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[1.12] Stockalike Station Parts Redux (August 14, 2024)


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Absolutely love this mod.  Thanks for the work you guys have put into it!

Having an issue though.  I am running 1.3.1 and Snacks!, and when I enable the soil recyclers on my various stations, it is using up a huge amount of EC.  >100 per sec for the hitchikers module.  I have 2 of those and the aquaculture module on one of the stations, and it is requiring over 100k EC to just make it around the dark side of Kerbin.   The modules are saying 360% -ish load on each.   I have upped the recycler efficiency in the snacks settings though. 

Is there a way I can bring down this insane power usage?

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  On 3/23/2018 at 8:50 AM, Gargamel said:

Absolutely love this mod.  Thanks for the work you guys have put into it!

Having an issue though.  I am running 1.3.1 and Snacks!, and when I enable the soil recyclers on my various stations, it is using up a huge amount of EC.  >100 per sec for the hitchikers module.  I have 2 of those and the aquaculture module on one of the stations, and it is requiring over 100k EC to just make it around the dark side of Kerbin.   The modules are saying 360% -ish load on each.   I have upped the recycler efficiency in the snacks settings though. 

Is there a way I can bring down this insane power usage?


I believe this may actually be an issue with the Snacks mod. There was a report on its forum that the default production is incorrectly set to 21600 Snacks per day. You can fix it by changing the production rate to 1% in the options.

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Hey guys! First of all, great thanks to those who work on this awesome mod! But after about a half-a-year break from KSP, i got back to try 1.4.1, updated all the modes, and when loaded into career which had couple of huge spacecrafts that included parts from Station Parts mod, couldn't load them with an error of "parts missing", including "crewtube-25-2" for example (and some others, i can provide names if needed). Are those parts has gone since, or is there something wrong with my mod setup? Just for note, everything was ok on 1.3.1 setup a while ago.

Edited by Nightwindale
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For some reasons KSP 1.4.x seems to have some problems to load textures, that were loading fine.
Also the four big USI MKS drill have this problem.
I saw some texture loading errors in the log.

Check for something like:

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If you want to try to work around it, you can try to open that parts CFG, and remove/comment out the texture line in the model section.
The parts should load then, but without texture. But you can at least continue your save.


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@Nightwindale First thing to do is to check the old thread, and verify which mod you have installed in your new 1.4.1 game.
Basically, the old mod is Stockalike Station Parts... the *new*, seperate mod, is Stockalike Station Parts Redux (this thread you posted on).
Check the OP on *this* thread, it offers an expalanation of what has transpired, and what to do when you have crafts made from the old mod.
Basically, this:
" Q: What does this mean for Stockalike Station Parts?
A: It is now obsolete and deprecated - no further work will be done. 
.... It can be installed alongside with no problems "

That should take care of your problem.

EDIT: @Jebs_SY I guess this applies to you also...
by what is shown in your log, it looks like you also have the "old" mod installed... ?? vOv

Edited by Stone Blue
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  On 3/24/2018 at 3:20 PM, Stone Blue said:

EDIT: @Jebs_SY I guess this applies to you also...
by what is shown in your log, it looks like you also have the "old" mod installed... ?? vOv


Yeah, sure. If I would throw out the old mod, the half of my career ships would be gone.
But this texture loading problem also occurs on the MKS drills with a manual installed  current USI-MKS on a fresh KSP 1.4.1.

Edited by Jebs_SY
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  On 3/24/2018 at 3:26 PM, Jebs_SY said:

Yeah, sure. If I would throw out the old mod, the half of my career ships would be gone.


You should re-read what I actually posted...And then maybe read the OP of this thread... :wink:

I imagine your issue with the MKS drills is a seperate issue. The only thing this mod and MKS have in common, IIRC, is that *this* mod has resource configs that support USI Life Support... ?? vOv


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  On 3/24/2018 at 3:31 PM, Stone Blue said:

You should re-read what I actually posted...And then maybe read the OP of this thread... :wink:


@Stone Blue
Really, I don't like this style of "find it youself" conversation. I read your post multiple times, didn't found any new information. What I knew already (a) The SSPX will not be continued and (b) SSPXr works alongside SSPX.
So WHAT has this to to with the issue, that KSP 1.4.x doesn't want to load textures, that were loading fine in KSP 1.3.x?

