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  • 4 weeks later...

Kerbal Planetary Base System is now also available in chinese:

Kerbal Planetary Base System - [Russian] [Spanish] [Chinese] 

still needed would be japanese and non stock languages:

Kerbal Planetary Base Systems - ~6000 Words - Needs Japanese


One question though:
How should mods be handled that had a full translation for a language but then added new parts that are not translated yet? Would a category like "needs update" be a good idea? Or should we just change support for a language to "partial" and add the language again to the needed translations?


Edited by Nils277
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  • 4 weeks later...
5 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

I'm looking for help with translations.  I've added localization to the PatchManager, which is a fairly small mod

Resource is here:  https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/PatchManager/blob/master/PatchManager/Lang/en-us.cfg

25 lines, about 131 words

Not one of the languages you asked for, but I went ahead and requested a pull for Brazilian portuguese

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Over the last days I added a German translation for the following mods:

  • Cryo Tanks
  • Cryo Engines
  • Community ResourcePack
  • Community Tech Tree
  • Heal Control
  • Kerbal Atomics
  • Near Future Propulsion
  • Near Future Launch Vehicles
  • Near Future Spacecraft
  • Near Future Solar
  • Near Future Electrical
  • Near Future Construction

If someone wants to look over them and adjust things here and there, you're more than welcome to discuss that with me. :)

Currently, their respective pull requests in the process of being approved by @Nertea. In the next few days, I'll continue to work on the rest of his suite of mods so if have input reading those, I'll all ears. :)

Edited by Three_Pounds
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25 minutes ago, Three_Pounds said:

Could you elaborate what you mean by that?

by that I mean the stand space. I want to use it for the post fix "MJ" but in need to be preceded by an empty space to make reading easier

edit found answer myself:


unicode symbol “\u0020” as <spaces>


Edited by FreeThinker
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@DMagic I've just finished the German translation for Action Group Manager and currently awaiting approval of my pull request. PatchManager is already translated as well. I also finished almost all of Nertea's mods - you find the full list a few posts above.

Maybe you can update the OP to reflect that? :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some of my mods are now ready for the localization. The localization files are commented to let the translators the GUI strings context.

Any language is welcome. Just let me know when you have a complete file, and I'll include it into the next release.

The KSPDev Localization Tool can be used to make the translation process much easier. All the mods are fully compatible with the KSPDev Localization approach


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Hi everyone!

Been 'developing' a minimod, the "Real Agencies Collection", and I'm rewriting stuff for localization support, and wanted to ask, if any japaneese, chineese and russian players would like to help out a bit?

There actually isn't much to translate, the english agency entries are just shortened wikipedia texts.

I think I can guess which parts to copypaste from non-english wikipedia pages, but japanees/chineese/russian cuneiform makes it pretty impossible for me to know what I'm actually copying over. Well I can now read a bit cyrillic, but only with excessive amounts of squinting and nosebleeding afterwards^^

So one would just need to browse through wikipedia and copypaste the first few descriptive lines into the dictionaries.


Here the GitHub thingy:



Peace / have fun!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did anyone who has a mod that has one or more translations ever encountered a bug where for some users the texts appear in the wrong language?

I had this once for FUR and one time for KPBS. In KPBS the whole game was in english, but the translations from KPBS were in russian, although it seems to work for everyone else. Deleting all other translation files other than the en-us one solved the problem but it acutally only solved the symptoms. I still don't know what was causing this in the first place. Did anyone else encounter such a behavior and if yes, what is causing it?

Edited by Nils277
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Maybe I should be here to inform the progress?

I have localized support for https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ksp_toolbar.

And translated Chinese, waiting for linuxgurugamer merger. @linuxgurugamer

33 items.

