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Have you "cheated" like this?


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I put "cheated" in quotes since I'm of the opinion that it's hard to cheat in a single player game like KSP, but this does involve the cheats menus, so what the heck.

So it's my second satellite contract in my new career.  I'm in the process of adjusting the orbit when I fall asleep for a few minutes and wake to find the sat is now well past Minmus and out of propellant.  So in disgust (since I don't uses saves much, I prefer to revert to that start of a mission as a penalty for screwing up) I go into the cheats menu and mark the contract as completed and leave the sat to go off on its merry way like Voyager.  So anyone else succumbed to this temptation?



To be clear I mean if something outside of KSP happens like falling asleep getting distracted by a phone call the cat walking across the keyboard etc.  would you consider that as enough of a provocation to use a "cheat" or would you start the mission over?  Just curious what other people do when that happens there is nothing wrong either way of course.

Edited by kBob
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LOL, I fall asleep at the 'keyborg' all the time, especially late at night so yes, that is cheat worthy.   I do tend to save a lot (or if I forget to save recently, I go to the backup saves folder).  

Gotta get used to and love the F5 key. 

Edited by Red Stapler
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No, I've never done that. I "cheat" by restoring from quicksave, which I make often :). They're of a similar ilk, only I still have the satellite to transmit science back from wherever it is to complete contracts.

I have auto-completed contracts before. I recall landing ore on Kerbin and then recovering it without waiting the requisite 10 seconds. There was no feeling of guilt on THAT one.


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Just now, Iamsodarncool said:

uh... you people should not be falling asleep at your keyboard. Please, do yourself a favor and go to bed a little earlier.

It's what happens when you get old, never happened in my youth and I've had a PC since my first TRS-80 in 1979.  I'm still waiting for the fountain of youth to be discovered (and the one in CivV doesn't count).

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7 minutes ago, kBob said:

It's what happens when you get old, never happened in my youth and I've had a PC since my first TRS-80 in 1979.  I'm still waiting for the fountain of youth to be discovered (and the one in CivV doesn't count).

Hahaha, you had me @ TRS-80!  Man I wish I still had my VIC-20.  I was fine until I turned 40 or so, now I get the sleepies after 2 hours +/-.   I blame KSPAS (Kerbal Space Program Addiction Syndrome). 

Edited by Red Stapler
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1 minute ago, Red Stapler said:

Hahaha, you had me @ TRS-80!  Man I wish I still had my VIC-20.  I was fine until I turned 40 or so, now I get the sleepies after 2 hours +/-.   I blame KSPAS (Kerbal Space Program Addiction Syndrome). 

I've been thinking of turning a Raspberry Pi into a TRS-80 simulator, trying to recapture the fun and excitement at learning to program my first computer (though I did have an HP-25 and 67 before that).  I've often regretted donating it to charity, though in reality it's doubtful it would work now, those sliver plated connectors it had were a bad idea.  I learned both BASIC and FORTRAN with it and had many an all nighter without falling asleep.  My favorite though was when I wrote a quick and dirty BASIC program on my 80 which proved to some main frame snobs that their version of the program had a serious bug...for an entire week I was the only person at my college who had an accurate list of how many students were enrolled in each class during the enrollment period--that was very satisfying.

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@kBob and @Red Stapler ah. Modern stuff those are. Novelties really.

Mine was the Ohio Scientific Challenger C1P.

It had 8K. No editor. Loaded from a cassette recorder and and and and I had to walk barefoot uphill in the snow to use it.


As far as the OP, Yes, I have done it....But now I use F5 more often and on complex mission I will duplicate the quicksave with a new name before saving over it.



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52 minutes ago, Martian Emigrant said:

@kBob and @Red Stapler ah. Modern stuff those are. Novelties really.

Mine was the Ohio Scientific Challenger C1P.

It had 8K. No editor. Loaded for a cassette recorder and and and and I had to walk barefoot uphill in the snow to use it.

Oh I remember those, came out in '77 so same year as the TRS-80, but no local store.  Don't think I got my first floppy drive until 81 but at least I never had to use paper tape (though I did use punch cards on main frames sometimes as they had priority over the student terminals so you could save hours of waiting). I wanted an Altair 8800 but bought the HP-67 instead as it had a lot more practical uses.  Now I may get nostalgic about those old computers, but I don't want to go back I love me my KSP too much!

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3 hours ago, Iamsodarncool said:

uh... you people should not be falling asleep at your keyboard. Please, do yourself a favor and go to bed a little earlier.

But It's KSP!  Heck I pulled two all-nighters on KSP when I was full into my first game.  Hadn't done once of those since my early 20s (in my 40s now).