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  On 3/24/2018 at 3:35 PM, Jebs_SY said:

@Stone Blue
Really, I don't like this style of "find it youself" conversation. I read your post multiple times, didn't found any new information. What I knew already (a) The SSPX will not be continued and (b) SSPXr works alongside SSPX.
So WHAT has this to to with the issue, that KSP 1.4.x doesn't want to load textures, that were loading fine in KSP 1.3.x?


The point of me replying to *you*, is that you never clarified whether you had *both* mods installed... And the snippet of log you posted, shows you have the old mod installed...Doesnt show anything about whether you have SSP Redux installed... So I was basically suggesting that you make sure you had *BOTH* mods installed side by side...

Basically the first sentence of my post: " First thing to do is to check the old thread, and verify which mod you have installed in your new 1.4.1 game. "

Did you do that? Did you reply back that you do indeed have both mods installed?

I have noticed an issue with another mod, using the old texture replacement/placeholder method, also not loading in 1.4.1... So there may be an issue with older mods setup this way, and the way the new stock texture switching was instituted... vOv

Edited by Stone Blue
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  On 3/24/2018 at 3:20 PM, Stone Blue said:

@Nightwindale First thing to do is to check the old thread, and verify which mod you have installed in your new 1.4.1 game.
Basically, the old mod is Stockalike Station Parts... the *new*, seperate mod, is Stockalike Station Parts Redux (this thread you posted on).
Check the OP on *this* thread, it offers an expalanation of what has transpired, and what to do when you have crafts made from the old mod.
Basically, this:
" Q: What does this mean for Stockalike Station Parts?
A: It is now obsolete and deprecated - no further work will be done. 
.... It can be installed alongside with no problems "


Well, i've actually tried all variations: my backup "old" mod from 1.3.1 version, the same "old mod" freshly downloaded via CKAN (dunno if there is any difference, but i've tried anyway), and the Redux version. All of them have those missing part warnings, in Redux i just have more parts missing, in the original - just about 2 or 3.

I don't want to argue or anything, but "deprecated" is quite a wide therm, trere is no clarification wether old parts\vehicles would work in Redux. That's what i'd like to find out - it this situation OK and meant to be this way when moving to new mod, or is it something wrong with my particular setup.

Btw this link to old thread leads in this very topic. Can't find the right one via search aswel.

Edited by Nightwindale
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@Stone Blue
I just realized we're in the wrong thread, so we should't pull it far more off. Last answer from me..
And sorry, I am already a bit annoyed, by just wanted to debug a NRE out of scatterer, but VS wasn't able to load the project file that's on github and I tried 1h to repair the project file until I recreated the project. :/ 
I read your sentence but to "verify which mods you have installed"... that's about 200 mods... I didn't knew what I could verify here. I had both (SSPX and SSPXr) installed on 1.3.1 and now have both installed on 1.4.1.
And as SSPX and SSPXr should be 2 complete independent mods, I have no idea how they should interfere with each other.
And some textures are not getting correctly loaded and then the parts are not loaded. I took again the time and put SSPX in a Clean 1.4.1 and the same "hotfix" as used for the drills fixes it.

Anyways, I am sorry for posting it in the wrong thread. If someone wants to fix it, comment out the "texture = " line(s) in the model section of the part config file (.cfg) that are not getting loaded. Looks ugly, but works if one wants to continue the career a little longer. And as SSPX is deprecated, I assume the textures there won't get fixed for 1.4.1.
But maybe 1.4.2 fixes the "I don't want to load these textures" issue...

@Stone Blue
Sorry for being maybe a bit unkind, hit me on the wrong time. o/


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  On 3/24/2018 at 4:29 PM, Nightwindale said:

Well, i've actually tried all variations: my backup "old" mod from 1.3.1 version, the same "old mod" freshly downloaded via CKAN (dunno if there is any difference, but i've tried anyway), and the Redux version. All of them have those missing part warnings, in Redux i just have more parts missing, in the original - just about 2 or 3.


So just to clarify, youve tried with *both* mods installed at the *same* time?

  On 3/24/2018 at 4:29 PM, Nightwindale said:

I don't want to argue or anything, but "deprecated" is quite a wide therm, trere is no clarification wether old parts\vehicles would work in Redux. That's what i'd like to find out - it this situation OK and meant to be this way when moving to new mod, or is it something wrong with my particular setup.


