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[1.12.x] Tundra Exploration - v7.1.1 (Dec 26th, 2024) - (Re)Stockalike SpaceX Falcon 9, (Crew) Dragon (XL) & Haven-1!


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25 minutes ago, KiltedKerbal said:

Loving the update to the 2018. 

Possible bug for you :

I use latest Kerbalism (along with loads of other mods!), and was using the space around the engine shroud on the BFS. before latest release it was ideal space for attaching food storage, some RTG'soptions. Now only works with 2x Radial Symmetry, all the rest only shows one of whatever you want to attach, and frame rate drops from 100fps to 3 instantly. Only item I found that still acts normally is the cube girder, and the effect still applies to anything you attach to it.  The Cargo Pod works as intended and can go up to 8x symmetry - so maybe it's something to do with how the shroud and cargo pod interact that's blocking out the rest? 


I know that you are focused on the IVA right now - so cargo pods are low priority, but would be a nice touch to be able to use them for the various life support mods like Kerbalism etc? Or is that something that can be added myself for private use, or could share the resulting tweak with you? 

Never used Kerbalism before so so I have to check. And yeah I will release patches so you can switch the tanker version with whatever you feel like carrying aka fuel/LS/KIS etc

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I just noticed that stuff stored in the BFS cargo bay is not protected from heat. At least stuff attached to the wall where the crew hatch is.

Also, is there a reason why externalAccess = false for the BDS in Extra_KIS.cfg? I suggest setting it to true, so Kerbals can stand in the cargo bay, grab stuff from the integrated KIS container, and hook it up to a crane.

I also was searching for a possibility to control the fins better, maybe using kOS. In order to do that, the angle has to be controllable by the user. Basically, it would need something like the "Authority Limiter" that Elevons have, which I guess links to the angle specified in the model somehow.

Edited by infinite_monkey
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4 hours ago, infinite_monkey said:

I just noticed that stuff stored in the BFS cargo bay is not protected from heat. At least stuff attached to the wall where the crew hatch is.

Also, is there a reason why externalAccess = false for the BDS in Extra_KIS.cfg? I suggest setting it to true, so Kerbals can stand in the cargo bay, grab stuff from the integrated KIS container, and hook it up to a crane.

I also was searching for a possibility to control the fins better, maybe using kOS. In order to do that, the angle has to be controllable by the user. Basically, it would need something like the "Authority Limiter" that Elevons have, which I guess links to the angle specified in the model somehow.

I can add that. You mean the same config that is currently used with the dragon v2 hatch that can be controlled by the player?

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11 hours ago, damonvv said:

I can add that. You mean the same config that is currently used with the dragon v2 hatch that can be controlled by the player?

Well, not exactly the same, since that is a button and knows only two states, similar to the current actuate up/down of the fins. It should be a "slider" from 0 to 100%, like the thrust limiter for engines.

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19 minutes ago, infinite_monkey said:

Well, not exactly the same, since that is a button and knows only two states, similar to the current actuate up/down of the fins. It should be a "slider" from 0 to 100%, like the thrust limiter for engines.

No no, if you have advanced tweakable enabled you have a slider to control the hatch

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New beta up on Github!

- Fixed resources on F9 S1 so it should give no errors when installing SMURFF @Marandil 
- Made some small changes to the AFT part
- Some texture changes
- Added Raptor glow
- Added Smokescreen configs for the Raptor engine
- Updated .craft file

For this 1.2 release (26th of October), I am not going to include the BFS IVA. I'm really sorry about that but I want to get this update out now instead of waiting another 3-4 weeks until I finish the BFS IVA as that just eats my time at the moment. (Current design can probably fit between 10-15 kerbals). I am probably around 20-30% done and that took me around 3-4 weeks with the free time I have. (No spoilers yet ;)) I will hurry up and finish the Dragon V2 IVA as that is much simpler and a bit easier to make which shouldn't take that much time.

For the future, I am planning on making a custom launch clamp for Gojira so you could land your booster on it. Also thinking of making a TE for Ghidorah that can erect and such.. There will be a good revamp of the cargo dragon, Falcon 1 and all the satellite parts on the horizon. Which includes Bepicolombo parts!

Edited by damonvv
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3 hours ago, infinite_monkey said:

Oh, didn't know that. I have to check if that would work. I asked at kOS, they said they need a KSPfield.

That kind of slider *is* a KSPField - specifically one that is attached to a floating point number.  I don't think I've ever tried using kOS's KSPField manipulations on a slider enabled by Advanced Tweakables, but in principle it should work as long as the slider is set visible on the gui panel, regardless of why it got set to visible.



