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Your creepiest/loneliest KSP moments!

Ultimate Steve

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As the title says, what do you think have been your creepiest or loneliest moments in KSP?


Well, I was flying to Tetko in the Outer Planets Mod. That probably takes the cake for creepiest. Green atmosphere, reduced lighting (because of both the distance from the sun, and the fact that Tetko's atmosphere was obscuring most of the rest. The atmosphere really blocked out most of my vision, but what I could see was downright creepy: Black lakes, dark green mountains, and other strange things. To top it off, the atmosphere was so thick that jetpacking was limited to about 25 meters per second. The game even felt sluggish! Plus, my mothership decided to randomly overheat for no reason...

Loneliest? That's a good question. That same Tetko mission might actually be it, although aerobraking around Sarnus is close, as was my first Eeloo mission.

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Val flew a solo mission to Minmus before I setup a mining base there, her vessel ran out of fuel on the return trip shortly after take-off and was on a sub-orbital trajectory with only 8 minutes until impact. she quickly went EVA and jetpack'd herself into stable orbit around minmus, then hohmann transfered to Kerbin sub-orbit, while using the Mun to slingshot around to save fuel, finally arriving at LKO, she burned all her pack fuel in retrograde and set an eliptical but stable orbit around Kerbin, where Jeb flew up and rescured her by trapping her inside a small cargobay since she couldn't manuver herself to the ship. However, moving the ship in orbit while she was inside the cargobay allowed her to get close enough to the Kommand Chair and sit before de-orbiting.

Edited by Xyphos
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After plummeting from the sky in a highly doubtful, but extremely hopeful experimental plane, Jeb bailed out at the last second and was pushed by the shockwave many kilometers from the point of impact. My jaw came to rest in my lap as my eyes drank in the still-living Jeb tumbling across the sand, defying the odds of spaghettification by a minute fraction. I may have needed yellow pants for my laughter, but the bellows quickly fell as silent as the grave as the fortunate hero, Jeb, finally slid to a halt on his EVA pack, staring up at the sky... his face one of the most unamused, melancholy, I-hate-your-hooman-guts look and-- waving at me. :blush:
For the first time in my joys of KSP... I felt judged. As if Chatterer suddenly translated itself into a miraculously clear version of Murican and said "Hi. Git gud son. That wasn't fun, k d00d?"
Jeb now sits at the inland KSC among other relics I've built that scare me. :rolleyes:



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  On 9/11/2017 at 11:11 PM, nascarlaser1 said:

how'd you get that skin/suit for your kerbal??


Texture Replacer enabled both.  That was about a year ago.  These days, there's Texture Replacer Replacer but I haven't tried it yet.

The suit was from Cetera's Suits texture pack, for use with Texture Replacer.  Don't know if it still works with Texture Replacer Replacer.  But with these suits, the amount of color increases with Kerbal level.  This zombie was 5-stars and I was using blue for scientists, so she had an all-blue suit.

The zombie face texture I made myself.  I actually made 3 each male and female zombie textures at various stages of decay.  This was the most decayed female face.  Texture Replacer (and I assume Texture Replacer Replacer) allowed you to assign specific face and suit textures to individual named Kerbals, so as time went on, I had my zombies decay more.

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Ike is the creepiest place for me. It is too dark and it not comfortable. The loneliest moment was the time when I first landed on the Mun with Jeb, Val and Bob and got stranded until I sent a recovery ship that managed to grab the tilted over ship with the crew and flew the entire thing back. It was out of balance so I could not thrust 100%. It was a slow takeoff and a slow trip back. But that's not all, an autonomous control unit was located just below the first ship when it hit the Mun, it broke off during the crash, so it stood there for almost 10 years on the Mun, in hibernation. It was made out of one 800 tank, a control unit (the one that has 1000 power) and 2 small solar panels. Using the bay doors I could flip it into a position that would allow light to power it up. Eventually I send a modified version of my Arrow ship (with a claw instead of a docking port at the front) and landed, recovered it, took off and landed it perfectly at KSP. The whole thing was unbalanced reentering the atmosphere. The recovered part is now placed in the middle of KSC, there is a spot between the buildings that looks like a small park. Besides the "monument" use of it as a rememberance of the first time I landed on the Mun, I also use it as a guidance when returning to base because it is close enough to the landing strip to be of use. So, the loneliest moment was the 10 years of that being stranded on the Mun.


The current Arrow (basically my interplanetary go anywhere ship) that I use now will also be retired one day, when it completes the Grand Tour, but that is a long time away. It still needs to finish Dres, Jool, Eeloo and dip its feet in the Eve atmosphere, before landing it back at the base, where it will say farewell to the Bow, which will be going to Minmus for refuel, to be used in future missions. The new Arrow will feature new improvements based on the gathered data by flying the current Arrow.


Will that be another lonely moment? I will drain all the fuel out of it, so I don't accidentally try flying a museum piece again. Wrote too much.

Edited by mystik
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When i first landed on pol i got Bob out and walked him around. In the distance i saw an amazing moutain, so i went to climb it. Thing is the moutain was miles away. So by the time Bob got there and i got my screen shots, Bob was so far away that i could not see the landing crafts waypoint marker. Bob was lost. I was horrified and scared that Bob was stuck, and that i could never get him back to his lander:blush:. But thanks to the galaxy map i was able to navagate home. 