eg: Localization/dictionary.cfg

////////// Localization process record start
// Extracted from (GUI/AbstractWindow.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (GUI/ConfirmDialog.cs) 2 items matches , 2 new items
// #TOOLBAR_UI_CANCEL = "Cancel"
// Extracted from (GUI/CursorGrabbing.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (GUI/DragEvent.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (GUI/Draggable.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (GUI/DragHandler.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (GUI/DropMarker.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (GUI/EditorLock.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (GUI/IconPickerDialog.cs) 1 items matches , 0 new items
// Extracted from (GUI/IPopupMenuOption.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (GUI/PopupMenu.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (GUI/Rectangle.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (GUI/Resizable.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (GUI/Separator.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (GUI/TextureMenuOption.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (GUI/WindowList.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (Toolbar/Button.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (Toolbar/ClickEvent.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (Toolbar/Command.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (Toolbar/CommandCreationCounter.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (Toolbar/DestroyEvent.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (Toolbar/DestroyHandler.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (Toolbar/FolderSettings.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (Toolbar/FolderSettingsDialog.cs) 6 items matches , 4 new items
// #TOOLBAR_UI_FOLDER_SETTINGS = "Folder Settings"
// #TOOLBAR_UI_BUTTON_ICON = "Button icon:"
// #TOOLBAR_UI_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_TEXT= "Button tooltip text:"
// #TOOLBAR_UI_SELECT_ICON = "Select Icon"
// Extracted from (Toolbar/MouseEnterEvent.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (Toolbar/MouseLeaveEvent.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (Toolbar/MouseMoveEvent.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (Toolbar/PopupMenuDrawable.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (Toolbar/Toolbar.cs)  22 items matches , 22 new items
// #TOOLBAR_UI_CONFIGURE_VISIBLE_BUTTONS = "Configure Visible Buttons..."
// #TOOLBAR_UI_UNLOCK_POSITION_AND_SIZE = "Unlock Position and Size"
// #TOOLBAR_UI_LOCK_POSITION_AND_SIZE = "Lock Position and Size"
// #TOOLBAR_UI_UNLOCK_BUTTON_ORDER = "Unlock Button Order"
// #TOOLBAR_UI_LOCK_BUTTON_ORDER = "Lock Button Order"
// #TOOLBAR_UI_DEACTIVATE_AUTO_HIDE = "Deactivate Auto-Hide at Screen Edge"
// #TOOLBAR_UI_ACTIVATE_AUTO_HIDE = "Activate Auto-Hide at Screen Edge"
// #TOOLBAR_UI_HIDE_BORDER = "Hide Border"
// #TOOLBAR_UI_SHOW_BORDER = "Show Border"
// #TOOLBAR_UI_UNITY_SKIN = "Use Unity 'Smoke' Skin"
// #TOOLBAR_UI_CREATE_NEW_FOLDER = "Create New Folder..."
// #TOOLBAR_UI_CREATE_NEW_TOOLBAR = "Create New Toolbar"
// #TOOLBAR_UI_DELETE_TOOLBAR = "Delete Toolbar..."
// #TOOLBAR_UI_DELETE_TOOLBAR_HINT = "Delete this toolbar?"
// #TOOLBAR_UI_ABOUT = "About the Toolbar Plugin..."
// #TOOLBAR_UI_NEW_FOLDER = "New Folder"
// #TOOLBAR_UI_EDIT_FOLDER_SETTINGS = "Edit Folder Settings"
// #TOOLBAR_UI_DELETE_FOLDER = "Delete Folder"
// #TOOLBAR_UI_DELETE_FOLDER_HINT = "Delete this folder? Buttons inside the folder will be moved to the main toolbar."
// Extracted from (Toolbar/ToolbarGameScene.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (Toolbar/ToolbarManager.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (Toolbar/VisibleButtons.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (Toolbar/VisibleButtonsSelector.cs) 4 items matches , 4 new items
// #TOOLBAR_UI_CONFIG_VISIBLE_TITLE = "Toolbar Button Visibility"
// #TOOLBAR_UI_CONFIG_VISIBLE_BUTTON = "Configure which buttons should be visible in the current game scene."
// #TOOLBAR_UI_CONFIG_VISIBLE_BUTTON_NOTE = "Note: Plugins may still decide to hide buttons from any game scene even if those buttons are active here."
// #TOOLBAR_UI_CLOSE = "Close"
// Extracted from (Extensions.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (FloatCurveXY.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (InstallChecker.cs) ignore
// Extracted from (KSPAddonFixed.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (Log.cs) 0 items matches
// Extracted from (Utils.cs) 0 items matches
////////// Localization process record end


        #TOOLBAR_UI_OK = "OK"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CANCEL = "Cancel"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_FOLDER_SETTINGS = "Folder Settings"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_BUTTON_ICON = "Button icon:"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_TEXT= "Button tooltip text:"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_SELECT_ICON = "Select Icon"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CONFIGURE_VISIBLE_BUTTONS = "Configure Visible Buttons..."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_UNLOCK_POSITION_AND_SIZE = "Unlock Position and Size"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_LOCK_POSITION_AND_SIZE = "Lock Position and Size"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_UNLOCK_BUTTON_ORDER = "Unlock Button Order"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_LOCK_BUTTON_ORDER = "Lock Button Order"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_DEACTIVATE_AUTO_HIDE = "Deactivate Auto-Hide at Screen Edge"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_ACTIVATE_AUTO_HIDE = "Activate Auto-Hide at Screen Edge"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_HIDE_BORDER = "Hide Border"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_SHOW_BORDER = "Show Border"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_UNITY_SKIN = "Use Unity 'Smoke' Skin"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_KSP_SKIN = "Use KSP Skin"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CREATE_NEW_FOLDER = "Create New Folder..."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CREATE_NEW_TOOLBAR = "Create New Toolbar"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_DELETE_TOOLBAR = "Delete Toolbar..."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_DELETE_TOOLBAR_TITLE = "Delete Toolbar"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_DELETE_TOOLBAR_HINT = "Delete this toolbar?"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_ABOUT = "About the Toolbar Plugin..."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_NEW_FOLDER = "New Folder"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_EDIT_FOLDER_SETTINGS = "Edit Folder Settings"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_DELETE_FOLDER = "Delete Folder"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_DELETE_FOLDER_HINT = "Delete this folder? Buttons inside the folder will be moved to the main toolbar."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CONFIG_VISIBLE_TITLE = "Toolbar Button Visibility"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CONFIG_VISIBLE_BUTTON = "Configure which buttons should be visible in the current game scene."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CONFIG_VISIBLE_BUTTON_NOTE = "Note: Plugins may still decide to hide buttons from any game scene even if those buttons are active here."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CLOSE = "Close"

