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Mission Idea: Emulating Real Life in Kerbal Space Program [WIP] [Submit a Payload] [Become a Launch or Payload Provider]

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13 minutes ago, Brent Kerman said:

Don't download mine, it has no Mechjeb module, I thought when you said you are using mechjeb for everything, you meant the mechjeb for everything mod.

I'll just add a mechjeb module to your rocket, I already downloaded it.

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so I read something about there being a station in the save, and I have a few questions

  • is there going to be contracts for resupplies and such?
  • is there going to be a station?
  • do we build the station or are you going to hyperedit it up to orbit?
  • why do we have hyperedit?
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Just now, StupidAndy said:

so I read something about there being a station in the save, and I have a few questions

  • is there going to be contracts for resupplies and such?
  • is there going to be a station?
  • do we build the station or are you going to hyperedit it up to orbit?
  • why do we have hyperedit?

To answer your questions:

  1. Yes there will be contracts for resupplies. See the payload provider rules made by TheEpicSquared and I.
  2. There will be a simple government-built station which you may pay them to take paying tourists to, or they may pay you to add modules
  3. You may build your own station to avoid paying the government
  4. I don't know

For my Arthur-Heavy may I use propellant crossfeed? I understand if this is not realistic for you, though it was initially considered by spacex for the Falcon Heavy.

@TheEpicSquared have you downloaded the updated Arthur-1 (still called Arthur-1). It should have roll control thrusters on the upper stage now.

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@Uace24, Due to legal reasons, probably not.


ALSO: I hereby reserve the name "Steve" for a future rocket of Xyzzy-ICMM industries.

ALSO, ALSO: I hereby request a test launch for Athena I. Please re-download it just before launch because I'll probably change it between now and then. Use any random comsat payload <2t that fits. @TheEpicSquared


Edited by icantmakemodels
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@Numerlor I would like to launch my SkySat-1B (see the other thread and look for 'Skylon Aerospace Technology' in big blue writing) on your Beggar 1 rocket. This would come after your demo launch, provided it is successful with a 700kg payload. I want it taken to a 100km orbit. He payload has a reaction wheel to aid in roll control for your launch. 

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1 hour ago, Skylon said:

@Numerlor I would like to launch my SkySat-1B (see the other thread and look for 'Skylon Aerospace Technology' in big blue writing) on your Beggar 1 rocket. This would come after your demo launch, provided it is successful with a 700kg payload. I want it taken to a 100km orbit. He payload has a reaction wheel to aid in roll control for your launch. 

I accept this offer if craft passes. I just changed success percentage to 80% because in 100/100 orbit in only has little less than100ΔV left, hope this doesn't change with your decision nvm

I'm just bad pilot and forgot MechJeb exists

Edited by Numerlor
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Right yeah I'm still taking that launch, since this is just a test. If it undercuts and only get to 100km by 80km then that is fine.

Also @TheEpicSquared instead of 500km for deployment height of my SkySat-0 by Arthur-1, I want it on a Munar intercept with a periapsis of 112,000m. (start the manoeuvre node from an 80km orbit)

EDIT: Scratch that, just do it from 500km. Hold down E for (approx.) 3 seconds, deploy, another 3 seconds, deploy, another 3, deploy, then stop and deploy the last one.

Edited by Skylon
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4 minutes ago, Skylon said:

Also @TheEpicSquared instead of 500km for deployment height of my SkySat-0 by Arthur-1, I want it on a Munar intercept with a periapsis of 112,000m. (start the manoeuvre node from an 80km orbit)

Ok. When should I deploy the satellites?



@Thor Wotansen



Do you guys have launch vehicles? I can't find any links, so I'm removing you from the LP list for now. You'll be re-added when you provide an LV.

Also, I'm going to limit the number of LPs to 17. There are currently 12, so there are five more spots. 

Everyone else will have to become PPs, to balance things out. I'll open up the LP market again once we get ~10 PPs (we currently have one).

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Edited post. If you don't feel like it, don't follow my spinning rules just spin and deploy them how you like

6 minutes ago, StupidAndy said:

can I also be a PP?

Yeah but you need a craft to be launched

@TheEpicSquared See the above edit, I decided just to go for 500km

Edited by Skylon
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1 minute ago, TheEpicSquared said:

Yes, but as stated by @Skylon, you'll need a payload.

I am open to launch any potential payload with the Iridium I LV. Just make sure it's lighter than 2.8 tons.

A launch costs 23,000, btw.

okay! make me a PP then, I'll either be both or think about dropping the LP for us to have more PPs

I'm probably going to be both.


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2 minutes ago, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

Is this going to be a problem?


Or should I put a fairing around it?

if its over 20 meters the rocket is a problem (20 meters is the height limit)

but hey! that interstage isn't really a problem (*twitch*) its just not very pretty (*twitch* *twitch)

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1 minute ago, StupidAndy said:

if its over 20 meters the rocket is a problem (20 meters is the height limit)

but hey! that interstage isn't really a problem (*twitch*) its just not very pretty (*twitch* *twitch)

It's only about 15m high, that's a rescaled kickback.

Glad to hear it. I don't like it either, but the cost and weight of a interstage isn't worth it.

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Gloeerian Mk2 Test Launch

with this test to Keostationary orbit, we have concluded that our next rocket has the ability and then some to bring at least 0.62 tons to Keostationary orbit





Due to a misfire of the decouplers, the probe was released too early, making the full tests inconclusive, we shall test again for the true number to LKO, which was around 0.928 tons with the misfire, we blame Fil.







note that this is the second version of the Gloeerian, we still have to finish our studies on the Gloeerian Mk1

we will still develop our first Gloeerian because the second one is over the 20 meter height limit

I should study that one

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