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[1.12] Stockalike Station Parts Redux (August 14, 2024)


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Congrats on, and thank you for, the release! Lots of excellent new parts! Looking forwards to building up a nice station with the 1.875m stuff, it's at a very nice size :D

Couple of notes on the geodesic domes: the habitation one is located in the science parts tab, rather than utility (which definitely seems unintentional), and the "empty" dome is in utility, whereas I'd expect it to be in structural - though that's just my personal take on part organization :P

(Also, excellent decor choice for that carpeting :wink:)

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Congrats on release! the parts look amazing!

Also i may just be a dum dum, but how do you install the IVA's? i tried to do it in the SSPXr gamedata folder and they arent showing up?

Do i put the IVA stuff in Gamedata > SSPXr folder or do i put it in the internal folder? i tried both and it wasnt working, even for the older parts

when i put the IVA's in the gamedata folder, the kerbal pictures do not show up

Edited by justspace103
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On 08.08.2021 at 03:48, Virtualgenius said:

Я даю вам самую большую станцию Аврора, которую я когда-либо создавал, полностью модульную (для ее освещения пришлось использовать старые прожекторы B9)








can you throw off this craft please?...

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Oh wow, Nertea thank you so much! I'd just like to take the time to say how much I enjoy your mods, especially this one; they really greatly add to my enjoyment of what is already an awesomely fun game!

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1 hour ago, SiCaRiO31 said:

weird, it says "latest version 2.0" and "installed version 1.7", but it doesnt let me upgrade. Im going to remove it and install it from 0.

CKAN doesn't offer you this update because "B9 Part Switch" is not listed as compatible with 1.12 but it's a required dependency.  I would assume that you can still install the update without any issues anyway, you just have to insists ;) You can do that by two different ways:

1) Add 1.11 to your list of compatible KSP versions (in CKAN go to settings -> compatible game versions -> select 1.11)


2) Select Stockalike Station Parts in CKAN, switch to the "Versions" tab on the right side, put a checkmark in front of the latest version and apply the changes as usual. CKAN will complain (before you install the mod and everytime you start the game through CKAN) but it will most likely still run fine.

I personally prefer the second method since the first one affects all other mods as well and you might get an update or install a new mod which might be indeed incompatible with 1.12 but you won't get any notification from CKAN about it.

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23 hours ago, ra4nd0m said:

How did you managed to assemble this truss segment? Robotic arm? Space tugs?

@ra4nd0mThe truss segment is all connected via docking ports even the main centre section, station has quite a lot of RCS control so if you deliver close enough you can assemble. I use mechjeb so you can control from the docking port required and rotate as needed to make sure you get good alignment. Took a few hours with delivery times and I would top up the rcs when a manned vehicle arrived which also helped to push the station around to where it needed to be 

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Will update the tetrix and simplex techtrees soon.

In light of the 1.875m parts, the 1.25m parts will be movinv earlier to the 2nd tier (currently on tier 3). 1.875m will be tier 3.

Currently the largerst rigid centrifuges are tier 7. They stay there and the new 5m centrifuge will be tier 8.  Most 5m parts will be tier 7 except the domes.  The domes will also be tier 8.

I like the cupola dome.  That's funky!

Thanks Nertea.


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On 8/13/2021 at 4:19 PM, Nertea said:
  • Added StationPartsExpansionIVAs Extra. This now contains the IVAs. By default, all IVAs now use the 'blank' internal space

I just recently re-installed the game, and I went through my usual install of the nertea parts, but I think I'm messing up this new approach to the internals.  In the zip I found the stuff that goes in GameData, the folders, the internals, but there are two CFG files.  I understand that the stuff with SSPXScienceDefs.cfg goes into the GameData.   But where does the SSPXIVAPAtch.cfg go?  Also into the GameData folder?  Do I have to leave it in Extra/StationPartsExpansionReduxIVAs?  



