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[1.8.*] Adjustable Mod Panel, ver 1.5.3


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@Drew Kerman

Okie dokie. First thing that jumps out at me is that ksp.log mod .dlls found has a different order between you and me. Makes the diff spit out a load of rubbish. However I am on the case, using a notepad++ with a compare plugin. Will take a little while.

Other thing is that it looks like you have some different versions than me. So far yours are newer. I will of course be seeking to find updates of these for myself.

Thanks for replying. Hopefully speak soon.

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Here is a list. This list is all the items that I have that do not appear in the list you provided.


[x] Science! v5.16.6760.40915
KSPModFileLocalizer v0.2.3.2
000_AT_Utils v1.6.0.0
001_AnisotropicPartResizer v1.2.0.3
ConfigurableContainers v2.4.3.1
FilterExtensions v3.2.1.0 / v1.0.0.0
TexturesUnlimited v0.0.0.0
UICore v1.0.1.1
ABCORS v0.5.0.1 / v0.4.1.0
BasicDeltaV v1.0.3.1 / vv3.1
BetterCrewAssignment v0.0.0.0
AllYAll v0.11.14.4 / v1.0.0.0
AntennaHelper v1.0.4.31034
AnyRes v1.0.6697.40191
AtmosphereAutopilot v1.5.10.0
AtmosphereAutopilot.UI v1.0.0.0
AugmentedReality v0.2.1.4 / v1.0.0.0
AutoAction v1.10.3.0
BDAnimationModules v0.6.5.4
RNModules v1.1.5.7
Chatterer v0.9.95.2110
CommNetConstellation v1.2.0.0 / v1.2.1
ConstantTWR v0.0.4.1 / v1.0.0.0
ControlSurfaceToggle v1.0.0.0
CorrectCoL v1.6.4.1 / v1.4.4.0
CraftImport v0.8.11.2 / v1.0.0.0
CrewLight v1.0.6696.16498
CriticalTemperatureGauge v1.4.5.0
SimpleBoiloff v0.2.1.0
DifferentialThrust v1.0.0.0
DefaultActionGroups v1.0.0.0
DoubleTapBrakes v1.0.0.0
DynamicBatteryStorage v1.0.0.0
EasyBoard v1.6.0.0
EasyVesselSwitch v1.8.6767.274 / v1.8-pre for KSP v1.4+
KSPDev_Utils.0.37 v0.37.6763.34473 / v0.37 for KSP v1.4+
ExceptionDetector v0.0.0.0
ShipSections v0.1.3.0
ExtensiveEngineerReport v0.1.3.0
Launchpad v6.1.0.0 / v6.1.0
Firespitter v7.3.6354.39102
FlightPlan v1.0.6.1
GCMonitor v1.4.8.0
KSPUIHelper v1.0.0.0
GPOSpeedFuelPump v1.8.14.0 / v1.8.14
HideEmptyTechTreeNodes v1.0.0.0
kerbal-impact v1.0.0.0
IndicatorLights v1.0.0.0
JanitorsCloset v0.3.4.1 / v1.0.0.0
KAS v0.6.4.0 / v0.6.4 for KSP 1.4+
KeepItStraight v1.0.4.0
KEI v1.2.9.2
KerbalImprovedSaveSystem v2.2.0.41618
KerbetrotterTools v1.2.6.0
BetterKerbNet v1.0.4.0
KIS v1.14.6773.33741 / v1.14 for KSP 1.4+
KSPDev_Utils.0.37 v0.37.6763.34473 / v0.37 for KSP v1.4+
KSP-AVC v1.2.0.2
KSPDev_LogConsole v0.20.6764.40338 / v0.20 for KSP v1.4+
KSPDev_Utils.0.37 v0.37.6763.34473 / v0.37 for KSP v1.4+
KSPWheel v0.0.0.0
LandingHeight v2.2.0.0 / v1.0.0.0
LoadingScreenManager v1.2.5.0 / v1.0.2.0
MechJeb2 v2.5.1.0 / v / v2.7.3.0
NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicatorCE v1.0.4.2 / v1.0.0.0
NavHud v1.3.5.1 / v1.0.0.0
NavUtilLib v0.7.2.0
NavUtilRPM v0.7.2.0
NearFutureElectrical v1.0.0.0
NFPropUtils v1.0.0.0
NearFuturePropulsion v0.9.0.0
NearFutureSolar v0.4.0.0
NE_Science v0.8.1.32 / v0.8.0 for KSP 1.4.3
DockingCamera v1.1.6.6 / v1.0.0.0
PatchManager v0.0.15.0 / v1.0.0.0
PersistentRotation v1.0.0.0
Interstellar_Redist v1.2.0.0
PhotonSail v1.4.5.0
Scale_Redist v1.0.0.0
PlanetarySurfaceStructures v1.6.4.0
PlanetShine v0.2.6.1
PreciseManeuver v2.4.1.0 / v / v2.4.1
PreciseManeuver.Unity v2.4.0.0
QuickExit v2.1.4.0
RCSBuildAid v0.9.7.2
ReCoupler v1.0.0.0
AmpYear v1.5.2.0
SCANmechjeb v1.8.7.0 / vv18.7
ScienceAlert v1.9.4.0
ScienceRelay v1.0.5.1 / vv5.1
ShipSaveSplicer v1.2.0.0
ShipSections v0.1.0.0
KerbalSlingshotter v1.1.6.7 / v1.0.0.0
SpeedUnitAnnex v1.2.0.0
HabUtils v1.0.0.0
SEPScience v1.2.6.0 / v2.6
SEPScience.Unity v1.2.6.0
SurfaceExperimentPack v1.4.2.0
SurfaceLights v1.8.6763.32505 / v1.8 for KSP v1.4+
TacSelfDestruct v1.6.7.0 / v1.0.0.0
TacStickyControls v0.4.3.2 / v0.0.1.0
TankLock v0.2.5.1
ThrottleControlledAvionics v3.5.2.1
ThrottleLimitActionGroups v2.0.6.0 / v1.0.0.0
TimeControl v2.9.3.0
Trajectories v2.2.1.0
TransferWindowPlanner v1.6.3.0
Undockinator v0.8.0.0 / v0.8.0
VaporVent v1.1.9.0 / v1.0.0.0
WernherChecker v0.5.10.0
DSEVUtils v1.0.0.0
AirshipUtils v1.0.0.0
SuperKerbal v1.0.0.0
Wind Tunnel v1.0.0.0
Workshop v1.2.5.32289 / v1.2.5
Wwwwwwwww v1.0.2.0