No argument here... :wink:
In KSP modding terms, I would think "deprecated" means the parts have been sidelined, obsoleted, no further work on  them will be done... however, instead of being "deleted" and completely removed, and thus breaking everyones craft/save games; deprecated generally means they are still included, for the sake of making *existing* craft still work for people... usually deprecating, means the parts are hidden in the editor, so that they can not be selected to build *new* craft...

So yes, your old craft with old SSPX parts are *supposed* to work, with *both* the old and new mod installed together... you just wont see any of the parts from the *old* mod in the editor...

If you *do* have both mods installed, correctly, and you are still seeing issues... I guess more info would be needed to help with your issues... my original post, was just to basically say "Hey, it sounds like you may have exiting craft using the old parts, and they wont load because you only have the *new* parts isntalled... Look at the OP of this thread, and it will explain the difference between the old and new versions, and how/what to do with carrying over existing craft (with old parts), to a game withthe *new* mod installed..."


  On 3/24/2018 at 4:32 PM, Jebs_SY said:

Sorry for being maybe a bit unkind, hit me on the wrong time. o/


No problem... thanx for coming back to say that... i appreciate it :wink: Im sorry if my reply seemed snippy... I had *just* started reading the forums, and had only just started my first cup of coffee... :P 

With my first post, I (longwindedly), was just trying to say first thing needed to help you both, was to verify exactly which, or both, the old an new versions you had installed...
Basically this bit: " I had both (SSPX and SSPXr) installed on 1.3.1 and now have both installed on 1.4.1. "

now that that is cleared up, and by the "fix" you found, I would say that yes, the trick of using a placeholder texture, and using the "texture = " in the MODEL node to have the part use a texture in a different folder, no longer seems to be working with 1.4.x...

If this *is* true, Im sure other people will end up postig about it... I would expect @Nertea would soon have a fix, or at least a comment, *if* that is the case...

Edited by Stone Blue
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  On 3/24/2018 at 4:41 PM, Stone Blue said:

So yes, your old craft with old SSPX parts are *supposed* to work, with *both* the old and new mod installed together... you just wont see any of the parts from the *old* mod in the editor...


OK, finally I understood what you were assuming... I was wondering why you suggest we should check our complete mod install. And "what to check?". "Make sure SSPX and SSPXr are both installed" would have been more understandable for me. :wink:
I never took the "one loads career with SSPX ships an has SSPX not installed" into account. OK, again, sry for that.

  On 3/24/2018 at 4:41 PM, Stone Blue said:

Look at the OP of this thread, and it will explain the difference between the old and new versions, and how/what to do with carrying over existing craft (with old parts), to a game withthe *new* mod installed..."


For me this reads like "In the OP are instructions how to make you old career with SSPX ships compatible, so that you can continue the career with your modified-old-SSPX-ships with only SSPXr installed, not needing SSPX anymore".
But, I don't see these instructions. But I just tested without SSPX and the career only seems to miss 2 parts in my case, so I remove the others.

Edited by Jebs_SY
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This mod works meh for me in 1.4.1 using the latest builds of it and dependencies.

Throws up all sorts of errors but parts work/ rotates and seems to be ok with updated mods like kerbal health. 

So while a new build would be nice, i can survive with this for a while.

Edited by Mark Kerbin
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  On 3/24/2018 at 4:41 PM, Stone Blue said:

now that that is cleared up, and by the "fix" you found, I would say that yes, the trick of using a placeholder texture, and using the "texture = " in the MODEL node to have the part use a texture in a different folder, no longer seems to be working with 1.4.x...


Unfortunately, I think it's not that easy, because the line:
texture = Decal_02, UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/Assets/Decal_02
still works fine...
So I assume 1.4.1 doesn't like something specific about SOME texture... some from SSPX, the drill_02 and drill_03 textures from MKS and some textures of the Orbital Tug Pod... But I didn't found out, what's the issue.


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  On 3/24/2018 at 5:02 PM, Jebs_SY said:

Unfortunately, I think it's not that easy, because the line:
texture = Decal_02, UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/Assets/Decal_02
still works fine...
So I assume 1.4.1 doesn't like something specific about SOME texture... some from SSPX, the drill_02 and drill_03 textures from MKS and some textures of the Orbital Tug Pod... But I didn't found out, what's the issue.


Yup... i would expect if it was a matter of this method *completely* not working that there would have been TONS of posts about it on many threads... Because many mods use this method... There has to be something specific, on why only some mods are not working with this...