        #TOOLBAR_UI_OK = "确定"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CANCEL = "取消"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_BUTTON_ICON = "按钮图标:"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_SELECT_ICON = "选择图标"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_LOCK_POSITION_AND_SIZE = "开启位置和大小锁定"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_UNLOCK_BUTTON_ORDER = "解除按钮顺序锁定"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_LOCK_BUTTON_ORDER = "开启按钮顺序锁定"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_ACTIVATE_AUTO_HIDE = "启用贴边自动隐藏"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_HIDE_BORDER = "隐藏边框"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_SHOW_BORDER = "显示边框"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_UNITY_SKIN = "使用 Unity 'Smoke' 皮肤"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_KSP_SKIN = "使用 KSP 皮肤"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CREATE_NEW_FOLDER = "新建文件夹..."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_DELETE_TOOLBAR = "删除工具栏..."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_DELETE_TOOLBAR_HINT = "删除当前工具栏?"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_ABOUT = "关于工具栏插件..."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_NEW_FOLDER = "新建文件夹"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_DELETE_FOLDER = "删除文件夹"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_DELETE_FOLDER_HINT = "是否删除当前文件夹? 文件夹内的按钮将被移动到主工具栏."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CONFIG_VISIBLE_BUTTON = "配置当前游戏场景中应该显示哪些按钮."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CONFIG_VISIBLE_BUTTON_NOTE = "注意:虽然这些按钮在这里显示,但是插件依然可以决定隐藏游戏中的按钮."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CLOSE = "关闭"

    // Requires Spanish translation
    // Requiere traducción al español

        #TOOLBAR_UI_OK = "OK"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CANCEL = "Cancel"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_FOLDER_SETTINGS = "Folder Settings"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_BUTTON_ICON = "Button icon:"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_TEXT= "Button tooltip text:"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_SELECT_ICON = "Select Icon"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CONFIGURE_VISIBLE_BUTTONS = "Configure Visible Buttons..."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_UNLOCK_POSITION_AND_SIZE = "Unlock Position and Size"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_LOCK_POSITION_AND_SIZE = "Lock Position and Size"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_UNLOCK_BUTTON_ORDER = "Unlock Button Order"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_LOCK_BUTTON_ORDER = "Lock Button Order"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_DEACTIVATE_AUTO_HIDE = "Deactivate Auto-Hide at Screen Edge"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_ACTIVATE_AUTO_HIDE = "Activate Auto-Hide at Screen Edge"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_HIDE_BORDER = "Hide Border"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_SHOW_BORDER = "Show Border"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_UNITY_SKIN = "Use Unity 'Smoke' Skin"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_KSP_SKIN = "Use KSP Skin"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CREATE_NEW_FOLDER = "Create New Folder..."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CREATE_NEW_TOOLBAR = "Create New Toolbar"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_DELETE_TOOLBAR = "Delete Toolbar..."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_DELETE_TOOLBAR_TITLE = "Delete Toolbar"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_DELETE_TOOLBAR_HINT = "Delete this toolbar?"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_ABOUT = "About the Toolbar Plugin..."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_NEW_FOLDER = "New Folder"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_EDIT_FOLDER_SETTINGS = "Edit Folder Settings"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_DELETE_FOLDER = "Delete Folder"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_DELETE_FOLDER_HINT = "Delete this folder? Buttons inside the folder will be moved to the main toolbar."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CONFIG_VISIBLE_TITLE = "Toolbar Button Visibility"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CONFIG_VISIBLE_BUTTON = "Configure which buttons should be visible in the current game scene."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CONFIG_VISIBLE_BUTTON_NOTE = "Note: Plugins may still decide to hide buttons from any game scene even if those buttons are active here."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CLOSE = "Close"

