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[1.4.x] Notantares Space Industries - Stockalike UR-700, Angara, Big Soyuz, and more!


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A splinter faction of the renowned Tantares Space Technologies company, started in the backyard of an ambitious defector, this foundling space agency is slowly growing to become a competitor with the big boys.

Q & A:

Q: What is "Notantares Space Industries?"

A: "Notantares Space Industries" is a mod intended to expand upon the extremely diverse and popular mod Tantares (Much like CONTARES does), including spacecraft and/or rockets that are not included in the main mod (eg: The "Big Soyuz," etc.), as well as various other additions. It is designed to be completely independant from Tantares, so that those who aren't using it can still use the Notantares Space Industries series of mods. Notantares is designed to be released in a series of "mini-packs," much like SXT used to have its own mini-packs, so that those who only want a specific selection of parts can just download those parts. However, it is, most importantly, not Tantares!

Q: Can you add X, Y, and Z into the game?

A: Thanks for the suggestion! I'll try to expand the mod to include these, but there are priorities.

Q: Can you add IVAs?

A: I will try to give IVAs to command pods, but for any large station parts, they'll have to wait.


Big Soyuz "Big Khleb."


Please Note: The above picture is outdated; The Big Soyuz mod now includes way more rocket parts, and with updated normal maps.

Full Album.


"Big Khleb" is an advanced crew transportation spacecraft capable of holding up to 6 kerbonauts, and is unlockable in the mid-to-late tech tree. It is designed to be able to support its crew for long-duration missions to space stations or to assist in lunar expeditions. It shall be designed with its own set of 0.9375m ungendered docking ports, so that those who do not use Tantares can still use the "Big Khleb." Whatever your needs, the "Big Khleb" can fulfil them!

It currently includes 3 fully-functional IVAs, a selection of modular command pods, fuel tanks, and engines, and functioning docking ports with integrated parachutes!

XOJtqQR.png  CaSXf6h.png


Modulemanager by @sarbian (Included).


GNU General Public License v3.0.


Special thanks to @Beale and @passinglurker for allowing me to modify one of their texture sheets.

A big thanks to @Nertea, for helping me solve numerous problems with my IVA.


Notantares Station Parts.


Watch The Trailer.

Please Note: This video is outdated and does not contain the full selection of parts the mod currently has.


Notantares Station Parts is a parts mod that will include an extensive array of both inflatable and rigid space station parts, designed to be used for orbital bases and spacecraft. The included parts will range from Bigelow-style inflatable habitats, centrifuges, and ISS-style crew modules. It is designed as an expansion to the Big Soyuz and NotantaresLV mini-packs.

It currently includes a 1.25m large inflatable habitat (3.75m when inflated, can hold 8 crew, functions as a science lab!), a 1.25m inflatable centrifuge (9m when inflated, functions as crew storage only!), a 1.25m medium-sized inflatable habitat (3.75m when inflated, can hold 6 crew, functions as a science lab!), and a 1.25m small-sized inflatable habitat (3.75m when inflated, can hold 4 crew, functions as crew storage only!).

XOJtqQR.png  CaSXf6h.png


Modulemanager by @sarbian, the DSEV Utils plugin found in DSEV by @Angel-125 (Included).


GNU General Public License v3.0.


Special thanks to @Angel-125 for allowing me to use his DSEV Utils plugin.

A big thanks to a host of other modders for helping me with numerous animation problems.


Notantares LV.



Watch The Trailer.

Please Note: This video is outdated and contains an older version of the Notangara launch vehicle.


NotantaresLV is a mod that includes an extensive collection of parts designed to be used in the construction of both fictional and real-world launch vehicles, most notably Angara and the UR-700 Soviet moon rocket.

It currently includes a full suite of 1.75m, 2.5m, and 3.75m fuel tanks with integrated texture-switching, an RD-191 engine for the Angara URM-1 boosters, an RD-0124 engine for the Angara URM-2 upper stage, 1.875m and 2.5m aerodynamic nosecones, 1.875m and 2.5m decouplers, and a 2.5m fairing!

