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[1.7.3] Graphics Enhancements Assembly (GEA)

Davian Lin

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Graphics Enhancements Assembly: New Age V7M3.1
Graphics Enhancements Assembly: Lite V1.04

What is GEA?
The Graphics Enhancements Assembly includes a lot of textures and settings, allowing you to making your graphics in KSP even better and more colorful.

So, what's included in the assembly?

GEA: New Age:

4k & 8k clouds textures for Eve, Kerbin, Duna, Jool and Laythe.
5k lightnings for Eve, Kerbin, Jool and Laythe.
8k auroras for Kerbin, Laythe and Jool.
Cloudy weather for Kerbin.
Snowstorms for Duna, Kerbin and Laythe.
Storms for Eve and Duna.
Surface glow.
Atmospheric scattering for Eve, Kerbin, Duna, Jool and Laythe.

GEA: Lite:
Clouds textures for Eve, Kerbin, Duna, Jool and Laythe.
Auroras for Kerbin and Laythe
Cloudy weather for Kerbin.
Snowstorms for Kerbin and Laythe.
Storms for Duna.

Atmospheric scattering for Eve, Kerbin, Duna, Jool and Laythe.

Delete previous versions before downloading new ones!

Screenshots album [Imgur]


GEA V7M3.1
*Updated for KSP 1.7.3
*Changed aurora texture
*Changed Duna's scatterer atmosphere
*Deleted CTTP terrain textures from GEATerrain
*Deleted one of cloud layers at Laythe

*Update for KSP 1.7.1
*Changed Jool's auroras
*Changed scatterer atmosphere at Duna
*Changed scatterer atmosphere at Jool
*Added cloud layer at Kerbin
*Returned the materiality of stones
*Returned JoolRings

GEA V7M2.0.4

GEA V7M2.0.3
*Updated for KSP 1.7
*Improved auroras at Jool
*Improved clouds at Laythe
*Deleted CTTP due to a bug with terrain

GEA V7M2.0.2
*Just structural changes

GEA V7M2.0.1.01
*Separated a GEATerrain folder from the GEA

GEA V7M2.0.1
*Updated for KSP 1.6.1
*Added new flags
*Changed a sunflare
*Changed atmospheric scatters
*Deleted duststorms at Laythe

*Just update for KSP 1.5.1

*Added a new sunflare
*Added duststorms to Laythe (visible from orbit)
*Added the new EVAvisor
*Fixed atmosphere glow
*Changed high terrain textures on Kerbin
*Changed low terrain textures on the Mun

GEA V7: New Age

*Real plume to engines from DLC

*The new logo in the MainMenu

*New flags for more enjoyable game

*Surface glows (again!)

*Edited clouds at Kerbin, Duna, Laythe and Jool

*The new comps of the terrain surface

*Jool rings

*Improved sunflare

*Edited scatterer atmospheres at atmospheric planets

*Visor's reflections still not working with KSP 1.4.x

*You can see textures of the surface glow at n km

*Don't use Dx11/12/OpenGl with this pack, please

*Removed LoadingScreenManager


GEA v6.9.06beta
*Added a real plume to engines from DLC.
*Added the new tips and MainTips into the English and Russian options.
*Edited clouds at Kerbin.
*Added the new logo in the MainMenu.
*Added the mod into the CKAN.

GEA v6.9.05beta
*Recomplied for KSP 1.4.1.
*Removed some glows.
*Added few flags.

*Reflactions in the TextureReplacer are broken in KSP 1.4.1.

GEA v6.9.04beta
*Added the new atmospheres with EVE (and Scatterer) to Eve, Kerbin, Duna, Jool and Laythe.
*Added credits to makers of arts (look it in LSM/Credits.txt)
*Reflections are back!
*Surface glows are back!

GEA v6.9.03beta
THIS IS A BETA-VERSION. So, don't expext any new textures in EVE for this update.
*Added some new flags
*Added more tips for the LoadingScreen
*Added a logo in the main menu
*Added the new atmospheric scattering for Laythe
*Jool's clouds were changed
*Fixed sunflare (use Kopernicus)
*Removed and replaced texture "sands" from KSPRC. I'm sorry, Proot...