    // Requires Japanese translation
    // 日本語の翻訳が必要

        #TOOLBAR_UI_OK = "OK"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CANCEL = "Cancel"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_FOLDER_SETTINGS = "Folder Settings"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_BUTTON_ICON = "Button icon:"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_TEXT= "Button tooltip text:"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_SELECT_ICON = "Select Icon"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CONFIGURE_VISIBLE_BUTTONS = "Configure Visible Buttons..."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_UNLOCK_POSITION_AND_SIZE = "Unlock Position and Size"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_LOCK_POSITION_AND_SIZE = "Lock Position and Size"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_UNLOCK_BUTTON_ORDER = "Unlock Button Order"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_LOCK_BUTTON_ORDER = "Lock Button Order"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_DEACTIVATE_AUTO_HIDE = "Deactivate Auto-Hide at Screen Edge"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_ACTIVATE_AUTO_HIDE = "Activate Auto-Hide at Screen Edge"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_HIDE_BORDER = "Hide Border"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_SHOW_BORDER = "Show Border"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_UNITY_SKIN = "Use Unity 'Smoke' Skin"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_KSP_SKIN = "Use KSP Skin"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CREATE_NEW_FOLDER = "Create New Folder..."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CREATE_NEW_TOOLBAR = "Create New Toolbar"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_DELETE_TOOLBAR = "Delete Toolbar..."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_DELETE_TOOLBAR_TITLE = "Delete Toolbar"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_DELETE_TOOLBAR_HINT = "Delete this toolbar?"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_ABOUT = "About the Toolbar Plugin..."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_NEW_FOLDER = "New Folder"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_EDIT_FOLDER_SETTINGS = "Edit Folder Settings"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_DELETE_FOLDER = "Delete Folder"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_DELETE_FOLDER_HINT = "Delete this folder? Buttons inside the folder will be moved to the main toolbar."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CONFIG_VISIBLE_TITLE = "Toolbar Button Visibility"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CONFIG_VISIBLE_BUTTON = "Configure which buttons should be visible in the current game scene."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CONFIG_VISIBLE_BUTTON_NOTE = "Note: Plugins may still decide to hide buttons from any game scene even if those buttons are active here."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CLOSE = "Close"

    // Requires Russian translation
    // Нужен перевод на русский язык

        #TOOLBAR_UI_OK = "OK"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CANCEL = "Cancel"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_FOLDER_SETTINGS = "Folder Settings"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_BUTTON_ICON = "Button icon:"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_TEXT= "Button tooltip text:"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_SELECT_ICON = "Select Icon"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CONFIGURE_VISIBLE_BUTTONS = "Configure Visible Buttons..."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_UNLOCK_POSITION_AND_SIZE = "Unlock Position and Size"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_LOCK_POSITION_AND_SIZE = "Lock Position and Size"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_UNLOCK_BUTTON_ORDER = "Unlock Button Order"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_LOCK_BUTTON_ORDER = "Lock Button Order"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_DEACTIVATE_AUTO_HIDE = "Deactivate Auto-Hide at Screen Edge"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_ACTIVATE_AUTO_HIDE = "Activate Auto-Hide at Screen Edge"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_HIDE_BORDER = "Hide Border"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_SHOW_BORDER = "Show Border"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_UNITY_SKIN = "Use Unity 'Smoke' Skin"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_KSP_SKIN = "Use KSP Skin"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CREATE_NEW_FOLDER = "Create New Folder..."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CREATE_NEW_TOOLBAR = "Create New Toolbar"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_DELETE_TOOLBAR = "Delete Toolbar..."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_DELETE_TOOLBAR_TITLE = "Delete Toolbar"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_DELETE_TOOLBAR_HINT = "Delete this toolbar?"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_ABOUT = "About the Toolbar Plugin..."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_NEW_FOLDER = "New Folder"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_EDIT_FOLDER_SETTINGS = "Edit Folder Settings"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_DELETE_FOLDER = "Delete Folder"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_DELETE_FOLDER_HINT = "Delete this folder? Buttons inside the folder will be moved to the main toolbar."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CONFIG_VISIBLE_TITLE = "Toolbar Button Visibility"
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CONFIG_VISIBLE_BUTTON = "Configure which buttons should be visible in the current game scene."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CONFIG_VISIBLE_BUTTON_NOTE = "Note: Plugins may still decide to hide buttons from any game scene even if those buttons are active here."
        #TOOLBAR_UI_CLOSE = "Close"

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2 hours ago, CN_Warren said:

Maybe I should be here to inform the progress?

I have localized support for https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ksp_toolbar.

And translated Chinese, waiting for linuxgurugamer merger. @linuxgurugamer

33 items.

eg: Localization/dictionary.cfg

The first post in the toolbar thread was fine, except you didn't ping me, so I wasn't aware of it.

Thanks, I'll work on it, may take a day or so

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  • 4 weeks later...

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