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On 4/12/2022 at 4:20 PM, Grumpy_Bud said:

Why does antimatter container randomly explode?

@Grumpy_Bud crashing into things or running out of power will cause antimatter tanks to explode.  Antimatter is confined away from matter by the use of powerful electromagnets.  If you run out of power, antimatter confinement fails, and the antimatter touches matter, and BOOM.


@FreeThinker separate issue here:

I'm having a weird issue with propulsion on Eve.  It's almost like the positron-antimatter reactors have a maximum air pressure in which they'll operate.  I have a craft powered by 2 positron reactors and 4 VTOL pelican(?) thermal turbojets.. the ones that swivel.. anyways, this craft, using TCA, is a brilliant long-range landing craft and I have successfully planted a flag with it on every solid body I can find.  Except Eve.  When I get into Eve's lower atmosphere, everything stops working, the engines, the RCS, etc.  I can land with a parachute, but I can't take off again.  If I quicksave/quickload at this point, I get a unity crash.  If I restart the game and reload the save, with the craft landed on Eve, immediate Unity crash in that case as well.


Craft works fine on Kerbin, Duna, and Laythe - but Eve has a lot more atmospheric pressure.


Weirdly, there's one thing that kinda works... the craft has the 4 engines which when deployed, point down.  when retracted, 2 point aft, 2 point forward, so you can thrust in any direction, or VTOL.  if, after landing on Eve, I activate only one of these groups of engines, and have them retracted (ie, not pointing downward), they'll generate thrust, but if both are activated or if any of them are pointed downward, they will not.  I've also noticed that my reaction wheels appear to not be working while landed, and that's why I'm thinking it's a reactor/generator issue in the high pressure atmosphere..


so, is this a bug or is this working as intended and I need a different power source for Eve?  I know I've landed on Eve before with these engines, years ago in previous versions of KSP and previous versions of this mod, but.. this is the current state of things.  Also tried removing Kopernicus as I'm not currently using it - thought that might be relevant - it was not.  I am using FAR, if that makes a difference.

Edited by ss8913
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On 6/1/2019 at 4:26 PM, FreeThinker said:

Yes I will look at it. To solve the problem of confusion, I'm considering introducing a dedicated antimatter plasma power reactor. I found a model of startrek like antimatter warp core which looks suitable as an antimatter plasma power reactor


It would be an all in one integrated part (like the Tri-Alpha ),  with integrated power converters and antimatter fuel storage. Besides providing lots of electric power it would also be suitable for plasma propulsion. Idealy it would be used for powering the alcubiere warp drive which needs lots of power.

New user here. I am trying to sandbox a "late-game, high tech" craft which will be my goal in Science/Research Mode. Trying to figure out how it works like any good Kerbal :)

Right now, I am trying to get it powered by this Antimatter Plasma Generator and propelled by the 'Rocinante' Kerbstein drive; but the issues that I am running into is even though the Antimatter Plasma Generator's in-game description says its an all-in-one, every time I try to activate the generator, I keep getting the error message 'No attached generator' or something. along those lines.

Separate but related issue, Are there no tanks specifically for Liquid Deuterium? The closest are the hex-core liquid fuel tanks, but those come filled with Liq Hydrogen and there is no in-game button to Next Fuel load them with Liq Deuterium. Alternatively, I saw a post suggesting I use the D-T tank, but thats not Liq Deuterium???

Any help or pointing would be appreciated. Thanks

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On 5/19/2022 at 10:54 AM, wakachukie said:

New user here. I am trying to sandbox a "late-game, high tech" craft which will be my goal in Science/Research Mode. Trying to figure out how it works like any good Kerbal :)

Right now, I am trying to get it powered by this Antimatter Plasma Generator and propelled by the 'Rocinante' Kerbstein drive; but the issues that I am running into is even though the Antimatter Plasma Generator's in-game description says its an all-in-one, every time I try to activate the generator, I keep getting the error message 'No attached generator' or something. along those lines.