*Added the new flags
*Added the "GEA_TR.cfg"
*Added Russian tips in the GEA_LoadingScreen
*Changed textures of stones
*Changed some cfg with a terrain
*Changed clouds at Eve
*Changed a velocity of the clouds at Laythe
*GEA included Kopernicus is now.
GEA v6.19 (v6.2beta)
*New arts in the loading screen (thanks to @Rareden and @KazanNinja)
*Special flags
*New terrain (textures from CTTP - thanks to @CaptRobau) (bug - trees and grass are broken - helpers, you're welcome!) 
*Rings for Jool.
*New atmospheres for all atmospheric bodies.
*Changed clouds at Eve, Laythe and Duna.
*New water and atmosphere for Laythe. Chlorine Laythe.
*Changed auroras at Jool, new TR reflections.
*New "EVAVisor" texture.
*Fixed isssue with the loading screen when plugin showed your screenshots.
GEA v.16 Release
*Fixed licenses issues
*Fixed issue with a textures of the clouds for Laythe
*New arts in the loading screen (MOAR ARTS!)
GEA v6.15 Release
*Removed some textures
*New duststorm texture (thanks to @septerflash)
*New arts in the loading screen
*New particles textures from original KVE
*Bugs fixed
GEA v6.1 Release
*Removed some cloudsmaps
*New dds textures
*New settings of the clouds

*Changed some atmospheric scattering
*Fixed auroras in the NEW EVE
*Fixed visible distance of the clouds
*Fixed clouds at Laythe
GEA v6.01 Pre-Release:
*Removed some textures
*Bugs fixed
*Changed clouds at Laythe
GEA v6 Pre-Release
*The first official release

Special thanks to:
  @Astronomer for fantastic textures of lightnings and from AVP [CC-BY-NC-SA]
@Thesonicgalaxy for beautiful textures of auroras from Better Atmospheres. [CC-BY-NC]
 @Artyomka15 for help me with translation of this page.
@shaw and @RangeMachine for Texture Replacer. [MIT license]
@blackrack for Scatterer. [GPLv3]
@Nhawks17 for Real Plume. [CC-BY-NC-SA]
@sarbian for Smoke Screen. [BSD 2-Clause licence]
@MOARdV for Distant Object. [CC-BY]

A lot of thanks for help to: @Zeka3535  @Artyomka15  @septerflash @Dimon

Download GEA: New Age from SpaceDock
Download GEA from SpaceDock now!

Download GEA: New Age from CurceForge
Dowload GEA from CurseForge now!

Download GEA: Lite from Github
Download GEA: Lite from Github


Edited by Davian Lin
Updates: V7M3.1 GEALite v1.04
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So, if you used any of my textures, please remove them from this pack when a download link goes up, as my license does not allow for you to distribute them and you were not given permission.

Edited by Galileo
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  • 1 month later...

Update: v6 Pre-Release


V6 Pre-Release

  • Added a new clouds to Laythe (thanks to @Artyomka15).
  • Changed a plume of stock engines.
  • Added arts to loading screen.
  • Added new auroras.
  • Options of clouds on old and new EVE.


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Why is this in "Tools and Applications"?

But gonna check it out.


Nope. Too much other mods included, in outdated versions, incl. scatterer with "custom" configs.
This is not the way a visual pack is done.

Edited by Gordon Dry
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2 hours ago, Gflight said:

Hi, I am unable to display the clouds. What did I do wrong?

Hi, open the folder "Alternate Old or New EVE" and BoulderCo, EVE/KVE folders move in GameData.

Edited by Artem Kerman
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The detailaurora taken from Astronomer's Visual Pack will have to be modified (change the texture or up the detailscale) or replaced, as it makes aurorae tiny and incredibly dense at it's scale. 
Laythe is tidally locked to Jool, perhaps make it's clouds and hurricane align to that.
I'm sorry, but every kerbal on Kerbin's surface will suffocate with those huge volumetric clouds of smoke.

Edited by themaster401
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8 hours ago, themaster401 said:

The detailaurora taken from Astronomer's Visual Pack will have to be modified (change the texture or up the detailscale) or replaced, as it makes aurorae tiny and incredibly dense at it's scale. 
Laythe is tidally locked to Jool, perhaps make it's clouds and hurricane align to that.
I'm sorry, but every kerbal on Kerbin's surface will suffocate with those huge volumetric clouds of smoke.