Sure everything turned out alright in the end. But i was scared as heck that Bob would never get back. 

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My first visit to a near Kerbin asteroid did not go well. I was only going to go out to it and see what it looked like. It was going to be a short mission. Check out the asteroid, see what it looks like and assess what would be needed to capture one, and then return to Kerbin. At first it WAS going well.  I intercepted the asteroid and using RCS to stay close to the surface, I was getting really close-up looks. But I guess I got too close, because as the asteroid rotated, it crashed into the ship. There was a big explosion, but when the flames cleared - Jeb was still there. I had lost the engine and fuel tank along with two RCS engines. The ship was hopelessly crippled.  By then the ship was already racing away from Kerbin and it was too late to launch a rescue mission. The orbit took the ship out close to Duna. For the next two years the crippled capsule would  float through then uncharted space before a rescue mission would be launched. Radio contact would be lost in a matter of days...

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Tekto is super creepy, but I think the darkest, loneliest place I've been to is the Mun's northern polar region doing a Munar Elcano challenge:



It's just dark... dark, dark layered with more dark.. There are nothing but horrible jagged peaks, and black nightmarish valleys... and the further north you go, the worse it gets.

Here abide ghosts... :0.0:

Lovecraft would have loved it! 

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So this one isn't "Spooky" Per say; I only chill out on Kerbin because space is scaaaary :P

So I was racing around a city with Kerbinside, and I realized: There was no-one around. It's spooky; going 200 miles an hour through a ghost town. I could almost imagine some scary story to go along with it...


"Once, long ago, before any of us were born, there was a kerbal. And he was the greatest racer around at that. But one day, disaster struck in the city. He was racing, and then... Then... The PLATYPUS ATTACKED. He swerved off the road, straight into the building. And, according to the legends, you can still see his ghost driving around the old circuit today at night, in the old ghost city."

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  On 11/16/2017 at 3:58 AM, Just Jim said:

Tekto is super creepy, but I think the darkest, loneliest place I've been to is the Mun's northern polar region doing a Munar Elcano challenge:

It's just dark... dark, dark layered with more dark.. There are nothing but horrible jagged peaks, and black nightmarish valleys... and the further north you go, the worse it gets.

Here abide ghosts... :0.0:

Lovecraft would have loved it! 


I have to admit, poles in general are just eldritch locations. The closer you get from the poles, the more warped the terrain gets (Which disturbs even the scatter; floating boulders get eerily common) Bizarre lines appear, and get only bigger and more numerous as you close in, making the terrain jagged and dangerous to even the best rover. And finally, if you are not dead yet, you reach the apotheosis of disturbing terrain:


By the unholy Kraken, WHAT is that MOUNTAIN? It's like 1 km high, and its four "quadrants" all end at a different altitude, making the summit the epitome of everything warped and disturbing we've seen so far (as well as extremely dangerous: kerbals/vehicles that enter terrain seams are immediately vaporised)

When I saw that thing, I put on, well, that music from 2001:ASO.

But being a clueless idiot fearless kerbonaut, Bill decided to plant a flag as close as possible from the geographical pole.


Now I have a flag at 89°59'59", which tunes down the creepy a bit, if still strange (the camera here is INSIDE the mountain)

Stay tuned for the whole mission!

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  On 11/16/2017 at 11:01 PM, Just Jim said:

Actually, in terms of outright bizarre, nothing I've seen so far has come even close to the "Emerald City" at Tekto's south pole... the Kraken Necropolis... :0.0:





I. Need. To. Reinstall. OPM.

But I have so much else to work on... But I want to so badly!!!!!


Eve's north pole is also pretty spooky. Not as bad as Duna, but still enough to be worthwhile visiting.

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  On 11/16/2017 at 11:42 PM, Ultimate Steve said:


I. Need. To. Reinstall. OPM.

But I have so much else to work on... But I want to so badly!!!!!


hehehe... this is the place that hooked me. @Geschosskopf had a few shots of it in his epic "Outer Planets Travelling Circus", and when I saw it, I said the same thing...

"Must... have.... OPM..."  

And when I finally got a computer that could do it justice, OPM was one of the very first mods I downloaded.

This is a weird place I found on Eve... a sort of pseudo Easter Egg, The Eve Pyramid Plateau.



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I think I tried to send Jeb to Duna without the slightest clue how to set a Hohmann transfer.  Jeb winds up in an highly elliptic orbit around Kerbol.  There was absolutely no way then I could rescue him, and now it would take years/decades (to Jeb anyway).  I think that was when I first restarted career (of course this was probably before careers were a thing, but I know I restarted after stranding Jeb this way).

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  On 11/16/2017 at 11:01 PM, Just Jim said:

Actually, in terms of outright bizarre, nothing I've seen so far has come even close to the "Emerald City" at Tekto's south pole... the Kraken Necropolis... :0.0:


Ooooh pretty. Must go.

As for me, I have to agree the creepiest moment was one of the poles on Mun. Don't recall which. Anyway, I always forget lights on my landers and descending into the steep seemingly bottomless pit in the dark had me feeling the creepies. Survived. Planted flag and made it home safe. Yeah Team Red Shirt.

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