Separate but related issue, Are there no tanks specifically for Liquid Deuterium? The closest are the hex-core liquid fuel tanks, but those come filled with Liq Hydrogen and there is no in-game button to Next Fuel load them with Liq Deuterium. Alternatively, I saw a post suggesting I use the D-T tank, but thats not Liq Deuterium???

Any help or pointing would be appreciated. Thanks

1. the kerbstein drive is its own fusion reactor - you need to have something else as well to initiate fusion, however, such as at minimum a fission reactor and an appropriate thermal generator.  The kerbstein will produce electrical power when it's online however - keep in mind the drive cannot operate before about 50km altitude on kerbin (can operate in any vacuum, it's an atmosphere thing, not a gravity thing :) )

2. a lot of the KSPIE parts don't have a 'next propellant' button - look for a 'switch window' button, that will let you pick the container contents from a list :)

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On 5/21/2022 at 1:57 AM, ss8913 said:

1. the kerbstein drive is its own fusion reactor - you need to have something else as well to initiate fusion, however, such as at minimum a fission reactor and an appropriate thermal generator.  The kerbstein will produce electrical power when it's online however - keep in mind the drive cannot operate before about 50km altitude on kerbin (can operate in any vacuum, it's an atmosphere thing, not a gravity thing :) )

2. a lot of the KSPIE parts don't have a 'next propellant' button - look for a 'switch window' button, that will let you pick the container contents from a list :)


Ok, then there is no way of adding on extra Liq Deuterium propellant?

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Hey! Im fairly new to this mod, thus trying out everything on sandbox. I tried using the Nuclear Turbojet, and everytime I pass 193 m/s my throttle just automatically goes down and I can't throttle it back up. I tried using pre coolers and shock intakes, even changing from Atmospheric to Carbon Dioxide fuel mode but, no luck still. Can someone tell me how to properly make the engine run?


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22 minutes ago, ExMachina said:

Hey! Im fairly new to this mod, thus trying out everything on sandbox. I tried using the Nuclear Turbojet, and everytime I pass 193 m/s my throttle just automatically goes down and I can't throttle it back up. I tried using pre coolers and shock intakes, even changing from Atmospheric to Carbon Dioxide fuel mode but, no luck still. Can someone tell me how to properly make the engine run?


My first instinct is that you are using mechjeb and you have some sort of throttle limiter (max q?) enabled. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can some explain to me how the Seismometers work?

I know that you have to set one up, and then crash a separate craft into the planet it's on,

But what other factors play a part?

Do more detectors increase the science received? 
Does distance between the sensors effect results?
What is the max number of sensors needed? 

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I'm using KSPIE and Cryogenic Engines, Unfortunatelly KSPIE is causing issues with fuels and I'm missing Liquid Methane + Oxidizer. Removing it is not an option because it breaks my game many parts are in use. I removed the ResourcesConfig and Resources folders and fuels work properly but I get errors in game. 
Any proper way to fix this?

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On 6/12/2022 at 3:18 PM, alphaprior said:

I'm using KSPIE and Cryogenic Engines, Unfortunatelly KSPIE is causing issues with fuels and I'm missing Liquid Methane + Oxidizer. Removing it is not an option because it breaks my game many parts are in use. I removed the ResourcesConfig and Resources folders and fuels work properly but I get errors in game. 
Any proper way to fix this?

Hello there. Try to delete folder  WarpPlugin/Patches/B9PartSwitch. There are some patches for B9 switcher, which replace fuel configuration for CryoTanks. It helps me, so i hope it help you too. :)


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  • 4 weeks later...

Why cant I access the some of the fuel mixtures displayed on certain engines? 