Auroras is already fixed.
It's not smoke, it's cloudy, haha.
View this in the old EVE please, there is a little bit different.

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V6.1 Release - New .dds textures, removed some cloudsmaps, changed settings of the clouds, changed some atmospheric scattering, fixed auroras in the NEW EVE, fixed clouds at Laythe, fixed visible distance of the clouds...

Edited by Artem Kerman
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Hey there, been experimenting with this mod and I'm having an issue where the sky and water are always a bright yellow/white color. Is this common? I've no other graphical mods installed and am currently running v1.3 64bit.




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Why are the new and old EVE configs almost completely different? GEA is looking more like a spinoff of AVP in the old download than anything (do we really need any more of those?) It wouldn't be too hard to make old EVE configs parallel to the ones available in the new EVE setting.

Really, it looks like there's some sort of visual mod monopoly trying to be established here with the usage of textures from various mods (half the textures in this are shared with the cloud textures in the "Kargantua Mod", textures are identical with the "Graphic Overhaul for Kargantua and Kolyphemus"). In fact, let me just show right now:


New EVE texture sources:

BoulderCo/Textures = stock EVE
particle/rgb.dds = stock EVE
particle/particle_NRM.dds = stock EVE
aurora.dds = BetterAtmospheres
aurorajool.dds = BetterAtmospheres
aurorajool2.dds = BetterAtmospheres
detail1.dds = Likely a free-use stock detail texture, but I found this in the Extreme Texture Overhaul for RSS.
detail2.dds = Likely a free-use stock detail texture, but I found this in the Extreme Texture Overhaul for RSS.
detailAurora.dds = Astronomer's Visual Pack
detaileve1.dds = Astronomer's Visual Pack (it's hard to identify the detail textures that look like noise)
duna1.dds = Astronomer's Visual Pack (an edit of NASA's Earth cloudmap)
eve1.dds = Venus cloudmap
fairN.dds and fairP.dds = stock EVE
jool1.dds = stock EVE
jool2.dds = stock EVE
kerbin1.dds = NASA Earth cloudmap
kerbin2.dds = KSPRC
kerbin3.dds = Unknown, shared with Artyomka's mods
LaytheClouds1.dds = Export from SpaceEngine likely, shared with Artyomka's mods
LaytheClouds2.dds = Export from SpaceEngine likely, shared with Artyomka's mods
lightning.dds = Likely edited version of Astronomer's Visual Pack's lightning
lightningkerbin.dds = Likely edited version of Astronomer's Visual Pack's lightning
sands.dds = Brightness-boosted KSPRC sands texture
stormkerbin.dds = Unknown, shared with Artyomka's mods
uvnoise1.dds = stock EVE

Old EVE texture sources:

particle/1,2,3.dds = KSPRC
altostratus.dds = Astronomer's Visual Pack
aurora.dds = BetterAtmospheres
aurorajool.dds = BetterAtmospheres
aurorajool2.dds = BetterAtmospheres
cirrus.dds = Astronomer's Visual Pack
detail1.dds = Likely a free-use stock detail texture, but I found this in the Extreme Texture Overhaul for RSS.
detail2.dds = Likely a free-use stock detail texture, but I found this in the Extreme Texture Overhaul for RSS.
detailAurora.dds = Astronomer's Visual Pack
detaileve1.dds = Astronomer's Visual Pack (it's hard to identify the detail textures that look like noise)
duna1.dds = Astronomer's Visual Pack (an edit of NASA's Earth cloudmap)
eve1.dds = Venus cloudmap
jool1.dds = Astronomer's Visual Pack
joollayers1.dds = Astronomer's Visual Pack
joollayers2.dds = Astronomer's Visual Pack
kerbin1.dds = NASA Earth cloudmap
kerbin2.dds = KSPRC
LaytheClouds1.dds = Export from SpaceEngine likely, shared with Artyomka's mods
LaytheClouds2.dds = Export from SpaceEngine likely, shared with Artyomka's mods
lightning.dds = Astronomer's Visual Pack
lightningkerbin.dds = Likely edited version of Astronomer's Visual Pack's lightning
sands.dds = Brightness-boosted KSPRC sands texture
stormkerbin.dds = Unknown, shared with Artyomka's mods



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6 hours ago, themaster401 said:

Why are the new and old EVE configs almost completely different? GEA is looking more like a spinoff of AVP in the old download than anything (do we really need any more of those?) It wouldn't be too hard to make old EVE configs parallel to the ones available in the new EVE setting.