This is a different list. This list has all the things that appear in both our lists but have different numbers.


AdjustableModPanel v1.4.0.0
FShangarExtender v3.5.3.1 / v3.5.0.0
RasterPropMonitor v0.30.5.22792
KerbalJointReinforcement v3.3.3.0
HyperEdit v1.5.7.0 / v1.5.7


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1 minute ago, Drew Kerman said:

@Apaseall well looks like you got your work cut out for you. Don't forget to take em out a bunch at a time

Lol. Couple of things. Doing updates for mods. I have a fresher version of RasterPropMonitor  than you. I cannot locate your versions of KerbalJointReinforcement. You also have Scale_Redist v1.0.0.0 three times in your list. I think also a couple of DMagic?

I doubt all of the mods that I have that you do not will be evil. I mean that many of them will have no influence at all over anything remotely to do with this mod.

Do you think you might glance over the list and let me know if you thing any of them are likely to be nasty? ie give me a head start by pointing out any mods that might interact?

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Ok good news bad news. Good news, after installing updates, this mod works. Bad news, I forgot what mod this issue was with, meaning I was trying to solve a different problem. DOH!

Other than installing the latest version of this mod, I also reinstalled toolbar control mods, two of them, i forget right now the names. You see this is an upgrade. Copy and paste gamedata. Some stuff was not showing up. To erradicate the issue I reinstalled those mods. Anyways, this mod does work now. Thanks.

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3 hours ago, Apaseall said:

I have a fresher version of RasterPropMonitor  than you

Nice to hear you got it sorted. Thanks for the heads up but I just have it as a dependency, so whatever version it is is fine for the mod that is using it as I'll be using MAS in the future

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@NubNibble I see a strange error in your log. IndexOutOfRangeException during the update can only mean one thing: somebody added the mod button without the corresponding callbacks. That shouldn't be possible. But sometimes mods do strange things indeed. I can't work with such a mod, but at least I can ignore it so that AMP remained in working order. I'll update the mod at some point.


@Apaseall I know that bug. For starters, always use the latest version of AMP. I release them for a reason, you know :). Then, make sure you're using the latest version of toolbar controller as well. The two mods are dependent, and I only support the latest version (the dependency is optional, but if it is installed, it should be the latest).

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I'm getting errors like that while entering VAB or SPH and when I add any command pod at those editors. KSP 1.8.1 (with lots of mods), Adjustable Mod Panel 1.5.3. My PC: Intel I5 3570K, 16GB RAM, Nvidia GTX770 2GB, Win 7 64bit.

[EXC 17:40:14.751] IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
	AdjustableModPanel.ModPanelComponent.Update () (at <e1f39ca04af44056893b396d4c18079f>:0)
	UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

Full log is here https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LtnNvMAKZTgH8H825S01zifVbWhM8Dxe

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@AlexSheFF My guess would be that some mod created a button with no functions attached. That's weird. Can you give me the list of your mods? Or more specifically, the list of mods that create buttons. Or even more specifically, is there a particular button that does nothing when you press it?

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@Morse, I've found the cause. It is MechJeb. Its button is absent when I enter VAB or SPH and it appears when I add any command pod (because they all contain MJ module). It explains why only command pods caused AMP errors in editors. Solution for me was to switch MJ from stock AppLauncher to Blizzy Toolbar.

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  • 6 months later...

I seem to be having issues getting this to work. It is showing icons in the panels even when I uncheck them. Some disappear when unchecked but others do not. Its like they are permanently stuck. I'm not quite sure why at the moment. I came back from having not been around for over a year and just started mass updating all the mods and such. Still got quite a few issues in other areas as well but yea, my button panels are a complete mess cause I can't hide icons that used to be hidden before I updated this mod. Anything that I had hid before, is unhidable now it seems.

I use CKAN to install this, by the way.

Mod List: https://pastebin.com/tnEJ4VPZ

Edited by Vas
Added mod list.
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First of all, I'll need the logs to look into any issues. Second of all, if you think that errors correlate with the previously-hidden mods, maybe delete the mod config (the xml files inside the mod folder) and try to setup everything anew.

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