All 3 of the thermal engines as well as the antimatter fusion plasma engine are missing dual propellant modes listed in the VAB catalogue

Its a dang shame the intakeAir/hydrogen combo is only functioning on the SAGE and SURGE engines, the performance boost is a moot point when you get to antimatter tech

Also the diatomic metastable helium engine is missing from the tech tree

clean install from KSPIE 1.29.6 zip file no other mod conflictions

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5 hours ago, Grumpyhacker said:

@DrJonez Intersellar fuel switch should come bundled with KSPIE that gives "IFS Cargo Containers" that should work

also the stockalike station parts mod has a couple more variations that I like more aesthetically speaking

I do have the various IFS tanks, but I don't see hydrates on the list of things it can be switched to contain. :(



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On 7/7/2022 at 4:01 AM, Grumpyhacker said:

Why cant I access the some of the fuel mixtures displayed on certain engines? 

All 3 of the thermal engines as well as the antimatter fusion plasma engine are missing dual propellant modes listed in the VAB catalogue

Its a dang shame the intakeAir/hydrogen combo is only functioning on the SAGE and SURGE engines, the performance boost is a moot point when you get to antimatter tech

Also the diatomic metastable helium engine is missing from the tech tree

clean install from KSPIE 1.29.6 zip file no other mod conflictions

Some of the more advanced fuel mixtures don't become available until you unlock later tech tree nodes. That might be what you're experiencing. Not sure if you knew that or not :)

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@DrJonez Unfortunately the fuel modes are missing in sandbox aswell



Those are the "IFS cryogenic tanks" you need the "IFS cargo containers", if you go to the very top left of the VAB there is a button to enable advanced mode, it gives you a bunch more ways to filter the parts to find what you are looking for, I found the cargo containers in the KSPIEparts>fuel tanks section


using the search function for hydrates should make the containers appear aswell, if you still cant find them your best guess is as good as mine

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I've tried to manually add the ability to store hydrates to the large holding tank just so I can keep playing my save, but I don't really know entirely what I'm doing and nothing has worked so far. Kinda stuck in my current playthrough until I can fix this :(

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2 hours ago, Grumpyhacker said:

@DrJonez Unfortunately the fuel modes are missing in sandbox aswell



Those are the "IFS cryogenic tanks" you need the "IFS cargo containers", if you go to the very top left of the VAB there is a button to enable advanced mode, it gives you a bunch more ways to filter the parts to find what you are looking for, I found the cargo containers in the KSPIEparts>fuel tanks section


using the search function for hydrates should make the containers appear aswell, if you still cant find them your best guess is as good as mine

Wow... THANK YOU! Turns out I'm a dummy and just hadn't unlocked them in the tech tree yet. I have tanks that hold all sorts of stuff so I didn't even stop to think I hadn't unlocked the right tank yet. Duhhhhhhhh.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for this mod! I've been trying to build a Laythe VTOL SSTO plane, for which the Tory Nuclear Ramjet was the missing puzzle piece. However, after getting some funny lifetime readings after the first flight, I've decided to build a nuclear reprocessing plant for Laythe (on top of my regular ISRU) in order to not get stranded. Boy, was that a can of worms.

So I'm just leaving this here for posterity. Disclaimer: I'm using a lot of mods, so it's to be expected that there are complications like this.

If, like me, you've spent hours trying to figure out how to reprocess / refuel your nuclear fission reactors in KSPIE, if no matter what combination of parts, resources or procedures you tried, building dozens of test articles, combing through forums, trying out all possible combinations of tanks, UF4, TF4 and whatnot, hammering the EVA refuel button on a cooled down reactor etc.., you couldn't get the Science Lab to do anything other than eating 5MW of electricity, never mind getting these friggin' Actinides out of your reactor or even replenish uranium because the buttons don't do anything although you did everything as  you were supposed to and more and all you want to do is to just refuel this one fission reactor of yours... (vent off) here's one dirty workaround I found:

Provided you have Near Future Electrical installed AND not a whole bunch of crafts using KSPIE fission reactors already, you can assign NFE's nuclear fuel container properties/rules to your reactors/engines in KSPIE. Secondly, you have to make KSPIE fission reactors use only EnrichedUranium and produce DepletedFuel. It's fission for dummies, but at least now you can transfer the stuff..