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I have, once or twice or... a few more times than that, forgotten to set KAC alarms for certain maneuvers.  Or maybe the game eats the alarms; who knows.  Anyhow, sometimes if I notice one of my ships is like 30 days past its manuever date, flying off into deep space, and there's no feasible way to improvise and correct the mission, I'll turn on the good ol' infinite fuel option to get it back to where it's supposed to be.

It's clearly cheating (heck, it's the cheat menu), but it doesn't really bother me.  To me, the part of the game that's supposed to offer a challenge is designing ships that work, doing nifty orbital maneuvers, and flying spaceplanes -- not precision calendar management   And while comparisons to real-life space programs are inherently fraught, I'm pretty sure NASA has never had to deal with just forgetting when a probe reaches its destination.  (Metric vs. imperial, on the other hand...).

I will also cheat mercilessly to mitigate any mission problem that, in my completely impartial judgment, is a game bug / Kraken.  Though again I just try to get the mission back on track, rather than using cheats to skip parts of the mission.

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To me KSP is primarily a game, which means that, above all else, it needs to be fun. So if I think that a legit correction of a problem is going to be tedious, I cheat, be it F5 or cheat menu. If I think that the legit way of correcting the problem is going to be fun, I go the legit way and pretend that the mission parameters have changed.

If the problem is caused by a technical issue, a bug, or similar, I usually reload/cheat. I find no amusement in crashes (as rare as they happen to me in KSP).

It all depends on the mood, I guess.

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13 hours ago, Red Stapler said:

I blame KSPAS (Kerbal Space Program Addiction Syndrome). 

I am pretty sure I have this.

13 hours ago, Red Stapler said:

I blame KSPAS (Kerbal Space Program Addiction Syndrome). 

I am pretty sure I have this.

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I cheat in ksp, for sure. Save scumming, and completing like contacts like you did. 


Also, giving myself a ton of money and science to skip the more tedious stuff. In my mind, ksp is all about the satisfaction of completing something new, difficult, or adventurous. After the first few careers of maxing out science legitimately, I no longer get satisfaction from the first dozen or so missions that need to be done to start a new career, so I cheat to skip them. 


Tl;dr: if you aren't robbing yourself of satisfaction or a fun rescue mission, who cares if you cheat? 

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The screwing up part is simply you forgetting.
I do it to as does everyone else.
I've been in similar situations where I've done the same.
During these times I ironicaly realize, "what if I had Kerbal alarm clock" (mod)
Then this wouldn't have happened.

Oh, and one thing I want to point out which is partially of topic.

Change the cheat menu to another name please. Cheating is a unfair advantage against someone or based on predetermined criteria "rules"
There is no opponent nor are there criteria that state what is cheating or not.
And since cheating is a english word with a definition that doesn't fall under above 2 criteria in this particular game, I expect it to be renamed.
If there is such a thing as KSP cheating then it is based on your own gameplay criteria. And yes, from your point of view it would be cheating if your situation meets your own criteria.

But if there is a online rule list concerning the KSP gameplay I want to be notified.
The question by the OT reveals my point as he asks for other peoples opinion whether it's cheating or not. As if we are to define what is or isn't.
The TS decides and so does everyone else on their part, which is why differentiating opinions may be stated. I hope I proved my point.

I would rather call it the "Supernatural menu" or use another and better alternative english term.
But you probably got a much better one.




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19 hours ago, kBob said:

It's what happens when you get old, never happened in my youth and I've had a PC since my first TRS-80 in 1979.  I'm still waiting for the fountain of youth to be discovered (and the one in CivV doesn't count).

My first was an Apple ][

But before that, was using a mini-computer in 1972, HP2000: http://www.hpmuseum.net/display_item.php?hw=411


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I don't think I've ever "fallen asleep at the wheel" in KSP, although there has been a few times I've come close after a few drinks on a Saturday evening :D

I have used the cheats menu a few times to complete contracts that have been impossible (or as close to it as makes no odds) such as recovering scrap contracts that turn out to be command seats... apparently its possible to use the grabber on these but I've never managed to get one to stick.

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Oh yeah. I totally do cheat if I feel cheated by the program. Especially version upgrades cause all kinds of crap which needs to be adjusted by savefile editing. I even "copied" vessels from the KSC to Duna in order to keep going after an upgrade. From time to time I need to dock or undock vessels via savefile and the KAS/KIS struts are screaming for savefile editing as well...

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37 minutes ago, A_name said:

Sp where in the cheat menu do you mark a contract as completed? Asking for a friend...

Well, a friend told me you need to press ALT-F12, then click on "Contracts", then click on "Active" and then click "Complete" on the desired contract... :wink:

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