned mission to plant a flag on the Mun very soon. KASA were planning to land on Minmus as well, to get double points, but that just slowed them down, making them lose. KuSA were also very smart; docking to the Kerbinational Space Station (KSS-Z387).

KuSA sent the information to Kerbin via ComNet, instead of flying it back to Kerbin, the only problem was that the information also went to KASA's laboratories; so they also got the information about the composition of the Mun, and the other munar information.

The team was: Александр Kerman, Czelki Kerman, Андрей Kerman, Люси Kerman, José Kerman and Юрий Kerman. A very good team of workers.

Jebediah Kerman, said that KuSA would have won one anyway, and that this one was that one.
The next space race according to KASA will be the Duna & Ike Base Race, trying to land a base on Duna, and make a probe to orbit Ike.

(Glenn Kerman)


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  On 3/7/2017 at 12:38 AM, notsodeadjeb said:

You know what this hype reminds me of?

No Man's Sky


Nah.  Squad hasn't actually promised anything they're not delivering in 1.3.  Localization and some bug fixes are what they've been talking about and that's what we're getting.

Edited by klgraham1013
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  On 3/6/2017 at 4:24 PM, Badie said:

Sorry @DoToH it was not my intention. I think you should be able to select witch language you prefer on Steam 


No problem. No serious complain intended, just a little irony, but somehow forgot to add an emoticon or something (my fault).

Back to my question, thanks for your answer, and thanks to @technicalfool too, but I have to insist: any answer for people who didn't buy the game from steam? maybe a config fiile parameter?

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  On 3/7/2017 at 6:59 PM, DoToH said:

Back to my question, thanks for your answer, and thanks to technicalfool too, but I have to insist: any answer for people who didn't buy the game from steam? maybe a config fiile parameter?


Considering how much you can change through .cfg files that you can't through a menu, it's pretty likely that there's a setting.

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