Step by step:

-Find the  "RadioactiveStorageContainer" MODULE in one of NFE's configs, for example in GameData/NearFutureElectrical/Parts/NuclearFuel/nuclearfuel.cfg

-Copy and paste this whole MODULE including brackets into the config file of the part that you want to use, for example WarpPlugin/Parts/Engines/NuclearRamJet/NuclearRamJetOx.cfg

-Switch any Actinides RESOURCE within your chosen part's config file to DepletedFuel.

-In WarpPlugin/Resources/ReactorFuels.cfg, right from the top,  there are three Fission REACTOR_FUEL_MODEs (XXXFissionTWR, FissionNTR and FissionTWR). Switch their PRODUCTs from Actinides to DepletedFuel and replace anything that says "Uranium 238" or "Plutonium 239" with "EnrichedUranium" and delete their respective "AlternativeFuelType" entries. Uranium Oxide doesn't cause any trouble for some reason.

-If you have any crafts saved or in flight that use these parts, you have to make the same adjustments in your Save or Part files. Replace "Actinides" entries with "DepletedFuel" and "Uranium 238" with "EnrichedUranium" etc., rinse and repeat. In editor, you can just use CTRL+F>replace all

Save all files, restart KSP and rejoice! You can now transfer EnrU and DepletedFuel to and from your KSPIE part using the NFE PartSwitch (context menu). You will still need a level 3 engineer on board and low enough temperatures in order to make a transfer. The Science Lab still doesn't do anything, but now your KSPIE part ist compatible with NFE or K&K nuclear storage and reprocessing parts.

BTW, here's the monstrosity I made:


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Hi! I have recently installed this mod to make use of the "direct cycle nuclear turbojet" engines.

As described by other players, I have run into problems with the in-editor "Switch Fuel" button, making the tank content disappear.

I tried installing older versions of the mod, as I often tend to do, since I'm playing on KSP 1.8.1. This made the fuel switching possible again, but introduced other issues with screen fulcrum, making the game crash.

The funny thing is that I managed to make the engines work once or twice, but they tend to behave unreliably.

My guess is that there is something messed up with the resources in the tanks and those needed by the engine.

My install contains many different mods, among which:

- B9 part switch 2.14.0 for 1.8.1

- Community Ressource Pack 112.0.1(newest)

- Configurable Containers 2.4.8 for 1.8.1

- Cryo Tanks 1.6.4(newest)

- USI MKS 112.0.01

- Interstellar Fuel Switch 3.29.4

- Interstellar Fuel Switch Core 3.29.4

- Interstellar Extended 1.29.6

Now I read previously about possible required tweaks in the WarpPlugin folder. Could this be a solution?

Any help would be appreciated.

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Hey I'm back. Problem with the Nuclear Turbojet... again. Only one engine works, the other always flames out, even with the working engine shut down. Air combustion fails on atmospheric, even when I change to oxidizer.  How can I resolve this issue? 

Edited by ExMachina
misspelled some words
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1 hour ago, ExMachina said:

Hey I'm back. Problem with the Nuclear Turbojet... again. Only one engine works, the other always flames out, even with the working engine shut down. Air combustion fails on atmospheric, even when I change to oxidizer.  How can I resolve this issue? 

So I've just discovered that it happens on any engines that use air as propellant. 

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So regarding my previous post, I found out that the nuclear turbojet engine works the first time I attach the part to a vessel.

When starting up the engine, the message "switching to alternate fuel mode: Uranium Oxide" is shown.

Then, without modifying anything, if trying to launch the same vessel again, nothing happens.

What could explain this weird behavior? Please help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick question about creating hydrogen.


I'm using the universal drill to drill for hydrates to turn into liquid water, however the drill speed seems to be very, very low using the universal drill. I'm using 4 of them and they don't seem to be fast enough to keep up with a refinery. The area I'm in (on minmus) has 8% abundance. Is that just not enough? Are universal drills too slow?



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