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3 minutes ago, Steven Mading said:

That kind of slider *is* a KSPField - specifically one that is attached to a floating point number.  I don't think I've ever tried using kOS's KSPField manipulations on a slider enabled by Advanced Tweakables, but in principle it should work as long as the slider is set visible on the gui panel, regardless of why it got set to visible.



I'd have to add this to the fins first, but I wonder if kOS can read out the hatch on dragon to test first?

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1 minute ago, HotVector said:

Why can't I fly the BFS without any Kerbals in it? Isn't it supposed to have a probe core and an antenna, like the real BFS?

because I forgot to put the probe module back in it *facepalm*, sorry!

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@damonvv for some reason ALL my tundra fuel tanks have absolutely abysimal fuel-mass ratios (newest official version that still uses the 2017 BFR), a smaller upscaled flt400 has like DOUBLE the fuel capacity than the shielded BFR upper stage tank, any idea what could be causing that?


oh god it's even worse than i thought, the shielded BFR tanks has barely more carry capacity than the stock jumbo 64 which is shorter and HALF the width

i do use pathfinder and such so maybe the MM patches are making my tanks useless?

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23 minutes ago, BRAAAP_STUTUTU said:

@damonvv for some reason ALL my tundra fuel tanks have absolutely abysimal fuel-mass ratios (newest official version that still uses the 2017 BFR), a smaller upscaled flt400 has like DOUBLE the fuel capacity than the shielded BFR upper stage tank, any idea what could be causing that?


oh god it's even worse than i thought, the shielded BFR tanks has barely more carry capacity than the stock jumbo 64 which is shorter and HALF the width

i do use pathfinder and such so maybe the MM patches are making my tanks useless?

I think pathfinder messed up badly as I have no trouble whatsoever and I cannot understand most of what you were describing haha.

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16 minutes ago, damonvv said:

I think pathfinder messed up badly as I have no trouble whatsoever and I cannot understand most of what you were describing haha.

gonna check out wheter the tanks have correct fuel capacity without the pathfinder patch now


kinda explains all the issues i've been having with the BFR's not having enough delta V for even basic mun landings most of the time when the maximum fuel they can carry is like less than half of what they SHOULD be carrying

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@damonvv what i'm saying is that your MM patch for pathfinder is using incorrect values, here's what i think is off:

well take the big bfr tank as a reference


// Gojira BFT-9000 Fuel Tank
        name = LiquidFuel
        amount = 53460
        maxAmount = 53460
        name = Oxidizer
        amount = 65340
        maxAmount = 65340

by default it stores 53460LF and 65340OX


now to the WBI convertable storage which uses a set of templates (sotred in the wildbluetools/templates folder)

for LFOX this template is:


    name = LFO
    author = Angel-125
    shortName = LFO
    logoPanel = WildBlueIndustries/000WildBlueTools/Decals/LFO
    glowPanel = WildBlueIndustries/000WildBlueTools/Decals/LFOGlow
    description = This kit stores LiquidFuel and Oxidizer, propellants for rockets.
    templateTags = stowage

         name = LiquidFuel
         amount = 810
         maxAmount = 810


        name = Oxidizer
        amount = 990
        maxAmount = 990



which it uses as the basis for storage space, which for LFOX is 810 lf and 990 ox

now as to what is wrong in your included pathfinder patch, we'll take a look at the configs for the WBI M.O.L.E titan storage tanks;

for the titan 1800 which carries 1800 units of LFOX or ore for example: 



 //Some containers don't hold as much resources as the template specifies, while others hold more.
        //Since the resource templates specify base amounts, the capacity factor specifies a multiplier to
        //factor into the resource amounts.
        capacityFactor = 1

        //Name of the logo panel transforms
        logoPanelTransforms = decals
        decalsVisible = false

        //If the part has a KIS container, this is the base and max amount
        baseStorage = .001
        maxStorage = 4200

        name = WBIResourceDistributor

         name = LiquidFuel
         amount = 810
         maxAmount = 810


        name = Oxidizer
        amount = 990
        maxAmount = 990



now as seen above the amount of LF and OX it can store is the exact same as the amounts on the LFOX template, it also has a capacityFactor of 1 (this is important)

now the half as big titan 900 (aptly named eh) has this for it's config:




