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Say what your thankfull to have in KSP!


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"Hey bill pass the gravy"

So its thanksgiving! And i was thinking that we could all give thanks for something we enjoy in KSP, just reply with whatever feature (or mod) your thankful for. For me i am thankful for squad banishing (most of) the kraken glitches. Cant wait to see your answers. Oh and from me and all of my kerbals: Happy thanksgiving! :D~Avery616


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As strange as it may seem, I would have to say Steam. It certainly has its flaws, but if it weren't for their bombardment of ads every time you log in, I never would've known about this most fantastic game. Of course, then I would have about 2,500 hours of my life back. So I guess it's give and take.


Slightly off-topic: Right now, I'm watching the "A History Channel Thanksgiving" South Park episode. Wonder if Kerbals were the "aliens" at the first Thanksgiving? Jebediah's a pretty good pilgrim name. :)

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Every single person on this forum. This is one of the most, if not the most welcoming online community I've ever been to.


And mods. I'm just now getting into a New Horizons career and I'm hooked.

EDIT: And the mods, as in the moderators. They're cool too. :)


Edited by Ultimate Steve
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  6 hours ago, Rocket In My Pocket said:

I wonder if they are serving mystery goo?



As a matter of fact in my kerbal universe the whole mystery goo thing started when Jeb observed what happened to the Jelly of a PB&J sandwich he had smuggled  ("It was an official edible science experiment i swear"~Jeb) into space. It drifted around the cabin before smattering itself on Bobs visor during re-entry. This resulted in Bob screaming for his life as he believed his brains had exploded due to all of the re-entry g's. After this incident Wernher realized that understanding how jelly reacts to space could be quite helpful, and thus he made the small science part we all know and love today.

And so that is how my KSP became Kerbins number one consumer of jelly.:)

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First off, thankful for my wife, who seeing my son playing KSP said your dad would love this game. Second, thankful my son spent $10 for the best Christmas present ever. 4 years later I'm still playing. 

Mod specific, thankful for MJ. It has taught me so much and is willing to do the stuff I find boring.


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That feeling I had that the game gave me, way back in 2011, with the demo, the first time I managed to get something into orbit...

So much since then, from learning more about orbital mechanics than I ever thought I would, to actually understanding more about what's happening with real missions in space than I ever thought I would (and the interest that kindles), to just sheer enjoyment from playing the game... all of that was sparked by that first demo.

I've had so much value from this game it's just silly, that's what I'm thankful for.

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I'm thankful the devs have kept it open-sandbox and resisted the urge to dumb down things for the average player.  I think people underestimate the average player.

  On 11/23/2017 at 8:46 AM, Avery616 said:

As a matter of fact in my kerbal universe the whole mystery goo thing started when Jeb observed what happened to the Jelly of a PB&J sandwich he had smuggled  ("It was an official edible science experiment i swear"~Jeb) into space. It drifted around the cabin before smattering itself on Bobs visor during re-entry. This resulted in Bob screaming for his life as he believed his brains had exploded due to all of the re-entry g's. After this incident Wernher realized that understanding how jelly reacts to space could be quite helpful, and thus he made the small science part we all know and love today.


My own theory, just because the goo dissolves in water, is that they're dye packs for life rafts a la Gemini 4.  Someone in planning bought 500 surplus as they looked like space parts.

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That seismic accelerometer is a Beer right?


That they share the same tankard... ?
Or...                                      ?
That one takes a tankard for himself but that the volume hardly fits the volumetrics of his body *cough* meaning torso.

Maybe the Kerbal stomach and bowels can pressurize liquids? 
Or maybe Kerbals are environmentalists and they just sip for several days until it's emptied :P 

By the way, they are staring like they aren't the greatest conversationalists. 
Meantime answer: They're meditating.
Other meantime answer: You drugged them.

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  On 11/24/2017 at 12:17 AM, Helmetman said:



That seismic accelerometer is a Beer right?


That they share the same tankard... ?
Or...                                      ?
That one takes a tankard for himself but that the volume hardly fits the volumetrics of his body *cough* meaning torso.

Maybe the Kerbal stomach and bowels can pressurize liquids? 
Or maybe Kerbals are environmentalists and they just sip for several days until it's emptied :P 

By the way, they are staring like they aren't the greatest conversationalists. 
Meantime answer: They're meditating.
Other meantime answer: You drugged them.


The accelerator is supposed to be a can of soda. (or beer) And the reason they are staring is because they dont move like they do in iva when sitting in external seats. Also the round thing in the middle is supposed to be a turkey. :)

P.S: Another meantime answer you could have put is that the kerbals can talk, WITH THEIR MINDS! :P

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  On 11/24/2017 at 12:41 AM, Avery616 said:

P.S: Another meantime answer you could have put is that the kerbals can talk, WITH THEIR MINDS! :P


This is a supposed enhanced ability acquired by continuous meditation. But that is a scientific category yet to be proven and officially documented.

But I've already given some amount of unorthodox pre assumptions about Kerbal behaviour, so that one could be just as right also :P 


Edited by Helmetman
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KIS. It has gotten me out of so many bad situations that it’s ridiculous. 


On the way to Jool, I forget a decoupler for the third stage of my rocket on a plane that was headed for Laythe. I was able to rendezvous my mothership with it and get a Kerbal out to detach the stage. (That’s why you always send everything at once, kids!)

-Ascent vehicle not having enough dV (Go Watney Kerman!)

-Shaving off unnecessary mass from rescue craft.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am thankful for 64bit ksp. 

It broke many things for sure, but just being able to enjoy the game and actually quit it when desired rather than by a CTD is great!

Dunno about other kerbians but this was great. And I still can enjoy it even though my lady is quite the potato (samsung rv520 laptop, gforce520m). It runs fluent enough, and is enjoyable even on bigger part counts.

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