I tried to just put the internals folder in with the other StationPartsExpansionRedux folder, because I think that's how it worked in the past, but it's not working.  Any kerbal I put into one of the new capsules doesn't appear.  In this next pic, all three of the parts have a kerbal in them, but only the stock one shows them.  Again, I'm probably messing up the install, I doubt it's an actual bug.  I'm running the latest 1.12 with Making History and Breaking Ground.



Edited by PTNLemay
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13 minutes ago, PTNLemay said:

I just recently re-installed the game, and I went through my usual install of the nertea parts, but I think I'm messing up this new approach to the internals.

Put the StationPartsExpansionRedux and StationPartsExpansionReduxIVAs folders in your GameData.  Not their contents, the folders themselves.  You don't need to (and shouldn't) pull out individual files and put them in different places.

(This is how it's always worked, btw, and most mods follow the same structure: GameData/Whatever in the mod zip becomes GameData/Whatever in your installation.  Nertea's Extras folder is like an auxiliary optional GameData, so Extras/WhateverElse becomes GameData/WhateverElse.)

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Thanks for the tips!  I remember the correct approach tends to be leave it in it's default configuration and stick it all in GameData.  It's how the Extra folder looked to be apart from GameData that threw me off.  This configuration ended up working.  Also @justspace103 it sounds like you had a similar problem, try placing the mod folders like I did (the StationPartsExpansionRedux ones).  It seems to fix everything.


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12 hours ago, PTNLemay said:


Thanks for the tips!  I remember the correct approach tends to be leave it in it's default configuration and stick it all in GameData.  It's how the Extra folder looked to be apart from GameData that threw me off.  This configuration ended up working.  Also @justspace103 it sounds like you had a similar problem, try placing the mod folders like I did (the StationPartsExpansionRedux ones).  It seems to fix everything.

Yup that worked, thanks!

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On 8/13/2021 at 8:04 PM, septemberWaves said:

Is there a patch around for adding the life support resources used by Kerbalism as a part switch option to the cargo containers from this mod? I can probably write one if not, but I figured it makes sense to ask if one already exists.


On 8/13/2021 at 8:48 PM, danfarnsy said:

I didn't realize until I went to start writing some updated patches for USI LS and MKS for the 5m parts how very light these parts are compared to their 3.75m counterparts. Since the capability/capacity of the parts is not a whole lot more, and getting reasonable TWR out of FFT engines would be tough, I suppose they make sense. But the mass/volume is still, uh, very impressive when you consider, for example, the cylindrical greenhouse takes up over 4x the space with only 50% more mass.

It's a little better when you look at how much of that is empty space. 

On 8/13/2021 at 11:03 PM, Rakete said:

Great job ! @Nertea


Small question: does this Update work with 1.11.2 or does it require 1.12 (because the rotating docking port system is used in this mod, if I remember correctly) ?

Haven't installed 1.12 yet, due to still waiting for a proper fix do drifting dockingports (in the base game - or otherwise to Mods being compatible to the mod fix).

I think it should work. 

On 8/14/2021 at 8:54 AM, SiCaRiO31 said:

weird, it says "latest version 2.0" and "installed version 1.7", but it doesnt let me upgrade. Im going to remove it and install it from 0.

If you had SSPX Metal installed you'll need to get rid of that first. 

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Well, I accidentally made a bugfix release a few hours ago, apparently. So here's 2.0.1:

  • Fixed metal variant hatch of 1.875m utility module
  • Fixed missing description on 5m adapters
  • Fixed localization of 1.25m docking port white variant
  • Fixed swapped attach node locations for dome connection nodes
  • Moved Domus dome to Utility tab
  • Fixed mesh gaps on Panoptes and Evening modules
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This is AMAZING. I've always been meh about the variant sections, but it was always nice enough for my use. But god damn the new parts and variants are just *chefskiss*. Of course, now I have to relaunch my stations but totally worth it. The new yellow rails??  The new surfaces, the panorama is beautiful now... We're so spoiled.

Edited by ElonsMusk
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