I havent investigated this much myself yet... I just know I had a couple of mods with this issue... and incidentally, I also found Orbital Tug to be one of them... :P
It will take someone with more knowledge than me, now, to figure this out... Thats why I tagged Nertea at that point... if anyone can figure it out, its he...

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  On 3/24/2018 at 4:41 PM, Stone Blue said:

So just to clarify, youve tried with *both* mods installed at the *same* time?

So yes, your old craft with old SSPX parts are *supposed* to work, with *both* the old and new mod installed together... you just wont see any of the parts from the *old* mod in the editor...

If you *do* have both mods installed, correctly, and you are still seeing issues... I guess more info would be needed to help with your issues... my original post, was just to basically say "Hey, it sounds like you may have exiting craft using the old parts, and they wont load because you only have the *new* parts isntalled... Look at the OP of this thread, and it will explain the difference between the old and new versions, and how/what to do with carrying over existing craft (with old parts), to a game withthe *new* mod installed..."


I think i've tried that, but i will check it again to be 100% sure, a bit later.

  On 3/24/2018 at 4:41 PM, Stone Blue said:

No argument here... :wink:
In KSP modding terms, I would think "deprecated" means the parts have been sidelined, obsoleted, no further work on  them will be done... however, instead of being "deleted" and completely removed, and thus breaking everyones craft/save games; deprecated generally means they are still included, for the sake of making *existing* craft still work for people... usually deprecating, means the parts are hidden in the editor, so that they can not be selected to build *new* craft...


That's what i was not sure about. Deprecated can both mean "the new patch made things work other way so this mod does not work properly anymore", or "we included our previous efforts in a new mod so it's just obsolete but works great". Got the clarification for this one, thanks. Unless it wouldn't work :confused:

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  On 3/24/2018 at 5:13 PM, Nightwindale said:

I think i've tried that, but i will check it again to be 100% sure, a bit later.

That's what i was not sure about. Deprecated can both mean "the new patch made things work other way so this mod does not work properly anymore", or "we included our previous efforts in a new mod so it's just obsolete but works great". Got the clarification for this one, thanks. Unless it wouldn't work :confused:


I would agree that "Deprecated" means; "Hey we don't want to maintain this anymore for _______ , but we decided to leave it in so your ships don't get eaten by the Kracken"

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  1. The intended behaviour is that this is a new mod that can be installed alongside the old one as mentioned in the OP
  2. The new mod will continue to be maintained when I have time (I don't right now). 
  3. The old mod is no longer maintained (as shown by big red text in the OP of the thread)
    1. If there is something in KSP 1.4.1 that causes the old mod not to load, I'm sorry, but... no future versions will be supported beyond 1.3.1. If Squad broke some excrements, I've made my intentions clear for the old mod
  4. This mod really isn't technically supported in 1.4.1 yet anyways, so if you're in 1.4.1 and using SSPXr 1.0.2 alongside SSPX whatever-the-version, that's an unsupported configuration for both mods.
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  On 3/24/2018 at 6:00 PM, Nertea said:


  1. The intended behaviour is that this is a new mod that can be installed alongside the old one as mentioned in the OP
  2. The new mod will continue to be maintained when I have time (I don't right now). 
  3. The old mod is no longer maintained (as shown by big red text in the OP of the thread)
    1. If there is something in KSP 1.4.1 that causes the old mod not to load, I'm sorry, but... no future versions will be supported beyond 1.3.1. If Squad broke some excrements, I've made my intentions clear for the old mod
  4. This mod really isn't technically supported in 1.4.1 yet anyways, so if you're in 1.4.1 and using SSPXr 1.0.2 alongside SSPX whatever-the-version, that's an unsupported configuration for both mods.

Hey its fine. The totally unsupported version/set up of this mod and dependencies works ok in KSP if you install it right and scream at it enough.

That being said, I can't wait for the 1.4.1 version when you get time to work on it. =P Best of luck and may the kraken be merciful 

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About texture replacement issue (like the big drills from MKS mod), it look like this is between the model and the texture replacement implementation using MODEL/texture attribute. Overwriting the stock texture with one from MKS package work well ... I think that's exclude the texture to be broken. Having no skill in modeling, I can't test further on that way.

The workaround that I pushed to MKS is to rely on the ModulePartVariants to change the texture, setting only one variant. The drawback is that the multi-skin icon is shown on the part icon in VAB/SPH even with only one variant.

Hope that help :)

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