Really, it looks like there's some sort of visual mod monopoly trying to be established here with the usage of textures from various mods (half the textures in this are shared with the cloud textures in the "Kargantua Mod", textures are identical with the "Graphic Overhaul for Kargantua and Kolyphemus"). In fact, let me just show right now:

  Reveal hidden contents

New EVE texture sources:

BoulderCo/Textures = stock EVE
particle/rgb.dds = stock EVE
particle/particle_NRM.dds = stock EVE
aurora.dds = BetterAtmospheres
aurorajool.dds = BetterAtmospheres
aurorajool2.dds = BetterAtmospheres
detail1.dds = Likely a free-use stock detail texture, but I found this in the Extreme Texture Overhaul for RSS.
detail2.dds = Likely a free-use stock detail texture, but I found this in the Extreme Texture Overhaul for RSS.
detailAurora.dds = Astronomer's Visual Pack
detaileve1.dds = Astronomer's Visual Pack (it's hard to identify the detail textures that look like noise)
duna1.dds = Astronomer's Visual Pack (an edit of NASA's Earth cloudmap)
eve1.dds = Venus cloudmap
fairN.dds and fairP.dds = stock EVE
jool1.dds = stock EVE
jool2.dds = stock EVE
kerbin1.dds = NASA Earth cloudmap
kerbin2.dds = KSPRC
kerbin3.dds = Unknown, shared with Artyomka's mods
LaytheClouds1.dds = Export from SpaceEngine likely, shared with Artyomka's mods
LaytheClouds2.dds = Export from SpaceEngine likely, shared with Artyomka's mods
lightning.dds = Likely edited version of Astronomer's Visual Pack's lightning
lightningkerbin.dds = Likely edited version of Astronomer's Visual Pack's lightning
sands.dds = Brightness-boosted KSPRC sands texture
stormkerbin.dds = Unknown, shared with Artyomka's mods
uvnoise1.dds = stock EVE

Old EVE texture sources:

particle/1,2,3.dds = KSPRC
altostratus.dds = Astronomer's Visual Pack
aurora.dds = BetterAtmospheres
aurorajool.dds = BetterAtmospheres
aurorajool2.dds = BetterAtmospheres
cirrus.dds = Astronomer's Visual Pack
detail1.dds = Likely a free-use stock detail texture, but I found this in the Extreme Texture Overhaul for RSS.
detail2.dds = Likely a free-use stock detail texture, but I found this in the Extreme Texture Overhaul for RSS.
detailAurora.dds = Astronomer's Visual Pack
detaileve1.dds = Astronomer's Visual Pack (it's hard to identify the detail textures that look like noise)
duna1.dds = Astronomer's Visual Pack (an edit of NASA's Earth cloudmap)
eve1.dds = Venus cloudmap
jool1.dds = Astronomer's Visual Pack
joollayers1.dds = Astronomer's Visual Pack
joollayers2.dds = Astronomer's Visual Pack
kerbin1.dds = NASA Earth cloudmap
kerbin2.dds = KSPRC
LaytheClouds1.dds = Export from SpaceEngine likely, shared with Artyomka's mods
LaytheClouds2.dds = Export from SpaceEngine likely, shared with Artyomka's mods
lightning.dds = Astronomer's Visual Pack
lightningkerbin.dds = Likely edited version of Astronomer's Visual Pack's lightning
sands.dds = Brightness-boosted KSPRC sands texture
stormkerbin.dds = Unknown, shared with Artyomka's mods



1. I not found "kerbin2.dds" in KSPRC.
2. Textures "LaytheClouds" and "LaytheClouds2" were exported by Artyomka15.
3. And "Sands.dds" not found in KSPRC.

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4 minutes ago, Artem Kerman said:

1. I not found "kerbin2.dds" in KSPRC.
2. Textures "LaytheClouds" and "LaytheClouds2" were exported by Artyomka15.
3. And "Sands.dds" not found in KSPRC.

kerbin2.dds and sands.dds were taken from KSPRC v0.5, which violates the CC BY-ND 4.0 license.

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