XOJtqQR.png  CaSXf6h.png  KVm6MhO.png


Modulemanager by @sarbian (Included).


GNU General Public License v3.0.


DarkSideTechnology Continued. 


Watch Kottabos' Review.

Please Note: This review is outdated and does not showcase the full selection of parts the mod currently has.


A set of parts to help you in the construction of large interplanetary spacecraft. Includes MM patches for CTT, USI-LS and Snacks!

It currently includes a 2.5m foldable centrifuge, 2.5m and 3.75m hubs for building stations, and inline 3.75m solar panels.

XOJtqQR.png  CaSXf6h.png


Modulemanager by @sarbian (Included).


GNU General Public License v3.0.


Special thanks to @Badsector for allowing me to take over and maintain DarkSideTechnology.


Porkalike Gemini-style "Mk1-A" Command Pod.


Full Album (A).     Full Album (B).
Album A = Comfortable landing compatibility images.
Album B = Beauty shots.

A 1.25m, 2-man, Porkalike, Gemini-alike command pod, whose textures are modified and transplanted from the Mk1 pod from the Porkjet rocketry overhaul, in order to look good next to Porkjet parts. Has built-in ComfortableLanding (By @Icecovery) compatibility, for those who are using that mod, and a placeholder IVA until I can scrape up the time to make one myself!

It currently includes just one part: The Mk1-A command pod.

XOJtqQR.png  CaSXf6h.png


Modulemanager by @sarbian, (Included).


GNU General Public License v3.0.

Updated OP with updates.
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18 minutes ago, NISSKEPCSIM said:

Currently modelling the service module for the Big Soyuz... geez, I really have to use my imagination on this one...

Big Soyuz

Any suggestions? I'm planning to inset the rear like the Gemini service module.

Readiator style texture maybe?

Great mod! Great pod! I really appreciate to see these expansion! 

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1 minute ago, Cloakedwand72 said:

Awesome nice to see some one working on a 2,5 size parts pack will it be over powered though? 

Actually, the capsule is 1.875m, and the service module tapers outwards to 2.5m. And to answer your other question, I shall balance it against the stock parts (So as to not be intentionally useless), the same as Tantares is balanced... which means that it will work well in a 2/3x scale system.

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20 minutes ago, fgjordy said:

Sounds like an Interesting one to are you open for suggestions?

Thank you, yes I am.


Though currently I'd prefer to stick with the Big Soyuz parts until they are all ready and functional, including working IVAs.

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On 7/14/2017 at 9:17 AM, fgjordy said:

Just a quick question, does Contares not offer the Zarya? (Big soyuz)?? Or is this One just different then that One?

Yes, CONTARES does offer Zarya; However Zarya was a secret project from the '80s, which was designed as an eight-crew Soyuz-derived fully reusable VTVL spacecraft, whereas the Big Soyuz just used a larger derivative of the Soyuz capsule which could hold 6 crew, and would function as a conventional, expendable spacecraft.

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I've finished texturing the "Big Khleb" Service Module!


The rear of the Service Module is designed much like that of the Gemini SM, with two small engines at the nearing the edge of the SM, and the rear slightly inset.


The sides are textured with proper welding/seam lines, including the... bolts or whatever they are. I'll do a second pass on both the pod and the SM to touch up on small errors, and to give them a bit of polish (And greeble!).



A new pic of both the pod and the SM!


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I'm currently working on a set of ungendered 0.9375m docking ports, so that those who don't use Tantares can still use the "Big Khleb!"


It's based off of the old docking ports Tantares used to have back in 2015, before upgrading to the male/female system it uses now:

Image result for ksp tantares 2015

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I've completed modeling and texturing the parachute!


(More pics of extra detail below)


The top of the parachute:


The bottom:


The inside edges:


The outside edges:



(That's Russian for "Warning!")

This is the kind of texturing I'm talking about! Now I'll be bringing the other parts up to this standard.

(When did Wings 3D get its own shaders?)

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