 //Some containers don't hold as much resources as the template specifies, while others hold more.
        //Since the resource templates specify base amounts, the capacity factor specifies a multiplier to
        //factor into the resource amounts.
        capacityFactor = 0.5

        //Name of the logo panel transforms
        logoPanelTransforms = decals
        decalsVisible = false

        //If the part has a KIS container, this is the base and max amount
        baseStorage = .001
        maxStorage = 2800

        name = WBIResourceDistributor

         name = LiquidFuel
         amount = 405
         maxAmount = 405


        name = Oxidizer
        amount = 495
        maxAmount = 495




now here you notice how the LF and OX amounts are half that of the titan 1800 and the titan 900 has  capacityFactor = 0.5 which is ALSO half that of the titan 1800

Conclusion: the capacityfactor dictates the amount of storage capacity a tank has by multiplying itself by the value dictated by the templates


SO what's the deal with your pathfinder patch then? well

at the beginning we took the BFR-9000 tank as reference and well, here's your pacth for it;


// Gojira BFT-9000 Fuel Tank
        @capacityFactor = 21.214

capacityFactor = 21.214 which is wrong because if we multiply the template numbers by this capacityfactor we get:

LF 810 * 21.214 which is a dreadful 17183.34 units of LF compared to the 53460 units it should be able to store, and for oxidizer this is:

OX 990 * 21.214 which is 21001.86, again FAR lower than the 65340 units of OX it SHOULD be able to store


The RIGHT capacityfactor would be 53460/810 = 66

this means with the patch you have made, the tanks store THREE TIMES LESS FUEL than they actually should when pathfinder is installed


i'll ping @Angel-125 here to see if my logic here is correct


i'll quickly boot up my game to see if changing the capacityfactors to the correct values will fix the issue, could post the fixed patch after i get some sleep because it's literally 1:10 AM for me as i'm posting this

UPDATE: yes, yes it does, now i can actually BFR properly instead of like having to deal with tanks that carry only a third the amount of fuel they are supposed to :cool:


in the spoiler under here is my edited version of your ExtraPathfinder.cfg:


// Gojira BFS-1700 Command Pod
        name = WBIConvertibleStorage
        enableLogging = True
        fieldReconfigurable = True
        confirmResourceSwitch = True
        showGUI = True
        defaultTemplate = KIS // LFO
        templateNodes = STORAGE_TEMPLATE
        capacityFactor = 7.778
        resourcesToKeep = ElectricCharge;Ablator;MonoPropellant;Snacks;Soil
        logoPanelTransforms = 
        decalsVisible = false
        baseStorage = .001
        maxStorage = 14000
// Rodan Command Pod
        name = WBIConvertibleStorage
        enableLogging = True
        fieldReconfigurable = True
        confirmResourceSwitch = True
        showGUI = True
        capacityFactor = 0.278
        resourcesToKeep = ElectricCharge;MonoPropellant;
        defaultTemplate = KIS
        templateNodes = STORAGE_TEMPLATE
        logoPanelTransforms = 
        decalsVisible = false
        baseStorage = .001
        maxStorage = 500
// Gigan Command Pod
        name = WBIConvertibleStorage
        enableLogging = True
        fieldReconfigurable = True
        confirmResourceSwitch = True
        showGUI = True
        capacityFactor = 1.111
        resourcesToKeep = ElectricCharge;MonoPropellant;
        defaultTemplate = KIS
        templateNodes = STORAGE_TEMPLATE
        logoPanelTransforms = 
        decalsVisible = false
        baseStorage = .001
        maxStorage = 2000
// Tanks
        name = WBIConvertibleStorage
        enableLogging = True
        fieldReconfigurable = True
        confirmResourceSwitch = True
        showGUI = True
        capacityFactor = 1
        resourcesToKeep = ElectricCharge
        defaultTemplate = LFO
        templateNodes = STORAGE_TEMPLATE
        logoPanelTransforms = 
        decalsVisible = false
        baseStorage = .001
        maxStorage = 100
// Gojira BFT-9000 Fuel Tank
        @capacityFactor = 66.0
// Gojira BFT-1700 Shielded Fuel Tank
        @capacityFactor = 21.334
// Mothra B1-21 Fueltank
        @capacityFactor = 0.889
// Mothra B2-52 Fueltank
        @capacityFactor = 0.444
// Ghidorah K1-180 Tank
        @capacityFactor = 12.444
// Ghidorah K2-81 Tank
        @capacityFactor = 3.259

this fixes the fuel values to the ones that are found in the Extra_ResourceDefaults.cfg file which i assume are the correct amounts

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